
To Kill a Mockingbird Discussion notes Ch. 10-11
-Atticus with gun
-fair in his punishment
-Mrs. Dubose conquering
-thinks Dubose is “brave”
-feels like he needs to prepare them
-Jem and Scout going to Mrs. for something awful (trial)
Dubose’s house every day -is a “dead shot” but doesn’t want
-doesn’t require a gun
to brag.
-Feels like defending Tom Robinson
is the only moral option he has.
-loves all people
Mrs. Dubose
-Seems very cranky
and mean
-Disapproves of
Atticus and the trial
-makes fun of the kids
-makes peace w/ Jem
-keeps a pistol
-makes music for all to enjoy
-sin to hurt them
-don’t bother nobody
-Symbolizes ____________ (Boo?) (later Tom Robinson)
Create a thesis statement for the following prompt:
Prompt 1: Courage is a theme of chapter 10 and 11. What character(s) could represent
this theme, and how does s/he do so?
Lesson plan for 12/2:
1. Quiz
2. Pass back paragraphs and go over topic sentences/thesis statements.
3. Discuss mockingbirds (see above)
4. practice thesis statements.