British Literature B Exam Review Define all the vocabulary words

British Literature B Exam Review
Define all the vocabulary words.
List 1
1. Romanticism
2. Lyric Poetry
3. Mood
4. Tone
5. Connotation
6. Imagery
7. Dominion
8. Recompense
9. Presumption
List 2
3. Rhyme Scheme
4. Metaphor
5. Simile
6. Analogy
7. Appendage
8. Ingenial
List 3
1.Parenthetical Citation
2. Bibliography
3. Plagiarism
4. M.L.A.
5. Reference
6. Thesis
7. Subtopic
8. Paraphrase
9. Historical Past Tense
10. Literary Present Tense
List 4
2. Novel
3. Antagonist
4. Style
5. Foreshadowing
6. Allegory
7. Morality
8. Diffusive
9. Waning
List 5
1. Dialect
2. Dramatic Monologue
3. Dramatic Irony
4. Social Status
5. Morality
6. Hubris
7. Articulate
9. Rhetoric
10. Looking-glass
List 6
1. Modernism
2. Allusion
3. Catharsis
4. Pathos
5. Sarcasm
6. Pram
7. Repudiate
8. Provocation
9. Chaperone
10. Ignoramus
List 7
1. Anxiety
2. Characterization
3. Motif
4. Theme
5. Allegory
6. Clamber
7. Interpose
8. Inscrutable
9. Indignant
10. Nimble
List 8
1. Irony
2. Symbolism
3. Climax
4. Opalescence
5. Irrelevance
6. Mimicry
7. Improvisation
8. Bristle
9. Covert
10. Sagely
List 9
Summarize Mary Shelley’s “Authors Introduction to Frankenstein.”
How did she come up with the story?
Summarize William Wordsworth’s “Lines Composed a Few Miles above Tintern Abbey.”
What is the main theme of the poem?
Summarize Samuel Taylor Coleridge’s “Rime of the Ancient Mariner.”
What is the main theme of the poem?
Summarize Robert Burn’s “To A Mouse”
What is the main theme of the poem?
Summarize the plot of Bernard Shaw’s play Pygmalion.
Show how Eliza changed throughout the story.
Summarize William Golding’s novel Lord of the Flies.
Explain the symbols of power for each of the main characters.
Explain “Age of Anxiety” and T.S. Eliot’s “Hollow Men.”
Explain the tone of Rupert Brooke’s “The Soldier.”
Summarize Graham Greene’s “A Shocking Accident” and explain it’s theme of love.
Summarize Alfred, Lord Tennyson’s poem “The Lady of Shalott.”
Explain the progression in Alfred Lord Tennyson’s poem “In Memoriam, A.H.H.”
Explain the tone of Lord Byron’s poem “She Walks in Beauty.”
Summarize Robert Browning’s poem “My Last Duchess.”
The following essay questions will be your final exam. Although you will not be required to
answer all four of these questions, You must prepare for all four questions.
Each of the essays requires a 5 paragraph response and must include adequate/accurate
TEXTUAL EVIDENCE. You must prepare a 3 ½ x5 note card for each response. The note
cards must be hand written. You WILL be able to use these cards on the essay portion only of
the final exam.
One of the questions will be selected at random at the exam.
1. Romanticism is an artistic and intellectual movement characterized by a heightened interest in
nature, emphasis on the individual's expression of emotion and imagination, and rebellion
against established social rules and conventions. Show how the emphasis on nature and its
beauty was demonstrated in three works of literature of the English Romantic era.
2. Victorian Literature often dealt with the gender roles, love, and power within relationships.
Show how complex relationships between men and women were dealt with in three pieces of
Victorian literature.
3. Bernard Shaw won a Nobel prize in 1925 because his drama addressed important social issues.
Shaw’s play Pygmalion focuses on three different social issues from the English society of the
early 1900’s.
4. William Golding won a Nobel Prize in 1983 for his works including his masterpiece Lord of
the Flies. Golding was very intentional in his writing and created a great deal of symbolism and
irony. Demonstrate three examples of Irony within the novel Lord of the Flies.