03 March 10 CTM Open Session Minutes

Serving Sussex
Command Team Meeting – OPEN SESSION (part 1)
03 March 2010
2nd Floor Conference Room, John Street Police Station
C/Supt Graham Bartlett
Supt Steve Whitton
DCI Ian Pollard
C/Insp Laurence Taylor
C/Insp Helen West
DCI Jason Taylor
C/Insp Simon Nelson
Amanda Long
C/Insp Paul Spurgeon
Apologies for Absence
Lou Wynne
Minutes of Previous Meeting
Previous minutes agreed as accurate
Outstanding Actions
Action log attached
Items for Information / Discussion
Quest Update:
PS circulated a paper to highlight discussions held at the Command Team
Away Day SEE APPENDIX A – the following points were noted:
The bullet points under Quest RP&VC Project Design Principles echo
discussion from the Quest presentation held on Thursday 25 February
The bullet points under Quest RP&VC Project Design Principles for B&H
Division highlight areas the team will work towards developing a solution
The Front Office Design Principles are included as discussed at the
Command Team Away Day
Comments and feedback on the paper were invited
Serving Sussex
SW raised concerns around the role of CG99 – the aim of liaising with NRT
and NPT Inspectors falls to CG99 and not the Secondary Investigation Team
supervisors – CG99 will bring bids to the DMM
SW advised that considerations should include the Incident Support Unit and
the need to be clear what roles will go in to the Secondary Investigation Team
Further to the paper, PS advised that consideration has been given to
formalising a relationship between the division and Comms – the aim is to
identify a solution which will enable fulfilment of an SLA – all agreed that it
would be prudent to include an SLA from the outset
Further discussions are required with Adrian Rutherford around the HR plan
SW advised that the divisional Inspectors have been through some major
changes in recent months including the new shift pattern for CG99 which will
commence in April – PS advised that the quickest way to implementation
would be to set aside the issues surrounding staff for now and to move
officers into new roles and integrate the Case Directors and Prosecution Team
– following discussions it was agreed by all this option would be more suitable
– the proposed changed included an increase to 2 Inspectors
GB clarified the principles of going with an expanded RIT over the summer
period with a view to rolling out the full model in September – this would
allow HR and accommodation work to be completed in the meantime – it was
agreed that the CG99 Inspectors would be notified of the imminent changes
including notification that the final model may include Inspectors from any
strategic business area
PS advised that the solution will presented on 13 April – details on achieving
the solution will follow thereafter
Policing Plan Update:
GB thanked all for completing the final summaries on the 2009-10 Policing
Plan – those areas not yet completed will be done so by the beginning of next
Points of note are as follows:
Reducing overall crime – detailed update provided which highlights what
is in practise for each area
Reducing burglaries – good illustration of departments working well
Reduce number of repeat DV incidents – to include a line around the
target availability
Serving Sussex
The Policing Plan 2010-11 has now been formatted and is available in the
shared drawer – GB will present the new Policing Plan at the Community
Safety Forum on Monday 8 March
GB will meet with Sue Heard to establish a comms plan to ensure key
messages remain consistent throughout the division all year – this will follow
on from the briefings delivered by GB throughout April and May
Performance and Governance:
GB advised that the PAM scheduled for Friday 5 March is expected to focus on
burglary as covered in February’s DAM
The theme for March’s DAM will be determined at the Strategic Performance
In relation to performance burglary remains an issue due to the recent spike
in activity – total crime is slightly short of the target – detections in violent
crime are very good – reduction in all injury violence has been affected by the
poor week
IP advised that Sean Lambourne will carry out end of year housekeeping
which may impact current figures – it was acknowledged that the DACS issues
experienced early on in the Policing Plan year will not impact on next years
figures – JT advised we should start on 1 April with zero
IP advised that Sean Lambourne has offered to assist with checking for
missed detections
GB is confident that the structures and governance undertaken show that the
division is doing all that can be done to achieve targets
A sign off meeting is scheduled for Monday 8 March with the next full meeting
scheduled for Wednesday 17 March
Force Messages:
The FEB on Tuesday 2 March featured much discussion around Serving
Sussex 2015
Discussions around the Bank Holiday Payments highlighted issues on how the
Force conducts business – a wide team of representatives was available and
SN did a great deal of work in consultation with other divisions –
recommendations were not well received – GB has a meeting with David Paul
Serving Sussex
to discuss how to move this forward and to determine a natural progression
for escalation of unsolved issues
Crime Managers Meeting:
IP attending on Thursday 11 March – no updates to give at present
Supt Crime & Ops Meeting:
SW attending the first of the new format meetings on Tuesday 9 March – no
updates to give at present
CIMS Management Board:
JT advised that an update patch is required which will require the system to
be down for 24 hours
Crime Wizard Project Board:
JT advised this has been delayed due to supply issues and confirmed that the
pilot will go ahead on the division
On Call Policy:
SW advised that now the new cadre shifts are in place it has been agreed that
Duty Command will not coincide with Gold or Silver Lates – this is not an
issue over weekend or day shifts
Recommendations Register:
GB will review the register outside of this meeting
Equality Standard:
LT will circulate the correct version of the document – the B&H update has
been completed but input is required in relation to Finance and HR
