English III - Anderson School District Five

English III
Course Syllabus
2015 – 16 school year
Teacher: Pam Seay
Room: 2
After School Hours: Tuesday 3:30 – 4:00
Phone: 260-4888, ext. 124
Email address: pamelaseay@anderson5.net
Web page: http://alternativeschool.anderson5.net/
A. Description
In English III, students take a journey through America’s literary history.
Beginning with Native American literature and traveling on to the Civil War Era
and today’s literature, students are introduced to the major time periods and the
different genres of American literature. Students will draw upon their literary
heritage and develop a greater understanding of more complex reading material
through written analysis and comprehension questions.
B. Organization
English III is an independent study. English III students study literature, reading
comprehension, vocabulary, and functional text. Through the study of American
literature covering the early Native American to the present, students analyze
literary elements and devices, text structure, author’s purpose, and historical
significance. Students develop strategies for reading comprehension and
vocabulary acquisition through instruction and apply these strategies to complex
texts. Students write a variety of essays with an emphasis on responding to
literature through analysis and synthesis.
C. Course Objectives, Common Core Standards E3 1 through E3 7
1. The student will read and comprehend print and nonprint literary texts from a
variety of cultures and eras.
2. The student will read and comprehend print and nonprint informational texts.
3. The student will use word analysis and vocabulary to read fluently.
4. The student will write with a clear focus, use coherent organization, and
include sufficient detail.
5. The student will write using standard English conventions.
6. The student will write for a variety of purposes and audiences.
7. The student will access and use information for a variety of purposes.
D. Yearly Pacing Guide
1st Nine Weeks
 New World 1400 - 1800
 America’s Voice 1800 - 1865
2nd Nine Weeks
 Realism, Frontier 1865 – 1915
 Depression, Reform 1915 - 1935
3rd Nine Weeks
 Experiment Conflict 1960 – 1975
 Contemporary 1975 – now
 The Bean Trees
 The Crucible
4th Nine Weeks
 Composition and Grammar
 Research
 Movies and short stories
o American Short Stories
o Little Women
o Of Mice and Men
o To Kill a Mockingbird
o A Raisin in the Sun
o The Water Is Wide
E. Text and Required Supplies
Holt Elements of Literature Fifth Course
Compass Learning
F. Grading Plan
 Quizzes
 Writing Assignments
 Notes
 Chapter Tests
G. Classroom Rules and Procedures
 Come into the room quietly and stand beside your chair. Wait for
 No sleeping during class time
 Computer Use
o Do not go into games or any type of music.
o Do not go into other student’s work.
o Do not go into internet sites unless they are approved by me.
o Do not go into your home emails.
o Do not download any programs from the internet.
o Do not change any programs on the computer.
o Do not use other student’s passwords.
o Do not change any settings on the computer – this includes the
display settings.
o Practice your Four Promises in my classroom.
o My class is a Love and Logic classroom. Please follow the
procedures for Love and Logic.
 All rules in the handbook will be enforced.
H. Emergency Procedures
1. Evacuation Procedures – see instructions posted in the classroom
2. First Aid Kit – located under green file boxes. You may use band aids
in box when needed.
3. Let me know when you need to see the nurse, guidance office, Ms.
Tarallo, or Ms. Moore. I will email the information to them.
I. State Standards and State Testing
 Course objectives are the major headings for the English III state standards.
 .English III standards are posted on my page on the school’s web site
J. Communicating with Parent
 As necessary, parents will be contacted by phone, email, or conferences
concerning student progress or lack of progress during the school year.
