恭喜榮獲英文閱讀心得競賽 佳作獎 姓名 Name: 詹鈞堯 英文姓名

恭喜榮獲英文閱讀心得競賽 佳作獎
姓名 Name:
英文姓名 English
Chan Chun-Yao
就讀學校 School:
學號 Number:
年級 Grade:
閱讀書目 Book
Frankenstein 科學怪人
閱讀心得 Book Review:
What will you do if you're a great scientist that you achieve your study about making
life from body pieces? Become lawless and dominate the world? Probably you will be
disappointed, because the man who really did it couldn't trust what he had made,
and ran away to escape from the reality. Everyone knows that a ferocious dog
without a leash is dangerous, but our clever scientist ran away not to face the ugly
and horrible creature he made. Days without master for stray dogs are bad, when it
came to a monster——the thing became terrible. The spite from people saw the ugly
monster make him transform himself. He though someone needed to take the duty
for him, the great scientist, Frankenstein. Then, all hatred started. He killed
Frankenstein's relatives unexpectedly and successively.
Frankenstein and his monster's troubles didn't have a clear right or fault, just because
there are in the different position. Frankenstein may recognize most of the monster's
words, he would promise to make another female monster at first. To Frankenstein,
he felt sorry for his treatment to the monster previously, abandon the monster alone,
but this mind changed at last. To the monster, simple soul deteriorated with the
strike from humanity, and looking for comfort was possible, just as a lost dog found
its master urgently.
But, I think Frankenstein didn't look upon the monster as a mankind, even though
he is made from human pieces, I found that he actually did not name after the
monster, and even the monster did not ask to call itself by name. At the bottom of
Frankenstein’s mind, the monster was different species. It might represent that
would become a war between two species, and then the suspicion would become
deeper and deeper.
That is why when Frankenstein began the last step of making female monster, he
saw the monster's awful face, yellow eyes shining hatred and evil. “Undoubtedly, he
will not keep his promise. ” Frankenstein thought, Vigilance to different pieces
impacted his minds, and he furiously tore apart the link between the female monster
and the machine. Apparently, the promise had been destroyed.
After Elizabeth's death caused Frankenstein's father sadness lead to death, the word
“madness” often was seen in the sentence. I can feel that Frankenstein was nearly
going crazy if there is no target to arouse his revenge.
“I ask you, Captain Walton, to chase the monster and kill him. Do not listen to what
he says . . . remember that he is evil. ” said the Frankenstein.
How persistent he was from these words, and how evil the monster was. But, was
he really certain about it? Why did he ask the captain not to listen to the monster's
words? Did he think so? Just he neither wanted to think nor stopped his action for
On the big ocean was the nearly breath of death. Frankenstein known that the hope
to catch the monster is impossible. The approach of death was his preparation for a
long time. “I welcome death. I can feel my loved ones near me. ” he said to Captain
I think the author set this character great. Captain Walton respected an objective
sight for the process of the whole thing. It’s not only to prove the story close the
truth but also witnessed Frankenstein's ending and monster's declaration for death.
Until here, do you think Frankenstein was justice and the monster was evil? The
answer is worth rethinking.
角色 Character
形容詞 Adjective
Captain Walton
單字 Word
出現頁數 Page
句子 Sentence
頁數 Page
On the bad, Elizabeth lay still, in the cold
sleep of death.
I shall welcome the pain of the fire, because
it will help me to forget the pain in my heart.