report of spanish juvenile justice system

Cristina Rechea Alberola
Esther Fernández Molina
Criminology Research Centre
University of Castilla-La Mancha
Albacete (Spain)
Address Correspondence to:
Esther Fernández-Molina
Centre of Research in Criminology
Benjamín Palencia Building
University of Castilla-La Mancha
02071 ALBACETE (Spain)
1. Introduction; 2. Global overview of Spanish delinquency trends; 3.
Prevention; 4. Agents of the Spanish Juvenile Justice System; 4.1.The role
of the Prosecutor; 4.2. The role of the Police; 4.3. The role of the Social
Team; 4.4. The role of the Juvenile Judge; 4.5. The role of the regional
government; 4.6. The role of the defence lawyer. 5. Main actions during
instruction; 5.1. Provisional measures; 5.2. “Decriminalization” in OL
5/2000; 5.2.1. “Decriminalization” carried out by the Public Prosecutor;
5.2.2. “Decriminalisation” carried out by the Juvenile Judge; 5.3.
Implementation of decriminalization in the Spanish juvenile justice system;
6. Sentencing; 6.1. Limitations to the Juvenile’s Best Interest in the Juvenile
Judge’s action; 6.1.1. Age; 6.1.2. Circumstances and seriousness of the
facts; 6.1.3. Extreme seriousness; 6.1.4. Length of Measures; 6.1.4.
Modifications introduced by the OL 7/2000; 7. Sanctions; 7.1. Educative
interventions in the Spanish juvenile justice system; 7.2. Types of sanctions;
7.2.1. Custody measures; 7.2.2. Intermediate measures; 7.2.3. Community
measures; 7.2.4. Other measures; 7.3. Implementation of educative
measures: de-institutionalization.
1. Introduction
Juvenile justice in Spain has evolved, as far as its process is concerned. Such
evolution has become clear after the legislative transition from the OL (organic law)
4/1992 to the OL (organic law) 5/2000. The 1992 law was the legal text which first
allowed the implementation of the “model of responsibility” in our country, a “dual”
framework looking for a balance between education and punishment for juvenile justice,
as proposed by the United Nations. This law was largely criticized since it was a
provisional act, not ruling the overall performance of the juvenile justice system in an
organized way. However, such balance was finally achieved thanks to the efforts of
those involved in the implementation of the law, mainly through the work that was done
around two courses of action established by this law: “de-judicialization” and “deinstitutionalization” (Rechea Alberola & Fernández Molina, 2003).
The 2000 law tried a legislative consolidation of this “model of responsibility”,
which was being implemented in legal practice. It was a big issue for lawmakers
involved in juvenile justice. Yet, such consolidation came late, since it came about at a
time when other countries were turning to new views on criminal policy. The
international context, within which this new law fell, had more to do with the English
No more excuses report than with the UN Beijing Rules or the UN Rights of the Child
Convention (ChRC). Following a social outcry which demanded ‘law and order’
policies -criminal policy and juvenile justice in particular-, the law was moving towards
tougher action against offenders. Consequently, both during the law-making
proceedings and through further amendments, the new law accepted concessions
towards social defence, thus abandoning its initial purpose of ‘individual justice’ aimed
at defending the juvenile’s best interest and at reaching a balance between education
and punishment.
OL 5/2000 is the first law in Spain to compile all Juvenile Justice Regulations as a
single and complete system since 1948. To many interested people this reform arrived
too late, but the delay can be understood as a consequence of the Spanish political
agenda of the moment; the reform of the Penal Code, the so-called “Spanish Criminal
Law of Democracy”, arrived in 1995. Nevertheless, the delay may also be an index of
the importance that Juvenile Justice has had in Spain: it has always been a peripheral
subject matter.
According to this law, justice for juveniles is to be administered by a separate
system within the general legal system with its own specific and specialised court.
Jurisdiction of the juvenile court is determined by the offender’s age and his or her
conduct. With respect to that conduct, the system is, exclusively, a penal responsibility
system. The legislators’ intention was to make juveniles responsible for their criminal
acts, and at the same time, to protect young and adolescent delinquents against any
arbitrariness throughout the decision-making process. Therefore, juvenile justice is
concerned only with those who commit acts that are defined as crimes according to
adult Criminal Law. It does not include children who are in poverty, neglected or
abused, or those who are unruly or are at risk of becoming offenders. These juveniles
are the concern of another jurisdiction. This division can also be found in other
European countries such as Denmark (Mehlbye and Sommer, 1998), Germany
(Weitekamp, Kerner and Herberger, 1998) and Italy (Gatti and Verde, 1998), but other
countries have maintained a unique system for protection and reform, among others the
Netherlands (Junger-Tas, 1998), Belgium (Walgrave, Berx, Poels and Vettenburg,
1998), France (Gazeau and Pierre, 1998), and Scotland (Asquith, 1998).
And with respect to age, the law applies to young people under the age of 18 and
older than age 141. The limits of the previous law were established at 12-16 years of
age. To change the lower limit was a very controversial decision which legislators
decided to take against the opinion of many juvenile judges and regional social
services,2 but everybody agreed to changing the highest limit because Spanish Criminal
Law established the age of adulthood at 183. Within this age range, the Juvenile
Criminal Law established two differentiated groups of young people with regard to the
consequences of their responsibility and the measures to be applied to each group; for
juveniles aged 14 and 15 measures would not last more than two years, while for those
aged 16 and 17 any measure, even custody, could last for five years. The Law intends to
give more criminal responsibility to the older young people, as a kind of transition in
order to avoid the abruptness of becoming fully responsible before an adult penal court
for crimes committed after their eighteenth birthday.
