Although I hate to say this, a “good” leader doesn`t have to be kind

Although I hate to say this, a “good” leader doesn’t have to be kind. A good
leader just needs to have the power to make others want to do what they are
doing. A leader just needs to have followers and they can be considered “good.”
There is one leader that I am speaking specifically about; Hitler. The reason I
mention this is because this man was a terrible, wicked man, but others still
decided to be a part of his cruel plan. He had no logic behind what he did and
neither did the large groups of soldiers that followed him. This man was
considered to be one of the greatest and strongest leaders of all time, but he was
such a callous, heartless, pitiless man I just don’t know how people classify
others to be a “GOOD” leader. In my eyes there really isn’t a way.
~Anne Frank~
Queen Isabella:
I was very taken back by your comment about "good" leaders, and how it is not
common to find them. You must realize that not all leaders act as this man you
call Hitler. We as leaders must make sacrifices and do what is necessary for our
people. I wonder, have you ever considered the choices that leaders have to
make and why they decide to do what they do? It is not as easy as you think my
Anne Frank
You have the right to believe what you want. My opinion will not change due to
yours. I don't really know who you are but your title is QUEEN, so you must
think that you have some type of authority. Have you ever thought about what
your people wanted? Have you ever thought that people wanted a say in what
they did with their own lives? have you ever thought that maybe your not a very
good leader? Have you ever thought about the term "Good?" Who determines
what a good leader is?
Queen Isabella
Yes I have considered what it means to be a good leader, and I do think that I fall
under this category. I dedicated my life to the people of Spain, and I did what
was necessary in order to give them the best lives possible.
Now that I have seen your passion on this topic, I would like to ask you, what
are your thoughts on the kidnapping of the 3 members of our trial. Since you
seem to believe that you know what a leader should do, what should we do with
this situation to help the hostages, keep the other members from danger, deal
with Mr. V?
Anne Frank:
Not to be rude ma'am but, you didn't answer my question. I asked you who
determines what a good leader is? We all have our own opinion on what a good
leader is. Some people may say that Hitler was a wonderful leader, and others
may choose to think differently. In your own eyes of course, you are a good
leader. Did you meet everyones expectations? If you answered yes to that
question then how do you know? You can't be a perfect leader at any time.
Believe me it isn't possible. You might be one of the worst leader sever, but you
believe differently so that is fine. I hope that you understand where I am coming
from. How do you know that the people of Spain didn't already have good lives
according to themselves without you as Queen? How do you know that you
made their lives any better, maybe just maybe they didn't want a queen and you
took control and they were unhappy. People need their freedom and certain
people think they have control and enough power to just take that away! What is
the real definition of a "GOOD" leader?