Oedipus Rex Graphic Organizer Directions: In the top rows, you will

Oedipus Rex Graphic Organizer
Directions: In the top rows, you will analyze each major character’s perception of what is going on in that scene vs. the reality of what is
happening. Find a quote that demonstrates each character’s perception of reality in that scene and explain it in the first column. Then,
examine that character’s reality in the second column. Basically, you are looking for dramatic irony OR whether the character perceives the
truth in each part of the play. Note that later in the play, the perception and reality begin to be the same.
In the last row, you will analyze whether the events in Oedipus’ life are his fate OR whether he chooses his own destiny with free will.
Choose a quote that shows EITHER that his life is ruled by fate OR that he is the master of his own choices and analyze it in the third row. You do
NOT have to analyze both fate and free will. Choose one or the other.
Quote and Explain
Explain the reality of the situation (character may be
unaware of the real situation)
Oedipus’ Fate (Quote and Explain)
Oedipus’ Free Will (Quote and Explain)
Oedipus Rex Graphic Organizer
Directions: In the top rows, you will analyze each major character’s perception of what is going on in that scene vs. the reality of what is
happening. Find a quote that demonstrates each character’s perception of reality in that scene and explain it in the first column. Then,
examine that character’s reality in the second column. Basically, you are looking for dramatic irony OR whether the character perceives the
truth in each part of the play. Note that later in the play, the perception and reality begin to be the same.
In the last row, you will analyze whether the events in Oedipus’ life are his fate OR whether he chooses his own destiny with free will.
Choose a quote that shows EITHER that his life is ruled by fate OR that he is the master of his own choices and analyze it in the third row. You do
NOT have to analyze both fate and free will. Choose one or the other.
Scene One
Quote and Explain
Explain the reality of the situation (character may be
unaware of the real situation)
Oedipus’ Fate (Quote and Explain)
Oedipus’ Free Will (Quote and Explain)
Oedipus Rex Graphic Organizer
Directions: In the top rows, you will analyze each major character’s perception of what is going on in that scene vs. the reality of what is
happening. Find a quote that demonstrates each character’s perception of reality in that scene and explain it in the first column. Then,
examine that character’s reality in the second column. Basically, you are looking for dramatic irony OR whether the character perceives the
truth in each part of the play. Note that later in the play, the perception and reality begin to be the same.
In the last row, you will analyze whether the events in Oedipus’ life are his fate OR whether he chooses his own destiny with free will.
Choose a quote that shows EITHER that his life is ruled by fate OR that he is the master of his own choices and analyze it in the third row. You do
NOT have to analyze both fate and free will. Choose one or the other.
Scene Two
Quote and Explain
Explain the reality of the situation (character may be
unaware of the real situation)
Oedipus’ Fate (Quote and Explain)
Oedipus’ Free Will (Quote and Explain)
Oedipus Rex Graphic Organizer
Directions: In the top rows, you will analyze each major character’s perception of what is going on in that scene vs. the reality of what is
happening. Find a quote that demonstrates each character’s perception of reality in that scene and explain it in the first column. Then,
examine that character’s reality in the second column. Basically, you are looking for dramatic irony OR whether the character perceives the
truth in each part of the play. Note that later in the play, the perception and reality begin to be the same.
In the last row, you will analyze whether the events in Oedipus’ life are his fate OR whether he chooses his own destiny with free will.
Choose a quote that shows EITHER that his life is ruled by fate OR that he is the master of his own choices and analyze it in the third row. You do
NOT have to analyze both fate and free will. Choose one or the other.
Scene Three
Quote and Explain
Explain the reality of the situation (character may be
unaware of the real situation)
Oedipus’ Fate (Quote and Explain)
Oedipus’ Free Will (Quote and Explain)
Oedipus Rex Graphic Organizer
Directions: In the top rows, you will analyze each major character’s perception of what is going on in that scene vs. the reality of what is
happening. Find a quote that demonstrates each character’s perception of reality in that scene and explain it in the first column. Then,
examine that character’s reality in the second column. Basically, you are looking for dramatic irony OR whether the character perceives the
truth in each part of the play. Note that later in the play, the perception and reality begin to be the same.
In the last row, you will analyze whether the events in Oedipus’ life are his fate OR whether he chooses his own destiny with free will.
Choose a quote that shows EITHER that his life is ruled by fate OR that he is the master of his own choices and analyze it in the third row. You do
NOT have to analyze both fate and free will. Choose one or the other.
Scene Four
Quote and Explain
Explain the reality of the situation (character may be
unaware of the real situation)
Oedipus’ Fate (Quote and Explain)
Oedipus’ Free Will (Quote and Explain)
Oedipus Rex Graphic Organizer
Directions: In the top rows, you will analyze each major character’s perception of what is going on in that scene vs. the reality of what is
happening. Find a quote that demonstrates each character’s perception of reality in that scene and explain it in the first column. Then,
examine that character’s reality in the second column. Basically, you are looking for dramatic irony OR whether the character perceives the
truth in each part of the play. Note that later in the play, the perception and reality begin to be the same.
In the last row, you will analyze whether the events in Oedipus’ life are his fate OR whether he chooses his own destiny with free will.
Choose a quote that shows EITHER that his life is ruled by fate OR that he is the master of his own choices and analyze it in the third row. You do
NOT have to analyze both fate and free will. Choose one or the other.
Quote and Explain
Explain the reality of the situation (character may be
unaware of the real situation)
Oedipus’ Fate (Quote and Explain)
Oedipus’ Free Will (Quote and Explain)
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