2. Global overview of Spanish delinquency trends
In Spain, official data about juvenile delinquency can be obtained from three
different sources: the Police, the Prosecutor’s Office and the Juvenile Courts. However,
it is important to point out that the data obtained from each of these institutions refer to
different aspects of the juvenile justice system. While Police statistics4 come from a
survey of the number of arrests carried out, the statistics of the Prosecutor’s Office and
the Courts consist of the actions carried out annually by each of these institutions; that
is, they do not refer to the number of offences reported but the number of actions that
Art. 4 of OL 5/2000 allowed juveniles between 18 and 21 years, under some circumstances, to
be judged by the Juvenile Court, to get the benefits of a more lenient system. However, this
article was suspended, initially, for a period of two years by OL 9/2000 of December 22nd. This
period has been extended recently to last until 2007 by a new OL 9/2002 of December 10th.
We do not want to enter into a controversy, but in a world where the trend is frequently for
younger children to be considered as criminals, the new Law has increased the age for criminal
responsibility of juveniles. In the Netherlands young people of 16 and 17 can be treated as
adults (Junger-Tas, 1998), and in the UK the 1998 reform considered that a child of 10 can be
responsible (Muncie, 2004).
The Penal Code of 1995 established that 18 was the age for criminal majority. However, this
same text also said that this would not be put into effect until a law was passed for juvenile
penal responsibility which would imply the definitive reform so needed by the Spanish Juvenile
Justice System. That is, the age for criminal majority would not be changed from 16 (the age
established by the former code) to 18 (established by the new code) until this new law was
These data are supplied by the National Police, that is, the number of arrests by the Autonomic
or Local Police is not mentioned (except for the Basque Country which is included).
each institution takes for each one of these offences. In figure 1 we can clearly see the
implications derived from the differences in criteria.
Police Arrests
Prosecutor's Office Files
14.877 15.841 19.428 21.304 24.869 24.411 100.176 98.577 96.945
Juvenile Court Files
13.413 14.382 14.437 17.012 19.541 22.476 54.922 36.603 33.120
11.691 10.507 25.305 25.699 23.402
Fig. 1. Number of arrests by the Police, preliminary files initiated by the Prosecutor’s
Office and files initiated by Juvenile Courts (1995-2003).
Source: Ministry of Home Affairs, Attorney General Office and the General Council of
the Judiciary.
The data regarding Police arrests are the least relevant; this is due to the reasons
mentioned before, as well as the fact that in the Spanish system it is possible to file an
accusation directly to the Juvenile Prosecutor’s Office, the Duty Magistrate’s Court or
the Autonomic5 or Local6 Police.
If we study the data from 2001 we can confirm that the differences in the
information provided by the different institutions are very large as shown by the
spectacular increase in the number of files initiated in the Prosecutor’s Office. This big
difference is mainly the result of the fact that this is precisely this year when the OL
5/2000 came into effect. This means, among other things, a more exact regulation of
the different competences of each of the institutions that control crime. This law
regulated very precisely, the actions to be taken by the Prosecutor’s Office. So this
institution has become the main reference point for the Spanish Juvenile Justice System
In Spain, Catalonia and the Basque Country are the regions that have Autonomic Police. As
has already been mentioned, the data regarding the Basque Country Police are included.
In research carried out at the Juvenile Courts of the Autonomic Community of Castilla LaMancha, we could verify that 77,3% of the cases are reported to the National Police
(Criminology Research Centre, 2003).
which has adopted a new way of working and, as a result, a new system for gathering
information on its actions. This way, the Prosecutor’s Office must open as a preliminary
file every case consigned by the Police, as well as any other actions that must be taken
related to these cases (joinders, inhibitions, dismissal, etc.) which implies the opening
of a new preliminary file every time.
On the other hand, figure 1 also shows data about the actions by the Juvenile Court.
Although there is a higher number of arrests by the Police than by the Prosecutor’s
Office, this time, added to the number of preliminary files worked on in this Office
related to each report filed and not the case itself must be the number of files that the
Prosecutor can file in favour of the youngster at an initial stage of the procedure to
avoid the criminalization of juveniles in certain cases. (I don’t understand this sentence
at all, J-T)
Despite the numeric differences in magnitude, it is interesting to see that the
tendencies in the different institutions coincide, which is, without doubt, very useful
information for the verification of the reliability of these data and confirm the value of
these sources as instruments of measurement, at least to analyse general tendencies.
If we look at figure 1, we can see that the three curves have an inflexion point in the
year 2001, showing a substantial increase in the number of cases: as was mentioned
before this is the year the new Law came into effect. This increase is due to the
modification of the age margins established by the new Law to enter the system. Data
from 1993 to 2000 refer to the number of juveniles between 12 and 16 years of age who
had committed a penal infraction, whereas data from 2001 refer to the number of
juveniles between 14 and 18 years of age who have committed an infraction. This
change has implied an important reform in the system from a quantitative as well as a
qualitative point of view since it has meant the ejection of the youngest age group of the
population from the system and the incorporation of an older age group that brings
about a big change in two ways: on one hand because the latter is a more mature age
group from a development point of view, and on the other hand because according to
criminological literature, it is an age segment, 16-17 years, that offers the highest
number of criminal acts.
We also have to point out that the deep transformation of the system, by means of
which these older juveniles have been incorporated, has not taken place automatically,
and the transition period between one system and the other has been longer than desired.
Among the problems that made this transition period longer, we find that ordinary
Courts refrained from processing the files of juveniles of 16 and 17 years of age in view
of the imminent reform. These files were automatically sent from the criminal court to
the juvenile jurisdiction on 13th January 2001 and have been processed and settled
gradually in subsequent years. This has made the system face a much heavier workload
than usual, which is an aspect to be considered.
To avoid the impact that might be caused by the entry in the system of the modified
age groups on the analyses of trends, according to the different laws, figure 2 uses the
number of Police arrests from 19977 to 2003 of all delinquents under the age of 18,
where we can see that after an increase in the number of arrests in 1999, figures
remained constant in subsequent years showing a light decrease in the last year.
Rate/10.000 population
Figure 2. Police arrests (0 to 17 years old) Rate/10.000 Population of this age. Source:
Ministry of Home Affairs
Regarding the type of delinquency, the authors of this report wondered whether in
Spain, as in other countries, (Barberet, 2001) an increase of violent behaviour had taken
place. As can be observed in figure 3, the conclusion can be reached that in Spain
violent crimes have also consistently increased since 1997.
