Persuasion Test

Persuasion Test
Part I: Grammar
Directions: Please correct each sentence by writing ONLY the incorrect words on the line below.
Most sentences have more than one mistake. If there are no errors, just write “C” for correct.
1. I loves to take tests’ for English class.
2. Sheila and Michael can’t go to there two cousins’s house this weekend.
3. Cause it rained all weekend, the puddles’ is really full.
4. There not ready to feed the kitten’s.
5. The Coke bottle explode when you shakes it.
6. The teacher and her students creates a presentation for the schools assembly.
7. My sister and I likes to ride bikes to drop off the book’s.
8. Ms. Porea class and Ms. Kelly class is conducting a math research project.
9. Why’s we not going to Chris party. It be so fun!
10. The girl who takes care of the bunnies are going to school.
Argue for or against this statement: Your teachers at NOCSMHS are aliens.
Give three reasons to support your opinion:
What does each letter stand
Give an example of each:
III. Outlining
If you were to actually write an essay, what would each paragraph be about? (conclusion, introduction?
First reason?)
Paragraph 1:____________
Paragraph 2:____________
Paragraph 3:____________
Paragraph 4:____________
Paragraph 5:____________
Paragraph 6:____________
Directions: Now, you will be filling out an outline for an actual GEE topic. (Remember, it may feel
most natural to start with your three reasons first. If the outline format feels unnatural to you, you
may do a brainstorm or a rough draft, provided that all the outline components are there.)
TOPIC: Your friend is running for class president. Write a letter to to the school newspaper supporting
that person and convincing students to vote for your candidate in the upcoming election.
Before you begin to write, think about your friend who wants to be class president. What does this
person do that makes him or her the best student to be president? Why do you think the way you do?
Express your position so clearly so that the students of yoru school will know exactly what you think.
Be sure to include specific reasons why this person should be class president, and support those
reasons with clear examples and evidence. PERSUADE students to vote for your candidate.
Persuasive Essay Outline
Hook (extra credit/optional):
Background (extra credit/optional):
Thesis (your opinion and your 3 reasons):
II. Body Paragraph #1
Topic Sentence (Your first reason):
Detail (DRAPES) #1:
Detail (DRAPES) #2:
Concluding Sentence (restate your topic sentence):
III. Body Paragraph #2
Topic Sentence (Your second reason):
Detail (DRAPES) #1:
Detail (DRAPES) #2:
Concluding Sentence (restate your topic sentence):
IV. Body Paragraph #3
Topic Sentence (Your third reason):
Detail (DRAPES) #1:
Detail (DRAPES) #2:
Concluding Sentence (restate your topic sentence):
V. Body #4
Counterargument (what your enemy/opponent will say to you):
Rebuttal (what you will say back to your enemy/opponent):
VI. Conclusion
Summarize your thesis and main arguments: