Daily Agendas - Tracy Unified School District

Daily Agendas
West High, Tracy, CA
Mr. Headrick
Sophomore English
MONDAY – 5/27/13 – Memorial Day Holiday. No classes scheduled.
TUESDAY – 5/28/12 – (Standards: all sophomore level standards)
Completed 2nd Semester Final Pretest.
Checked your Pretest answers with the overhead of the answer key.
Bring your literature and grammar books from home on the day of the semester final.
Prepare one 3” x 5” note card to use during the semester final.
NOTICE: Study the following for the upcoming semester final – 100 questions:
~ Literature book, pgs. 758-760 – (J. Caesar)
~ Holt Handbook:
~ Identifying subjects and verbs in sentences.
~ Abbreviation of state names – pg. 526.
~ Subject-Verb agreement – pgs. 527-528.
~ Apostrophes – pg. 529.
~ Pronouns – pgs. 532-533.
~ its vs. it’s, there/their/they’re, effect vs. affect, bring vs. take, etc.
~ Identifying complete sentences.
~ objective, subjective, primary, secondary, simile, metaphor, irony, etc.
In addition to the above, there will also be questions on:
~ Vocabulary and other grammar issues.
~ Sentence organization in writing.
~ Reading selections with questions to answer.
Opportunity was given today for you to take home any of your papers that you have turned in for
this course that still remain here.
WEDNESDAY – 5/29/13 – Semester Finals for periods 1 and 2 only.
To Library: returned English books.
Semester Final End-of-Course Exam (100 pts. possible).
THURSDAY – 5/30/13 – Semester Finals for periods 3 and 4 only.
To Library: returned English books.
Semester Final End-of-Course Exam (100 pts. possible).
FRIDAY – 5/31/13 – Semester Finals for periods 5 and 6 only.
To Library: returned English books.
Semester Final End-of-Course Exam (100 pts. possible).
Daily Agendas
West High, Tracy, CA
Mr. Headrick
Sophomore English
MONDAY – 5/20/13 – (Standards covered: Reading 3.1, 3.10)
Consideration of the value of live action Shakespearean productions: viewed the National
Endowment for the Arts DVD Why Shakespeare? Completed DVD worksheet while viewing this.
Turned in. PLEASE NOTE: If your absence for today was excused, then you will not be
responsible for this DVD worksheet.
NOTICE: Study the following for the upcoming semester final – 100 questions:
~ Literature book, pgs. 758-760 – (J. Caesar)
~ Holt Handbook:
~ Identifying subjects and verbs in sentences.
~ Abbreviation of state names – pg. 526.
~ Subject-Verb agreement – pgs. 527-528.
~ Apostrophes – pg. 529.
~ Pronouns – pgs. 532-533.
~ its vs. it’s, there/their/they’re, effect vs. affect, bring vs. take, etc.
~ Identifying complete sentences.
~ objective, subjective, primary, secondary, simile, metaphor, irony, etc.
In addition to the above, there will also be questions on:
~ Vocabulary and other grammar issues.
~ Sentence organization in writing.
~ Reading selections with questions to answer.
TUESDAY – 5/21/13 – (Standards covered: Reading 3.1, 3.10)
Julius Caesar Quickwrite – preparation for viewing the film Julius Caesar. [See copy of the
overhead in the Reference Section of this website or binder called "Julius Caesar – Quickwrite" for
details.] Turned in.
Handout: Julius Caesar, Act I. Used Interactive Reader to complete parts I, II, and III of this
handout. Handout was stamped. NOTE: Bring this back to class for further work.
[See item #2 under 5/20/13 agenda]
WEDNESDAY – 5/22/13 – (Standards covered: Reading 3.1, 3.10)
Viewed Act I of Julius Caesar, from the beginning to the conspiracy scene.
Worked on Part V of yesterday’s handout called Julius Caesar, Act I. Turned in handout if
completed. NOTE: If you were not able to complete this handout in class today, please complete it
for homework and plan to turn it in on Friday, 5/24/13.
[See item #2 under 5/20/13 agenda]
THURSDAY – 5/23/13 – (Standards covered: Reading 3.1, 3.10)
Viewed Julius Caesar, from the nightmare segment through the scene in the Roman Forum.
[See item #2 under 5/20/13 agenda]
FRIDAY – 5/24/13 – (Standards covered: Reading 3.1, 3.10)
Viewed Julius Caesar, from the civil war scenes (i.e., beginning with Act IV, Scene 2) to the end of
the play.
Completed the written response worksheet, “Julius Caesar, through Act V.” Turned in. 10 pts.
NOTE: Feel free to make a 3” x 5” note card to use during the semester final.
Last day to turn in for credit the yellow handout called “Julius Caesar, Act I” was today.
[See item #2 under 5/20/13 agenda]
Daily Agendas
West High, Tracy, CA
Mr. Headrick
Sophomore English
MONDAY – 5/13/13 – (Standards covered: Reading 3.12)
Brief introduction to the Vietnam War era.
Handout: Literary Criticism – Biographical / Historical Approach.
Completed questions #1-3 of this handout while viewing the overhead of the
photojournalism piece called "Soldier's Backpack, M16, and Helmet" by Kenneth Hoffman.
Handout was stamped. Bring this back tomorrow to work on further in class.
Overhead of English notes to turn in tomorrow, 5/14/13. [See the Reference Section of this binder
for a copy of the handwritten overhead that describes these notes.]
TUESDAY – 5/14/13 – (Standards covered: Reading 2.8, 3.12)
Continued with Literary Criticism – Biographical / Historical Approach:
While listening to the Holt audio recording of Tim O'Brien's "Where Have You Gone,
Charming Billy?", completed questions #4-15 on yesterday’s handout.
"Watching a War: Vietnam on T.V." [Viewed the Holt Literature videocassette segment
about the Vietnam War.] Answered questions #21-22 on yesterday's handout.
Bring this handout tomorrow, and plan to finish it in class and turn it in tomorrow. (That is,
questions #16-20 on the handout will be covered tomorrow.)
Turned in English notes per yesterday’s handwritten overhead.
WEDNESDAY – 5/15/13 – (Standards covered: Reading 2.8, 3.12)
Completed yesterday’s handout called Literary Criticism – Biographical / Historical Approach:
Read "The Friendship Only Lasted a Few Seconds" (literature book, pg. 629).
Answered questions #16-20.
Turned in handout.
Extra credit: TUSD ELA Grade 10 Focus 4 – “Nature’s Flying Marvels.”
Wrote answers on a separate paper. Turned in. 8 pts. possible.
In line with one of the District’s overall goals to support teaching from the textbook with visual
representations of the textbook material, the class viewed the following visual connection to “The
Friendship Only Lasted a Few Seconds”: 1973 episode of the TV series M*A*S*H called
“Sometimes You Hear the Bullet.” (See course syllabus.)
THURSDAY – 5/16/13 – (Standards covered: Reading 2.5)
Handout: "Literary Criticism – Primary and Secondary Sources." Completed using the literature
book. Turned in.
In line with one of the District’s overall goals to support teaching from the textbook with visual
representations of the textbook material, the class viewed the 1972 episode of the TV series
M*A*S*H called “Dear Dad,” which demonstrates the creation of a primary source document and
how important these are to servicemen and servicewomen. (See course syllabus.)
FRIDAY – 5/17/13 – (Standards covered: Reading 3.5, 3.12)
Viewed overhead of Dealey Plaza National Historic Landmark, Dallas, Texas. Gave brief
introduction to the assassination of President J. F. Kennedy.
Preparation for next week: Mrs. Kennedy's Interview. (Questions to answer at the end of the
interview). Discussed similarities between John Kennedy’s assassination and Julius Caesar’s.
Completed and turned in.
Make sure you have taken advantage of the extra credit offered on 5/15/13: TUSD ELA Grade 10
Focus 4.
Daily Agendas
West High, Tracy, CA
Mr. Headrick
Sophomore English
MONDAY – 5/6/13 – (Standards covered: Reading 2.8; Writing 1.2)
Introduction to methods for evaluating an author’s style: "Call of the Wild – Save Us!" (Handout
that covers information in the literature book between pgs. 577 and 578, plus the magazine article
"Call of the Wild – Save Us!" and the follow-up to that, pgs. 579-585.) Completed and turned in
Completed Focus Review 8: wrote answers on a separate paper. Turned in.
Take advantage of the extra credit that is planned for this Friday, 5/10/13:
~ Author / Composer Project Speeches (see agenda for 4/12/13 for details).
~ Dramatizing (acting out) “Same Song” (scripts will be available).
~ Dramatizing (acting out) “Thinkin’ on Marryin’” (scripts will be available).
TUESDAY – 5/7/13 – (Standards covered: Reading 2.8; Common Core Reading Informational Texts 1,2,3)
Class work involving the consideration of “style”: Used the article “Going for the Look, but
Risking Discrimination” to develop a response to companies who hire people with “style” but risk
discrimination at the same time. Completed and turned in an accompanying handout. 20 pts.
Reminder: Take advantage of the extra credit that is planned for this Friday, 5/10/13:
~ Author / Composer Project Speeches (see agenda for 4/12/13 for details).
~ Dramatizing (acting out) “Same Song” (scripts will be available).
~ Dramatizing (acting out) “Thinkin’ on Marryin’” (scripts will be available).
WEDNESDAY – 5/8/13 – (Standards covered: Reading 3.11; Common Core Reading Literature 2)
Used literature book and dictionary: completed the handout for “Night Calls.” (Literature book,
pgs. 565-571.) 25 pts. possible.
In addition, wrote an objective summary of “Night Calls” on binder paper – approximately 100
words (1/2 page) – dividing the summary up into the beginning, middle, and end of the story.
Stapled summary to the handout. Turned in both.
Reminder – [see #2 of agenda for 5/7/13]
THURSDAY – 5/9/13 – (Standards covered: Reading 3.11)
Class work concluding literary criticism of style, focusing on styles that are considered legitimate but
Read “Geraldo No Last Name” (literature book, pgs. 559-561). Answered questions on the first
side of the accompanying handout.
Viewed The Rite of Spring from Disney’s Fantasia (1940, rated G), which is a blend of scientific
theory, music, and visual art. Answered questions on the back of the same handout. Turned in
handout. 20 pts. possible.
PLEASE NOTE: If your absence for today was excused, you are exempt from completing today’s
Reminder – [see #2 of agenda for 5/7/13]
FRIDAY – 5/10/13 – (Standards covered: Listening & Speaking 1.0, 1.1, 1.3, 1.8, 1.10-1.13, 2.0, 2.2a, b, f)
Extra Credit author/Composer Project Speeches. Up to 25 extra credit points possible, depending
on how much of the speech you wanted to attempt.
Extra credit (up to 10 pts. possible per person) for dramatizing “Same Song” in groups of 3.
(Literature book, pg. 462)
Extra credit (up to 10 pts. possible per person) for dramatizing “Thinkin’ on Marryin’” in groups
of 3. (Literature book, pgs. 91-92)
Daily Agendas
West High, Tracy, CA
Mr. Headrick
Sophomore English
MONDAY – 4/29/13 – (Standards covered: Reading 1.1, 3.11; English Language Conventions 1.3)
Concerning style: completed and turned in a handout dealing with how the mood of a poem can be
shaped by the poet’s style of writing: “Waiting for E. gularis.” 10 pts. possible.
Completed and turned in:
-- Homonyms list 6 (if you hadn’t already done so).
-- Homonyms list 7.
TUESDAY – 4/30/13 – (Standards covered: Listening and Speaking 1.0, 1.1, 1.3, 1.8, 1.10, 1.11, 1.12,
1.13, 2.0, 2.2a,b,f; Writing 1.9)
Introductory handout: "Analyzing / Evaluating Speeches." Completed both sides using the
literature book, beginning on page 898. Stamped. NOTE: Keep this handout for now and plan to
use it later on this week.
Completed Focus Review 7. Wrote answers on a separate paper. Turned in.
WEDNESDAY – 5/1/13 – (Standards covered: Listening and Speaking 1.1, 1.10, 1.11, 1.12, 1.13
Writing 1.2)
Continued analyzing and evaluating speeches. Handout: "Elie Wiesel, Witness to the Holocaust."
Worked on Parts I, II, and III of this handout. This involved viewing the Nobel Prize Series
documentary Elie Wiesel, Witness to the Holocaust and analyzing a copy of Mr. Wiesel's Nobel
Prize acceptance speech (1986). Stamped. NOTE: Plan to finish this handout in class tomorrow
and turn it in at that time.
Worked on Focus Review 8, writing answers on a separate paper. NOTE: If you were not able to
complete this today, plan to complete it later on this week. (Turned in answers if complete.)
THURSDAY – 5/2/13 – (Standards covered: Listening and Speaking 1.1, 1.10, 1.11, 1.12, 1.13
English Language Conventions 1.3)
Finished the handout called “Elie Wiesel, Witness to the Holocaust” that was started yesterday,
using a copy of Mr. Wiesel’s Nobel Prize acceptance speech.
Completed and turned in the following 2 review handouts:
-- Homonyms 1, 2, 3 Review.
-- Homonyms 4, 5, 6 Review.
FRIDAY – 5/3/13 – (Standards covered: Listening & Speaking 1.1, 1.10, 1.11, 1.12, 1.13)
Viewed excerpts from famous world leader speeches (including President Obama, Prime Minister
Winston Churchill, President George W. Bush, President John Kennedy, President Ronald Regan,
and Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr.).
Completed and turned in the corresponding handout (“Analyzing and Evaluating Famous
Also turned in the previous introductory handout called “Analyzing/Evaluating Speeches.”
Daily Agendas
West High, Tracy, CA
Mr. Headrick
Sophomore English
MONDAY – 4/22/13 – (Standards covered: Writing 2.1)
Exercise in imagining: completed the handout called "Time to Imagine," based on a series of 15
visual prompts, in order to develop short story writing ideas. Handout was stamped. Bring this
back to use during the next class session.
REMINDER: The extra credit Author/Composer Project speeches are tentatively scheduled for
4/30/13 and 5/1/13. HOWEVER, please remember that this is a TENTATIVE schedule and may
have to be changed.
TUESDAY – 4/23/13 – (Standards covered: New “Common Core” Reading-Literature standard #2.)
Analyzed how the central idea of a fictional short story can be applied to a real-life crisis by
viewing the 1987 film from the “Classic Literary Stories, Vol. 3” series called The Coup de Grace
by Ambrose Bierce. (Not rated.)
While viewing the film, filled out the front of the accompanying handout, which focuses on the
story’s central idea and objective evidence supporting how this idea emerges and is developed.
After the film, students worked individually or in groups to address the back of the handout, which
connects the central idea of this story to real-life situations that families and friends face on a daily
Completed handout and turned it in. NOTE: If your absence was excused for this day, you are not
responsible for completing this assignment, since it would not be possible without the film.
WEDNESDAY – 4/24/13 – (Standards covered: Writing 1.2 and 2.1a-e)
Used a directional handout (bright orange), the handout called "Time to Imagine” (see Monday,
4/22 agenda), and the literature book as a guide: completed the next handout in this project, called
"Prewriting: Story Idea / Elements / Point of View." Graded in class. 20 pts. possible.
Completed the front side of the next handout in this project, called "Writing: Draft Your Short
NOTE: Plan to write out your short story in class tomorrow. Part of the objective for this writing
is to make the fiction you write match some type of real-life situation. Must be school-appropriate
to receive credit.