In 1997, the police started a new information gathering system, so as to avoid any distortion of
the information that could be caused by the different instruments of measurement, the number
of arrests before this year has been ignored.
Figure 3. Number of arrests (0 to 17 years old) for violent crimes. Source: Ministry for
Home Affairs.
Finally, we very much regret that in Spain there are no data from self-report surveys,
as happens in other countries, which could complete and corroborate the data supplied
by official sources. Only one survey of this kind was carried out in 1992 (Barberet,
Rechea Alberola and Montañés Rodríguez, 1994) but since it was done a long time ago,
the usage of this information has been rejected.
3. Prevention
In the Spanish system there is no specific plan to prevent juvenile delinquency.
However some actions are taken towards preventing criminal behaviour.
Preventive actions are basically focused on the development of social conditions to
achieve more equality and so to make committing crimes “unnecessary”. This tendency
comes from the southern European countries which promote the protection of children’s
rights as policies to prevent social maladaptation (Bernuz Beneitez, 2000). These
actions are basically strategies of secondary prevention that imply working with groups
at risk and take place through the systems of youth protection. These systems do not
have a national structure but are the responsibility of regional governments, so we could
say that each community presents a different reality on this respect.
In addition, there are a series of programmes in the framework of primary
intervention at the national level and promoted by the Ministry of Education. Among
them, we draw attention to a programme to prevent school violence and ‘bullying’,8 and
the programmes developed within the Health Promoting School9. However, these are
very specific and limited experiences without a strong economic and political
commitment and they are very rarely evaluated.
Agents of the Spanish Juvenile Justice System
The Juvenile Justice System in Spain is made up of a group of professionals which,
especially since 2001 and complying with the rules of the United Nations, must be
specialized in this field, thus guaranteeing that all actions taken will be in the juvenile’s
best interest.
Although it is the Prosecutor’s Office that leads the actions in this system, the new
law has conferred upon all professionals a specific role within the juvenile justice
system, on an equal level of importance, thus confirming a tendency existing in a lot of
countries close to us. This has created a horizontal juvenile justice system that
traditionally had a pyramidal structure (Bailleau y Cartuyvels, 2002:279). In this section
we are going to analyse the influence of each professional’s role in the system.
4.1. The role of the Prosecutor
As has been said, the Prosecutor is the main reference figure in the Spanish juvenile
justice system. The leading role of the Prosecutor was first introduced in the reform of
1992 as an innovation in criminal-policy that incorporated the figure of an investigating
judge (Fernandez Molina and Rechea Alberola, in press). In the Spanish justice system
the Judge is the jurisdiction’s authority, so he is in charge of adopting the decisions
concerning the procedure; there is the double figure of an Investigating Judge and a
Sentencing Judge in order to guarantee the impartiality of the latter.
The reform of 1992 tried to experiment in Spain with practices established in other
countries where the Prosecutor is in charge of the instruction of the procedure using
juvenile justice as a laboratory to test what could be the future reform of the whole
penal system. This experience was positive since this professional has been
For reference, check
For reference, check
consolidated in the system, replacing the Spanish traditional Judge (Rechea Alberola
and Fernández Molina, 2003). Because of its success the current government is studying
the possibility of introducing this reform in the adult criminal system.
The Prosecutor conducts the preliminary investigation while the Juvenile Court
Judge is responsible for safeguarding the rights of the person under investigation. At
this stage the Prosecutor is also assisted by the Police to determine the juvenile’s
participation in criminal acts (art. 6), and by the Social Team to determine the most
appropriate measure for the juvenile’s psycho-social situation (art. 27.1).
Apart from the investigation of the facts, the Prosecutor also has an important role
of procedural efficiency. This implies that he is not only going to intervene in the
instruction but in the whole procedure: the hearing (art. 8, 31 y 32), possible pre-trial
measures (provisional measures J-T) (art. 28), in carrying out the measure (article 14,
44b y 50), in substitution or suspension of the measure (articles 40 y 51) and in the
appeal system (article 43).
In Spain each province has a special Juvenile Section within the Prosecutor’s Office
where there is, at least, a specialised Prosecutor (in some cases there could be many
more, and in other cases there might be several but not exclusively devoted to juvenile
The time between committing the crime and the Prosecutor’s acknowledgement of
the case is usually 10 months. Nevertheless, as has been said at the beginning of this
report, a new Law has meant a difficult and laborious transitional process which is still
affecting the system. For example, crimes committed by 16 and 17 year olds before
2001 are still dealt with today. They were being handled by the adult court when the
Law came into effect and were transferred to be dealt with under the new Law which
was considered more benevolent than the adult process. So if we do not take into
account the average time needed to complete a case but the value of the median, the
time the Prosecutor takes to deal with a case is 3, 4 months.
4.2. The role of the Police
Although the OL 5/2000 admits the need of specialised Police Groups, called
GRUME (Juvenile Groups), they have not been assigned many functions. In Spain the
Police do not act differently with juveniles than with adults, as opposed to what happens
in other countries like the Netherlands (Junger-Tas, 1998), the United Kingdom
(Bottoms, Haines y O’Mahony, 1998) or Ireland (O’Sullivan, 1998) where they can
caution the juvenile or adopt diversionary measures.
The GRUME are only in charge of arresting the juvenile delinquent and helping the
Prosecutor clarify the facts. The OL 5/2000 only mentions the Police twice, when it
rules on the functions of the Department of Public Prosecutions and entrusts them to
order the Police to verify the facts and the juvenile’s participation (art. 6), and when it
regulates the arrest of juveniles (art. 17).
However, although it is not mentioned in the Law, there is no doubt that the
GRUMES’ actions are wider. Firstly, because the groups have responsibilities with
juvenile delinquents as well as with juvenile victims, so their work has undoubtedly
preventive potential. On the other hand, the groups become in practice an important
element in the juvenile justice system since they are in permanent contact with all its
institutions: Juvenile Courts, Department of Public Prosecutions, Social Services, etc.
