What’s your opinion on capital punishment? A WebQuest for 11th Grade English Designed by Haley Hofbauer hhofbaue@emich.edu Introduction | Task | Process | Evaluation | Conclusion Introduction For this assignment we will be using the internet to answer questions that you may have on capital punishment, or the death penalty. The novel we will be reading, In Cold Blood, deals directly with the death penalty. What is your opinion on capital punishment? The Task By the end of this webquest you will have a better understanding on what capital punishment is and how it affects our society. You will be informed and you will be able to come up with your own opinion on the issue. While searching these websites, some questions to consider might be: 1. What is capital punishment? 2. Which states have legalized it? 3. What are the pros and cons of legalizing it? 4. How does this issue affect me? The Process To accomplish the task, you should follow the following steps: 1. Visit the following sites on capital punishment http://www.deathpenaltyinfo.org/ http://www.aclu.org/capital-punishment http://salt.claretianpubs.org/stats/capitalpun/capitalp.html http://deathpenalty.procon.org/view.resource.php?resourceID=002000 2. While researching these sites, I would like you to make your own pro/con list that will help you determine your stance on the death penalty. There are no right or wrong answers to this question, just make sure to back your opinion with facts. 3. Once you have taken a stance on the death penalty, please make a concept map of your ideas using Inspiration. 4. After creating your concept map, please write up an argumentative essay defending your point of view on the death penalty. Evaluation Beginning 1 Gathering information on the death penalty/ inspiration Showed very little effort in acquiring information on the topic. Did not complete inspiration. Developing Accomplished 2 3 Exemplary 4 Found a couple points for both Found strong, Only found thoughtful sides of the information issue, but could arguments on one side of for both sides have been the issue. of the stronger Somewhat argument. arguments. completed Inspiration Inspiration. Sloppy, hard to was well follow done. Inspiration. Score Writing the Wrote an Had strong argumentative Did not write essay not arguments, but essay a cohesive supported by the essay was essay. any facts, poorly evidence. organized. Wrote a very well argued essay that was organized and well thought out. Conclusion CONGRATULATIONS! -You have successfully finished the webquest! Now you are able to research a topic and formulate your own intelligent opinion on an issue. Hopefully this webquest showed you how easy it is to research a topic and create your own opinion based off of your research. -After all of this research, I hope that each of you are able to justify your opinion on the death penalty.