THURSDAY – 4/25/13 – (Standards covered: Writing 1.2 and 2.1a-e; English Language Conventions 1.3)
Wrote out the final version of your short story on the back of the handout called “Writing: Draft
Your Short Story.” 30 pts. possible. (NOTE: Must turn in the story today in order to receive credit.)
Plan to critique the short stories in class tomorrow. For now, keep the “Prewriting” and “Time to
Imagine” handouts.
Homonyms List 6. Due by tomorrow.
FRIDAY – 4/26/13 – (Standards covered: Writing 1.2 and 2.1a-e; English Language Conventions 1.3)
For the purpose of identifying various elements of literature, each class critiqued some of the short
stories that were turned in yesterday. 10 pts. possible for the critique process.
Homonyms List 6 due date has been extended to Monday, 4/29/13.
NOTICE: The extra credit Author/Composer Project speeches which were originally scheduled for
4/30/13 and 5/1/13 have been postponed until further notice.
Daily Agendas
West High, Tracy, CA
Mr. Headrick
Sophomore English
MONDAY – 4/15/13 – (Standards covered: English Language Conventions 1.4)
Completed in class the handout covering: words with ie and ei; prefixes and suffixes; and plurals of
nouns. This handout was stamped. Keep this with your English notes for now.
On a separate paper, wrote answers to Review 15A and 15B on pgs. 401-402 of the Holt Handbook.
(Referred to the handout in agenda item #1 above, plus the spelling rules between pgs. 377 and 390
of the Holt Handbook for help in completing these.) Turned in. 30 pts. possible.
NOTE: If you were not able to finish this assignment in class today, please complete it at home and
plan to turn it in next Monday, 4/22/13.
TUESDAY – 4/16/13 – (Standards covered: English Language Conventions 1.1, 1.2, 1.3, 1.4)
STAR Testing, Day 1: classes for periods 1, 2, and 3 only.
Handout: Writing Complete Sentences, Pt. A. Worked on the first side of this in class. Stamped.
NOTE: Bring this handout back in 2 days and plan to finish this handout during the period on that
Handout: Choosing Correct Spellings. (This covers words with double or silent letters.)
Completed in class. Turned in. 15 points possible.
WEDNESDAY – 4/17/13 – (Standards covered: English Language Conventions 1.1, 1.2, 1.3, 1.4)
STAR Testing, Day 2: classes for periods 4, 5, and 6 only.
[Same agenda as that of 4/16/13]
THURSDAY – 4/18/13 – (Standards covered: English Language Conventions 1.1, 1.2, 1.3, 1.4;
Reading 3.1, 3.7)
STAR Testing, Day 3: classes for periods 1, 2, and 3 only.
Finished and turned in the handout from 2 days ago called Writing Complete Sentences, Pt. A.
Handout: Choosing Correct Spellings Follow-Up. Completed and turned in.
Used literature book. Completed and turned in Standards Review 5 and Standards Review 6
FRIDAY – 4/19/13 – (Standards covered: English Language Conventions 1.1, 1.2, 1.3, 1.4;
Reading 3.1, 3.7)
STAR Testing, Day 4: classes for periods 4, 5, and 6 only.
[Same agenda as that of 4/18/13]
Daily Agendas
West High, Tracy, CA
Mr. Headrick
Sophomore English
MONDAY – 4/08/13 – (Standards covered: Listening & Speaking 1.11 and 1.14)
Credit earned for viewing Act III of Our Town, which is a presentation of the play’s main theme
from the standpoint of “the dead.”
Completed Our Town Log for Act III. Turned in all Our Town Logs.
TUESDAY – 4/09/13 – (Standards covered: Listening & Speaking 1.11 and 1.14)
Credit earned for viewing the Steel Magnolias transition scene, while considering film techniques
that focus on the presentation of “theme” as they are applied to a play.
Credit earned for viewing Part III of Steel Magnolias while comparing the development of this
theme (using film techniques) to the development of Our Town’s theme.
WEDNESDAY – 4/10/13 – (Standards covered: Listening & Speaking 1.11 and 1.14; Reading 3.5)
Viewed the ending of Steel Magnolias, continuing to compare the development of its theme (using
film techniques) to the development of Our Town’s theme. (Ending scenes viewed were “Laughter
Through Tears” and “Life Goes On.”)
Handout: "Play vs. Film: Our Town and BEYOND, Pt. 3." Completed Parts I and II of this handout.
Viewed the Assignment Discovery Great Books video called The Odyssey while completing Part III
of the handout. (This involves considering the development of universal themes as they are applied
to a play.)
Turned in handout. NOTE: You are excused from this assignment if your absence for today was
THURSDAY – 4/11/13 – (Standards covered: Reading 1.1; English Language Conventions 1.3)
Reviewed upcoming STAR test schedule.
Timed standards review handouts #2 and #3, covering the analysis and synthesis of primary and
secondary sources. (Literature book, pgs 66-68 and 712-714) Wrote answers on separate answer
sheets. Turned in, then reviewed answers as a class. 17 pts. possible.
Used Holt Handbook, pgs. 532-539. Completed the handout called “Grammar At A Glance, Pt. B.”
Turned in. 17 pts. possible.
FRIDAY – 4/12/13 – (Standards covered: Listening & Speaking 1.1, 1.10, 1.11, 1.12, 1.13;
English Language Conventions 1.3; Reading 1.1, 3.2)
Handout: Extra Credit Author/Composer Project Speech Assignment. Discussed. Up to 25 extra
credit points possible, depending on how much of the speech you would like to cover. Speeches are
tentatively scheduled for 4/30/13 and 5/1/13.
Used the form on the back of the speech assignment handout ("Video Think Sheet") to make notes
about proper speech techniques. Discussed these in terms of techniques that speakers use to
successfully influence audiences. (Used Holt Literature and Language Arts videoed research
presentations as a visual example.) Handout was stamped.
NOTE: Keep this completed handout with your English notes.
Continued with STAR Test preparation reviews:
~Handout: determining word meanings / recalling stated information. 12 pts. possible.
~ Handout: Grammar At A Glance, Pt. C. (Holt Handbook, pgs. 544-547). 15 pts. possible.
~ Handout: Standards Review 4. (literature book, pgs. 306-309). 8 pts. possible.
Completed and turned in.
Daily Agendas
West High, Tracy, CA
Mr. Headrick
Sophomore English
MONDAY – 3/25/13 – (Standards covered: Listening & Speaking 1.11 and 1.14)
Handout: “Play vs. Film: Our Town and BEYOND, Pt. 1.”
~ Worked on this handout, using the Our Town script, through question #14.
~ This involved: viewing the 5-minute film segment called “The Golden Idol” from the movie
Raiders of the Lost Arc (see course syllabus); summarizing the stage version of the Drugstore Scene
from Our Town Act II; and viewing the Drugstore Scene in the film adaptation of Our Town.
NOTE: Bring this handout back to class tomorrow for further work.
REMINDER: The Great Author/Composer Project Expository Essay is due on or before THIS THURSDAY, 3/28/13.
325 pts. possible.
CAUTION: Please remember that I can NOT accept this essay on a flash drive, disc, or by email. It must be typed
and printed on paper. It is only worth ½ credit (after grading) if it is turned in after 3/28/13.
TUESDAY – 3/26/13 – (Standards covered: Listening & Speaking 1.11 and 1.14)
Handout: "Play vs. Film: Our Town and BEYOND, Pt. 1." [We began working on this handout in class yesterday.]
Finished section V of this handout (questions #15-20). Turned in. 27 pts. possible. (This involved viewing the first 15
minutes of the film Steel Magnolias, which is a 1980's version of Our Town.)
All classes viewed the Wedding Scene of the film version of the original play Our Town. Period 2 received and began
working on the corresponding handout called “Play vs. Film: Our Town and BEYOND, Pt. 2.” (No time to begin this
handout any other period today.)
NOTICE: The last day to receive credit for the author/composer project outline or the 5 sources of information
will be this Thursday, 3/28/13.
On or before Thursday of this week, turn in the following items in this order:
A – typed cover page on top.
B – typed author/composer project expository essay.
C – typed Bibliography page (which is the last page of your essay).
D – one-paragraph book summary OR list of 10 songs by the composer with their meanings.
E – rough draft of the essay.
F – 10 sets of song lyrics, if this essay is about a musical artist.
[See agenda item #2 of 3/25/13]
[See agenda item #3 of 3/25/13]
WEDNESDAY – 3/27/13 – (Standards covered: Listening & Speaking 1.11 and 1.14)
Explained again how to cite sources in an essay. Showed the following reminder notice on the overhead screen:
REMINDER: The points you earn for your essay will be reduced by 30% if you do not tell me in the essay where
you got your information. You do this by citing your sources at least 10 different times inside your essay.
Handout: “Play vs. Film: Our Town and BEYOND, Pt. 2.” Completed questions #1-8, using the Our Town script.
Viewed and explained the Wedding Scene of the film Steel Magnolias.
NOTICE: The last day to receive credit for the author/composer project outline or the 5 sources of information
will be tomorrow, 3/28/13.
By tomorrow, 3/28/13, turn in the following items in this order:
A – typed cover page on top.
B – typed author/composer project expository essay.
C – typed Bibliography page (which is the last page of your essay).
D – one-paragraph book summary OR list of 10 songs by the composer with their meanings.
E – rough draft of the essay.
F – 10 sets of song lyrics, if this essay is about a musical artist.
[See agenda item #2 of 3/25/13]
[See agenda item #3 of 3/25/13]
THURSDAY – 3/28/13 – (Standards covered: Reading 2.7, 3.7, 3.8; Writing 1.0, 1.3-1.7, 2.0, 2.3a-2.3f;
Listening and Speaking 1.11, 1.14)
Turned in The Great Author/Composer Project Expository Essay. (See agenda item #5 of yesterday for
proper order.) [In addition, see agenda item #3 of 3/25/13]
NOTICE: The last day to receive credit for the author/composer project outline or the 5 sources of
information is today, 3/28/13.
Finished and turned in yesterday’s handout called “Play vs. Film: Our Town and BEYOND, Pt. 2.” 25 pts.
Extra credit offered today: Logic puzzle handout about baseball player positions and statistics (Logic Puzzle
#4) and Holocaust poetry analysis.
FRIDAY – 3/29/13 – Beginning of Spring Break.
Daily Agendas
West High, Tracy, CA
Mr. Headrick
Sophomore English
MONDAY – 3/18/13 – (Standards covered: Writing 1.0, 1.3-1.7, 2.0, 2.3a-2.3f)
Handout: Essay Grading Rubric. Discussed this rubric, which shows how your author/composer essay will
be graded.
Discussed practical techniques for successfully completing the essay. Referred to “Manuscript Form”
handout. Reviewed proper Bibliography completion techniques. Discussed proper techniques for writing
citations in the body of the essay.
REMINDER: The information you write on your author/composer project outline will be graded in class
tomorrow. 25 pts. possible.
REMINDER: The Great Author/Composer Project Expository Essay is due on or before 3/28/13. 325 pts.
CAUTION: Please remember that I can NOT accept this essay on a flash drive, disc, or by email. It
must be typed and printed on paper. It is only worth ½ credit (after grading) if it is turned in after
TUESDAY – 3/19/13 – (Standards covered: Writing 1.0, 1.3-1.7, 2.0, 2.3a-2.3f; English Language Conventions 1.3)
Reviewed use of quotation marks and italics as a class, using a prepared overhead.
Handout: pay attention to these grammar rules as you prepare your author/composer essay -- italics and
quotation marks. This will be due at the end of the period tomorrow. 40 pts. possible. (Time was set aside to
begin working on this in class today.)
Began in-class grading of the author/composer project outlines. 25 pts. possible. NOTE: Grading of these
outlines will continue through tomorrow.
[See agenda item #4 of 3/18/13]
[See agenda item #5 of 3/18/13]
WEDNESDAY – 3/20/13 – (Standards covered: Writing 1.0, 1.3-1.7, 2.0, 2.3a-2.3f; English Language Conventions
1.3; Reading 3.3, 3.4)
Standards Review Assignment #1, covering Reading Standards 3.3 and 3.4. Read “Powder” in the literature book, pgs.
130-132. Wrote answers to the questions on pg. 133 on a separate answer sheet. 9 pts. possible. Turned in answer sheet.
Finished and turned in:
~ yesterday’s handout on italics and quotation marks. 40 pts. possible.
~ Handout: Grammar At A Glance, Part A. 14 pts. possible.
~ Handout: Homonyms List 5. 10 pts. possible.
Continued in-class grading of the author/composer project outlines. 25 pts. possible. NOTE: Grading of these outlines
will continue through tomorrow.
[See agenda item #4 of 3/18/13]
[See agenda item #5 of 3/18/13]
THURSDAY – 3/21/13 – (Standards covered: Writing 1.0, 1.3-1.7, 2.0, 2.3a-2.3f; Reading 1.1, 2.1, 3.4, 3.7, 3.9)
From rough draft to final draft: gave information and overhead transparency examples showing how to
prepare the final draft of the author/composer project essay. Again, reviewed proper Bibliography
completion techniques and discussed proper techniques for writing citations in the body of the essay.
District-required Focus 5 and Focus 6 assessments. Wrote answers on a separate paper. 20 pts. possible.
Using the same answer sheet that was used for Focus 5 and 6, answered standards-based questions about the
novel Fahrenheit 451.
Students who were able to finish Focus 5, Focus 6, and the Fahrenheit 451 questions turned in the answer
sheet. NOTE: Plan to finish these in class tomorrow if you were not able to finish them today.
Completed the in-class grading of the author/composer project outlines. 25 pts. possible.
[See agenda item #4 of 3/18/13]
[See agenda item #5 of 3/18/13]
FRIDAY – 3/22/13 – (Standards covered: Writing 1.0, 1.3-1.7, 2.0, 2.3a-2.3f; Reading 1.1, 2.1, 3.4, 3.7, 3.9;
Listening and Speaking 1.11, 1.14)
Showed an overhead describing how to type the cover page of your expository essay. [See copy of this
overhead in the Reference Section of this web site or assignment binder.]
In preparation for comparing the play Our Town to a film adaptation, we viewed Act I of the film version of
the original script of Our Town. Instruction and commentary given during the viewing.
Finished and turned in Focus 5, Focus 6, and Fahrenheit 451 questions from yesterday.
[See agenda item #4 of 3/18/13]
[See agenda item #5 of 3/18/13]
Daily Agendas
West High, Tracy, CA
Mr. Headrick
Sophomore English
MONDAY – 3/11/13 – (Standards covered: English Language Conventions 1.3)
CAHSEE released test questions. Answered on a separate paper. Turned in, then reviewed correct answers. 10 pts.
Handout: grammar packet on correct use of commas. Completed and turned in. NOTE: If you were not able to
complete this packet in class today, please complete it for homework by this Thursday, 3/14/13. 30 pts. possible.
NOTICE: I plan to grade the information you fill in on your author/composer project outline a week from today
(3/18/13). 25 pts. possible.
HOMEWORK: Due this Friday, 3/15/13 – bring 5 different sources of information on your author or composer to class
(copies or phone visuals are OK). 25 pts. possible.