Regarding the actions to be taken with juvenile delinquents, the first one must be
to determine their age. If the juvenile is under 14 years old and so excluded from the
actions of the juvenile justice system, the Police must restrict their actions to the field of
juvenile protection. Once the juvenile’s age and identity are determined, the rules of
juvenile protection10 will be applied. The Department of Public Prosecutions will be
informed of the known facts and circumstances by sending the Police report, referring
the juvenile either to his lawful attorney or to the public entity for juvenile protection.
Another of the main actions carried out by the Police is detaining the juvenile: in
this case the action must be most respectful of the juvenile’s rights, in particular when
they must guard the juvenile’s protection (art.17).
The police can also keep juveniles in short-term custody, but only for 24 hours
before formally accusing them of a crime. During that time, juveniles have the same
constitutional rights as adults, as well as some specific ones due to their juvenile
condition such as:
Law enforcement officers must use clear and understandable language
according to the offender’s age.
Specifically, it refers to the enforcement of the OL 1/1996 for juvenile protection, which is
the Law that designs the state juvenile protection system and the corresponding laws in the
Autonomous Communities where the juvenile might come from. Since Spain is a quasi-federal
state, regional governments have transferred competences in some fields, like it is the case of
juvenile protection.
Before a statement is taken, a written notice of the time, place and purpose of
the taking of the statement is given to the parents or guardians, the lawyer and
the Prosecutor.
During these 24 hours, the juvenile must be kept in a special room away from
adult offenders.
4.3. The role of the Social Team
One of the main roles of the Social Team (ST), which includes psychologists, social
educators and social workers, is to prepare a “technical report” at the prosecutor’s
request. The report must be an objective statement about the juvenile’s family, his or
her social and educational history, and any previous involvement with private or public
agencies the juvenile has had. The report also describes the juvenile’s physical and
mental health, and makes a recommendation as to which treatment alternatives should
be advisable in this case.
The OL 5/2000 also establishes the intervention of the ST in other phases of the
procedure trying to guarantee that all decisions are to be made respecting the juvenile’s
psycho-social situation.
Apart from this advisory role, the ST accomplishes other functions that turn it more
into a forensic team. Among these functions we find the option of a foster-home, the dejudiciarization of the proceedings (art. 19 y 27.4), social and psychological assistance
while the juvenile is detained (art. 17.3.), and providing all the care, protection and
social and psychological assistance required, bearing in mind his age, sex and personal
4.4. The role of the Juvenile Judge
Once the figure of the Investigating Judge has been assumed and integrated into our
system, with the shrinking role this involves for the Spanish juvenile Judge, the new
Law has exactly determined his role in juvenile procedures, conferring him numerous
and important functions all along the procedure. Thus, during instruction he will be the
Guarantee Judge of the juvenile’s rights, the Sentencing Judge during the procedure at
the hearing, and when pronouncing a sentence, the Enforcing Judge when the measure
is carried out (in the same way as the role of the Penitentiary Surveillance Judge in the
adult system). He must make sure that the Administration executes the sentence, and
finally he will be a Civil Judge when in charge of processing his civil responsibilities.
4.5. The role of the regional government
Since the reform of 1992 the services of regional governments are the ones in charge
of carrying out the measures adopted by Juvenile Judges. This decision had a huge
significance at the time for two reasons: firstly, because it implied the assumption of the
decentralization of the juvenile criminal enforcement system; and secondly, because the
design of a global child policy, ranging from the protection of juveniles at risk to a
judicial response to criminal behaviour, was being strongly supported.
This way, in Spain, juvenile educational intervention has a different dimension in
every region, difference mainly based on the uneven supply of resources between them
and the different degrees of social conditions in each region, in terms of differential
crime rates, social isolation, importance of immigration movements. In this respect
Madrid and Catalonia are very different from other regions like Castilla-León or
Castilla-La Mancha, or smaller ones like Asturias or Cantabria.
4.6. The role of the defence lawyer
The new Law requires lawyers to follow the same specialized training as Judges and
Prosecutors. As in the adult system, the attorney in the juvenile justice system is
involved in each phase of the process in order to safeguard the juvenile’s rights.
5. Main actions during instruction
In this section we will analyse two actions taking place during instruction and which
are especially interesting because they are more specified than the ones in the ordinary
system, and are focused on the juvenile’s best interest: the adoption of pre-trial
measures and the possibility of decriminalizing the proceedings.
5.1. Pre-trial measures
One of the most problematic aspects during instruction could be the need to adopt a
pre-trial measure. Once the Police has referred the juvenile to the Prosecutor, he has 24
hours to make a decision between (art. 28) releasing the juvenile for a later appearance
in a formal hearing, or asking the Judge for pre-trial measures.
If the Judge is asked for pre-trial measures, he has 24 hours to impose such a
measure. For the judge to impose a pre-trial measure, he or she has to take into account:
the juvenile’s safety, the protection of the person or property of others, the juvenile’s
subsequent presence at the hearing, the seriousness of the offence, the juvenile’s record
and the social upheaval caused by the offence.
The pre-trial measures that can be applied are: custody,11 probation or living with
another family.
5.2. Decriminalization in the OL 5/2000
The fact that the Prosecutor has the monopoly of penal action in the Spanish
juvenile justice system means, among other things, that decriminalization strategies are
in his hands.
The new law allows the proceedings to be dismissed in the best interest of the
juvenile, thus avoiding a formal response, either by the Public Prosecutor at his own
Office or by the Judge immediately after initiating proceedings, in order to avoid a trial.
5.2.1. “Decriminalization” carried out by the Public Prosecutor
The new legislation allows the Public Prosecutor to act more freely. Following
former laws, the Prosecutor had to ask the Judge to dismiss proceedings in the
juvenile’s best interest. After the enactment of the new law, the Prosecutor may dismiss
proceedings, without asking the Judge, if the offence is minor and committed by a first
offender (art 18). In this way, the Prosecutor carries out an important “filtering” task in
the juvenile justice system because first offenders committing minor offences will stay
out of the system.
