13th Warrior comparison

13th Warrior Comparison Worksheet
Directions: Use the categories below and record the similarities between the movie 13th
Warrior and the epic poem Beowulf.
Names and characters:
1) Example: In the 13th Warrior, Buliwyf is the leader of the twelve Northmen, and his name
sounds like Beowulf who also leads a small band of men from northern Europe.
2) .
3) .
4) .
5) .
6) .
7) .
8) .
9) .
Settings and places:
1) .
2) .
3) .
4) .
5) .
Superstitions and religions:
1) Example: Ahmed Ebn, the Arabic storyteller, shows Buliwyf how to write the word Allah.
This is a one-God religion. It is similar to Christian monks writing about Christianity to
convert Anglo-Saxons from animism.
2) .
3) .
4) .
Actions or other similarities:
1) Example: Sorry about this being in the film, but beheadings are acceptable warrior
behavior in both the movie 13th Warrior and the epic Beowulf.
2) .
3) .
4) .
5) .
6) .
7) .
8) .
9) .
10) .