Imagery in Act 2 of Macbeth Sleep Act 2, Scene 1 pg 72 – Banquo: A heavy summons lies like lead upon me, / And yet I would not sleep. pg 74 – Banquo: I dreamt last night of the three Weird Sisters pg 76 – Macbeth: and wicked dreams abuse / The curtained sleep Act 2, Scene 2 pg 78 – Lady Macbeth: It was the owl that shrieked, the fatal bellman, / Which gives the stern’st good-night. pg 78 – Lady Macbeth: Had he not resembled / My father as he slept, I had done’t. pg 80 – Macbeth: There’s one did laugh in’s sleep pg 80 – Macbeth: Methought I heard a voice cry ‘Sleep no more! / Macbeth does murder sleep’, the innocent sleep / Sleep that knits up the raveled sleave of care, / The death of each days’ life, sore labour’s bath, / Balm of hurt minds, great Nature’s second course, / Chief nourisher in life’s feast. pg 82 – Macbeth: Still it cried ‘Sleep no more!’ to all the house: / ‘Glamis hath murdered sleep, and therefore Cawdor / Shall sleep no more: / Macbeth shall sleep no more!’ Act 2, Scene 3 pg 86 – Macduff: Was it so late, friend, ere you went to bed, / That you do lie so late? pg 88 – Porter: equivocates him in a sleep pg 88 – Macduff: Out knocking ha awakened him pg 92 – Macduff: Malcolm! Awake! / Shake off this downy sleep, death’s counterfeit, / And look on death itself! pg 92 – Lady Macbeth: What’s the business, / That such a hideous trumpet calls to parley / The sleepers of the house? pg 94 – Lennox: So were their daggers, which unwiped we found / Upon their pillows Act 2, Scene 4 Disease/Injury Act 2, Scene 1 pgs 74-76 – Macbeth: or art thou but / A dagger of the mind, a false creation, / Proceeding from the heat-oppressed brain? Act 2, Scene 2 pg 80 – Lady Macbeth: These deeds must not be thought / After these ways; so, it will make us mad. pg 80 – Macbeth: Sleep that knits up the raveled sleave of care, / The death of each day’s life, sore labour’s bath, / Balm of hurt minds pg 82 – Lady Macbeth: You do unbend your noble strength, to think / So brainsickly of things pg 82 – Lady Macbeth: Infirm of purpose! pg 82 – Lady Macbeth: If he do bleed, / I’ll gild the faces of the grooms withal Imagery in Act 2 of Macbeth pg 84 – Lady Macbeth: be not lost so poorly in your thoughts Act 2, Scene 3 pg 88 – Macbeth: The labour we delight in physics pain pg 96 – Lady Macbeth: [seeming to faint] Help me hence, ho! pg 98 – Donalbain: There’s daggers in men’s smiles: the near in blood, / The nearer bloody. Act 2, Scene 4 Clothing/Sewing Act 2, Scene 1 Act 2, Scene 2 pg 80 – Macbeth: Sleep that knits up the raveled sleave of care pg 84 – Lady Macbeth: Get on your nightgown, lest occasion call us / And show us to be watchers Act 2, Scene 3 pg 86 – Porter: Faith, here’s an English tailor come hither, for stealing out of a French hose pg 96 – Banquo: And when we have our naked frailties hid, / That suffer in exposure pg 96 – Macbeth: Let’s briefly put on manly readiness Act 2, Scene 4 pg 104 – Macduff: Lest our old robes sit easier than our new! Planting Act 2, Scene 1 Act 2, Scene 2 Act 2, Scene 3 pg 86 – Porter: Here’s a farmer, that hanged himself on th’ expectation of plenty Act 2, Scene 4 Double Act 2, Scene 1 pg 80 – Macbeth: Who lies i’ th’ second chamber? pg 80 – Lady Macbeth: There are two lodged together. Act 2, Scene2 Act 2, Scene 3 Act 2, Scene 4 pg 102 – Macduff: Malcolm and Donalbain, the king’s two sons, / Are stol’n away and fled, which puts upon them / Suspicion of the deed. Shadow/Darkness Act 2, Scene 1 pg 72 – Banquo: How goes the night, boy? pg 72 – Fleance: The moon is down Imagery in Act 2 of Macbeth pg 76 – Macbeth: Now o’er the one half-world / Nature seems dead Act 2, Scene 2 Act 2, Scene 3 pg 90 – Lennox: Lamentings heard i’ th’ air, strange screams of death pg 90 – Lennox: confused events / New hatched to th’ woeful time. pg 90 – Lennox: The obscure bird / Clamoured the livelong night Act 2, Scene 4 pg 100 – Ross: by th’ clock ‘tis day, / And yet dark night strangles the travelling lamp: / Is’t night’s predominance, or the day’s shame, / That darkness does the face of earth entomb, / When living light should kiss it? Strange Act 2, Scene 1 pg 72 – Banquo: He hath been in unusual pleasure pg 74 – Banquo: I dreamt last night of the three Weird Sisters: / To you they have showed some truth. Act 2, Scene 2 Act 2, Scene 3 pg 90 – Lennox: Lamentings heard i’th’air, strange screams of death pg 90 – Lennox: Of dire combustion and confused events Act 2, Scene 4 pg 100 – Old Man: Within the volume of which time I have seen / Hours dreadful and things strange; but this sore night / Hath trifled former knowings. pg 100 – Old Man: ‘Tis unnatural, / Even like the deed that’s done.