Course Content
English III
1st Nine Weeks
Historical Overview: 1400-1800
e3001 New World: 1400-1800
e3501 Odyssey Writer 1: Analyze historical impact
on literature
Lesson Quiz: Historical Overview: 1400-1800
Cabeza de Vaca and Native American Voices
e3002 Cabeza de Vaca and Native American Voices
e3502 Odyssey Writer 2: Analyze author's purpose
and perspective
Lesson Quiz: Cabeza de Vaca and Native American
Anne Bradstreet Poetry
e3004 Anne Bradstreet: "Upon the Burning of Our
e3504 Odyssey Writer 3: Analyze and write poetry
Lesson Quiz: Anne Bradstreet Poetry
Benjamin Franklin Texts
e3005 "Dialogue Between Franklin and the Gout";
Almanac, Excerpts
e3505 Odyssey Writer 4: Analyze reasoning
Lesson Quiz: Benjamin Franklin Texts
The Crisis, No.1
e3006 The Crisis, No.1
e3506 Odyssey Writer 5: Analyze organization,
language, diction
Lesson Quiz: The Crisis, No.1
Phillis Wheatley Poetry
e3007 "To His Excellency, General Washington";
Washington's Reply
e3507 Odyssey Writer 6: Analyze style, tone, and
Lesson Quiz: Phillis Wheatley Poetry
Vocabulary: Word Consciousness: Synonyms
e3008 Vocabulary: Synonyms
e3508 Odyssey Writer 7: Synonyms
Lesson Quiz: Vocabulary: Word Consciousness:
Chapter Test: New World: 1400-1800
America's Voice: 1800-1865
Historical Overview: 1800-1865
e3009 Finding America's Voice: 1800-1865
e3509 Odyssey Writer 8: Analyze historical
impact on literature
Lesson Quiz: Historical Overview: 1800-1865
"The Devil and Tom Walker"
e3010 "The Devil and Tom Walker"
e3510 Odyssey Writer 9: Response to literature:
Lesson Quiz: "The Devil and Tom Walker"
"The Masque of the Red Death"
e3011 "The Masque of the Red Death"
e3511 Odyssey Writer 10: Analyze tone, mood,
Lesson Quiz: "The Masque of the Red Death"
"Self-Reliance," Excerpt
e3012 "Self-Reliance," Excerpt
e3512 Odyssey Writer 11: Analyze author's
e3612 Odyssey Community: Discuss conformity.
Lesson Quiz: "Self-Reliance," Excerpt
"Walden" Essays
e3013 Thoreau: "Walden," Excerpt; E.B. White:
e3513 Odyssey Writer 12: Compare/contrast
theme, style, structure
Lesson Quiz: "Walden" Essays
Longfellow, Dickinson, and Whitman Poetry
e3014 Longfellow, Dickinson, and Whitman
e3514 Odyssey Writer 13: Compare and contrast
e3614 Odyssey Community: Compare and
contrast poetry.
Lesson Quiz: Longfellow, Dickinson, and
Whitman Poetry
"The Minister's Black Veil"
e3015 "The Minister's Black Veil"
e3515 Odyssey Writer 14: Analyze theme
Lesson Quiz: "The Minister's Black Veil"
Frederick Douglass and Sojourner Truth
e3016 My Bondage and My Freedom, Excerpt;
"Ain't I a Woman?"
e3516 Odyssey Writer 15: Compare and contrast
style, diction
Lesson Quiz: Frederick Douglass and Sojourner
Chapter Test: America's Voice: 1800-1865
2nd Nine Weeks
Realism, Frontier: 1865-1915
Historical Overview: 1865-1915
e3018 Realism and Frontier: 1865-1915
e3518 Odyssey Writer 16: Analyze historical
impact on literature
Lesson Quiz: Historical Overview: 1865-1915
"A Dog's Tale"