REMINDER: The California High School Exit Exam (the “CAHSEE”) is scheduled for all sophomores for 3/12/13
(English portion) and 3/13/13 (math portion). Remember that your CAHSEE scores go on your transcript and remain
there permanently.
REMINDER: The Great Author/Composer Project Expository Essay is due on or before 3/28/13. 325 pts. possible.
Continue filling in the author/composer outline for this project.
TUESDAY – 3/12/13 – (Standards covered: Reading 1.1; English Language Conventions 1.3)
CAHSEE, day 1.
Today, take advantage of the following extra credit:
A – Roots, prefixes, Latin words and phrases.
B – ESLRS that support the author/composer project.
Make sure you have completed and turned in the recent grammar packets on:
A – Semicolons / end marks. 35 pts. possible.
B – Ellipsis points, etc. 50 pts. possible.
C – Commas. 30 pts. possible.
[See #3 of 3/11/13 agenda]
[See #4 of 3/11/13 agenda]
[See #5 of 3/11/13 agenda – 2nd day of CAHSEE is tomorrow]
[See #6 of 3/11/13 agenda]
WEDNESDAY – 3/13/13 – (Standards covered: Reading 1.1, 2.7)
CAHSEE, day 2.
Today, take advantage of the following extra credit:
A – Word origins crossword puzzle.
B – Soccer team schedule.
Make sure you have completed and turned in the recent grammar packets on:
A – Semicolons / end marks. 35 pts. possible.
B – Ellipsis points, etc. 50 pts. possible.
C – Commas. 30 pts. possible.
[See #3 of 3/11/13 agenda. However, the due date for the outline has now been extended to next Tuesday, 3/19/13.]
[See #4 of 3/11/13 agenda]
[See #6 of 3/11/13 agenda]
THURSDAY – 3/14/13 – (Standards covered: Reading 3.6)
Worked in cooperative groups to create 2 posters that analyze Thornton Wilder’s definition and development of “time” in
Our Town, Act 1. NOTE: If your group was not able to finish both of these posters in class today, plan to finish them in
class tomorrow. 40 pts. possible.
Worked on / finished the extra credit from the last 2 days.
TOMORROW: [See #4 of 3/11/13 agenda] 25 pts. possible.
[See #2 of 3/13/13 agenda]
[See #3 of 3/13/13 agenda]
[See #6 of 3/11/13 agenda]
FRIDAY – 3/15/13 – (Standards covered: Reading 3.6; English Language Conventions 1.3; Writing 1.3, 1.5)
Focus Review 6, Part A handout. Completed and turned in. 10 pts. possible.
Finished and turned in posters that were begun yesterday. (See 3/14/13 agenda.) 40 pts. possible.
Credit was given today for 5 different sources of information about the life of your author or composer
(copies / phone visuals are OK). 25 pts. possible.
[See #2 of 3/13/13 agenda]
[See #3 of 3/13/13 agenda]
[See #6 of 3/11/13 agenda]
Daily Agendas
West High, Tracy, CA
Mr. Headrick
Sophomore English
MONDAY – 3/4/13 – (Standards covered: Writing 1.0, 1.3-1.7, 2.0, 2.3; Reading 3.1, 3.10)
Our Town Theme Guide and introductory notes. (Power point presentation on Our Town. Copied
notes from this presentation. These notes are a pattern showing the type of information you will be
gathering about the author/composer you choose for the Great Author/Composer Project.) Notes
were stamped.
Finished and turned in the homework grammar packet on semicolons, colons, and end marks. 35
pts. possible.
REMINDER: The California High School Exit Exam (the “CAHSEE”) is scheduled for all
sophomores for 3/12/13 (English portion) and 3/13/13 (math portion). Remember that your
CAHSEE scores go on your transcript and remain there permanently.
REMINDER: The Great Author/Composer Project Expository Essay is due on or before 3/28/13.
325 pts. possible. Continue filling in the author/composer outline for this project.
TUESDAY – 3/5/13 – (Standards covered: Writing 1.0, 1.3-1.7, 2.0, 2.3; Reading 3.1, 3.10)
At the beginning of class I handed back the response to literature essays and directed students to
read and check over the rubric that I used to grade them. This rubric is similar to ones that the
essay graders use when they grade the CAHSEE essays in Sacramento. Please note that the English
portion of the CAHSEE is scheduled for a week from today.
Began acting Act 1 of Our Town. Compared certain characters and events in the part of this act that
was covered today to issues related to the playwright’s own life.
Wrote the Our Town Log according to the directions on the overhead. [See copy of the overhead in
the Reference Section of this web site or binder labeled “Our Town Log” for directions.]
[See #3 of 3/4/13 agenda]
[See #4 of 3/4/13 agenda]
WEDNESDAY – 3/6/13 – (Standards covered: Writing 1.0, 1.3-1.7, 2.0, 2.3; Reading 3.1, 3.10; English
Language Conventions 1.3)
Gave information about how to use ellipsis points inside quotations in your author/composer project
Homework handout: ellipsis points, apostrophes, hyphens, dashes, parentheses, and brackets. Pay
attention to these grammar rules as you prepare your author/composer project essay. 50 pts.
possible. Due this Friday, 3/8/13.
Continued reading and acting Our Town.
Completed Our Town log for today (wrote this on the same paper as yesterday’s log). Log was
[See #3 of 3/4/13 agenda]
[See #4 of 3/4/13 agenda]
THURSDAY – 3/7/13 – (Standards covered: Writing 1.0, 1.3-1.7, 2.0, 2.3; Reading 3.1, 3.10; English
Language Conventions 1.3)
Continued reading and acting Our Town: finished Act I.
Completed Our Town log for today (wrote this on the same paper as yesterday’s log). Log was
Worked on yesterday’s homework handout: [see 3/6/13 agenda item #2]. This handout is due at
the end of class tomorrow. 50 pts. possible.
[See #3 of 3/4/13 agenda]
[See #4 of 3/4/13 agenda]
FRIDAY – 3/8/13 – (Standards covered: English Language Conventions 1.3) [End of quarter / minimum day]
Finished and turned in homework grammar packet on ellipsis points, apostrophes, hyphens, dashes,
parentheses, and brackets. 50 pts. possible.
[See #3 of 3/4/13 agenda]
[See #4 of 3/4/13 agenda]
Daily Agendas
West High, Tracy, CA
Mr. Headrick
Sophomore English
MONDAY – 2/25/13 – (Standards covered: Writing 1.0, 1.3-1.7, 2.0, and 2.3)
Handout: informational memo about the upcoming California High School Exit Exam (CAHSEE). Please take this
handout home and share it with people there.
Discussed the procedures that will take place on the days of the CAHSEE.
How to write the Great Author/Composer Project Expository Essay: what to research about your author/composer. [This
was a power point presentation containing the outline of questions to research about your author or composer. Students
copied this outline into their English Notes, leaving room to fill in the blanks. This outline is #4 on the project assignment
handout. 25 pts. possible.]
Grammar packet on semicolons, colons, etc.: please finish this by Friday, 3/1/13, and turn it in on or before that day. 35
pts. possible.
REMINDER: The California High School Exit Exam (the “CAHSEE”) is scheduled for all sophomores for 3/12/13
(English portion) and 3/13/13 (math portion). Remember that your CAHSEE scores go on your transcript and remain
there permanently.
REMINDER: The Great Author/Composer Project Expository Essay is due on or before 3/28/13. 325 pts. possible.
TUESDAY – 2/26/13 – (Standards covered: Writing 1.0, 1.3-1.7, 2.0, 2.2, and 2.3)
Bibliography citation instructions – Day 1.
Used class set handout called Instruction #1 and Instruction #2, along with a copy of the Writers Inc handbook, available
in the classroom.
Made notes from the class set handout. Bring these back tomorrow.
On a separate paper from the notes, completed the assignment on the handout, which was to use one of the 10
books available in the classroom in order to complete a bibliography entry for a book.
Homework: Use class set handout called Instruction #3.
Make the notes from this handout.
On a separate paper from the notes, complete the assignment at the bottom of the front of this handout. Plan to
bring this to class tomorrow.
[See #4 of 2/25/13 agenda]
[See #6 of 2/25/13 agenda]
[See #7 of 2/25/13 agenda]
Period 6 – Went to Library to meet with Counselors and turn in class requests for next year.
WEDNESDAY – 2/27/13 – (Standards covered: Writing 1.0, 1.3-1.7, 2.0, 2.2, and 2.3)
Bibliography citation instructions – Day 2.
Mrs. Perry, Librarian, presented information to each class about accessing the Library’s web site and the web site called
World Cat, which provides information about music citations.
Used class set handout called Instruction #4, along with copies of music CD covers.
Made notes from the class set handout. Bring these back tomorrow.
On a separate paper from the notes, began to complete the assignment on Instruction #4, which was to write
the bibliography entries for 10 sound recordings and to alphabetize them correctly, according to how they
would appear in a bibliography.
Turned in yesterday’s homework assignment (from Instruction #3) if completed. NOTE: If this is not completed, please
keep working on this. Due on or before this Friday, 3/1/13.
[See #4 of 2/25/13 agenda]
[See #6 of 2/25/13 agenda]
[See #7 of 2/25/13 agenda]
THURSDAY – 2/28/13 – (Standards covered: Writing 1.0, 1.3-1.7, 2.0, 2.2, and 2.3)
Went to Library. Used reference books and other resources available in the Library to get information for your
author/composer essay.
When not using the Library computers or reference books, students worked on the following bibliography assignments
from the last 2 days: Instruction #1 assignment (10 pts. possible), Instruction #3 assignment (20 pts. possible), and
Instruction #4 assignment (35 pts. possible.. PLEASE NOTE that all of these assignments are due on or before
tomorrow, 3/1/13.
Students also began filling in the blanks on the author outline, which was given on 2/25/13.
REMINDER: the grammar packet on semicolons/colons is due by tomorrow as well. 35 pts. possible.
[See #6 of 2/25/13 agenda]
[See #7 of 2/25/13 agenda]
FRIDAY – 3/1/13 – (Standards covered: Writing 1.0, 1.3-1.7, 2.0, 2.2, and 2.3)
Went to Library. Used reference books and other resources available in the Library to get information for your
author/composer essay. Continued filling in the blanks on the author outline (see yesterday’s agenda).
Completed and turned in the bibliography assignments listed in item #2 of yesterday’s agenda. 65 pts. possible.
NOTE: Due date for grammar packet on semicolons/colons has been extended to Monday, 3/4/13. 35 pts. possible.
[See #6 of 2/25/13 agenda]
[See #7 of 2/25/13 agenda]
Daily Agendas
West High, Tracy, CA
Mr. Headrick
Sophomore English
MONDAY – 2/18/13 – President’s Day Holiday – no classes scheduled.
TUESDAY – 2/19/13 – (The POWER of Poetry, Day 5. (Standards covered: Reading 3.1, 3.7, 3.10)
Viewed the National Endowment for the Arts video Shakespeare in Our Time as an introduction to
studying the work of the greatest poet who ever lived, William Shakespeare. Answered questions
on the accompanying video worksheet while watching the video. (wrote answers on a separate
paper). Turned in answers.
Viewed actor Kenneth Branaugh’s rendition of the “St. Crispin’s Day Speech,” which shows yet
another side to the POWER of poetry. (excerpt from Act IV, Scene 3 of Shakespeare’s Henry V)
Handout: “Shall I Compare Thee to a Summer’s Day?” Began completing the first side of this.
Handout was stamped. Bring this back tomorrow to work on in class then.
THURSDAY, 2/21/13.
The California High School Exit Exam (the “CAHSEE”) is scheduled for all sophomores for
3/12/13 (English portion) and 3/13/13 (math portion). REMINDER: Your CAHSEE scores go on
your transcript and remain there permanently.
WEDNESDAY – 2/20/13 – The POWER of Poetry, Day 6. (Standards covered: Reading 3.7 and 3.1 [review])
Used literature book to complete Side 1 of yesterday’s handout called “Shall I Compare Thee to a
Summer’s Day?” which is Shakespeare’s sonnet #18.
As a class, completed the translation of sonnet #18 on Side 2 of the same handout. Handout was
stamped. NOTE: Keep this handout until further notice.
[See #4 of 2/19/13 agenda.]
[See #5 of 2/19/13 agenda.]
THURSDAY – 2/21/13 – (Standards covered: English Language Conventions 1.3)
Per. 2-5: Went to Library to meet with Counselors and turn in class requests for next year.
NOTE: Due to a change in plans, Per. 6 is scheduled to do this next Tuesday, 2/26/13.
Handout: grammar packet on the proper use of semicolons, colons, and end marks. Began working
on this in class today. Period 6 turned this in when finished. NOTE: Periods 2-5 should bring this
back tomorrow for further work.
[See #5 of 2/19/13 agenda.]
FRIDAY – 2/22/13 – (Standards covered: Writing 1.0, 1.3-1.7, 2.0, 2.3)
The Great Author/Composer Project handout. 325 pts. possible. Due Thursday, March 28, 2013.
(Discussed this point-by-point, and gave the answers for filling in the blanks on this handout.)
Handout: Manuscript Form, giving details about how to prepare The Great Author/Composer
Project Expository Essay. Discussed.
NOTICE: Bring yesterday’s grammar packet on semicolons, colons, and end marks back to class
on Monday, 2/25/13, in order to continue working on it at that time.
[See #5 of 2/19/13 agenda.]
Daily Agendas
West High, Tracy, CA
Mr. Headrick
Sophomore English
MONDAY – 2/11/13 – Lincoln’s Birthday Holiday. No classes scheduled.
TUESDAY – 2/12/13 – (Standards covered: all sophomore standards)
Received graduation information, current transcripts, and other information about next year’s
classes from the Counselors.
THURSDAY, 2/21/13.
The California High School Exit Exam (the “CAHSEE”) is scheduled for all sophomores for
3/12/13 (English portion) and 3/13/13 (math portion). REMINDER: Your CAHSEE scores go on
your transcript and remain there permanently.
WEDNESDAY – 2/13/13 – (Standards covered: Reading 3.7 and 3.1 [review]) – The POWER of Poetry, Day 2.
Emotion vs. Logic:
Used literature book to complete the handout called "Love in Any Language or Time." [Covers
pgs. 487-492.] Turned in. (NOTE: This included demonstration of various 100-year-old letterwriting techniques [letters in connection with engagement and marriage] as set forth in the book by
Arnold Villiers entitled Routledge’s Complete Letter Writer [London: Routledge & Kegan Paul
Ltd., 1950].)
Homework handout – "Recording and Brainstorming Song Lyrics.” Due this Friday, 2/15/13.
[See #2 of 2/12/13 agenda!]
[See #3 of 2/12/13 agenda!]
THURSDAY – 2/14/13 – (Standards covered: Reading 2.1 and 3.7) – The POWER of Poetry, Day 3.
Used the poem “Sea Fever” (pg. 507 in literature book) to explore one simple method that poets
and songwriters use to create simple, intense verses. On a separate paper, wrote the answers to
questions #1, 2, 3, 5, and 6 of pg. 508.
SCAFFOLDING handout. (Another method that artists sometimes use for brainstorming.)
Completed and turned in.
REMINDER: Homework handout – "Recording and Brainstorming Song Lyrics.” Due tomorrow,
[See #2 of 2/12/13 agenda!]
[See #3 of 2/12/13 agenda!]
FRIDAY – 2/15/13 – (Standards covered: Reading 3.7) – The POWER of Poetry, Day 4.