5.2.2. “Decriminalization” carried out by the Judge
The other way of preventing trial and punishment is requested by the Prosecutor but
is decided by the Judge. In this case it is possible to drop the charges (art. 19) when the
juvenile has carried out any kind of activity guided by the principles of “Restorative
justice” (victim-offender mediation, reparation of the damage or an educational task).
The Prosecutor has the power to request dropping the charges through this alternative,
depending on the seriousness and circumstances of the offence -when it is a non-serious
offence- and when the mere promise of the juvenile to repair the damage or injury
caused to the victim seems insufficient. If the mediation process is successfully
completed, then the prosecutor can request the judge to dismiss the case.
Pre-trial detention is the temporary and safe custody of a juvenile who is accused of a serious
crime (never for minor offences) while pending legal action. The maximum length of custody is
3 months (the time limit for the prosecutor’s investigation of the case). If the case is very
complicated the maximum length can be 6 months.
The Judge may also dismiss proceedings (art. 27.4) when, although the juvenile is
not a first offender, the ST recommends a second chance in the juvenile’s best interest,
provided that the offence is not serious -especially if there has not been either violence
or intimidation-, when the measures carried out have been sufficient to make the
juvenile responsible for his acts, or because of the time elapsed since the acts were
committed makes any intervention unnecessary.
5.3. Implementation of decriminalization in the Spanish Juvenile Justice System
Next, we analyse the application of this course of action which avoids formalization
of the responses in less serious cases. To do so, we use data from the Prosecutor’s
Office, comparing national data with those of the region of Castilla-La Mancha.
First of all, we would like to point out that information in figure 4 shows the number
of reform proceedings that have been taken by the prosecutor and the juvenile judge
because of an alternative disposal (art. 19) or a dismissal in the juvenile’s interest
advised by the ST (art. 27.4). Therefore, it is not possible to distinguish between which
proceedings are dismissed for which reason.
Region of Castilla-La Mancha
Remaining action
Judge de-judicialization
Prosecutor de-judicialization
Figure 4. Decriminalization in the Spanish Juvenile Justice System. Source:
Prosecutor’s Office (2002)
As can be seen in figure 4, nationwide, the Prosecutor’s “decriminalization” has
more impact than that of the Judge. However, if national data are compared with data
from a particular region such as Castilla-La Mancha, the distribution between both
strategies is different. In this region, although the number of charges dropped by the
Prosecutor remains high, the number of cases dismissed by the Judge greatly exceeds
the national average.
Such differences may be due to the uneven development of “restorative”
practices throughout Spain. The Prosecutor dismisses a lower number of proceedings in
order to come to some kind of agreement with the victim in regions where there are
enough staff and resources to carry out such practices, despite the fact that this involves
higher levels of intervention. Nevertheless, the Prosecutor may avoid excessive
criminalization by dismissing cases from the beginning whenever staff and resources
are limited.
The problem with resources is due to the fact that the law orders the ST to carry
out actions related to mediation with the victim and reparation of the damage. The ST
has a great deal of work to do within the framework of justice enacted by the new law,
and, as a consequence, ST’s have become overworked. This is the reason why only
regional administrations which have their own teams carrying out restorative action, are
able to foster this practice. Occasionally, local social services, or even NGOs (through
some kind of agreement), co-operate in the implementation of restorative action in some
regions. Castilla-La Mancha is one of the regions which carry out their action through
agencies such as those that can be seen in the table below.
Table 1. Agencies carrying the mediation task in Castilla-La Mancha
Social Team
Prosecutor’s Office
Community intervention team
Social Services
Services through agreement with NGOs
Spontaneous action by different parties
Not stated
Source: Fernández Molina (2004).
In any case, we can conclude that the final balance of decriminalization in the
Spanish juvenile justice system is quite acceptable since it allows half the cases to be
dismissed before the hearing. However, most cases are dismissed in the Prosecutor’s
Office and not in the Juvenile Court. This means that the charges have been dropped
mainly because they were first offenders and because of the non-seriousness of the
facts, and not because of the personal evaluation of the case, or because the juvenile’s
psycho-social circumstances have advised so.
On the other hand, we should point out that, through this decriminalization strategy,
the system is not only trying to avoid criminal procedures for juveniles but also to give
a quick response in the case of petty offences. The following table shows the time the
proceedings take when the case is dismissed in the juvenile’s interest (art. 27.4), a
restoration process has been carried out (art. 19) or the case has been resolved by means
of a formal process where a measure12 has been adopted.
Table 2. Time elapsed between different moments of the process (mean and median)
Dismissing in the juvenile’s interest
Since the commission of the crime
Since the opening of the procedure
20.2 months
4.6 months
17.8 months
3.4 months
Dismissing by restoration process
Since committing the crime
Since the opening of the procedure
8.1 months
5.6 months
6.3 months
5 months
Adoption of a measure
Since committing the crime
Since the opening of the procedure
Source: Fernández Molina (2004).
13.8 months
9.3 months
11.1 months
8.6 months
To sum up, it is dismissing in the juvenile’s interest which takes the least time, 4.6
months, as opposed to 5.6 months when there has been conciliation, restoration or
socio-educative tasks and 9.3 months when an educational measure has been adopted.
However, the proceedings ‘dismissed in the juvenile’s interest’ are the ones that take
longest to be resolved from the time of committing the acts, 20.2 months. The data of
the median is the most relevant since half the dismissed cases took 17.8 months from
the time of committing the crime. This data reveals that of the two reasons the ST can
use to request a dismissal in the juvenile’s interest, as established in art. 27.4, the one
most widely used is considering inappropriate, in the juvenile’s interest, any kind of
intervention, taking into account the time elapsed since the acts were committed.
6. Sentencing
The data in this analysis are from a study carried out in the Juvenile Courts, and that is why
we cannot access the information regarding the files dismissed by the Prosecutor since they are
never referred to the Court, and so remain the Prosecutor’s work in his Office.