e3019 "A Dog's Tale"
e3519 Odyssey Writer 17: Analyze author's
choice of voice
Lesson Quiz: "A Dog's Tale"
"The Outcasts of Poker Flat"
e3020 "The Outcasts of Poker Flat"
e3520 Odyssey Writer 18: Analyze text for
elements of Realism
Lesson Quiz: "The Outcasts of Poker Flat"
"A Wagner Matinee"
e3021 "A Wagner Matinee"
e3521 Odyssey Writer 19: Analyze character and
Lesson Quiz: "A Wagner Matinee"
"The Gray Man"
e3022 "The Gray Man"
e3522 Odyssey Writer 20: Analyze author's
Lesson Quiz: "The Gray Man"
"The Little Regiment"
e3023 "The Little Regiment"
e3523 Odyssey Writer 21: Analyze language
Lesson Quiz: "The Little Regiment"
Andrew Carnegie, Philanthropist
e3024 Andrew Carnegie Philanthropist
e3524 Odyssey Writer 22: Analyze cause and
effect structure
Lesson Quiz: Andrew Carnegie, Philanthropist
Functional Text: Obtaining a Passport
e3026 Functional Text: Obtaining a Passport
e3526 Odyssey Writer 23: Write instructions
Lesson Quiz: Functional Text: Obtaining a
Vocabulary: Multiple Meanings, Idioms
e3027 Vocabulary: Multiple Meanings, Idioms
e3527 Odyssey Writer 24: Multiple meaning
Lesson Quiz: Vocabulary: Multiple Meanings,
Chapter Test: Realism, Frontier: 1865-1915
Depression, Reform: 1915-1935
Historical Overview: 1915-1935
e3028 Depression and Reform: 1915-1935
e3528 Odyssey Writer 25: Analyze historical
impact on literature
Lesson Quiz: Historical Overview: 1915-1935
"A Rose for Emily"
e3029 "A Rose for Emily"
e3529 Odyssey Writer 26: Analyze value of
Lesson Quiz: "A Rose for Emily"
"In Another Country;" "The Little Regiment"
e3030 "In Another Country"; "The Little
Regiment," Excerpt
e3530 Odyssey Writer 27: Compare and contrast
Lesson Quiz: "In Another Country;" "The Little
"The Four Fists"
e3031 "The Four Fists"
e3531 Odyssey Writer 28: Analyze author's
Lesson Quiz: "The Four Fists"
Ezra Pound and E.E. Cummings Poetry
e3032 Ezra Pound and E.E. Cummings Poetry
e3532 Odyssey Writer 29: Analyze and write
modern poetry
Lesson Quiz: Ezra Pound and E.E. Cummings
Cullen, McKay, and Hughes Poetry
e3033 Cullen, McKay, and Hughes Poetry
e3533 Odyssey Writer 30: Compare and contrast
Lesson Quiz: Cullen, McKay, and Hughes Poetry
Franklin Delano Roosevelt: Fireside Chat
e3034 Franklin Delano Roosevelt: Fireside Chat
e3534 Odyssey Writer 31: Analyze speech
e3634 Odyssey Community: Discuss word choice
Lesson Quiz: Franklin Delano Roosevelt: Fireside
Careers and Compensation
e3035 Compensation WWI to the Depression;
Fastest-Growing Jobs
e3535 Odyssey Writer 32: Summarize key facts
Lesson Quiz: Careers and Compensation
Vocabulary: Analogies
e3037 Vocabulary: Analogies
e3537 Odyssey Writer 33: Analogies
Lesson Quiz: Vocabulary: Analogies
Chapter Test: Depression, Reform: 1915-1935
Modern Age: 1935-1960
Historical Overview: 1935-1960
e3038 Modern Age: 1935-1960
e3538 Odyssey Writer 34: Analyze historical
impact on literature
e3638 Odyssey Community: Discuss modern
culture in the media.