Extended metaphor – “Mother to Son” by African-American writer Langston Hughes. Completed
and turned in. [NOTE: Many popular songs today are extended metaphors.]
Finished and turned in Wednesday’s homework handout on "Recording and Brainstorming Song
[See #2 of 2/12/13 agenda!]
[See #3 of 2/12/13 agenda!]
Daily Agendas
West High, Tracy, CA
Mr. Headrick
Sophomore English
MONDAY – 2/4/13 – (Standards covered: Listening and Speaking 1.4 and 2.4)
Project: Analyzing a Short Story, Day 7 – concluding the speech component of this project.
Response to Literature Speeches, Day 2. 50 pts. possible. NOTES: Late speeches are only eligible
for ½ credit after grading. Any disruptions that you cause during other people’s speeches will
lower your own speech score.
Turned in English notes per the hand-written overhead referenced in last Friday’s agenda.
TUESDAY – 2/5/13 – (Standards covered: Reading 1.1)
Completed Test Prep Vocabulary posters (covering vocabulary words frequently used on
standardized tests). Turned in posters. (NOTE: This Friday’s agenda will include the use of these
Homonyms List 4 handout. Worked on in class. NOTE: Plan to finish this and turn it in by the
end of class tomorrow.
WEDNESDAY – 2/6/13 – (Standards covered: English Language Conventions 1.3; Reading 3.7; Listening
& Speaking 1.4, 2.4)
Handout: "Capitalization Issues." Completed in class. Turned in. 20 pts. possible.
Introduction to The POWER of Poetry Unit – reflection handout: "Tears of Wax." Completed in
class. Turned in.
Response to Literature Speech make-ups for people who were absent during the assigned speech
Finished and turned in Homonyms List 4 if not yet turned in.
THURSDAY – 2/7/13 – (Standards covered: Reading 3.7) – The POWER of Poetry, Day 1.
Handout: "We Real Cool" plus "Same Song." [Covers pgs. 461-464 and 531-534 in the
literature book.] Completed and turned in.
Extra credit Logic Puzzle #2 handout. Due on or before tomorrow, 2/8/13.
FRIDAY – 2/8/13 – (Standards covered: Reading 1.1; Writing 1.2)
Vivid Verbs: used a class set of instructions to replace overused verbs with more vivid synonyms.
Wrote answers on a separate paper, then used this same paper for agenda item #2 below.
Put 15 of the Test Prep Vocabulary words that we worked with on Tuesday of this week into a short
paragraph (or letter, message, story, etc.) that makes sense. Also attempted to fill this writing with
vivid verbs. Used the posters that were created on Tuesday (now hanging on the classroom wall) as
a reference. Turned in.
Here are the Test Prep Vocabulary words:
1 – abhor, affix
2 – ambiguous, anomaly
3 – arbitrary, chastise
4 – capricious, circumspect
5 – coherent, conjecture
6 – cursory, deplete
7 – discourse, dubious
8 – enigma, erratic
9 – expedient, frugal
10 – inexorable, integrity
Finished and turned in yesterday’s extra credit Logic Puzzle #2.
Daily Agendas
West High, Tracy, CA
Mr. Headrick
Sophomore English
MONDAY – 1/28/13 – (Standards covered: Writing 1.0, 1.1, and 2.2)
Project: Analyzing a Short Story, Day 3.
Began writing the 5-paragraph essay for this project. Used last week’s handouts as a guide. (The yellow-orange handout
is your rough draft.) Your essay prompt is this: How does the author (of the short story that you chose) use the
elements of fiction to make the message of the story obvious?
NOTE: This essay is due at the end of the period tomorrow. 50 points possible. If the essay is turned in late (i.e., after
tomorrow), it is only eligible for ½ credit. This essay can NOT be typed because it is practice for the essay that you will
hand-write during the CAHSEE (the High School Exit Exam) that you will take this March.
Keep last week’s white and yellow-orange handouts for this project. Bring them to class tomorrow.
TUESDAY – 1/29/13 – (Standards covered: Writing 1.0, 1.1, 2.2; Listening and Speaking 1.4 and 2.4)
Project: Analyzing a Short Story, Day 4.
Finished writing and turned in the 5-paragraph essay for this project. (See yesterday’s agenda items #1 and #2.)
Handout: Speech Outline. Discussed briefly. Informed everyone of their assigned speech dates, which are either this
Friday, 2/1/13, or next Monday, 2/4/13.
NOTE: Plan to finish working with the Speech Outline handout during class tomorrow.
WEDNESDAY – 1/30/13 – (Standards covered: Writing 1.0, 1.1, 2.2; Listening and Speaking 1.4 and 2.4)
Project: Analyzing a Short Story, Day 5 – continuing the speech component of this project.
Viewed the United Streaming Educational Video “The Pit and the Pendulum” as a quick review of how an author uses the
elements of fiction to present and shape a message. Completed a worksheet as a response to this video; this worksheet is
an example of how a person could begin a Response to Literature Speech. 12 pts. possible. Turned in.
NOTE: If your absence for today was excused, then you are exempt from completing this video worksheet.
Used an overhead to give information on how the Response to Literature Speech will be graded.
[See the Reference Section of this website or binder for a copy of that overhead.]
Viewed the Holt Literature and Language Arts video clip showing the first draft, evaluation session, and final
draft of a Response to Literature Oral Presentation (Speech). Discussed, especially in terms of the speaking techniques
that you should use in presenting your Response to Literature Speech either this Friday or next Monday.
Used the remainder of the period to complete yesterday’s Speech Outline handout.
REMINDER: The speeches are scheduled for this Friday (2/1/13) and next Monday (2/4/13). 50 pts. possible.
THURSDAY – 1/31/13 – (Standards covered: Reading 2.2, 2.3, 2.8, 3.2, 3.4, 3.8, 3.10, and 3.11; English Language Conventions 1.3)
Used a class set of a portion of the California Standards Test Released Test Questions (pages 1926). Based on this packet of questions, completed the handout called "Released Test Questions
Handout 2,” which is an instructional guide for completing standardized test questions. Turned in.
30 pts. possible.
PLEASE NOTE: Due to medical appointments, I had a substitute this day. Unfortunately, the
substitute misread my instructions and treated this assignment as if it were a test. Therefore, for
those who did not finish this assignment on Thursday, I allowed them to finish it in class on Friday.
Homonyms List 3 handout. Completed and turned in. 10 pts. possible.
PLEASE NOTE: (Same situation as for assignment #1 above. Therefore, people were allowed to
finish this assignment in class on Friday as well.)
REMINDERS: Speeches will be tomorrow, 2/1/13, and next Monday, 2/4/13. 50 pts. possible.
Late speeches are only eligible for ½ credit after grading.
FRIDAY – 2/1/13 – (Standards covered: Listening and Speaking 1.4, 2.4)
Project: Analyzing a Short Story, Day 6 – continuing the speech component of this project.
[See notes from 1/31/13 agenda items #1 and #2: students were allowed to finish yesterday’s
work in class today while speeches were in progress.]
Response to Literature Speeches, Day 1. 50 pts. possible. NOTES: Late speeches are only eligible for ½
credit after grading. Any disruptions that you cause during other people’s speeches or during the speechgrading process will lower your own speech score.
Showed a hand-written overhead of English notes to bring to class on Monday, 2/4/13, to turn in. [See the
Reference Section of this binder for a copy of this handwritten overhead. Unfortunately, this handwritten
overhead is not available in the online class website.]
Speeches conclude Monday, 2/4/13.
Daily Agendas
West High, Tracy, CA
Mr. Headrick
Sophomore English
MONDAY – 1/21/13 – Martin Luther King, Jr. Holiday – no classes scheduled.
TUESDAY – 1/22/13 – (Standards covered: Reading 3.3, 3.4, and 3.7)
Symbolism and Allegory Checking For Understanding. (Class participation involving discussion of
8 checking for understanding questions about Symbolism and Allegory.)
Used last Friday’s Sociogram handout to complete the blue handout called
Connections to "Through the Tunnel" – Part II. NOTE: Skip #6 on the back of the handout, but
write the 8-sentence paragraph. The paragraph you choose (either A, B, or C) must include how the
characters you are writing about symbolize different parts of society and must include evidence to
support your writing. That is how this paragraph will be graded. Stapled the Sociogram from last
Friday to the back of the blue handout and turned these in. NOTE: This is a timed writing
assignment; late papers received after the end of this period are only eligible to receive ½ credit for
this assignment.
Handout: Additional Vocabulary Practice (for Symbolism Unit). NOTE: Keep this handout with
your English notes until further notice.
WEDNESDAY – 1/23/13 – (Standards covered: English Language Conventions 1.3; Reading 1.1, 2.1, 2.7, 3.7)
Used Holt Handbook. Wrote answers on a separate paper. Wrote the correct answers to the
following: Pgs. 240-241, Exercise 1. Pg. 244, Exercise 3. Pgs. 247-248, Exercise 5. Completed
and turned in.
Released Test Questions, Part 1. Used the class set Test Packet with pages numbered 7-12, which
contains test questions recently released by the State of California (“California Standards Test”
questions). Wrote answers on the accompanying yellow answer sheet. Turned in.
Practice at Killing Monsters! (Completed this ½-sheet handout, which is a review of the correct use
of “there, their, they’re,” etc. Turned in.)
THURSDAY – 1/24/13 – (Standards covered: Writing 1.0, 1.1, and 2.2)
Project: Analyzing a Short Story, Day 1.
Completed the handout called Considering the Elements of Fiction. (Used the class set handout called
Synopsis of Certain Short Stories and the literature book to do this.)
Points were earned for today's work, recorded at 20-minute intervals. NOTE: Bring today’s
Considering the Elements of Fiction handout back tomorrow for further work on this project.
FRIDAY – 1/25/13 – (Standards covered: Writing 1.0, 1.1, and 2.2)
Project: Analyzing a Short Story, Day 2.
Wrote the rough draft of your analysis by using the handout called Picking an Element or Elements
to Write About. (Used yesterday's handout called Considering the Elements of Fiction and the
literature book to do this.) This handout was stamped twice during the period: half-way through
the period and at the end of the period to assist in managing the time.
NOTE: Bring yesterday's and today's handouts back next Monday, 1/28/13, to use in writing the
essay portion of this project.
Daily Agendas
West High, Tracy, CA
Mr. Headrick
Sophomore English
MONDAY – 1/14/13 – (Standards covered: Reading 3.7)
Today’s lesson consisted of an analysis of symbolic writing about gaining maturity.
Literature book, pgs. 401-408: “Through the Tunnel.”
Students read this piece of literature as the recording played and responded to the meanings
of various symbols in it by filling in the accompanying handout.
Turned in handout.
TUESDAY – 1/15/13 – (Standards covered: Reading 1.1, 2.4, 2.8, and 3.7)
Handout: Connections to “Through the Tunnel” – Part 1 (exploring various symbolic rites of
passage). Literature book, pgs. 412-415. 20 pts. possible. Worked on in class. Due on or before
Friday, 1/18/13.
Standards review handout for “Through the Tunnel.” 20 pts. possible. Worked on in class. Due on
or before Friday, 1/18/13.
WEDNESDAY – 1/16/13 – (Standards covered: Reading 3.3)
Analyzed who is “right” and who is “wrong” in society, in order to broaden your own perspective,
by considering the two murders as they appear in chapter 2 of the novel Bless Me Ultima.
Completed handout for Bless Me Ultima, chapter 2. Discussed. Turned in.
THURSDAY – 1/17/13 – (Standards covered: Reading 3.3 and 3.7)
Handout: "Connections to 'Through the Tunnel,' Part II" – further excerpts from the novel Bless Me Ultima,
by Rudolfo Anaya.
Filled out top half of this handout and discussed other important characters and scenes in
the book.
Handed out copies of the class set of the novel, and read excerpts from chapter 17
as a class. Then, together as a class, we completed the handout through #5, citing evidence
from the text for the various kinds of people that these characters symbolize. Handout was
(NOTE: This sets the scene for the further action that takes place in chapter 18, which shows how
sometimes a rite of passage can bring out the worst in people. Plan to continue with this activity in
class tomorrow.)
FRIDAY – 1/18/13 – (Standards covered: Reading 3.3, 3.4, and 3.7)
Read/discussed pg. 204, and then read pgs. 208-216 of Bless Me Ultima (chapter 18). As a class,
we completed a Sociogram handout for these pages.
NOTE: Next Tuesday, 1/22/13, bring:
(a) yesterday’s blue handout called “Connections to ‘Through the Tunnel’ – Pt. II.”
(b) today’s Sociogram.
Plan to finish yesterday’s “Connections” handout in class next Tuesday and turn in both handouts
Daily Agendas
West High, Tracy, CA
Mr. Headrick
Sophomore English
MONDAY – 1/07/13 – Standards covered: Writing 2.5a, b, c, and d)
Discussed and copied the Block Style Business Letter format from the instructional easel in the
room. NOTE: Plan to use these notes tomorrow in order to type the business letter assignment in
the Library Computer Lab.
Analyzing a business letter.
~ Answered a 10-question handout while analyzing a typed business letter.
~ NOTE: Keep this handout in your notes for now.
Began completing an open-notes test, using the 2-sided handout called “Correcting business letters”
and the notes copied from the instructional easel. Plan to complete this assignment tomorrow after
typing the business letter.
TUESDAY – 1/08/13 – (Standards covered: Writing 2.5a, b, c, and d)
Reviewed key grading points for block style business letter.
Went to Library Computer Lab. Typed and printed a block style business letter according to the
pink instruction handout prepared for this assignment. Turned in 2 signed copies. 35 pts. possible.
Those still needing to finished and turned in yesterday’s open-notes test about “Correcting business
WEDNESDAY – 1/09/13 – (Standards covered: Reading 2.1, 2.7, and 3.7)
Responded to 25 introductory questions about Symbolism and Allegory, including questions
concerning the symbolic poem “Stopping by Woods on a Snowy Evening” by Robert Frost. Wrote
answers on a separate paper. Turned in.
Extra credit handout: Logic Puzzle #1. Completed and turned in. 8 extra credit pts. possible.
THURSDAY – 1/10/13 – (Standards covered: Reading 3.7)
Corporate Symbol Journal. Stamped. [See the Reference Section of this website or binder for a
copy of the overhead called “Create your own CORPORATE SYMBOL that symbolizes YOU” for
Read "The Pedestrian" by Ray Bradbury while listening to the audio recording of it. (Literature
book, pgs. 47-51.) Completed Symbolism and Allegory handout for “The Pedestrian.” Turned in if
completed. NOTE: This is homework for tonight if you were not able to complete it in class today.
FRIDAY – 1/11/13 – (Standards covered: Reading 2.4, 3.7)
Analyzing reasons for symbolic writing, and comparing the content of several works by a single author in
order to summarize their message: Viewed the documentary video Ray Bradbury, An American Icon while
answering questions from the accompanying video worksheet. (Wrote answers on a separate paper and
turned them in.)
NOTE: If your absence was excused, you do not have to make up this assignment.
Daily Agendas
West High, Tracy, CA
Mr. Headrick
Sophomore English
MONDAY – 12/31/12 – Winter Break.
TUESDAY – 1/1/13 – End of Winter Break.
WEDNESDAY – 1/2/13 – (Standards covered: Reading 2.1, 2.7)
Used literature book to complete the blue handout called “Consumer and Workplace Documents A.”
