Attention College of Health Sciences Students

The College of Health Sciences is pleased to offer
the Randall S. Lambrecht Honor Code Scholarship.
This award will honor the College of Health Sciences student whose essay best
exemplifies the significance of our Honor Code to the preparation of healthcare
professionals. Applicants must be part-time or full-time degree seeking CHS students
enrolled in the 2016-2017 academic year and be in good standing with a minimum 2.5
cumulative UWM GPA.
To submit an application for this scholarship:
1. Please select an honor code-related topic, or personal experience/observation in your
field of study and provide a 1 to 2 page written response or reaction. The topic may be
along the lines of an opinion to a moral or ethical controversial debate or a comment on
an experience/observation to a specific issue surrounding plagiarism, scientific
misconduct, conflict of interest, etc.
NOTE: Your essay can be up to 2 pages, double-spaced, 12-point font and 1-inch
2. Complete and sign the cover sheet.
3. Submit your essay and cover sheet along with your completed scholarship application.
4. Student must agree to allow CHS to use and modify the submitted summary and/or
essay for the purposes of education of students and outreach to the community.
Application due: February 1, 2016
Randall Lambrecht Honor Code Award Application
Student name:
UWM Student ID#: ___________________________________
(State) _____ (Zip) _______
(Home) __________________
(Cell) __________________
E-mail address: _____________________________________________
Department/Major: __________________________________________
Status in school (please circle one of the following):
Graduate student
I certify that I am the sole author of my essay. Should I be selected as the award
recipient, I hereby give permission to UWM’s College of Health Sciences to use my
name, essay, and/or photo in its promotion materials.
Student’s signature