Of Mice and Men, John Steinbeck

Reading Guide and Reader’s Notebook Entries
Of Mice and Men, John Steinbeck
I will check for completed Reader’s Notebook entries beginning on Monday, January 25th. Use the
following guide to finish the notebook assignments. Each entry is worth 20 points and will be graded for
completeness, thorough discussion of the questions, and critical thinking/ interpretation. Each entry
should be at least one full page.
Any entries that are not completed on the day they are ‘due’ will NOT be graded when I collect your
Reader’s Notebooks on Either Wednesday or Thursday, February 3rd or 4th. However: If you show me
the completed RN entry the DAY AFTER it is due, I will count it as ONE DAY LATE (90% credit).
Of Mice & Men RN entries = 20 points total.
Due Date & Page #s
Monday, January 25th
pp. 1-37 (1-41 in green book)
Required notebook entry
Create a short character profile of Lennie and George (list their
characteristics). Your list MUST include the following:
 physical description
 emotional/intellectual description
 motivations (internal vs. external)
 relationships with other characters (conflicts: man vs.
man, man vs. self, man vs. society)
 hopes and dreams
 2 quotes for each character that you captures this
character best
**You may do this entry in list/table format, but be sure to give
enough analysis/information
Friday, January 29th
pp. 38-65 (42-72)
1. Steinbeck paints a picture of life on the ranch through his
characterization, giving the reader important information about
them. Compile a list of characters presented by Steinbeck in this
chapter and describe/list the qualities of each. What do the
details tell you about each of them? What, in your opinion, does
each character represent and why?
2. George and Lennie’s plan to buy a ranch in the first chapter is
nothing more than an unattainable dream. How does it become a
more concrete plan in the second chapter, and what is the role
that Candy plays in taking this dream closer to reality? DO NOT
JUST SUMMARIZE—you need to ANALYZE the plan.
Tuesday, February 2nd
pp. 66-98 (73-108)
February 3rd/4th
pp. 99-107 (109-118)
1. Several characters have suggested a need to have a
companion or just a person who will listen. What evidence is
given here that this is a strong desire of many of the characters?
2. After Candy has brought George to the barn to show him
Curley’s wife, George leaves and Candy cries. What is the true
source of Candy’s sadness and why? Compare the killing of
Curley’s wife to the night Candy’s old dog was shot and killed by
No Reader’s Notebook required but be prepared to discuss the
controversial ending.