Brighton Training Panel
A local Training meeting was held on 19 February and the only representation
present was from Crime Managers & Performance although some apologies
were recorded from other business areas – HW highlighted the importance of
this meeting in looking at course availability and potential abstractions and
would appreciate attendance from all business areas – GB noted that the local
meeting can influence training decisions by the Force – it was agreed that HW
would notify the relevant C/Insp if the chosen representative is unable to
Current points of note in relation to local training are as follows:
STORM – looking to launch in November
SOLOs – ongoing work at Force level to establish further courses
CCTV – ongoing work at Force level to progress course availability
Serving Sussex
FLO Courses – requests have been turned down due to lack of suitability
of applicant – the training panel are trying to ensure even distribution of
PDR Status Report:
Kat Palmer aims to circulate an up to date report by the end of the week –
HW advised that this may include some PDRs which have been completed for
Items for Decision
No items raised for decision
Any Other Business
Bank Holiday Savings Submissions:
GB thanked all for their submission in relation to the Bank Holiday Savings
Legal Agreements:
AL advised that legal agreements are in place for the London Road Car Park
office – publicity is in place for the opening
Legal agreements are also in place around the university posts
Roof Repairs:
AL advised that over the weekend 3 metal panels blew off the roof – no
injuries or damage have been suffered as a result of this – repairs will be
required but the logistics / details around this have not yet been established
AL confirmed that CPS will leave John Street on Saturday 6 March – staff from
the Trials Unit will also move from Dyke Road to John Street – minimum
disruption is expected
Car Park Entrances:
Carpet tacks were found scattered outside the entrances to the operational
and underground car parks – security checks have been increased
Items to be Reported to Other Boards
No items submitted for other boards
Date of Next Meeting:
Wednesday 17 March ~ 13.00 ~ 2nd Floor Conference Room, John Street
Guest – Paul Hollister to discuss Information Systems
Serving Sussex
QUEST RP&VC Project Design Principles
The QUEST response policing and secondary investigations solution for Sussex police will be
first developed on B&H Division. Due consideration will be given to how this solution could
‘transfer’ to the rest of the county.
All secondary volume crime and non crime investigations will be evaluated and progressed in
the most effective way possible. These investigations should be directed away from frontline
response and neighbourhood teams to a secondary investigation resource. These enquiries
should not be returned unless the investigation or public confidence would be jeopardised.
The QUEST solution will ‘formalise’ the relationship between Divisions and Communications
Savings will be realised from reductions in establishment.
When the potential solutions are identified a savings plan should be introduced to realise
cashable savings.
QUEST RP&VC Project Design Principles for B&H Division
The QUEST solution on B&H Division will have a response policing focus. The
Neighbourhood Response Team Chief Inspector will have line management for the
neighbourhood response and secondary investigation teams.
CG99 will remain responsible for all policing resources on B&H Division and will direct these
resources as necessary to manage demand in the most effective way.
The RIT establishment may be directed to perform other tasks in support of the Division.
Responsibility for the coordination of mispers and ‘crime in action’ investigations on B&H
Division will remain with NRT. Coordination and task setting will be managed by CG99
utilising all Divisional resources as necessary.
NRT will book on duty and brief at one location. After briefing the NRT can work from the
three B&H police stations.
NPT will work from the three police stations.
The RIT will book on duty and will work from one location.
The RIT will be in uniform and will maintain skills to perform the NRT role.
NRT will ‘rotate’ resources through the RIT to ensure skills are maintained throughout the
uniform establishment.
NRT, NPT and CID will continue to perform ‘key’ QFI at scenes.
Serving Sussex
The RIT supervision will liaise daily with CG99 to coordinate outstanding investigations,
prisoner processing and resourcing issues.
The RIT supervision will liaise daily with PCW supervision to manage and coordinate post
plea investigations.
The RIT will be accountable for performance at the DAM.
Front counter opening hours at the three B&H sites can be considered as part of the design of
the RP&VC solution.
Opportunities to utilise the PCW establishment on B&H Division will not be scoped in at this
The RIT will include a ‘mixed economy’ establishment of police staff and police officers
Solution implementation will incrementally move toward the recommended QUEST solution.
The RIT establishment will be first increased to include the prosecution team , case director
posts and some additional NRT officers. The scope of the RIT will be increased
proportionately to address a greater part of the current NRT secondary investigative
The intention is to finally expand the RIT establishment to undertake all of the NRT secondary
investigative workload.
The RIT will work in conjunction with the ISU
QUEST Front Office Design Principles
It is recognised the front office counter opening hours have a ‘symbolic importance’ to the
public of Sussex. Any proposed changes need to recognise the implications to the public. .
A review of front office opening hours forms part of a required examination of public
accessibility to Sussex police. The customer needs and expectations need to be determined
and the customer experience ‘mapped’.
The provision of appointments should be evaluated as to whether it is a ‘suitable’ alternative
manner of public contact to front office counter contact.