Virginia Conference Board of Ordained Ministry Procedures for Those Licensed for Pastoral Ministry (¶315.1) and Provisional Elders (¶315.1 and ¶326.2) Requesting an Extension Ministries Appointment In the Virginia Conference, for all provisional elders and those licensed for pastoral ministry seeking an appointment to an extension ministry, a review of the ministry setting and recommendation to the Bishop and district superintendents by the Board of Ordained Ministry is required prior to the appointment (¶315.1 and ¶326.2, 2012 Discipline). The following are required: 1. Consult with your District Superintendent prior to any interviews relative to such an appointment. 2. Make a request in writing to the Bishop, with copies to the Center for Clergy Excellence and your District Superintendent, by February 15 preceding the Annual Conference for which the appointment is being requested. Include the name of the institution or agency, the position title, and the effective date. Ad interim requests between Annual Conference sessions may be considered by the Bishop. 3. The institution or agency desiring to employ a provisional elder or licensed local pastor shall request in writing to the bishop and secure approval before completing any agreement to employ the provisional elder or licensed local pastor. If the institution or agency is located in another area, the bishop of that area shall also be consulted. 4. An interview with the Extension Ministries Committee of the Board of Ordained Ministry is required. Interviews are held annually in the spring. In preparation for the interview, the following materials should be sent to the Center for Clergy Excellence by February 15: The letters required in items #2 and #3 above A written paper responding to the questions which follow on page 2 Provide written information about the extension ministry setting including: a. Purpose of institution or agency b. A list of the Board of Directors, including the names and biographical information c. A financial statement from the institution or agency (including income and budget) d. For clergy initiating their own ministry setting, incorporation as a non-profit (501c3 or LLC) will be required by the end of the first year of approval. If not completed by the time of the interview, documentation can be submitted later when completed. e. Statement of accountability related to supervision and annual evaluation 5. The interview will focus on the questions and information provided in these documents as well as the issues listed as “Criteria for the Interview” which follow on page 3. Revised and updated 7/2013 Revised and updated 10/2015 Page 1 Questions for Candidates Seeking Appointment Under the Provisions of ¶315.1 1. Within the context of your call to ministry, identify your sense of call to the particular form of ministry which you propose to enter. 2. The Church in Mission How does ministry in the setting you propose fulfill and enrich the effectiveness of the church in mission? In what ways does serving in your proposed setting minister to identifiable needs in the world that relate to the mission of the church? In what specific ways does your proposed ministry respond to the needs of persons in special circumstances and unique situations? 3. ¶340 outlines the responsibilities of the four-fold ministry of Word, Sacrament, Order and Service. If Word is understood as the study, interpretation, proclamation, and practice of the gospel, how do you intend to witness to the Word? How do you intend to live redemptively in the world as a rehearsing of God’s activity in Christ? If sacrament is understood as a means of grace witnessed by symbolic self-giving in love, in what sense is your proposed ministry a lifestyle symbolic of the self-giving witnessed in the Eucharist? What do you perceive to be the sacramental dimensions in your proposed setting? If order is understood as the ordering of the life of the church so as to enable the body of Christ to live redemptively in the world, how does serving in your proposed setting forward that task? How would you shape the meaning of discipleship for your community? If service is understood as being the visible body of Christ through servant ministry in the midst of a broken and suffering world, how does your proposed ministry demonstrate the involvement of Jesus with human need? How will your ministry be a witness to the church’s involvement with persons on behalf of the community of faith? 4. Specifically, how will you carry out the functions of a provisional elder or licensed local pastor in your proposed ministry setting? 5. What are your plans for completing the requirements for provisional membership and/or ordination? Page 2 Criteria for the Interview The following questions may be used to assess the request: Within the context of the basic call to ministry, is there discernable evidence that the person is responding to a call to the particular form of ministry being proposed? Does the proposed ministry fulfill and enrich the effectiveness of the church in mission? Is the proposed ministry congruent with the annual conference’s missional commitment in and to the world? What identifiable needs in the world are involved in this ministry that make it affirmable as a part of the mission of the church? Is the proposed ministry one in which the duties of those licensed for pastoral ministry to word, sacrament, order and service, understood in holistic fashion, can be responsibly fulfilled? Does the proposed setting for ministry provide a context that is positive for the person’s fulfilling the covenant relationship that forms the interdependent and complementary ministry of United Methodist clergy? Does the person possess the specific/special gifts, training, education, work experience, and experiences of grace required for the proposed ministry? Does the proposed setting for ministry provide the possibility of the kind of accountability integral to our understanding of responsible participation in our covenant community? If the ministry setting is in pastoral care or counseling, has this person received “ecclesiastical associate status” with the United Methodist Endorsing Agency through the General Board of Higher Education and Ministry? In the context of being a part of our voluntary covenant community, is this person prepared to accept an appointment to a local church if requested to do so? 11/2010 Revised and updated 7/2013 Page 3