Brainstorming, brainstorm about specific positive and

Brainstorming, brainstorm about specific positive and negative effects computers have
had on your personal, professional and academic life. Create a one-page list of your
Positive effects of computers on personal life
Easier communication
Faster communication
Catalog pictures
Genealogy research
Positive effects of computers on professional life
Telecommuting to/from work
Telecommuting to/from school
Job training online
School courses online = raise in pay at work
Positive effects of computers on academic life
Access to courses online allow for working anytime on assignments and course
Flexible course schedule = higher grades because schedule is not as stringent.
Easier/faster online research
Databases offer a wealth of information for students online… access quicker and
easier than ground library
Negative effects of computers on personal life
Non-reversal of “sent” messages. ~ This can be detrimental to relationships
Faster communication may not be better communication
Addiction… always online = less interaction with real people
Limits interaction and interpersonal communication with friends and relatives.
Negative effects of computers on professional life
Working from home limits interaction with colleagues
Internet can get a worker in trouble if they “surf” while at work on work time
Exposure to electronic waves emitted by technology.
Negative effects of computers on academic life
Limits interaction in the classroom
Conversation online is different than the face-to-face classroom… Sometimes it is
hard to decipher tone in an online discussion…which can impact how an
assignment is completed
Computer crashes then an assignment can be lost
Thesis, based on your brainstorming ~ write a one sentence working thesis statement
that focuses on the impact of computers related to a single area of your life. The thesis
should be one you could develop into an essay of about one page, directed to readers of
your local newspaper. Don’t draft the essay.
The advances in technology create a vital link between online degree programs and
career advancement.
Evidence. Identify three different types of evidence you could use to develop your
working thesis. Use specific information from your brainstorming list as well as any other
ideas that come to you. Length open
Degree programs offered online are easier to complete than traditional ground programs
Career advancement is nearly certain with an advanced degree
One can work on their academic assignments while at work or at home.
Advantages outweigh disadvantages of online learning
Organization. Choose a method of organization for your evidence. Using that evidence,
prepare an outline or simulate a graphic organizer to show your organizational plan for
the one page essay. Length open
Degree programs
offered online are
easier to complete
than traditional
ground programs
One can work on their
Career advancement
academic assignments
is nearly certain with
while at work or at
The advances in
technology create a
vital link between
online degree
programs and career
Advantages outweigh
disadvantages of online
an advanced degree