Appendix 6 (b) - Blackpool Borough Council

of the
The Chairman of the Area Forum and Ward Councillor for Squires Gate Ward,
Councillor Green welcomed members of the community to the Area Forum. He
advised the Forum of the format of the evening and introduced the other Councillors
present who were Councillor Wynne (Squires Gate Ward), Councillors Mrs Fowler and
Mrs Henderson (Highfield Ward) and Councillors Fowler and Lee (Waterloo Ward).
Also in attendance were Community Panel Members Mr Pulford, Ms Holmes and Mr
Smith, Sergeant Ball and PC Gregson of Lancashire Constabulary, Ms Crouch,
Assistant Director Community and Inclusion and Mrs Higson, Clerk to the Forum.
The Chairman explained that the themes would be Things to Do and Places to Go for
Young People in the South of Blackpool and the Primary Care Centre at the former
South Shore Hospital site and Local Health Issues. He introduced the representatives
from the Council who would be conducting the presentations.
The Area Panel, at its meeting held on 19th May 2009, had identified as suitable topics
for the next Forum facilities for young people in the South Shore area and an update
from NHS Blackpool on the new Primary Care Centre which would incorporate
information on the health of people within the Forum area.
Facilities for Young People in the South Shore area
Mr Mike Taplin, Head of Blackpool Young People Services, Blackpool Council advised
residents of current activities in the south of Blackpool and of new developments such
as Southpoint the Myplace Youth Centre. He outlined activities taking place at Your
Space at Palatine Leisure Centre on Wednesdays between 5pm and 7pm and Your
Space 2 at Highfield Humanities College on Fridays between 4pm and 7pm. He spoke
about the mobile Buzz Bus which would be at the Palatine Campus on Tuesday
between 3pm and 5pm and at Highfield Humanities College on Thursday between
1pm and 2pm.
Residents were informed of a wide variety of activities available to young people
including a Circus School, XL2 Dance School, Theatre School, Tai Kwon Do, and
Shokk Youth Gym.
Mr Taplin explained that Youth Hubs were super youth centres that were a genuine
cross sector partnership of the public sector, third sector and private sector. They
were run by young people and offered extensive opening hours offering a wide range
of activities to suit their needs. They aspired to provide a standard of building and
service that told young people that they were valued. Southpoint the Myplace Youth
Centre would be a youth hub.
Mr Taplin explained that in the case of Southpoint a bid submitted to the Big Lottery in
September 2008 had been approved in principle in March 2009 and subsequently a
business plan had been submitted in September 2009. Business Plan approval was
anticipated by January 2010 with an opening of the building scheduled for December
2011. The vision was for a purpose built centre within the existing Palatine Campus
which already included the Community Sports College, Leisure Centre, Library and
Children’s Centre. Residents were informed of the numerous confirmed and potential
partners involved in the scheme.
The aim was to provide a range of activities, an entertainment strand with emphasis on
fun in a safe environment and an enterprise strand aimed at unlocking the potential of
young people. There would also be a wide range of support services available to
provide advice and guidance.
Residents were shown a selection of posters designed by young people and a list of
things young people would like to see, compiled following consultation with them.
Mr Taplin explained that they wished to form a stakeholder group to help allay any
fears and help develop the project. Experience had shown that volunteer run groups
generated some of the best projects and he urged those present to consider getting
involved and to complete the form provided if they would like further information or
would like to attend the stake holder group. For further information on activities for
young people in the south of Blackpool, residents could contact Geoff Brand, Locality
Manager (South) Blackpool Young People Services on telephone 478798 or via email
In response to a resident’s concern regarding a large group of children congregating in
the vicinity of the Light Craft club and it being an excellent situation to deploy the Buzz
Bus, Mr Taplin explained that they did target such groups and did work closely with the
police in such situations. He undertook to pursue the particular matter.
Mr Taplin reassured several residents in attendance who reported feelings of
movement in the buildings on the Palatine site, that thorough surveys had been carried
out and had not revealed any problems, however he undertook to report the concerns
to those involved.
