Final Exam Review

Final Exam Review
In plain English the title “A Valediction: Forbidding Mourning” means . . .?
The device that the speaker compares his and his wife’s love to is for . . .?
A metaphysical conceit is a type of . . . ?
“Thou art slave to fate, chance, kings, and desperate men, / And dost with poison, war, and sickness dwell” (lines9-10)
implies that ----?
5. What tone does the speaker take toward the subject of death?
6. The explanation for the central paradox in “Death be not proud” is that ---?
7. Beowulf slays Grendel in order to ___?
8. How does Beowulf die?
9. What last thoughts does Beowulf express as he is dying?
10. Beowulf embodies the idea of an epic hero best because he embodies the ---?
11. Who is the only survivor of the battle in Le Morte D’Arthur?
12. Sir Bedivere disappoints King Arthur by--?
13. What happens to King Arthur’s sword in the end?
14. The romance hero’s childhood usually includes mysterious origins, obscure upbringing, and magical initiation.
15. Which of King Arthur’s final actions most clearly shows him to be a romance hero?
16. A Pardoner is an official of the ---?
17. The Pardoner earns money from---?
18. How does the Pardoner’s Tale end?
19. The Pardoner’s pious story reveals hi--?
20. It is ironic that the Pardoner preaches against avarice, because he is--?
21. After the rioters abandon their search for Death, they murder one another. This act is an example of---?
22. The knight in the WBT undertakes a quest to--?
23. Chaucer’s characterizations of the Prioress, the Monk, and others connected with the church are mainly--?
24. British writing of the Augustan era is often called neoclassical because it--?
25. During the 18th c., natural phenomenon were increasingly explained by--?
26. King Charles II reestablished the---?
27. Feudalism’s religious concept of hierarchy featured--?
28. The Crusades influenced everyday life in England by --?
29. The 1170 martyrdom of Thomas a Becket, the Archbishop of Canterbury, led to--?
30. The Black Death ultimately resulted in--?
31. Great Britain has been invaded and settled by all of the following peoples except –(Romans, Vikings, Normans, Greeks)
32. An important effect of Christianity’s spread throughout Britain was that--?
33. Anglo-Saxon poets held an honored position in society primarily because they--?
34. The years of war between the Anglo-Saxons and the Danes came to an end with the--?
35. The saying “never sent to know for whom the bell tolls; it tolls for thee” means that--? (In “Meditation 17”)
36. The saying “No man is an island” means that--?
65. How should a Works Cited page be organized?
66. What was the intellectual movement humanism like?
67. Why did the invention of printing with movable type have a great impact?
There will be 7 questions pertaining to Hamlet.
There will be 27 LOTF questions, and one question regarding parenthetical citations.
There will be two short answer questions each requiring a paragraph.