Lesson Quiz: Historical Overview: 1935-1960
"The Chrysanthemums"
e3039 "The Chrysanthemums"
e3539 Odyssey Writer 35: Analyze how imagery
reinforces theme
Lesson Quiz: "The Chrysanthemums"
Carl Sandburg Poetry
e3042 Sandburg Poetry: "Fog," "Grass"
e3542 Odyssey Writer 36: Write poetry with
symbolism or metaphor
Lesson Quiz: Carl Sandburg Poetry
The Bonus Army
e3043 The Bonus Army
e3543 Odyssey Writer 37: Compare and contrast
e3643 Odyssey Community: Analyze arguments
Lesson Quiz: The Bonus Army
Manufacturing a 14AP4 Picture Tube
e3044 "Manufacturing a 14AP4 Picture Tube"
e3544 Odyssey Writer 38: Analyze text features
Lesson Quiz: Manufacturing a 14AP4 Picture
Chapter Test: Modern Age: 1935-1960
Experiment/Conflict: 1960-1975
Historical Overview: 1960-1975
e3048 Experimentation and Social Unrest: 19601975
e3548 Odyssey Writer 39: Analyze historical
impact on literature
Lesson Quiz: Historical Overview: 1960-1975
"The First Seven Years"
e3049 "The First Seven Years"
e3549 Odyssey Writer 65: Analyze literary
Lesson Quiz: "The First Seven Years"
e3050 "Son"
e3550 Odyssey Writer 40: Analyze story
Lesson Quiz: "Son"
"The Trip Back"
e3051 "The Trip Back"
e3551 Odyssey Writer 41: Analyze cultural
influences in text
Lesson Quiz: "The Trip Back"
"Raymond's Run"
e3052 "Raymond's Run"
e3552 Odyssey Writer 42: Analyze character
Lesson Quiz: "Raymond's Run"
Television Advertisements
e3054 Television Advertisements
e3554 Odyssey Writer 43: Analyze
Lesson Quiz: Television Advertisements
Hank Aaron Biography, Excerpt
e3055 "Love Atlanta Style" by John Rosengren
e3555 Odyssey Writer 44: Analyze relationships
among facts
Lesson Quiz: Hank Aaron Biography, Excerpt
e3056 "Journey"
e3556 Odyssey Writer 45: Analyze voice,
Lesson Quiz: "Journey"
Vocabulary: Categorization, Salient Features
e3057 Vocabulary: Categorization, Salient
e3557 Odyssey Writer 46: Categorization, Salient
Lesson Quiz: Vocabulary: Categorization, Salient
Chapter Test: Experiment/Conflict: 1960-1975
3rd Nine Weeks
Contemporary America: 1975
Historical Overview: 1975-Present
e3058 Contemporary America: 1975-Present
e3558 Odyssey Writer 47: Analyze historical
impact on literature
Lesson Quiz: Historical Overview: 1975-Present
e3059 "CETI"
e3559 Odyssey Writer 48: Analyze
inductive/deductive reasoning
Lesson Quiz: CETI
e3060 "Litany"
e3560 Odyssey Writer 49: Analyze poetry,
Lesson Quiz: "Litany"
"Mrs. Perez"
e3062 "Mrs. Perez"
e3562 Odyssey Writer 50: Analyze plot,
Lesson Quiz: "Mrs. Perez"
Where Have All the Leaders Gone?, Excerpt
e3063 Where Have All the Leaders Gone?,
e3563 Odyssey Writer 51: Summarize main ideas
Lesson Quiz: Where Have All the Leaders Gone?,
Keepers of the Earth, Excerpts
e3064 Joseph Bruchac: Keepers of the EarthNative American Legends
e3564 Odyssey Writer 52: Response to literature:
synthesize ideas
Lesson Quiz: Keepers of the Earth, Excerpts
Vocabulary: Word Origins/Cognates
e3066 Vocabulary: Origins/Cognates/Historical
e3566 Odyssey Writer 53: Word origins and
Lesson Quiz: Vocabulary: Word Origins/Cognates
Chapter Test: Contemporary America: 1975-Now
Novel Study
The Bean Trees: Chapters 1-3
e3067 The Bean Trees: Chapters 1-3 - REQUIRED
e3567 Odyssey Writer 54: Analyze author's style,
narrator's voice
Lesson Quiz: The Bean Trees: Chapters 1-3
The Bean Trees: Chapters 4-7
e3068 The Bean Trees: Chapters 4-7 - REQUIRED
e3568 Odyssey Writer 55: Compare/contrast
major characters
Lesson Quiz: The Bean Trees: Chapters 4-7
The Bean Trees: Chapters 8-11
e3069 The Bean Trees: Chapters 8-11 REQUIRED TEXT IN TOOLKIT
e3569 Odyssey Writer 56: Analyze how subplot
enhances plot
Lesson Quiz: The Bean Trees: Chapters 8-11
The Bean Trees: Chapters 12-14
e3070 The Bean Trees: Chapters 12-14 REQUIRED TEXT IN TOOLKIT
