(link to Historian page) ROLE OF THE HISTORIAN

1. Your role is to be the Historian. Your job is to research the history of
the taro/kalo plant, it’s role that it plays in the Hawaiian Culture past and
present and how it’s evolved into today’s society.
2. A good way to start would be creating a K-W-L chart.
 What do you know about taro/kalo?
 What do you want to know about taro/kalo?
 What did you LEARN about taro/kalo?
Your will fill in the K(now) and W(ant) to know part of the
K-W-L chart. You will fill in more as you go along.
3. Focus Questions to keep in mind during research:
 What is taro/kalo and it’s tie into the culture?
 What is it’s role that it played in the olden days? Today?
 How has kalo/taro evolutionized into the Hawaiian Cultural society
4. Remember to take notes while keeping these focus questions in mind.
Also, remember the role your are playing: your are a Historian. You will
need to discuss your findings with your group.
5. Places to Look:
www.gohawaii.about.com/od/taro/ Taro, Gift of the Ancient Gods &
Poi Pounders
www.maui.net/~haltimes/2Apr97/p5.html#taro Staff of Life
http://www.crfg.org/pubs/bkrev/Taro.html Taro: Mauka to Makai
Where Taro Is King Thomas J Riley
Return to the PROCESS page for further directions