Once the Prosecutor decides not to dismiss the case, the process continues and the
formal adjudication process begins. The next phase is the trial, where the ‘hearing’ takes
place informally. The Judge has to hear everyone: the juvenile, the parents, the
prosecutor, the ST and the defence lawyer, and make a decision. In order to make this
decision in the juvenile’s best interest, the Judge has to bear in mind: the seriousness of
the offence, the juvenile’s family and his/her social and educational history.
The juvenile’s best interest is the premise that underlies the Juvenile Justice System,
addressed by the OL 5/2000, which is one of the fundamental rights according to the
ChRC: in all legal actions concerning those under the age of 18, the ‘best interests of the
child’ shall be a primary consideration’ (article 3.1).
One should understand this principle as a juvenile’s right, because we know that
juvenile delinquency is something different from adult crime, and the social reaction to
it cannot be punitive but rehabilitative and educative (Giménez-Salinas, 2000). But how
can this principle be applied? The law-maker does not answer this question directly, but
while using the law, states how to evaluate it (“with technical and non- formal
criteria”) and who has to do so (“a team of professionals specialised in sciences other
than the legal ones”). That means that the evaluation of the juvenile’s best interest,
following art. 27 of the OL 5/2000, has to be done at the prosecutor’s request by an
interdisciplinary team, the ST, which has to write a report that will determine the action
taken during the process.
The main objective of this report is to provide the judge and the prosecutor with
knowledge about the juvenile’s situation, indicating his or her deficits and resources.
The report has to indicate an action plan for each juvenile in order to individualise the
decision the judicial agents have to take. The report and its use by these agents during
the process shows that, at least initially, we are dealing now with a specific penal
process different from the adult one, in which the reaction of the justice system to lawbreaking does not follow general deterrence criteria but tries to provide the juvenile
with a more appropriate response to his or her needs.
The measure to be chosen has to be guided by the principle of rehabilitation, i.e., it
must be educative. However, any intervention in juvenile criminal cases has to be
proportional to the seriousness of the offence the juvenile has committed.
Once the prosecutor decides to continue with the case and files a formal charge, the
ST’s report has to be taken into account not only by the prosecutor and the defence
lawyer in their proposals, but also by the judge in his sentence. The judge is obliged to
motivate the sentence, that is, to explain why he or she decided to apply a certain
measure and its duration, as a way to control the evaluation he or she has made of the
ST’s report, which is the concrete technical expression of the juvenile’s best interest.
This motivation will prevent arbitrariness, because although the judge’s decision will
rest on his discretionary power, the decision criteria have to be formally justified
(Fernández Molina, 2002).
The task of the juvenile judge is an arduous one. He or she has to evaluate the
juvenile’s best interest in the most sophisticated and exhaustive way, since the
evaluation will serve to decide the educative response to be applied to the juvenile. The
legislator requires the judge to consider the juvenile’s best interest as an essential
element of his or her decision (art.7.3).
6.1. Limits to the Juvenile’s Best Interest in the action of the Judge: the OL 7/2000
Although the OL 5/2000 declared solemnly that the aim of the measures to be taken
in the juvenile process is educative, i.e., specific deterrence, and although the Law
committed itself to flexibility in the adoption and enforcement of the measures (art.7.3),
in some cases, other aspects of the situation have to be taken into consideration; these
are age, the kind of crime committed and its seriousness, and recidivism.
On the other hand, and despite the legislation’s initial focus on the juvenile’s best
interest, once the OL 5/2000 was published and before it came into effect, 13 the
government presented another law -the OL 7/2000 of December 22nd- modifying the
Criminal Law and the Law of Juvenile Criminal Responsibility with respect to acts of
terrorism. But this new law was not only limited to acts of terrorism; rather, terrorism
was the pretext for the introduction of other modifications to the OL 5/2000 that the
government did not dare to introduce before, given its progressive character. These
modifications aggravated the responses to some kinds of crimes or crimes committed by
juveniles that were considered especially uncomfortable (in particular in cases of
The Government established a “vacatio legis” of a year for the system to prepare itself for
change. During this period, a new legislature gave absolute majority to the Government.
recidivism and of serious crimes), and they did not take into consideration the juvenile’s
best interest.
6.1.1. Age
Age is one of the factors to be taken into account by the Juvenile Judge. As we have
already explained, according to the two age ranges established by law, the consequences
regarding his responsibility and the length of the measures that can be imposed on the
child will differ. So, according to age, the length of the measure might vary from two
years for juveniles aged 14 and 15 to five years for those aged 16 and 17.
6.1.2. Circumstances and seriousness of the acts
The motivation of the law regarding the procedure to be used with the juvenile and
how to measure the juvenile’s best interest at the time of giving a response seems to
have been forgotten by the legislator when writing the rest of the law. The judge has to
take into account the judicial qualification of the acts, i.e., the nature of the committed
crime and its seriousness, to decide on a sentence. In some cases, this will prevent him
from taking other measures which, from the juvenile’s point of view, could be more
beneficial for the offender (art. 39). The content of this article is more in line with a
general deterrent and social defence point of view than with the rehabilitative principle
that seems to govern the proceedings of juveniles, according to the OL 7/2000.
6.1.3. Extreme seriousness
Even stricter limitations are found in art. 9.5. This article establishes the rules to be
followed in cases of extreme seriousness, including cases of recidivism. It seems that
the legislator is harsher with the group considered to be the hard core of juvenile
delinquents (recidivists and those responsible for very serious acts). In these cases, the
judge is obliged to put the juvenile into custody in a closed centre for one to five years
without the possibility of modifying the measure during the first year (the sentence may
be revised after termination of the first year).
One of the problems with this law article is to establish what “extreme seriousness”
means. Initially, the text of the OL 5/2000 of January 12th included recidivism and a
limited list of crimes: terrorism, murder or homicide and sexual assault. But the OL
7/2000 reform of December 22nd maintains recidivism as an aggravating matter and
creates an especially harsh regime for the crimes included in the above mentioned list.
6.1.4. Length of Measures
The duration of the measures established in the OL 5/2000 is considered too long if
the aim of the law is focused on the juvenile’s best interest. As Ornosa (2000) points
out, if in two years rehabilitation has not succeeded, whatever the seriousness of the
crime committed or the juvenile’s personal or familiar circumstances, the likelihood of
success with this juvenile is minimal. That means that measures longer than two years
do not have a rehabilitative character but rather a retributive one.
