Directions for HREC approval of Advertisements All advertisements for approved HREC projects need to be reviewed and approved by the Austin Health HREC prior to use. The Austin Health HREC will review any advertisement submissions and approve them word for word. Any alterations to approved advertisements also need to be approved by the HREC. Submission Requirements Advertisements may be considered out of session if there is a significant reason for urgent review. Please contact Research Ethics to determine if this is possible. If this is agreed upon, only an electronic version (in the first instance) need be submitted. Sponsored trials wanting to obtain approval this way will need to pay the ‘fast track’ fee. Writing an advertisement Advertisements should be written in simple lay language and should not contain coercive information that may entice readers to participate. The advertisement should contain basic information about What the study is investigating (if study medication is used and includes a placebo arm – this information must be included) The type of people/patients being recruited The study time requirement Contact information Do not use the following terms Subjects Eligible Sugar pill If you qualify Important study Do not use the term ‘patients’ to describe people taking part in the study. Please use the term participants. All advertisements should include the statement ‘This study has been approved by the Austin Health Human Research Ethics Committee’. Please see over page for an example advertisement Sample Only Internal Document version 1 dated 30/06/2015 Research Ethics is recruiting people for a drug trial comparing ibuprofen and a placebo (inactive medication). Potential participants should be aged over 18 and have a history of chronic pain. Participants in the study will be asked to attend Austin Health five times over a period of one month. If you are interested and would like further information please contact Jane Doe 9496 XXXX. This study has been approved by the Austin Health Human Research Ethics Committee Reference Number HREC/15/Austin/999. Version XXX Dated YY/YY/YYY