The Paschal Mystery: Death to Life

Bibliography for Discernment
Searching out life/faith patterns
Bibliography –1995
Powell, John. He Touched Me: My
Pilgrimage of Prayer. Niles: Argus Press 1974
Journey of life/journey of faith:
Pearson, Carol. The Hero Within. New
York: Harper, Collins, 1986
Carter, Forrest. The Education of Little
Tree. Rider & Co., 1991.
Pearson, Carol. Awakening the Hero
Within. New York, Harper, Collins, 1991.
Hakenewerth, Quentin, S.M. A Manual of
Marianist Spirituality. Dayton: Marianist Press,
Taking Charge:
Beatie, Melody. Codependent No More.
San Francisco: Harper/Hazelden, 1987.
Callahan, Rachel & Rea McDonnell. Wholing
the Heart: Good News for
Those Who Grew Up in Troubled
Families. New York: Paulist, 1991.
Peck, M. Scott. The Road Less Traveled.
New York: Simon & Schuster, 1978.
Bloom, Anthony. Beginning to Pray. New
York: Paulist Press, 1970.
Farrell, Edward. Prayer is a Hunger. Denville:
Dimension Books, 1972.
Kelsey, Morton. Dreams: A way to Listen
to God. New York: Paulist Press, 1978.
Link, Mark, You: Prayer for Beginners
and Those Who Have Forgotten How.
Niles: Argus Press, 1976.
Merton, Thomas. New Seeds of
Contemplation. New York: New Directions,
Nouwen, Henri. Out of Solitude. Notre
Dame: Ave Maria Press, 1974.
Nouwen, Henri. With Open Hands. Notre
Dame: Ave Maria Press, 1972.
Pennington, M. Basil. Centering Prayer.
New York: Image Books, 1982.
Harris, Maria. The Dance of the Spirit:
Seven Steps of Women's Spirituality.
New York: Bantam, 1989.
Johnson, Robert A. He: Understanding
Male Psychology. New York: Harper &
Row, 1974.
Johnson, Robert A. She: Understanding
Female Psychology. New York: Harper
& Row, 1976.
Rohr, Richard & Joseph Martos. The Wild
Man's Journey: Reflections on Male
Spirituality. Cincinnati: St. Anthony
Messenger Press, 1992.
Doty, William. Holiness For All. New
York: B. Herder Book Co., 1969.
Fenhagen, James C. Invitation to Holiness.
Harrisburg, PA: Morehouse Publishing,
Nicholl, Donald. Holiness. New York:
Paulist Press, 1981.
Spiker, Louise C. No Instant Grapes in
God's Vineyard: Disciplines for
Spiritual Growth. Valley Forge, PA:
Judson Press, 1982.
Love: 'The Greatest of These..."
Buscaglia, Leo. Living, Loving, and
Learning. Thorofare: Slack, 1982.
Haughey, John C. Should Anyone Say
Forever? Garden City: Doubleday, 1975.
Livingston, Patricia H. Lessons of the
Heart. Notre Dame: Ave Maria Press. 1992.
Powell, John, Unconditional Love. Niles:
Argus Press, 1978.
Wicks, Robert. Living Simply in an Anxious
World. New York: Paulist, 1988.
Integrating Sexuality:
Moore, Robert & Douglas Gilette. King,
Warrior, Magician, Lover:Rediscovering the
Archetypes of the Mature Masculine. New
York: Harper/Collins Pub. 1990.
Gibran, Kahlil. The Prophet. New York:
Alfred A. Knopf. 1923.
Nelson, James B. Embodiment: An
Approach to Sexuality and Christian
Theology. Minneapolis: Augsburg
Press, 1978.
Reconciliation: "To Err is Human..."
Knight, David. Confession Can Change
Your Life. Cincinnati: St. Anthony
Messenger Press, 1984.
Linn, Dennis & Matthew. Healing Life's
Hurts. New York: Paulist Press, 1978.
The Paschal Mystery: Death to Life
Buscaglia, Leo. The Fall of Freddie the
Leaf. Reinhart, & Winston, 1982.
Paulus, Trina. Hope for Flowers.
Fahy, Mary. The Tree that Survived the
Winter. New York: Paulist Press, 1989.
Becoming the Lord/Incarnation
Westley, Dick. Redemptive Intimacy,
Morality and Its Beyond. Mystic, CT:
Twenty-Third Publications.
Westley, Dick. A Theology of Presence.
Mystic, CT: Twenty-Third Publications.
Discernment/Life Choices
Larkin, Ernest. Silent Presence:
Discernment as Process and Problem.
Denville: Dimension Books, 1981.
Living Ordinary Lives in Extraordinary
Edwards, Tilden. Living Simply Through
the Day. Walker & Co., 1984.
Hammarskjold, Dag. Markings. New
York: Ballantine Books. 1964.
Hurnard, Hannah. Hind's Feet on High
Places. San Francisco:Harper & Row, 1979.
Lewis, C.S. The Chronicles of Narnia. New
York: Macmillan Press, 1954.
Lewis, C.S. Mere Christianity. New York:
Macmillan Press, 1943.
Merton, Thomas. The Seven Storey
Mountain. New York: Harcourt, Brace,
& Co., 1948.
Rupp, Joyce. May I Have This Dance?
Notre Dame: Ave Maria Press, 1992.
Russell, A.J. God Calling. New York: Jove
Books, 1978.
Miller, Calvin. The Singer. Downers
Grove: InterVarsity Press. 1975.
Noland, Albert. Jesus Before Christianity.
New York: Orbis Books, 1976.
Peck, M. Scott. The Different Drum:
Community Making and Peace. New
York: Simon & Schuster, 1987.
Sandford, John. Dreams and Healing. New
York: Paulist Press, 1978.
Sandford, John. The Kingdom Within.
New York: Paulist Press, 1970.