6.1.5. Other modifications introduced by the OL 7/2000 of 22nd December
As mentioned above, this law is not in agreement with the spirit of the 5/2000 law
that tried to look for a balance between society’s right to defend itself and the
rehabilitative objective (Gimenez-Salinas, 2000), because it aggravated the measures
and created some other punitive concepts. Although the law was created to respond to
the escalation of the terrorist acts by the ‘kale borroca” (terrorist vandalism by juveniles
in the Basque Country), it was expanded to include crimes (murder, homicide and
sexual assault) committed by any juvenile.
Reviewing the changes instituted by this reform, the two most relevant ones are:
first, the creation of a Central Juvenile Court at the National Court (in Madrid) for
terrorist acts where all juvenile terrorists will be judged. That means that a judge located
far away from the home region of the offender will judge the juvenile, and that eventual
custody measures will be applied away from his or her home milieu. This option is a far
cry from the “juvenile’s best interest”, and the fact that he or she will now be labelled as
a terrorist renders any rehabilitative intervention very difficult (Ornosa Fernández,
2000). And second, the extension of the length of the measures for acts mentioned in
this law, especially the provision that these measures cannot be modified until half of
the sentence has been served (See Table 3).
Table 3. Exceptions to the OL 5/2000 introduced by the OL 7/2000, with respect to
terrorist acts and very serious crimes.
14-15 year
CRIMES (with more than 15
years of prison in the adults
Criminal Code)
From 1 to 4 years of custody in a
closed centre + 3 years of
probation (the sentence cannot be
modified until half the measure of t
From 1 to 5 years of custody in a
closed centre + 3 years of
probation (the sentence cannot be
modified until half the measure of
16-17 year
custody has been served)
custody has been served)
From 1 to 8 years of custody in a
closed centre + 5 years of
probation (the sentence cannot be
modified until half the measure of
custody has been served)
From 1 to 10 years of custody in a
closed centre + 5 years of
probation (the sentence cannot be
modified until half the measure of
custody has been served)
7. Sanctions
7.1. Educative intervention in the Spanish juvenile justice system.
Social Welfare institutions have to deal with young offenders. When the judge
imposes a measure, the professionals of the Social Welfare system implement the
program (content) of the measure.
As has been said in previous headings, the regional governments in Spain have
competence in the social welfare system. This means that, each region of the country
has a different social welfare structure as well as different resources. This difference in
resources can make a big difference in the kind of measures the judges can apply to
juveniles (Rechea y Fernández Molina, 2003).
7.2.Types of sanctions
7.2.1. Custody measures:
Custody is imposed when other measures are deemed insufficient because of the
juvenile’s criminal tendencies as demonstrated in the offence, or because of the
seriousness of the offences. The main aim of this measure is to provide a good and
healthy environment in order to redirect the juvenile’s antisocial behaviour, even though
it might be necessary to restrict the juvenile’s freedom. This loss of freedom can vary
depending on the kind of restrictions the judge imposes. The judge can only impose
custody in a ‘closed centre’ when the juvenile has committed a serious and violent
crime. All measures of custody must be followed by a period of probation. There are
several types of custody:
In a closed centre: When a juvenile stays in this kind of centre, the system tries to
instil in him some degree of social competence to encourage later responsible behaviour
in the community.
In a half-open centre: In this case a socio-behavioural plan is implemented in
collaboration with community social services. The offenders live in the centre.
In an open centre: Juveniles are required to have to do all activities in the
community. However, their residence is in the centre.
Therapeutic custody: Juveniles with drug or psychiatric problems need a certain
context to implement a therapeutic program, either because his or her environment isn’t
adequate for treatment, or because there are risk factors that require custody in a closed
7.2.2. Intermediate measures
Weekend Custody: Juveniles must stay in their homes or in a Centre for 36 hours
over the weekend. They have to perform some educational tasks that are imposed by the
judge (such as road safety education). This measure is usually applied to those juveniles
that have committed assault and vandalism offences during the weekend.
Community therapeutic treatment: Juveniles must periodically attend a centre to
follow a specific plan to treat their problem, which could be drug-related or psychiatric.
In this case it is necessary to have the juvenile’s consent.
Attendance at a ‘Day Centre’: Young offenders are diverted to community centres
to perform activities to improve their social competence. This measure tries to provide a
structured environment for young offenders. The educational activities try to
compensate for family deficits. The young offenders continue to live at home.
7.1.3. Community measures
Probation: Young offenders have to be subjected to the supervision and guidance of
a ‘Probation Officer’, within a time period that has been decided by the judge, usually
not more than 2 years.
The probation officer’s role is of assistance, guidance and care. These officers
have to promote the juvenile’s education and they work with parents or guardians, using
as much as possible community resources. The main aim will be to improve the
juvenile’s skills, abilities and attitudes. The probation officer is appointed by the court
and may be given instructions by the judge for their activities. They have to report on
the behaviour of the juvenile at intervals specified by the judge, and they must inform
the judge of any change in behaviour.
While being on probation, the judge can require the juvenile to comply with the
following conditions: attend school, participate in a training course, such as social
competence training or a professional course, etc.; abstain from going to specific places
of public entertainment, obey the rules of the institution where the juvenile lives, as well
as other obligations that the judge may impose that do not violate the juvenile’s
constitutional rights.
Living with another person, another family or educative group: provide the young
offender with a positive socialisation environment. The person, the family or the
educative group offer him/her the possibility to live in a family-like environment that
tries to develop pro-social and affective responses in the juvenile.
Community Service: applicable in those cases where young offenders have infringed
the rights or well being of the community. In order to enhance the educational factor,
the nature of the activity should be especially related to the type of crime committed or
to the damage inflicted to the community. If possible, the activities will be done during
the offender’s leisure time.