Turned in.
Used class set of three different Consumer Documents to begin working on the SUPPLEMENTAL
white handout called “Evaluating Consumer Reports for Content.”
NOTE: Plan to finish and turn in this handout during class tomorrow.
THURSDAY – 1/3/13 – (Standards covered: Reading 2.1, 2.6, 2.7)
Completed and turned in the supplemental white handout (started yesterday) called “Evaluating
Consumer Reports for Content.”
Used the literature book to complete the orange handout called “Consumer and Workplace
Documents B.” NOTE: If you weren’t able to complete this in class today, it is homework for
tonight, due tomorrow.
FRIDAY – 1/4/13 – (Standards covered: Writing 2.5a, b, c, and d; ESLRs)
Guest speakers: Dr. and Mrs. H. D. Renning. NOTES: Today’s objective was for you to
experience history related to World War II with the help of the two guest speakers. In addition, the
lesson plan for next Tuesday is for you to type a business letter that will be sent to Dr. and Mrs.
NOTE: The orange handout from 1/3/13 called “Consumer and Workplace Documents B” may be
turned in on Monday, 1/7/13, still eligible for full credit.
Daily Agendas
West High, Tracy, CA
Mr. Headrick
Sophomore English
MONDAY – 12/10/12 – (Standards covered today: Reading 3.5)
Finals begin 2 school days from now. Use the blue study guide handout to study for this period’s
Finals review handout: “The Bass, the River, and Sheila Mant.” (Literature book, pgs. 244-251)
15 extra credit points possible. Completed and turned in.
REMINDER: Take advantage of the extra credit handout from last Friday (“Analogies from Into
Thin Air”). 5 extra credit points possible.
REMINDER: A test on the proper use of verbs will be part of the semester final. You should study
the Irregular Verbs Handout 10 minutes per day until then.
TUESDAY – 12/11/12 – (Standards covered: all first semester standards)
Finals begin tomorrow. Use the blue study guide handout to study for this period’s final.
Irregular Verbs Pretest. Reveiwed answers.
General Final Pretest. Reviewed answers.
NOTE: Don’t throw away your remaining 1st semester papers! For example, the Proofreading
Warm-Ups will be collected in January.
REMINDER: A test on the proper use of verbs will be part of the semester final. You should study
the Irregular Verbs Handout 10 minutes per day until then.
NOTICE – This is the procedure for the day of the final:
A – Put your cell phone, music device, etc., in your back pack and/or with your books and papers.
B – Put all of these things in the front of the room.
C – When everyone is finished with the final, please retrieve your things.
WEDNESDAY – 12/12/12 – (Standards covered: First-semester standards.)
Semester Finals for periods 1 and 2 only.
General 1st Semester Final Test. Goal: at least 80% correct.
Irregular Verbs Final Test. Goal: at least 80% correct.
Feel free to take home any of your graded first semester papers that are still here.
NOTE: Don’t throw away your ungraded 1st semester papers! For example, the Proofreading
Warm-Ups will be collected in January.
THURSDAY – 12/13/12 – (Standards covered: First-semester standards.)
Semester Finals for periods 3 and 4 only.
General 1st Semester Final Test. Goal: at least 80% correct.
Irregular Verbs Final Test. Goal: at least 80% correct.
Feel free to take home any of your graded first semester papers that are still here.
NOTE: Don’t throw away your ungraded 1st semester papers! For example, the Proofreading
Warm-Ups will be collected in January.
FRIDAY – 12/14/12 – (Standards covered: First-semester standards.)
Semester Finals for periods 5 and 6 only.
General 1st Semester Final Test. Goal: at least 80% correct.
Irregular Verbs Final Test. Goal: at least 80% correct.
Feel free to take home any of your graded first semester papers that are still here.
NOTE: Don’t throw away your ungraded 1st semester papers! For example, the Proofreading
Warm-Ups will be collected in January.
Daily Agendas
West High, Tracy, CA
Mr. Headrick
Sophomore English
MONDAY – 12/3/12 – (Standards covered: Writing 1.1, 1.9; Listening and Speaking 1.2; English Language
Conventions 1.3)
Proofreading Warm-Up J. [See 11/13/12 agenda for directions. Used the same paper as before.]
Here is the incorrect version of Proofreading Warm-Up J:
1 – The Color Purple, winning the pulitzer prize in fiction in 1983.
2 – that is the most coldest milk of the world
Comparing Media Genres, Day 4: Critiquing last Thursday’s introductory paragraphs using a
paragraph critique form. NOTE: This is the conclusion of this activity.
Turned in critique forms.
TOMORROW: Bring the grammar handout called “Subject-Verb Agreement: Special Problems.”
REMINDER: A test on the proper use of verbs will be part of the semester final later on this
month. You should study the Irregular Verbs Handout 10 minutes per day until then.
TUESDAY – 12/4/12 – (Standards covered: English Language Conventions 1.3)
Reviewed the homework handout called “Subject-Verb Agreement: Special Problems.” Worked on
this in class. NOTE: Bring this to class tomorrow. It is due by the end of the period tomorrow,
Handout: “The Battle Between Objects and Nominatives.” [This covers the concept of identifying
the correct pronouns to use in the nominative (“you and I”) vs. the objective (“you and me”) cases.]
Completed the blanks on this handout in class. Discussed.
Used the above handout as a reference. Completed Pronouns worksheet. (Wrote answers on a
separate paper. Turned in.)
[See #5 of 12/3/12 agenda.]
WEDNESDAY – 12/5/12 – (Standards covered: English Language Conventions 1.3)
Finished and turned in the handout called “Subject-Verb Agreement: Special Problems.”
Handout: “Agreement of Pronoun & Antecedent, plus Modifiers.” Worked on in class. Handout
was stamped. NOTE: This handout is due on or before this Friday, 12/7/12.
[See #5 of 12/3/12 agenda.]
THURSDAY – 12/6/12 – (Standards covered: Reading 3.8)
The Irony of the Titanic! Began completing this handout. This lesson included viewing a 32minute documentary called "Tales from the Titanic," experiencing the personal information of some
of the passengers, experiencing (using a bucket of ice water and rock salt) how cold the water was
that the Titanic passengers suddenly found themselves in, and answering questions based on Titanic
accounts in the literature book. NOTE: Plan to complete and turn in this handout in class
tomorrow, using the literature book.
REMINDER: Handout: Agreement of Pronoun & Antecedent, plus Modifiers.
~ Entire handout is due tomorrow, 12/7/12. 35 pts. possible.
[See #5 of 12/3/12 agenda.]
FRIDAY – 12/7/12 – (Standards covered: Writing 1.2; Reading 1.1, 3.8; English Language Convnetions 1.3)
REMINDER: Finals begin 3 school days from now. Use the blue study guide handout to study for
this period’s final.
Semester Final preparation: Focus 3 Post Test. 8 pts. possible. Wrote answers on a separate paper.
Turned in.
Finished and turned in the handout called “Agreement of Pronoun & Antecedent, plus Modifiers.”
Finished and turned in yesterday’s Titanic handout.
Extra credit handout: Analogies from Into Thin Air.
[See #5 of 12/3/12 agenda.]
Daily Agendas
West High, Tracy, CA
Mr. Headrick
Sophomore English
MONDAY – 11/26/12 – (Standards covered: English Language Conventions 1.3; Reading 3.8)
Proofreading Warm-Up E. [See 11/13/12 agenda for directions. Used the same paper as before.]
Here is the incorrect version of Proofreading Warm-Up E:
1 – unfortunately i have a sister whose alot like Dee
2 – because the daughter didnt think of herself as any kindof a prodigy at playing the piano
Handout: Semester Final Study Guide. Discussed. (Please note: A test on the proper use of verbs will be part of the
semester final in December. You should study the Irregular Verbs Handout 10 minutes per day until then.)
Used the pink handout ("Irony, Ambiguity, Subtlety, Contradiction, and Incongruity") as a reference while answering (on
a separate paper) questions from the handout called Evaluating Irony, Ambiguity, Etc. through the medium of film.
(Purpose: review of these 5 concepts. Used the “Dance of the Hours” segment from Disney’s Fantasia [1940, rated G] as
the film medium to evaluate.)
Turned in the pink handout and the answers to the “Evaluating” handout in #3 above.
IMPORTANT: You are excused from completing the questions from the “Evaluating” handout in #3 above if your
absence for today was excused. You should still plan to turn in the pink handout tomorrow.
TUESDAY – 11/27/12 – (Standards covered: English Language Conventions 1.3; Reading 1.1, 2.3)
Proofreading Warm-Up F. [See 11/13/12 agenda for directions. Used the same paper as yesterday.]
Here is the incorrect version of Proofreading Warm-Up F:
1 – i cant believe it the banker said how can you think money is more important than time
2 – id be happy replied the lawyer to give up time for money
In preparation for the Comparing Media Genres workshop that will begin tomorrow, we used the literature book to
complete the handout called Evaluating Sources, covering pgs. 366-373 of the Literature Book. (This included evaluating
the newspaper article "Explorers Say There's Still Lots to Look For" and working with Greek and Latin word roots.)
Completed handout in class and turned in.
Homework handout: “Subject-Verb Agreement: Special Problems”. Due on or before Friday, 11/30/12.
WEDNESDAY – 11/28/12 – (Standards covered: Writing 1.1; English Language Conventions 1.3; Listening and Speaking 1.2)
Proofreading Warm-Up G. [See 11/13/12 agenda for directions. Used the same paper as yesterday.]
Here is the incorrect version of Proofreading Warm-Up G:
1 – grandma tell us that story again the children clamored
2 – tell us the story about the boy with no last name who you dance with that night they pleaded
Comparing Media Genres, Day 1: Completed handout that included a Venn Diagram, blanks to fill
in, and a Prewriting analysis of your choice of news accounts from 3 current events. Handout was
stamped. NOTE: The stamp counts for points, depending on where it is on your paper. (Today’s work involved an
extra credit Checking For Understanding opportunity during completion of the handout.)
NOTE: Bring today's handout back tomorrow to use in the next step of the Comparing Media Genres workshop.
REMINDER: Homework handout: “Subject-Verb Agreement: Special Problems.” Due on or before Friday, 11/30/12.
THURSDAY – 11/29/12 – (Standards covered: Writing 1.1, 1.9; English Language Conventions 1.3; Listening and Speaking 1.2)
Proofreading Warm-Up H. [See 11/13/12 agenda for directions. Used the same paper as before.]
Here is the incorrect version of Proofreading Warm-Up H:
1 – john steinbeck almost didnt except the nobel prize, he was afraid that he wouldnt wright any more
2 – during the great depression of the 1930s in the midwest
Comparing Media Genres, Day 2: Completed the handout called "Sophomore Literature – Comparing Media Genres,
Part II." (Filled in the blanks. Filled in the Draft Graphic Organizer (which was stamped). Then wrote the introductory
paragraph. 30 pts. possible. Turned in handout. NOTE: You will be critiquing the introductory paragraphs by students
from other periods beginning tomorrow, so this handout must be turned in today in order to receive credit for it.
REMINDER: Homework handout: “Subject-Verb Agreement: Special Problems”. Due tomorrow.
FRIDAY – 11/30/12 – (Standards covered: Writing 1.1, 1.9; English Language Conventions 1.3; Listening and Speaking 1.2)
Proofreading Warm-Up I. [See 11/13/12 agenda for directions. Used the same paper as before.]
Here is the incorrect version of Proofreading Warm-Up I:
1 – a strongly, detailed, precise, setting effects the readers emotions
2 – Boys and Girls is a short story that is setted in tough brutally hard ranch country in canada
2. Due date for homework handout called “Subject-Verb Agreement: Special Problems” has been extended. PLEASE BRING
3. Comparing Media Genres, Day 3: Critiquing yesterday’s introductory paragraphs using a paragraph critique form. NOTE: This
process will conclude next Monday, 12/3/12.
Daily Agendas
West High, Tracy, CA
Mr. Headrick
Sophomore English
MONDAY – 11/12/12 – Veterans Day Holiday. No classes scheduled.
TUESDAY – 11/13/12 – (Standards covered: English Language Conventions 1.3.)
Proofreading Warm-Up A. [Directions: Label a separate paper “Proofreading Warm-Ups.” Correct the 2 sentences in
Warm-Up A and copy them onto your paper the correct way. Don’t copy the incorrect version. Get them stamped. Then
check your work and correct your work.]
Here is the incorrect version of Proofreading Warm-Up A:
1 – the pilot had no alternative, stowaways must face judgment
2 – the group told the hospital to begin cutting costs, ask its employees for ideas, and
starting a community outreach program
Verbs: took notes from a power point presentation on verb forms and usage. Notes were stamped.
Irregular Verbs Handout. Discussed and reviewed verbs on pages 1 & 2 of this handout. Made notes on handout.
NOTE: A test on the proper use of verbs will be part of the Semester Final in December.
NOTICE: For those of you who did not present your views during last week’s Student Congress, the current plan is for
the Congress to open again this Friday, 11/16/12. Tentatively, the topic will be extreme sports and will relate to what we
work on in class this week.
WEDNESDAY – 11/14/12 – (Standards covered: Reading 3.8; English Language Conventions 1.3.)
Proofreading Warm-Up B. [See 11/13/12 agenda for directions. Used the same paper as yesterday.]
Here is the incorrect version of Proofreading Warm-Up B:
1 – in 1954, when the short story The Cold Equations were written, no people had yet went into outer space
2 – him and me enjoy sience fiction because its exiting and imaginative
Irregular Verbs Handout. Discussed and reviewed verbs on page 3 of this handout. Made notes on handout.
Handout: Recognizing and evaluating the impact of irony, and also introducing ambiguity, subtlety, contradiction, and
incongruity. 20 pts. possible. Completed as a class. Stamped. Keep this for now.
NOTE: A test on the proper use of verbs will be part of the Semester Final in December.
NOTICE: For those of you who did not present your views during last week’s Student Congress, the current plan is for
the Congress to open again this Friday, 11/16/12. Tentatively, the topic will be extreme sports and will relate to what we
work on in class this week.
THURSDAY – 11/15/12 – (Standards covered: Reading 3.8; English Language Conventions 1.3.)
Proofreading Warm-Up C. [See 11/13/12 agenda for directions. Used the same paper as yesterday.]
Here is the incorrect version of Proofreading Warm-Up C:
1 – Next monday us students will read our rough drafts to one and other
2 – Alarmed by the storm, the campers’ equipment was hastily loaded into the truck
Irregular Verbs Handout: Discussed and reviewed verbs on pages 4-6 of this handout. Made notes on handout.
Handout: Irony in Real Life, Part I. 15 pts. possible. Completed and turned in.
NOTE: A test on the proper use of verbs will be part of the Semester Final in December.
NOTICE: For those of you who did not present your views during last week’s Student Congress, the current plan is for
the Congress to open again tomorrow. Tentatively, the topic will be extreme sports and will relate to what we work on in
class this week.
FRIDAY – 11/16/12 – (Standards covered: Reading 1.1, 3.8; English Language Conventions 1.3;
Listening & Speaking 1.0, 1.1, 1.3, 1.5, 1.6, 2.5)
Proofreading Warm-Up D. [See 11/13/12 agenda for directions. Used the same paper as yesterday.]
