
COS Standards
Describing the rise of Communism in Russia during World War I
Concurrent Skills/Competency Focus:
Cause and Effect
Following directions
Instructional Objectives:
TTW discuss and elaborate on certain key vocabulary during lesson.
TSW reconstruct key events surrounding the rise of Communism in Russia during World War I.
TSW retell the fall of Czar Nicholas II and creation of the Communist Party
TSW paraphrase the cause and effects of civil war in Russia and delineate the difference between
the Red Army and the Whites.
Directed Reading Lesson
Grade Level: 9th grade
Selected Reading: Pages 519-521 in the textbook Holt world history: The human journey
Phase I. Pre-Reading
Set: TTW write, “What is Communism and Socialism? Is there a difference?” on the white
TTW instruct students as they enter the room to write down their answer in their notebooks in
response to the question on the board.
TTW define any “vague” or “dense” terms and place them on the ELMO. The terms requiring
definitions are Bolsheviks, Mensheviks, Vladimir Lenin, Socialism, Communist Party, and
Red Army.
TSW need to read the definitions and use three of the five terms in a sentence.
TTW state objectives (see above) and explain how the students will meet these objectives.
TTW provide an overview of what is expected of the students during this assignment.
Phase II. Concurrent Reading
TTW direct students to read pages 519-512 in their textbook.
TTW monitor students closely as they read and distribute graphic organizers.
TSW complete the graphic organizer after they have finished the reading.
Phase III. Post Reading
TTW ask if students have questions regarding the passage.
TTW will present questions of higher level learning if the student’s questions do not lead the
discussion naturally toward this goal. Some questions included would be:
 Describe the reasons why Communism was on the rise in Russia?
 Why was there suppression of democracy in Russia during the closing of World War I?
 How did Karl Marx’s writing influence Lenin and Trotsky?
 What are the key difference between the Bolsheviks and the Mensheviks?
 Describe “Bloody Sunday” and who has been blamed this event?
TTW will list the discussion points on the white board and require the students to take notes.
TTW show a short clip about the Russian Revolution to summarize the basics of the revolution
TTW provide a closing discussion about what it was like before, during, and after the civil war in
Russia during the Russian Revolution.
Carrington, L. (2003). 18. Holt world history: The human journey. (Annotated teacher's ed.)
(pp. 519-521). Austin, TX: Holt, Rinehart, & Winston.
HANDOUT #1 incomplete - Graphic Organizer Rise of Communism (see Attached)
HANDOUT #2 completed - Graphic Organizer Rise of Communism (see Attached)
Online access and projector
Electronic Classroom of Tomorrow. (2010, December 9). (Video File). SchoolTube - Russian
revolution. schooltube. Retrieved March 29, 2011, from
ASSESSMENT (Of Objectives)
By reading the passage, defining new terms, and using these terms in their graphic organizer,
TSW use this knowledge in a sentence and implement them in the graphic organizer to enhance
By taking notes from classroom discussion, TSW practice effective note-taking that can be used
in the future.
By reconstructing key events surrounding the rise of Communism in Russia during World War I,
TSW demonstrate their ability to comprehend and conceptualize a historical event.
By retelling the fall of Czar Nicholas II and creation of the Communist Party, TSW produce a
working knowledge of cause and effects of poor leadership and civil unrest.
By paraphrase the cause and effects of civil war in Russia, TSW will analyze the actions of one
nation and their effect upon another nation.
ASSIGNMENT (For Review of Concepts)
TSW be asked to turn in the graphic organizer they have completed in class.
TTW will review the student’s notebooks to assess their comprehension of the lesson.
TTW provide a CCTV for the one visually impaired student to complete the reading and the
graphic organizer.
TTW will assure that notes are being taken for the same visually impaired student.
Computer with Internet access
HANDOUT #1 Incomplete
HANDOUT #1 Completed