e3570 Odyssey Writer 57: Analyze imagery in
figurative language
Lesson Quiz: The Bean Trees: Chapters 12-14
The Bean Trees: Chapters 15-17
e3071 The Bean Trees: Chapters 15-17 REQUIRED TEXT IN TOOLKIT
e3571 Odyssey Writer 58: Analyze recurring
Lesson Quiz: The Bean Trees: Chapters 15-17
Chapter Test: Novel Study
4th Nine Weeks
College Application Essay: Plan
e3072 College Application Essay: Plan
Lesson Quiz: College Application Essay: Plan
College Application Essay: Organize
e3073 College Application Essay: Organize
Lesson Quiz: College Application Essay: Organize
College Application Essay: Draft
e3074 College Application Essay: Draft
Lesson Quiz: College Application Essay: Draft
College Application Essay: Revise
e3075 College Application Essay: Revise
Lesson Quiz: College Application Essay: Revise
Writing Mechanics: Editing Checklist
e3076 Writing Mechanics: Spelling, Punctuation,
Lesson Quiz: Writing Mechanics: Editing
Writing Mechanics: Grammar and Usage
e3077 Writing Mechanics: Parts of Speech, Verb
Tense, Agreement
Lesson Quiz: Writing Mechanics: Grammar and
Writing Mechanics: Grammar and Punctuation
e3078 Writing Mechanics: Clauses, Phrases, and
Lesson Quiz: Writing Mechanics: Grammar and
Writing Mechanics: Paragraph/Sent. Structure
e3079 Writing Mechanics: Paragraph and
Sentence Structure
Lesson Quiz: Writing Mechanics: Paragraph/Sent.
Writing: Publishing/Presenting
e3080 Writing Mechanics: Prepare for Publishing
and Presenting
Lesson Quiz: Writing: Publishing/Presenting
Writing Application: Persuasive
e3081 Writing Application: Persuasive
e3581 Odyssey Writer 59: Write a persuasive
Lesson Quiz: Writing Application: Persuasive
Writing Application: Descriptive
e3082 Writing Application: Descriptive
e3582 Odyssey Writer 60: Write a descriptive
Lesson Quiz: Writing Application: Descriptive
Writing Application: Narrative
e3083 Writing Application: Narrative
e3583 Odyssey Writer 61: Write a narrative essay
Lesson Quiz: Writing Application: Narrative
Writing Application: Reflective
e3084 Writing Application: Reflective
e3584 Odyssey Writer 62: Write a reflective
Lesson Quiz: Writing Application: Reflective
Writing Application: Analytical
e3085 Writing Application: Analytical
e3585 Odyssey Writer 63: Write analytical essay
Lesson Quiz: Writing Application: Analytical
Writing Application: Response to Literature
e3086 Writing Application: Response to
e3586 Odyssey Writer 64: Write response to
Lesson Quiz: Writing Application: Response to
Chapter Test: Writing
Research Process: Topic and Plan
e3087 Research Process: Topic and Plan
Lesson Quiz: Research Process: Topic and Plan
Research Process: Sources
e3088 Research Process: Sources
Lesson Quiz: Research Process: Sources
Research Process: Note taking and Organizing
e3089 Research Process: Note Taking and
Lesson Quiz: Research Process: Note taking and
Research Process: Evaluating and Synthesizing
e3090 Research Process: Evaluating and
Lesson Quiz: Research Process: Evaluating and
Research Process: Citations and Documentation
e3091 Research Process: Citations and
Lesson Quiz: Research Process: Citations and
Chapter Test: Research
The Crucible
Movies and Short Stories
o American Short Stories Series
o Little Woman
o Of Mice and Men
o To Kill a Mockingbird
o A Raisin in the Sun
o The Water is Wide
Tentative Yearly Schedule
Elements of Literature
(1st nine weeks)
Introduction to American Literature
Video American Dreamers – Part I
Native American Literature – not in your book
The Walum Olum
Song of the Sky Loom
I Have Killed the Deer
*Extra Credit – Visit Cherokee, NC and see a performance of Unto These
Hills. You must bring me the ticket stub and program. This can be done
anytime during the school year.