Here is the incorrect version of Proofreading Warm-Up D:
1 – george has never wrote no novels and don’t think he never will
2 – alice walker who was the most young of 8 children
Handout: Irony in Real Life, Part II. 10 pts. possible. Completed and turned in.
Student Congress supplemental [Reopened the Student Congress, debating sports issues, in order for students to gain the
maximum amount of credit for the Congress.]
NOTE: A test on the proper use of verbs will be part of the Semester Final in December.
Daily Agendas
West High, Tracy, CA
Mr. Headrick
Sophomore English
MONDAY – 11/05/12 – (Standards covered: Listening & Speaking 1.0, 1.1, 1.3, 1.5, 1.6, 2.5.)
“That's Debatable!” (Preparation for this week’s Student Congress.) This is a 2-sided handout describing the
formal Debate and Student Congress process. Discussed and filled in the blanks on this handout.
NOTE: Keep this handout to study for the upcoming quiz.
A quiz on the information in the above handout ("That's Debatable!") is scheduled for this Wednesday,
11/07/12, at the beginning of the period, before the Student Congress opens.
Controversial Issue Handout. 70 points possible. Handed this out and gave directions for completing it.
Began completing this in class. HOMEWORK: Complete the remaining sections of this handout and bring
it to class tomorrow, 11/6/12. Plan to have this handout graded in class at that time. You will use it on
Wednesday and Thursday of this week during the Student Congress.
TUESDAY – 11/06/12 – (Standards covered: Listening & Speaking 1.0, 1.1, 1.3, 1.5, 1.6, 2.5.)
REMINDERS: QUIZ at the beginning of class TOMORROW, 11/07/12, on information in the yellow
handout called "That's Debatable," which describes the formal Debate and Student Congress process. Student
Congress opens tomorrow after the quiz. Plan to turn in all Student Congress / Debate handouts on Thursday,
11/08/12. [NOTE: To prepare for tomorrow’s quiz, see the copy of the overhead in the reference section of
this binder or website called “QUIZ WILL HAPPEN immediately before the Student Congress opens.”]
Evaluated Debate Speeches (recorded on Holt instructional videocassette) in order to get information about
the best ways to word and present the paragraph on the blue Controversial Issue Handout. Completed the
white handout called "Video Think Sheet: Debate" by responding to specific questions about 4 separate
speeches. White Video Think Sheet handout was stamped. NOTE: You are exempt from completing this
Video Think Sheet if your absence for this day was excused.
Worked on completing the Controversial Issue Handout. Evaluated several in class / gave input for proper
Prefixes List 3 handout is due on or before this Friday, 11/9/12.
WEDNESDAY – 11/07/12 – (Standards covered: Listening & Speaking 1.0, 1.1, 1.3, 1.5, 1.6, 2.5.)
Quiz: Student Congress and Debate information.
Student Congress, Day 1. 96 pts. possible.
NOTE: Plan to turn in all Student Congress / Debate handouts tomorrow.
Prefixes List 3 handout is due on or before this Friday, 11/9/12.
THURSDAY – 11/08/12 – (Standards covered: Listening & Speaking 1.0, 1.1, 1.3, 1.5, 1.6, 2.5.)
Conclusion of Student Congress (Day 2).
Turned in the following handouts: "That's Debatable!" (yellow); "Video Think Sheet: Debate"
(white), unless you were excused from this; "Controversial Issue Handout" (blue).
NOTICE: For those of you who did not present your views during this week’s Student Congress,
the current plan is for the Congress to open again next Friday, 11/16/12. Tentatively, the topic will
be extreme sports and will relate to what we work on in class next week.
Prefixes List 3 handout is due on or before this Friday, 11/9/12.
FRIDAY – 11/09/12 – (Standards covered: Reading 2.8; Common Core Speaking & Listening 1.c and 1.d)
Group work responses to controversial issues:
Handout for evaluating opposite arguments about Good Samaritan Laws.
~ In class, we read/listened to the 2 opposing newspaper articles in the literature book about
this issue (literature book, pgs. 286-289).
~ Everyone completed the accompanying handout and turned this in.
Then, each group discussed yesterday’s Student Congress issue, came to an agreement, and
completed one handout per group called “Student Congress Follow-Up Group
~ Turned in group recommendations handout.
Turned in Prefixes List 3 handout.
Daily Agendas
West High, Tracy, CA
Mr. Headrick
Sophomore English
MONDAY – 10/29/12 – (Standards covered: Reading 3.2)
"And of Clay Are We Created," Day 1: Used Literature book, beginning on pg. 256. After
considering some background information, we began listening to the Holt audio CD recording of
this literature segment while reading along in the book.
Began responding to the event upon which this story is based by completing the handout (20 pts.
possible) that accompanies this: got through prompt "D" on pg. 1 of the handout. Handout was
stamped. NOTE: Bring this handout back to class tomorrow in order to complete it while
reading/listening to the rest of the story.
TUESDAY – 10/30/12 – (Standards covered: Reading 3.2.)
Finished "And of Clay Are We Created." Used Literature book, beginning on pg. 260. Completed
responses to this story on the handout which we started yesterday.
Considered the newspaper article "Ill-Equipped Rescuers Dig Out Volcano Victims; Aid Slow to
Reach Colombian Town" on pgs. 267-269 of the Literature book. Answered questions on the
handout about this article, which gives factual information that was the basis for the short story.
Viewed and listened to the Holt videocassette called "Hard Choices and Human Compassion,"
about a similar natural disaster in the U.S. Answered questions on the handout about this video
Turned in handout. 20 pts. possible.
WEDNESDAY – 10/31/12 – (Standards covered: Reading 1.2)
Denotation vs. Connotation: distinguishing between these two terms. Video with accompanying handout.
(The Legend of Sleepy Hollow – Walt Disney Productions [animated], rated G.) 15 pts. possible.
Completed and turned in handout. NOTE: If your absence for this day was excused, then you are
exempt from this assignment.
THURSDAY – 11/01/12 – (Standards covered: Reading 3.2)
Heroes Across Different Genres, Part I.
Handout (blue) covering the following: "The Man in the Water" – a published essay in the
Sophomore Literature Book, pgs. 272-277.
Completed and turned in handout. 15 pts. possible.
Handout (goldenrod): “Connections: Human Nature” (some proverbial sayings of Mark Twain).
10 pts. possible. Rewrote these on a separate paper. Turned in.
FRIDAY – 11/2/12 – (Standards covered: Reading 1.2, 2.8, and 3.2.)
Heroes Across Different Genres, Part II: Origin of the legal term “Good Samaritan.”
Handout (green) covering the following:
~ "The Good Samaritan" – a parable in the sophomore literature Book, pg. 278.
~ "A State Championship Versus Runner's Conscience" – personal essay in the sophomore
literature book, pgs. 279-280.
Completed and turned in handout.
Prefixes List 3 handout. Worked on in class. NOTE: Plan to turn this in next week.
Daily Agendas
West High, Tracy, CA
Mr. Headrick
Sophomore English
MONDAY – 10/22/12 – Parent-Teacher Conferences. No classes scheduled.
TUESDAY – 10/23/12 – (Standards covered: Reading 1.1, 3.2 and 3.5; English Language Conventions 1.3)
Reading Standard 1.1 Post Test. (NOTE: This is the same as the pretest you took at the beginning of school.)
Wrote letters of the correct answers on a separate paper. Turned in. 7 pts. possible.
“Errors to avoid in formal English communication.” Reviewed an overhead containing this information.
Copied key parts of this overhead into your English notes. [See the Reference section of this website or
binder for a copy of the overhead called “Errors to AVOID in formal essay writing.”]
Handout: “Catch the Moon” and “The Secret Heart” – Day 1. (Focused on heart, theme, generalizations, and
predictions.) This exercise included analyzing an overhead of the painting The Kitchen Window by Leo
Whelan and practicing the steps involved in one method of figuring out the theme of this painting.
Worked through portions of this handout in class. NOTE: Bring this handout back tomorrow and plan to
complete it in class tomorrow and turn it in then.
ADDITIONAL agenda items for period 3 (due to the time taken for last week’s earthquake drill during 3 rd period):
~ Homonyms List 2 handout. For 3rd period this will be due Thursday, 10/25/12.
~ Period 3 finished Focus 2 and 3 Pretests that were started last Friday. (Wrote answers on a
paper; turned in.)
WEDNESDAY – 10/24/12 – (Standards covered: Reading 1.1, 3.2, and 3.5)
Finished yesterday’s handout called “Catch the Moon” and “The Secret Heart” – Day 1. Turned in.
25 pts. possible.
Handout: “Catch the Moon” and “The Secret Heart” – Day 2. 15 pts. possible. (Focused on
figurative language and writing style.) Today’s work included reading and listening to the story
“Catch the Moon,” with an emphasis on the use of idioms, similes, and metaphors. (Interactive
Reader, pgs. 117-128.) Periods 2, 4, 5, and 6 completed this handout and turned it in. Period 3 –
since we’re still playing “catch-up” from the time taken for the earthquake drill, we will finish this
Day 2 handout in class tomorrow prior to turning it in.
REMINDER: Period 3 – Homonyms List 2 handout is due tomorrow.
THURSDAY – 10/25/12 – (Standards covered: Reading 3.2 and 3.5; English Language Conventions 1.3)
Handout: “Catch the Moon” and “The Secret Heart” – Day 3. (Focused on comparing universal
themes.) Completed in class and turned in.
Completed either selection response worksheet A or B for “Catch the Moon” and “The Secret
Heart.” Wrote answers on a separate paper. Turned in. 10 pts. possible.
Handout – “Subject-Verb Agreement: the Basics.” Used class set of Holt Handbooks. Completed
through letter D on the back of this handout. NOTE: bring this back tomorrow and plan to finish it
in class tomorrow. 25 pts. possible.
Showed an overhead transparency of Persuasive Presentation notes to turn in tomorrow. 35 pts.
possible. [See the Reference section of this website or binder for a copy of this overhead, labeled
Period 3: Finished and turned in yesterday’s handout (“Catch the Moon” and “The Secret Heart” –
Day 2). Also turned in Homonyms List 2 handout.
FRIDAY – 10/26/12 – (Standards covered: Writing 1.0, 1.3, 2.0, 2.3, 2.4; Listening & Speaking 1.3, 2.0,
2.3, 2.5; English Language Conventions 1.3)
Finished and turned in the handout from yesterday called “Subject-Verb Agreement: the Basics.”
25 pts. possible.
Turned in the Persuasive Presentation notes and handouts, per yesterday’s agenda. 35 pts. possible.
[See the Reference section of this website or binder for a copy of the overhead labeled
“PERSUASIVE PRESENTATION Papers To Turn In” for the specific papers covered by this
Daily Agendas
West High, Tracy, CA
Mr. Headrick
Sophomore English
MONDAY – 10/15/12 – (Standards covered: Writing 1.3, 2.3, 2.4; Listening & Speaking 1.3, 2.3, 2.5)
Assigned Persuasive Speech dates. (Check with me if you missed this!)
Analyzing a Persuasive Speech: completed the handout called "Video Think Sheet: Persuasive Speech" while
viewing the Holt video that demonstrates a student giving a Persuasive Speech as other students give him
constructive feedback.
[NOTE: You are excused from this assignment if you have an excused absence for this day.]
REMINDER: Interview is due TOMORROW. 20 pts. possible.
REMINDER: Persuasive speeches will be this Wednesday and Thursday (10/17 and 10/18). 75 pts. possible.
(Additional reminder: The most you can earn for being prompted for the speech is 55/75 pts. = 73%. But
you have to earn that.)
TUESDAY – 10/16/12 – (Standards covered: Writing 1.3, 2.3, 2.4; Listening & Speaking 1.3, 2.3, 2.5)
Discussed/reviewed the school-wide official Emergency Response Plan, including different scenarios for
different types of emergencies.
Discussed how the persuasive speech will be graded. [See copy of the overhead in the Reference section of
the website or assignment binder called “How your Persuasive Speech will be Graded” for details.]
Gave credit for Interview homework assignment. 20 points possible.
Organized / wrote / practiced the final draft of the Persuasive Speech. Followed the steps in a set of 3
separate overheads for this purpose. [See copy of these 3 overheads in the Reference section of the website or
assignment binder. These overheads are called “Writing your Persuasive Speech.”]
REMINDER: Persuasive speeches will be this Wednesday and Thursday (10/17 and 10/18). 75 pts. possible.
(Additional reminder: The most you can earn for being prompted for the speech is 55/75 pts. = 73%. But
you have to earn that.)
WEDNESDAY – 10/17/12 – (Standards covered: Writing 1.1, 1.3, 2.3, 2.4; Listening & Speaking 1.1, 1.3, 2.5;
Reading 1.1)
Persuasive Speeches, Day 1. 75 pts. possible. (Reminder: The most you can earn for being prompted for the
speech is 55/75 pts. = 73%. But you have to earn that.)
CAUTION: During the speeches, you lose credit if: you talk to or interrupt a speaker during his or her
speech; you are noisy or disruptive (for example, with movement) during a speech; you talk to the teacher
during or immediately after a speech while he is still completing the grading form.
Plan to turn in all Persuasive Writing / Speaking papers next week.
THURSDAY – 10/18/12 – (Standards covered: Writing 1.1, 1.3, 2.3, 2.4; Listening & Speaking 1.1, 1.3, 2.5;
Reading 1.1)
Persuasive Speeches, Day 2. 75 pts. possible. (Reminder: The most you can earn for being prompted for the
speech is 55/75 pts. = 73%. But you have to earn that.)
CAUTION: During the speeches, you lose credit if: you talk to or interrupt a speaker during his or her
speech; you are noisy or disruptive (for example, with movement) during a speech; you talk to the teacher
during or immediately after a speech while he is still completing the grading form.
Plan to turn in all Persuasive Writing / Speaking papers next week.
FRIDAY – 10/19/12 – (Standards covered: Writing 1.9; English Language Conventions 1.2 and 1.3; Reading 1.1)
Focus 2 and 3 Pretests. Wrote answers on a separate paper. Turned in. 15 pts. possible.
Homonyms List 2 handout. Completed and turned in. 10 pts. possible.
Handed back and discussed autobiographical essays.
Persuasive Speech make-ups. (For grading policy see yesterday’s agenda.)
Plan to turn in all Persuasive Writing / Speaking papers next week.
Daily Agendas
West High, Tracy, CA
Mr. Headrick
Sophomore English
MONDAY – 10/08/12 – (Standards covered: Reading 1.1; English Language Conventions 1.3)
Handout: “Typhoid Fever” Vocabulary Table. Used dictionaries and literature books to complete the front of
this handout today. NOTE: Bring this back tomorrow and plan to finish it in class tomorrow.
The Adjective, Adverb, and Noun Clause handout. Completed pages 53 and 54 of this today in class. NOTE:
Bring this back tomorrow and plan to finish it in class tomorrow.
ANNOUNCEMENTS: The dates for presenting the persuasive speeches have been moved to 10/17/12 and
10/18/12. The interview assignment due date has been moved to 10/16/12.
TUESDAY – 10/09/12 – (Standards covered: Reading 1.1; English Language Conventions 1.3)
Completed the back of yesterday’s handout called “Typhoid Fever” Vocabulary Table. Turned in.
Completed pgs. 55, 56, 57, and 58 of yesterday’s handout on adjective, adverb, and noun clauses. Turned in.