Some discussion took place on the requirement for Criminal Record Bureau (CRB)
checks when working with children and the procedures involved.
In response to a query as to how the Shokk Youth Gym was able to allow use by
young people alone when other gyms required accompaniment by an adult, Mr Taplin
explained that he believed the Shokk Gym being aimed specifically at young people
would be geared accordingly for their safe use. He undertook to obtain more
information and report back to the Forum.
Mr Taplin concluded by agreeing to make the plans for Southpoint – My Place
available at the next meeting of the Forum.
NHS Blackpool on the new Primary Care Centre and Health Issues
Doctor Rajpura, Trust Director of Public Health gave a presentation to residents on the
new primary care centres and health issues in the area.
He explained that there were to be three new Centres one in the north, the centre and
the south of the town. The Centres would provide many additional benefits to patients
whether their particular Doctor moved into the premises or not. They would provide
numerous benefits to the community including advanced technology, improved
facilities, more care in the community and a need for less hospital visits. They would
be a patient led service.
Dr Rajpura informed residents that the locations of the centres would be Moorpark
combined Leisure and Primary Care Centre, Whitegate Drive Health Centre, and
South Shore on the site of the former South Shore Hospital. He outlined facilities that
would be available. South Shore would include three GP’s practices, District Nurses,
Diagnostics, Podiatry, Sexual Health and Minor Surgery facilities and a Pharmacy.
Planning permission had been obtained in January 2008 and following demolition
work next month it was anticipated that the South Shore Primary Care Centre would
be completed by December 2010.
Doctor Rajpura undertook to find out for residents what the cost in rent would be to the
NHS when the South Shore Primary Care Centre was up and running.
The Doctor provided statistics on health issues in the Blackpool area including life
expectancy, teenage pregnancy, alcohol and smoking related illness amongst other
things, indicating how the figures related to corresponding national figures. He showed
maps of the local area to illustrate the broadcast of the various issues referred to.
Residents living in the locality of the site for the Primary Care Centre expressed their
serious reservations regarding various issues relating to the building, such as fans
sounding at night, the protection of surrounding trees and shrubs and general noise
and disruption during the building phase. Officers agreed to take the concerns back to
the Contractors.
Residents voiced their opinion that 150 car park spaces were insufficient and Dr
Rajpura explained that a green travel plan had been put in place as other modes of
access had to be included. It was suggested that the introduction of a residents
parking scheme in the immediate vicinity of the Centre may prove beneficial to
In reply to concerns expressed about the inclusion of a pharmacy affecting local
businesses, Dr Rajpura explained that existing pharmacies in the area would be given
a high level of consideration when an on site pharmacy was established.
He expressed concern at hearing that residents did not feel that they had been
adequately consulted, as it was intended to be a patient led project and he indicated
that he would be looking into it and reporting back to those involved.
General Questions and Answers with Councillors and Officers
Complimentary comments on the improvements at Stanley Park were offered
but disappointment was expressed on the lack of bus services from the
Halfway House area to the park, and also to the Leisure Centre and Library on
St Annes Road. Other residents in attendance indicated that there was a
service to Stanley Park in addition to the one referred to.
It was agreed to obtain a comprehensive reply from Blackpool Transport
Services Ltd.
Residents raised concerns that there was no pedestrian crossing available to
aid people in crossing Watson Road.
Officers agreed to report the request for a crossing to the Transportation
Residents expressed concern and disappointment in relation to the location of
the new Tram Depot and the consultation process that had taken place. An
apology was tendered from the Built Environment Department of the Council
that no officer had been able to attend the meeting. Councillors explained the
process that had taken place. It was agreed to arrange a meeting for
concerned residents to meet with officers from the Built Environment
Department to discuss the plans and have a questions and answers session.
4. Conclusion
Residents had received up to date information on facilities available to young people in
the south shore area and on the new primary care centre and general health issues for
the area, and had participated in a question and answer session with their Councillors
and officers of the Council.
As there were no officers in attendance from the Built Environment Department of the
Council it was agreed that a single issue meeting be held for residents to receive
information and ask questions on the new Tramway Development.
The meeting closed at 8.55pm.