Socio-educative measures: The young offenders have to do some educational tasks,
in order to achieve their rehabilitation. This measure tries to satisfy some needs which
are delaying the juvenile’s full development. The measure can be the obligation to
attend a community activity that already exists or to create a specific activity for each
specific case.
7.2.3. Other measures
Finally, there are other measures: cautioning, deprivation of a licence to drive a
motorcycle or motor vehicle, or to have a gun and game licence, and absolute
disqualification for terrorism crimes.
7.3.Implementation of educative measures: de-institutionalization
Next we are going to analyse the result of the decisions made by the Judge,
comparing the data from the current system to those of the former one in order to
analyse the trends of the educational intervention system the new Law sets up (see
Table 4). First of all, we would like to state that the average time for the juvenile to be
in the Judge’s hands is 14.4 months since the opening of proceedings and the sentence
is imposed a few days later.
As has been said before, the new legislation enacted in 2000 considered “decriminalizing” only minor offences. Therefore, and despite being contrary to the
juvenile’s best interest, the law requires that the juvenile who committed a serious
offence has to be taken to trial and undergo subsequent intervention through an
educational measure decided by the Judge. Because the rate of serious offences is not
very high (no more than 11%), the impact of the legal requirement for this kind of
offence is very small.
Nevertheless, it prevents the juvenile’s best interest from determining the judicial
response, since it is exclusively the seriousness of the offence that triggers intervention.
Former legislation did not restrict the juvenile’s best interest and, consequently, the new
system slightly increased the number of cases where the Judge will impose some kind
of measure, although it ranges from 39.4% to 43.6% (see Table 4).
Table 4. Educational Interventions 2000/2002
4,349 54.84%
Community measures:
Educational task
Community service
Living with another family
Therapeutic treatment
Attendance to day centre
1,485 18.7%
Open/Half-open custody
Closed custody
Restriction of rights
Not stated
Total of measures
TOTAL of proceedings
Source: NIS(National Institute of Statistics)
(1) Percentage regarding the total of measures
(2) Percentage regarding the total of proceedings
21.62% 8,502
39.4% 13,859
100% 31,850
61.3% 26.84%
24.9% 10.9%
0.10% 0.04%
33.7% 14.6%
100% 43.6%
Considering Table 4 the first data worth emphasizing is the substantial increase of
the measure of confinement, from 18.7% in the year 2000 to 25.4% in 2002. This means
an increase in the custody rate from 8.1 to 19.3 per 10,000 inhabitants from 14 to 17
years of age.
On the one hand, the strict rules the law-maker has established for those cases where
custody is an option, might have been the cause for this increase in its use. If this
explanation would be confirmed, it would imply that according to the former legislation
some serious cases would have had a community intervention since that was considered
more beneficial, bearing in mind the juvenile’s psycho-social situation. That is, the
greater the flexibility available to Juvenile Judges when adopting measures, the more
likely they would have been to choose community intervention, which they seemed to
prefer. So, the great restrictions when adopting a measure under the OL 5/2000, might
have caused the law-maker’s criteria to take priority over those of the judge, obliging
him to adopt custody measures where he might have preferred to adopt a community
On the other hand, another explanation for this increase could be the changes in
juvenile justice due to the modifications in age range, with the new rules simply
following this change. That is, the entry in the system of older juveniles might have
brought more serious situations which require a more intensive intervention.
Regarding community measures, official data offer quite surprising information.
Despite having a catalogue with a widened number of possible community measures, in
practice only two of the already existing measures are being applied: probation and
community service, in 33.7% and 24.9% of the cases where a measure is adopted. That
is, in the first years of the application of the Law the expected diversification of
community measures has not taken place. In fact, the application of the two new
measures has not been put into effect14.
The non application of the new measures might be due to several reasons. Firstly,
we could point out a problem already mentioned when analysing the content of the
Law: there is some confusion regarding these two new measures and their scope does
not seem to have been very well understood.
Regarding these data it seems suspicious that measures of Attendance to a day centre or
Socio-educational tasks were not applied in 2000. It is thought that behind these data there
might be a problem in information gathering. For example, “unstated” interventions might be
referring to the number of new measures applied. However, it is impossible to check this or
other explanations since these are the only official data we have. Data regarding the application
of measures may be provided by the Autonomous Regions in 2005 and will help us checking
this theory.
It is also possible that these measures have not been applied because of a lack of
resources; that is, if there are no day centres or not enough staff to carry out concrete
educational interventions, they could hardly be applied.
Finally, there is another important reason for the little impact of these measures: if
the law-maker wanted to guarantee wider and more diverse community intervention, he
should have provided a more flexible procedure that allows individualizing the
intervention based on the juvenile’s special situation rather than just enumerate a wide
catalogue of measures. The truth is that the success of community intervention will only
be possible if there are enough resources and programmes, adequate for each
Autonomous Region, allowing an individualized intervention taking into account the
juvenile’s psycho-social situation.
In this sense we could say that, precisely as a consequence of more resources
offered by the Law in most Autonomous Regions, the percentage of cautions has
decreased: from 25.4% to 11.4% of cases where a measure is applied. This confirms the
explanation that the excessive use of this measure in juvenile justice in Spain for so
many years was, to a great extent, due to a lack of resources available for carrying out
other types of educational interventions (Rechea Alberola y Fernández Molina, 2003).
Nevertheless, there is still a long way to go in community interventions, although
resources have been created, we need a more coordinated action to guarantee more
efficiency and real provisional interventions. In the same way, there is no doubt that the
strict rules on custody after successive reforms is making it difficult to a large extent to
experiment with alternatives to the deprivation of liberty, since the Law obliges a
minimum length of time in custody in some concrete cases.
8. Conclusions
The changes in legislation that have taken place in the last years in juvenile justice in
Spain have to a large extent toughened up, , the response to juvenile offenders, the best
interests of the juvenile being no longer the only reference criterion in the juvenile
Judges’ and Prosecutors’ decisions.
However, in spite of this, the results in practice are not so extreme. Juvenile
Prosecutors and Judges continue to fight every day for juvenile justice to be as far as
possible an individualized justice, offering juveniles an opportunity for change.
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