Prefixes List 2 handout: began working on this in class. Plan to turn this in later on this week.
(See #3 of 10/08/12 agenda.)
WEDNESDAY – 10/10/12 – (Standards covered: Reading 1.1, 3.9)
“Typhoid Fever” by Frank McCourt. (Literature book, pgs. 193-199)
~ Voice.
~ Characters.
~ Personalities.
Worked on the handout for this in class today. NOTE: Continue working on this handout as homework, and
bring it back tomorrow.
Plan to turn in the Prefixes List 2 handout by this Friday, 10/12/12.
(See #3 of 10/08/12 agenda.)
THURSDAY – 10/11/12 – (Standards covered: Reading 2.3)
Finished and turned in yesterday’s yellow handout called “Typhoid Fever.”
Handout: "Typhoid Fever" Connections. [Covering "An Ancient Enemy Gets Tougher." (Sophomore
literature book, pgs. 207-209). This also involved analyzing an excerpt on Tuberculosis from the World
Health Organization’s disease classification system called International Classification of Diseases (ICD-9CM) as well as analyzing information on the recent pertussis epidemic in California (from the web sites of the
Centers for Disease Control, the California Department of Public Health, and the National Foundation for
Infectious Diseases.] Completed the front side of this handout. Stamped. NOTE: Plan to complete the rest
of this handout in class tomorrow and turn it in at that time.
Reminder: Prefixes List 2 handout is due by tomorrow.
ANNOUNCEMENTS: The dates for presenting the persuasive speeches have been moved to 10/17/12 and
10/18/12. The interview assignment due date has been moved to 10/16/12. Be sure to bring all your notes
about BAYER next week.
FRIDAY – 10/12/12 – (Standards covered: Reading 1.1, 2.3; English Language Conventions 1.3)
Finished and turned in yesterday’s handout called “Typhoid Fever” Connections.
Finished and turned in Prefixes List 2 handout (if you still needed to).
Handout: Homonyms List 1. Completed and turned in.
ANNOUNCEMENTS: The dates for presenting the persuasive speeches have been moved to 10/17/12 and
10/18/12. The interview assignment due date has been moved to 10/16/12. Be sure to bring all your notes
about BAYER next week.
Daily Agendas
West High, Tracy, CA
Mr. Headrick
Sophomore English
MONDAY – 10/01/12 – (Standards covered: Writing 1.0, 1.3, 2.0, 2.3, 2.4; Listening & Speaking 1.3, 2.0, 2.3, 2.5)
Took notes on excerpts from "Corporate Watch" company profiles and other internet articles that cite Bayer's
marketing of newly invented drugs without first assessing their side-effects, Bayer’s involvement in the
production of chemical warfare weapons, and other related issues. Discussed.
Please note: the unit we are currently going through requires you to prepare a Persuasive Speech. The issue
that you will be addressing in your speech is: How does the good that Bayer does today (by providing helpful
medicines and other things people need) compare to the things they have done as a company to get where
they are today?
TUESDAY – 10/02/12 – (Standards covered: Writing 1.3, 2.3, 2.4; Listening & Speaking 1.3, 2.5)
Bayer isn’t the only one! [Showed an overhead – see Reference Section of this website or binder – describing
other pharmaceutical companies that have marketed newly-developed drugs prior to thoroughly testing them
first. Also showed a second overhead – see Reference Section of this website or binder – that gives details
about an issue that came to national attention in 2010, concerning how the US had to apologize to Guatemala
for testing experimental medicines on Guatemalan citizens without their consent.]
Handout: Persuasive Presentation Guidelines. (Filled in blanks on this handout and discussed as a class.)
Viewed selected portions of the movie Schindler's List, which is a visual presentation of the issues we are
studying for the persuasive speaking assignment.
WEDNESDAY – 10/03/12 – (Standards covered: Writing 1.3, 2.3, 2.4; Listening & Speaking 1.3, 2.5)
NOTE: I received notice of a family emergency at the end of 2 nd period this morning. Therefore, the agenda below was left
to the teachers who could come to the class on an emergency basis throughout the day and sub for me.
On the same paper used for Monday’s notes, wrote: What is the issue? Then, listed the main arguments about the
Auschwitz prisoners issue as they pertain to Bayer and to the Survivors. Also listed general issues to do with Bayer as a
Handout: "Prewriting: Supporting Your Solution." Used yesterday's and today's notes to fill this out.
Interview Assignment handout called: "Think Sheet: Interviewing." Discussed this interview
assignment. Today in class the top part of this form was filled in. [See copy of the overhead called "Think
Sheet: Interviewing" in the Reference Section of this website or binder for the information to write on the top of this
handout.] You are to complete the rest of this handout during the interview that you conduct. Completed interview
and completed interviewing form are due TUESDAY, 10/09/12. 20 pts. possible. Plan to use the information from this
interview in your speech.
THURSDAY – 10/04/12 – (Standards covered: Writing 1.3, 2.3, 2.4; Listening & Speaking 1.3, 2.5)
Reviewed yesterday’s agenda. This included making sure everyone got all of yesterday’s handouts. Put up
the interview assignment overhead in order to make sure that everyone was able to complete the top part of
the interview assignment handout. [See Reference Section of this website or binder.]
Handout – “Writing: Draft Your Problem-Solution Analysis.” Completed the back of this handout first.
Then, used these as references while completing the front of this handout (which is the first draft of the
persuasive speech): the handwritten notes on Joseph Mengele and Bayer, the internet articles that we’ve
studied so far, the Persuasive Presentation Guidelines handout, and the Prewriting handout.
Reminder: Interview homework assignment – completed interview is due next Tuesday, 10/9/12. 20 pts.
FRIDAY – 10/05/12 – (Standards covered: Writing 1.3, 2.3, 2.4; Listening & Speaking 1.3, 2.5; Reading 1.1)
End of Quarter.
Handout: Focus Review 1 – Reading Standard 1.1 Follow-Up. Completed and turned in. 10 pts. possible.
Make sure you have completed the Prewriting and Draft handouts from Wednesday and Thursday of this
ANNOUNCEMENTS: Since I will have to be gone part of next week due to a family emergency, the
interview homework assignment due date has been moved to 10/16/12, and the persuasive speeches have
been moved to 10/17/12 and 10/18/12.
Daily Agendas
West High, Tracy, CA
Mr. Headrick
Sophomore English
MONDAY – 9/24/12 – (Standards covered: English Language Conventions 1.3)
Handout: The Clause Worksheet. Worked on this as a class. (Used class set of Holt Handbooks.)
Completed sections A through G. Plan to finish this worksheet in class tomorrow. 40 pts. possible.
Showed overhead transparency of English Notes to turn in tomorrow. 75 points possible. [See the
Reference section of this binder or website for a copy of this overhead.
TUESDAY – 9/25/12 – (Standards covered: English Language Conventions 1.3)
As a class, finished The Clause Worksheet that was started yesterday. Turned in. 40 pts. possible.
Discussed some of the grammatical differences between English and certain other languages that
make more grammatical sense than English does.
Homework handout on Participles, Gerunds, and Infinitives. 20 pts. possible. Discussed how to
complete this handout. Worked on this handout in class. The completed handout will be due this
Friday, 9/28/12.
Turned in English notes per yesterday’s agenda.
WEDNESDAY – 9/26/12 – (Standards covered: Reading 3.4, 3.7, 3.9)
Read / listened to "By the Waters of Babylon" by Stephen Vincent Benet (literature book, pgs. 141150), in preparation for the next project. Handed out accompanying worksheet.
Second period class finished and turned in this worksheet.
Third through Sixth period classes started working on this worksheet in class. NOTE: Bring
worksheet back tomorrow in order to complete it then.
REMINDER: Homework handout on Participles, Gerunds, and Infinitives is due this Friday,
09/28/12. 20 pts. possible.
THURSDAY – 9/27/12 – (Standards covered: Reading 3.4, 3.7, 3.9; Writing 1.0, 1.3, 2.0, 2.3, 2.4;
Listening & Speaking 1.3, 2.0, 2.3, 2.5)
Completed and turned in the worksheet about “By the Waters of Babylon” assigned yesterday.
Persuasive Writing and Speaking Assignments, Day 1. Followed a green, 2-sided handout of
instructions that required everyone to read and evaluate the internet article called “Josef Mengele:
The Angel of Death.” Written responses were stamped. NOTE: Bring written responses back
REMINDER: Homework handout on Participles, Gerunds, and Infinitives is due tomorrow,
9/28/12. 20 pts. possible.
FRIDAY – 9/28/12 – (Standards covered: Writing 1.0, 1.3, 2.0, 2.3, 2.4; Listening & Speaking 1.3, 2.0,
2.3, 2.5)
Turned in homework handout on Participles, Gerunds, and Infinitives. 20 pts. possible.
Read and evaluated two different internet articles: “Headaches for Bayer” and “Life as a Human
Guinea Pig.” NOTE: There is a blue, single-sided handout of instructions that describes the
written responses that are required based on these two articles. Written responses were stamped.
Bring written responses back next week.
Daily Agendas
West High, Tracy, CA
Mr. Headrick
Sophomore English
MONDAY – 9/17/12 – (Standards covered: Reading 2.5, 3.3, 3.4, 3.5)
“Everyday Use” connections. [See the Reference Section of this website or binder for a copy of the overhead
called “’Everyday Use’ connections”. This gives the directions for completing this assignment, which
involved primary and secondary sources. Turned in. 10 pts. possible.
Finished the character posters that we began last Friday. 20 pts. possible. Turned in. [See agenda for
9/14/12 for details.]
TUESDAY – 9/18/12 – (Standards covered: Reading 3.3, 3.12)
Viewed the Holt Video Connections video segment called "Chinese Americans: Culture and Contributions"
as an introduction to studying conflict and motivation as they are presented in the short story “Two Kinds” by
Amy Tan.
Read / listened to “Two Kinds” by Amy Tan (literature book, pgs. 99 – 107).
Completed “Two Kinds” handout. 15 pts. possible. Turned in.
WEDNESDAY – 9/19/12 – (Standards covered: Reading 1.1; English Language Conventions 1.3)
Used pg. 98 of the literature book. Worked in pairs to create vocabulary posters for the 10 key vocabulary
words listed there. (Each poster contains the vocabulary word, its definition, its part of speech, a correct
synonym, a correct antonym, a sentence using the word, and some form of graphic illustration of the word.)
Turned in. NOTE: Plan to use these vocabulary posters in class later this week.
Handout: Direct Objects and Indirect Objects. 20 pts. possible. Due at the end of class on Friday, 9/21/12.
THURSDAY – 9/20/12 – (Standards covered: Writing 1.1, 2.1a-2.1e)
Viewed an overhead of the black-and-white photo by Dorothea Lange called "Migrant Mother."
Based on this photo, did the following on a separate piece of paper:
Wrote a 5-sentence paragraph answering this:
~ What do you see, think, and feel when you view this photograph?
Wrote another 5-sentence paragraph answering this:
~ What can you infer about the people in this photograph?
Labeled the paper Photo Biography.
Completed the handout "Biographical Writing, Day 1" in class.
Stamped Photo Biography paragraphs described in #1 above. Stamped the biographical writing
handout described in #2 above. NOTE: The stamps count for points, depending on where they are
on the papers. Bring these papers back tomorrow for further work.
REMINDER: Handout on direct and indirect objects will be due at the end of class tomorrow,
9/21/12. [Hint: direct and indirect objects are never found inside prepositional phrases.]
FRIDAY – 9/21/12 – (Standards covered: Writing 1.1, 2.1a-2.1e; English Language Conventions 1.3)
Biographical Writing, Day 2:
~ Used yesterday’s Biographical Writing, Day 1 handout as a reference.
~ On the back of yesterday’s Photo Biography writing, students rewrote Anecdote 1 and
Anecdote 2, which were outlined yesterday. (Requirements: each anecdote had to be
rewritten in paragraph form; each anecdote had to be at least 6 sentences long; at least 2 of
the 10 key vocabulary words from “Two Kinds” had to appear in these rewrites.)
~ Stapled the above pages together and turned them in.
Completed and turned in the grammar handout on direct and indirect objects that was passed out on
Wednesday, 9/19/12. 20 pts. possible.
Extra credit handout (Predicate Nominatives, Predicate Adjectives, & Direct Objects in the Auto Shop) was
available for those who finished early.
Daily Agendas
West High, Tracy, CA
Mr. Headrick
Sophomore English
MONDAY – 9/10/12 – (Standards covered: Reading 1.1; English Language Conventions 1.3)
Handout: Prepositional Phrases in the Auto Shop. This handout was discussed, particularly in
terms of the importance of recognizing prepositional phrases in on-the-job procedure manuals. We
completed this handout as a class. Answers were reviewed.
Handout: Predicate Nominatives and Predicate Adjectives. Referred to Prepositional Phrases
handout while working on pages 31 and 32 of this in class. NOTE: Plan to continue working on
this handout tomorrow in class.
PLEASE NOTE: The Prefixes List 1 handout from last Friday (9/7/12) will be included in a future
agenda later on this week.
TUESDAY – 9/11/12 – (Standards covered: Reading 1.1; English Language Conventions 1.3)
Finished pgs. 31 and 32 of yesterday’s Predicate Nominatives handout. Handout was stamped.
Follow-up to Predicate Nominatives handout: Predicate Adjectives. [See copy of the overhead
called “Predicate Adjectives – (pgs. 33-34)” in the Reference Section of this website or binder for
instructions in completing this assignment.] Turned in. 15 pts. possible.
Completed and turned in Prefixes List 1 handout. 10 pts. possible.
Homework handout: "Identifying Predicate Nominatives and Predicate Adjectives" (on green
paper). Due on or before Friday, 9/14/12. NOTE: Do NOT do #8 on the back of this handout
(from pg. 53 of the Holt Handbook), since that question is too complex and is not really
WEDNESDAY – 9/12/12 – (Standards covered: Reading 1.1, 1.3, 3.3, 3.4; English Language Conventions 1.3)
REMINDER: (See #4 of 9/11/12 agenda.)
"Everyday Use," Part 1. Completed through the first part of #4 of the Response Worksheet
(covering the Interactive Reader from pg. 50 to pg. 53). Stamped. NOTE: Bring this Response
Worksheet back tomorrow to continue working on it in class.
THURSDAY – 9/13/12 – (Standards covered: Reading 1.3, 3.3, 3.4)
REMINDER: (See #4 of 9/11/12 agenda.)
“Everyday Use,” Part 2.
(A) Read / listened to the story and discussed it. (Interactive Reader, pgs. 54-65)
(B) Began completing pg. 2 of the Response Worksheet for “Everyday Use” that was
started yesterday. NOTE: Bring the Response Worksheet back tomorrow for
further use.
FRIDAY – 9/14/12 – (Standards covered: English Language Conventions 1.3; Reading 3.3, 3.4, 3.5)
Reviewed with the class again how to figure out prepositional phrases, subjects, verbs, predicate
nominatives, and predicate adjectives, and, as a class, we worked on portions of the green
homework handout called “Identifying Predicate Nominatives and Predicate Adjectives.” Then,
time was set aside during the period for everyone to finish and turn in this handout.
Used “Everyday Use” Response Worksheet from yesterday as a reference. Answered a set of
questions (from separate worksheets labeled either “A” or “B”) for “Everyday Use,” covering the
selection, terminology, and vocabulary. Wrote answers on a separate paper. Turned in. 10 pts.