The Beginnings to 1800 – video The Puritan Experience
Visions and Voyages
The Sky Tree
Of Plymouth Plantation
A Narrative of the Captivity
The Interesting Narrative of the Life of Olaudah
The Examined Life
Verses upon the Burning of Our House
Sinners in the Hands of an Angry God
The Autobiography
The American Dream
The Declaration of Independence
Selected stories from the Scope book
Writing Assignment – Pretend that you are a colonist and write a business
letter to King George based on the The Declaration of Independence.
Include in this letter the situations that have happened to you or your
family that you feel are unjust. Be creative!
(2nd Nine weeks)
American Romanticism 1800 to 1860 – video The American
The Transforming Imagination
Rip Van Winkle
The Tide Rises, the Tide Falls
The Cross of the Snow
A Psalm of Life
Selected stories from the Scope book
Writing Assignment – After watching the movie The Last of the Mohicans,
write a character analysis of Natty Bumppo. How does Natty reflect the
idea of the Romantic Hero? OR compare Natty to a modern day Romantic
Hero – Spider Man.
The American Renaissance 1840 to 1860 – video The Rise of
American Literature
The Life Worth Living
Nature OR Self-Reliance
The Realms of Darkness
The Fall of the House of Usher – video Poe
The Raven
The Minister’s Black Veil
Dr. Heidegger’s Experiment
Moby Dick
Selected stories from the Scope book
Writing Assignment – Write either a character analysis of one of the
characters or a literary analysis concerning symbolism in three of the
above stories. Paper should be 5 paragraphs.
A New American Poetry – video Life in Language
The Large Hearts of Heroes
Song of Myself
I Hear America Singing
A Sight in Camp
Tell It Slant
All of Dickinson’s poems
Writing Assignment – Write a paper explaining Walt Whitman’s importance
on American poetry.
(3rd Nine Weeks)
The Rise of Realism 1850 to 1900 – video Voices of Protest
Frederick Douglas
From Innocence to Experience
Life on the Mississippi
An Occurrence at Owl Creek Bridge - video
To Build a Fire
Selected Stories from the Scope book
Ambrose Bierce – video on Civil War
Huckleberry Finn – DVD Paper – The Times and the Character
Writing Assignment – Compare Paul Dunbar’s poem “Sympathy” to Alicia
Key’s poem “Caged Bird.” – 5 paragraphs
The Moderns 1900 to 1950 – video American Dreamers, Part 2
and American Gothic
Loss and Redemption
Select either A Wagner Matinee or His Father’s Earth
All of Robert Frost’s poems
The Dream and the Reality
Select 2
Winter Dreams
The Leader of the People
The Secret Life of Walter Mitty
A Worn Path
No Time for Heroes
Richard Cory
Miniver Cheevy
The Love Song
Soldier’s Home or The Life You Save
Shadows of the Past
Edgar Lee Master’s poems
A Rose for Emily
I, Too, Sing America
The Harlem Renaissance – all poems
Harlem Renaissance - DVD
Dust Tracks on a Road –
Make It New
All poems
Writing Assignment – Paper or power point presentation on the “Lost
Generation.” This should include authors, style of writing, influences, and
impact on time period. OR You may do a paper or power point
presentation on the Harlem Renaissance. This should include people
involved, influences, and impact on time period.
(4th Nine Weeks)
American Drama – video The Live Connection
The Crucible
Contemporary Literature 1950 to present – video Sharing Stories
The Wages of War
All poems
Select 1 short story, nonfiction, or memoir
Discoveries and Awakenings
All poems
Select 2 short stories or other writings
From Generation to Generation
Select 2 short stories or other writings
The Created Self
Select 1 short story or other writings
Pat Conroy – chapter from Prince of Tides
Selected short stories from the Scope book
Writing Assignment – How has America and our lives changed and evolved
since the earliest days. Put some thought into this and go through the
whole time period – 300 years!
Novels –
Of Mice and Men
To Kill a Mockingbird
Across Five Aprils
The Great Gatsby
A Raisin in the Sun
The Scarlett Letter
Project – Power point presentation or a visual representation of
one of the periods in American history.