The Missouri Compromise 1. List three reasons why people began to settle in the west. a. b. c. 2. BUS stands for Bank of the United States. What does it mean that the BUS provided credit to farmers? 3. In 1810 the population of the US was about 7,000,000. 1/7th of the US lived in the west. How many people was that? By 1840 the US population had grown to 17,000,000. What did the population in the west change to in those thirty years? 4. What were the two major issues the North and South disagreed over in the 1820’s and 1830’s? 5. In 1817, when Missouri applied for statehood, how had the US government been maintaining equality in Congress between slave and free states? 6. Between 1790 and 1820 how many states joined the union? (Remember, GA already existed.) Between 1790 and 1820 what happened to slavery north of Virginia and Maryland? What happened to slavery in the south? 7. In order for congress to admit Missouri as a slave state, what two things did the anti-slavery position negotiate for? a. b. 8. What land was north of the Missouri Compromise line? What land was south of the Missouri Compromise Land? According to the map, why might one conclude that the Missouri Compromise benefited free states the most? Compromise of 1850 1. What supposedly kept the US from splitting apart over slavery moving westward in the 1840’s? 2. According to the US constitution in the 1840’s, slavery could only be abolished by what? 3. How could northern abolitionists fight slavery if they weren’t able to abolish it? 4. Out west slavery was allowed south of the Missouri Compromise Line created in 1820. California wanted to be a free state. Why was this a problem? 5. What is popular sovereignty? 6. What position did the Free Soil Party (Free Soilers) take on the expansion of slavery? What position did they take on blacks out west? 7. Why did the South feel like the spread of slavery westward was threatened by the California/New Mexico issue? (See slide 6) 8. According to slide 7, why was a compromise needed in 1850 over California and New Mexico? 9. Complete the following chart with how each side benefited in the Compromise Compromise of 1850 Free States Slave States o o o o o o 10. What is the warning on the bulletin? What part of the Compromise of 1850 does it refer to? Kansas-Nebraska Act 1. The Missouri Compromise was supposed to establish all territory north of the Missouri Compromise Line as free territory (no slavery). What happened in 1854 that made northern abolitionists so upset? 2. What principle was to be used to decide the slavery issue in the KansasNebraska territory? 3. How was the US becoming divided along political party lines during this time? 4. How did popular sovereignty create a problem in the Kansas-Nebraska territory? What was this conflict called? 5. How did the Kansas Territory become split politically? 6. Where did many of the pro-slavery voters in Kansas come from? Who won the vote? What was the result? 7. In the Free Soiler political cartoon, what is the southern Democratic Party being accused of doing to anti-slavery northerners in the western states like Kansas? 8. Why did Senator Brooks beat Senator Sumner with is cane? Abolitionism 1. What was abolitionism? 2. Abolitionists had two approaches for freeing slaves (emancipation). a. gradual emancipation b. immediate emancipation Who led those abolitionists who wanted immediate emancipation? What publication did he use to spread his ideas? 3. Who wrote Uncle Toms Cabin? 4. Why was this book used so effectively by abolitionists? 5. Why was John Brown’s raid at Harper’s Ferry a threat to the South? 6. What happened to John Brown? 7. What two views did the country have of John Brown? 8. Using historical details, provide three things blacks did to support the abolitionist movement. a. b. c. 9. What northerners tended to oppose emancipation? 10. What are three reasons some northerners opposed freeing slaves? a. b. c. Cotton and the Southern Slave Economy 1. What percentage of the world’s cotton was provided by the Southern US? 2. Between 1800 and 1860, how did cotton, as a percentage of the total value of US exports, increase? 3. Describe how the agricultural economy of the South was divided geographically within the South. (Consider northern South, central South, deep south, and coastal south.) 4. As states were added in the south, what also expanded as a result? 5. Describe the concentration of slaves in GA in 1820 for the following categories: a. more than 50% slave b. no slaves 6. Describe the change in GA by 1860 for the same two categories. a. more than 50% slave b. no slaves 7. What happened in the North by 1820? 8. What region of the US held the greatest population? 9. Describe the state of railroad and factory development in the south by 1860. Southern Society: White and Slave 1. What does antebellum mean? 2. What two classes made up the largest percentage of the population in the South? a. b. 3. What percentage of whites in the South did not own slaves in 1860? 4. For what two reasons did many yeoman farmers support slavery even though they did not usually own any? a. b. 5. What type of work utilized the second largest numbers of slaves? What kind of work would this involve? 6. Other than domestic work, what non-agricultural work were slaves used for? 7. What happens to the percentage of slaves as a portion of the states’ populations outside of the Black Belt (Cotton Belt)? What two states had the smallest percentage of slaves? 8. How could some slaves earn a little money? 9. What made it difficult for slaves to maintain a normal family life? 10. How were free blacks restricted in the South? a. b. Defending Slavery 1. Provide the defense of slavery for each of the following categories: Religious: Legal: Racial: 2. What is the pro-slavery propaganda’s message? 3. What were two ways that pro-slavery southerners attempted to keep slaves from anti-slavery ideas? a. b. 4. What were the two most common methods of slave resistance? a. b. 5. In what ways did the Underground Railroad extend beyond the US? 6. Along the Underground Railroad, what were used to communicate secret messages? 7. Describe one of the secret messages and its pattern. 8. When and where did Nat Turner’s rebellion take place? 9. What effect did the cotton boom have on slavery in the South? 10. What great fear did the South develop of the North?