In pairs, began work on a character poster, using the literature book, according to the instructions
provided on a separate handout. This character poster links “Everyday Use” with two follow-up
pieces in the literature book (on pgs. 84 and 85). 20 pts. possible. NOTE: Plan to finish this
character poster in class next Monday, 9/17/12.
Daily Agendas
West High, Tracy, CA
Mr. Headrick
Sophomore English
MONDAY – 9/03/12 – Labor Day Holiday – no classes scheduled.
TUESDAY – 9/04/12
PERIODS 2 THROUGH 5: (Standards covered: Writing 1.0, 1.1, 1.2, 2.1a, 2.1b, 2.1c, 2.1d, and 2.1e)
Autobiographical Narrative In-Class Writing Workshop, Day 2. [Continued writing where we left
off last Friday, following the directions on the separate set of overheads.]
Today's work was stamped. (NOTE: The stamps count for part of the overall points possible for
this writing workshop.) 20 points possible for today’s work, which included completing the
PERIOD 6 – (Same agenda and standards covered as that for periods 2-5 on 8/31/12)
WEDNESDAY – 9/05/12
PERIODS 2 THROUGH 5: (Standards covered: Writing 1.0, 1.1, 1.2, 2.1a, 2.1b, 2.1c, 2.1d, and 2.1e)
Autobiographical Narrative In-Class Writing Workshop, Day 3:
Showed an overhead indicating what I will be looking for when I grade the autobiographical essay.
160 points possible. [See copy of this overhead in the Reference section of this website or binder.]
NOTE: Plan to write the final draft of this essay in class this Friday, 9/7/12. Plan to turn in all of
this workshop’s writing at the end of class that day. Late essays (received after Friday, 9/7/12) are
only eligible for ½ credit after they’re graded.
Referred to sophomore literature book, pgs. 58-60, as a reference and a writing model for this type
of essay.
Wrote the first draft of the essay, following the directions on the separate set of overheads.
Today's work was stamped. (NOTE: The stamps count for part of the overall points possible for
this writing workshop.) 20 points possible for today’s work, which included completing the rough
REMINDER: Periods 2 through 5 are scheduled to attend the Point Break interpersonal
communications seminar tomorrow, 9/6/12.
PERIOD 6 – (Same agenda and standards covered as that for periods 2-5 on 9/04/12).
THURSDAY – 9/06/12
PERIODS 2 THROUGH 5 attended the Point Break interpersonal communications seminar.
PERIOD 6 – (Same agenda and standards covered as that for periods 2-5 on 9/05/12)
FRIDAY – 9/07/12 – (Standards covered: Writing 1.0, 1.1, 1.2, 2.1a, 2.1b, 2.1c, 2.1d, and 2.1e; Reading 1.1)
Autobiographical Narrative In-Class Writing Workshop, Day 4.
Wrote final draft of autobiographical essay: used ink; skipped every other line on the paper; wrote
on one side of the paper only.
Stapled final draft on top of all other notes and writing done during this workshop. Turned in. 160
points possible.
NOTE: Late papers (received after today, Friday, 9/7/12) are only eligible for half credit after
being graded.
Handout: Prefixes List 1. 10 pts. possible. Worked on this in class today. NOTE: Plan to finish
this in class next week.
Daily Agendas
West High, Tracy, CA
Mr. Headrick
Sophomore English
MONDAY – 8/27/12 – (Reading 2.4, 3.5, 3.12; Writing 2.1)
The beginnings of Night. (Began reading from the class set of the autobiography Night, by Elie Wiesel, pgs. 1-5.)
The first occupation (Night, pgs. 6-9).
The ghetto. (Night, pgs. 9-10.)
Illusion. [Discussed how Elie Wiesel described the events between pgs. 9 and 10 as "illusion."
Showed the drawing called All Is Vanity by Charles Allen Gilbert. Discussed everyone's first impressions of this illusion,
then looked at the drawing more closely. Compared this drawing to Night, pgs. 9 and 10.]
REMINDER: Homework Handout: Subject and Verbs Worksheet. 40 pts. possible. Due on or before this Thursday,
8/30/12, except for students in 6th period. For students in 6th period, since they have been scheduled by the school district
to attend the Point Break interpersonal communication seminar on 8/30/12, this assignment is due on or before Friday,
8/31/12. (NOTE: Use your copy of the Holt Handbook to complete this assignment at home.)
TUESDAY – 8/28/12 – (Reading 3.12; Writing 2.1)
Journal: Night, pg. 4. Discussed. [See the Reference Section of the assignment binder or the website for a copy of the
overhead that explains how to complete this particular journal.] Today's journals were stamped.
The news. (Read/discussed Night, pgs. 10-14.)
Expulsion. (Read/discussed sections of Night, pgs. 14-20.)
HOMEWORK: The Yellow Dot. 20 pts. possible. [The purpose of this assignment is for you to experience in a nonthreatening way some of what political prisoners experienced during the Holocaust. This is a 24-hour assignment during
which you decide when to wear a plain yellow, press-apply dot to see how people will respond to it, how you will feel
about it, etc. Come to class tomorrow with the dot on and write what you are asked to write; then you will be eligible to
receive the 20 points.]
REMINDER: Homework Handout: Subject and Verbs Worksheet. 40 pts. possible. (See point #5 of 8/27/12 agenda for
WEDNESDAY – 8/29/12 – (Reading 3.12; Writing 2.1)
Discussed responses to The Yellow Dot assignment.
Written response to The Yellow Dot assignment (20 pts possible). Turned in.
One Suitcase. [Displayed a small suitcase from the 1940's. Discussed the following question: "If this was all the space
you'd had and you were one of the ones being deported, what would you have taken with you?”]
The nightmare on the train (Night, pgs. 21-26).
Auschwitz (Night, pgs. 27-32).
REMINDER: Homework Handout: Subject and Verbs Worksheet. 40 pts. possible. Due tomorrow (except for 6th
period, for whom it is due Friday, 8/31/12). NOTE: Use your copy of the Holt Handbook to complete this assignment at
THURSDAY – 8/30/12 – (Reading 3.12; Writing 2.1)
Turned in grammar homework handout (Subjects and Verbs Worksheet) if not already turned in by now.
40 pts. possible.
The endings of Night:
a. Work or the furnace, pgs. 35-36.
b. A7713, pgs. 39-40.
c. The warehouse, pgs. 47-48 and 50-51.
d. Selection, pgs. 66-72.
e. Evacuation and the final scenes, pgs. 78 and following.
PERIOD 6 attended the Point Break interpersonal communications seminar.
FRIDAY – 8/31/12 –
PERIODS 2 THROUGH 5: (Standards covered: Writing 1.0, 1.1, 1.2, 2.1a, 2.1b, 2.1c, 2.1d, and 2.1e)
Read the article from Scholastic Scope Magazine (February 5, 2007) called "Sounds of Seeing," an
autobiographical narrative by Benjamin Underwood.
Autobiographical Narrative In-Class Writing Workshop, Day 1 (directed from the overhead projector).
NOTE: Today was the first day of this 4-day in-class writing workshop. Total possible points for the entire
workshop = 160.
Today's work was stamped. (NOTE: The stamps count for part of the overall points possible for this writing
workshop.) 20 points possible for today’s introductory work.
PERIOD 6 – (Same agenda and standards covered as that for periods 2-5 on 8/30/12)
Daily Agendas
West High, Tracy, CA
Mr. Headrick
Sophomore English
MONDAY – 8/20/12 – (Standards covered: Reading 1.1, 3.4, and 3.6)
Official course syllabus / film consent handout. Discussed.
EXTRA CREDIT OPPORTUNITY: earn 5 pts. extra credit if you bring the SIGNED course syllabus film consent page
back by this Friday, 8/24/12.
Homework handout: “Contents of the Dead Man’s Pocket,” Response. Due Thursday, 8/23/12.
25 points possible. Discussed.
Used last Friday’s English Notes Entry handout (and the Interactive Reader if necessary) as a reference. Completed either
Worksheet A or Worksheet B for “Contents of the Dead Man’s Pocket,” writing answers on a separate paper. (NOTE:
For those of you making up this assignment due to an absence, be sure to LABEL YOUR PAPER WITH THE LETTER
OF THE WORKSHEET YOU’RE COMPLETING!) These worksheets cover the selection, literary terminology, and
vocabulary. 10 pts. possible. Turned in.
Began HOLT Entry-Level Diagnostic Test. 35 pts. possible. NOTE: Plan to complete this test in class tomorrow.
TUESDAY – 8/21/12 – (Standards covered: Reading 3.5)
Continued working on HOLT Entry-Level Diagnostic Test. 35 pts. possible. NOTE: Plan to complete this test in class
tomorrow if you weren’t able to complete it today.
Handout: “You want a social life, with friends.” This is a connection to "Contents of the Dead Man's Pocket," and it
leads you through pg. 18 of the literature book. If you were not able to complete this handout in class today, complete it
for homework. Bring it back to class this Thursday, 8/23/12, for further use on that day.
REMINDER: “Contents of the Dead Man’s Pocket” Response assignment is due this Thursday, 8/23/12.
25 pts. possible.
REMINDER of extra credit opportunity: see #2 of 8/20/12 agenda.
WEDNESDAY – 8/22/12 – (Standards covered: Reading 2.4; Listening & Speaking 1.7)
Read Sophomore Literature Book, pgs. 22-23 and 26-27 while listening to the audio recording of these 2
newspaper/magazine articles. ("Double Daddy" and "The Child's View of Working Parents") Discussed.
Began working with a Charting The Text handout:
~ Completed 2 boxes EACH for “Double Daddy” and “The Child’s View of Working Parents.”
~ Wrote a main idea and 2 points from the text in EACH box.
~ Continued working through the handout.
NOTE: Plan to continue working with this handout in class tomorrow.
Worked on / finished the HOLT Entry-Level Diagnostic Test. 35 pts. possible.
REMINDER – Bring to class tomorrow the green handout called “You want a social life, with friends.”
NOTICE! “Contents of the Dead Man’s Pocket” Response assignment DUE DATE has been CHANGED to FRIDAY,
8/24/12. 25 pts. possible.
REMINDER of extra credit opportunity: see #2 of 8/20/12 agenda.
THURSDAY – 8/23/12 – (Standards covered: Reading 2.4; Listening & Speaking 1.7; Common Core Speaking & Listening 1.d)
Checking for understanding opportunity using Tuesday’s green handout called “You want a social life, with friends.”
(See 8/21/12 agenda). NOTE: Keep this handout with your English notes for now.
Day 2 of the analysis of the 2 literature pieces from yesterday’s agenda (8/22/12). 25 pts. possible.
A – Finished completing the yellow Charting The Text handout, which included writing on the back per the directions.
B – Created a poster that is a visual aid summarizing the Charting The Text handout.
(1) – Read over the main points that you wrote on the Charting The Text handout.
(2) – Picked the best 3 to include in the poster.
(3) – Created the poster according to the sample displayed on the board.
(4) – Presented and explained the poster verbally.
(4) – Stapled the Charting The Text handout to the back of the poster. Turned in.
Worked in cooperative groups to develop valid recommendations for parents about balancing work and home life.
REMINDER – “Contents of the Dead man’s Pocket” Response assignment is due tomorrow, 8/24/12. 25 pts. possible.
REMINDER of extra credit opportunity TOMORROW: see #2 of 8/20/12 agenda.
FRIDAY – 8/24/12 – (Standards covered: Reading 2.4, 3.5, 3.12; Writing 2.1; English Language Conventions 1.3)
Turned in homework assignment from Monday (“Contents of the Dead Man’s Pocket” Responses). 25 pts. possible.
Handout: Subjects and Verbs in the Auto Shop. Completed together as a class. Discussed answers in class. NOTE:
This handout is an English Notes entry. Keep it with your English Notes.
Homework Handout: Subjects and Verbs Worksheet. 40 pts. possible. Due on or before next Thursday, 8/30/12.
(NOTE: Use your copy of the Holt Handbook to complete this assignment at home.)
Introduction to the autobiography Night: a Greek hero! (Played the NBC historical video segment from the 2004
Summer Olympics [not rated] about S. Kyriakides, featuring his triumph for Greece just after the devastation of the Nazi
occupation during World War II.)
NOTE: The last day to turn in the course syllabus signature page for extra credit was today.
Daily Agendas
West High, Tracy, CA
Mr. Headrick
Sophomore English
MONDAY – 8/13/12 – (Standards covered: Writing 2.1)
Seating chart.
Handout: Character Attributes Page. Completed / discussed in class and turned in.
Introductory overview of some of the most important aspects of this class.
Tomorrow: Be sure you wear your lanyard / ID card to class.
TUESDAY – 8/14/12 – (Standards covered: Speaking & Listening Common Core Standard 1.c and 1.d)
Worked as a class to identify various parts and functions of a collaborative work group, using simple rhythm
patterns as a model.
Went to Library. Checked out Holt Literature and Language Arts, Fourth Course (which is
the sophomore literature book), and Holt Handbook (which is the grammar book). NOTE: Please
take these home and keep them at home to use for homework assignments when necessary.
Class Procedures handout – began reviewing this in class. NOTE: Please bring this back to class tomorrow
and plan to finish reviewing the highlights of it in class tomorrow.
WEDNESDAY – 8/15/12 – (Standards covered: Reading 1.1, 2.1, 2.6)
Class Procedures handout – finished reviewing the highlights of this. Initialed, completed, and turned in the
last page of this handout. NOTE: You keep the rest of this handout for reference.
Focus 1 Pretest (Reading Standard 1.1 review, focusing on how to figure out word meanings based on the text
around them). 7 points possible. As a class, we scanned the reading portion of this, then students worked
individually to figure out the answers. Wrote answers on a separate paper. Turned in.
National Health Survey Quiz (Reading Standards 2.1 and 2.6.) This involved the analysis of the structure and
format of workplace documents and an exercise in following technical directions.
~ Completed either Worksheet A or Worksheet B by working with a partner.
~ Checked the correct answers to Worksheets A and B as a class. Then turned in answers.
~ NOTE: You earn 10 points automatically for this activity because its value is in
showing you how to apply the Sophomore English Standards.
THURSDAY – 8/16/12 – (Standards covered: Reading 1.1, 3.6)
Working with “Cause and Effect.” (Discussed definition and used various overheads to illustrate
Issued each student’s personal book number for the class sets of books used in the room.
Began "Contents of the Dead Man's Pocket." Used class set of Interactive Readers, pgs. 3 – 11:
Handout: English Notes Entry page for “Contents of the Dead Man’s Pocket.” Began completing
this handout in class. Focused on: predictions, literary focus (time and sequence), various literary
terms, and the progression of the story to the point where the setting becomes dangerous. Bring
today’s handout back tomorrow for further work.
FRIDAY – 8/17/12 – (Standards covered: Reading 1.1, 3.4, and 3.6)
Interactive Readers: pgs. 12-26 – “Contents of the Dead Man’s Pocket,” Day 2. Read key parts of
this story and summarized it. Completed yesterday’s English Notes Entry handout. Handout was
stamped. Keep this for now; bring it back to use in class next week.
Completed College Planning Profile (provided by the Educational Research Center of America) –
voluntary, for those interested in receiving free information from colleges. NOTE: These will be
mailed back to the Educational Research Center of America.