TORONTO ART THERAPY INSTITUTE THESIS AND MAJOR PROJECT MANUAL 1 TORONTO ART THERAPY INSTITUTE COURSE OUTLINE Course: Thesis Program: Outline The thesis is an opportunity to contribute in a meaningful way to the art therapy literature and to research an area of study that resonates for the student. The thesis should be 80-120 pages in length and can be commenced once the proposal for the thesis is accepted. The student is required to first submit a thesis proposal of 10-20 pages in length. Once the proposal is accepted the student can commence the research for their thesis. Once the proposal is approved a thesis advisor is assigned to the student. The thesis must be approved by the thesis advisor and a Thesis Reader. The advisor should read each chapter and approve it as the student writes up his/her research study. The thesis advisor is responsible for supporting the student to create a well-written and valid body of research. However, if the student has writing difficulties, either due to English being a second language or other issues, the student may have to hire an editor to edit the thesis chapters as they write them and before the chapters are handed into the thesis advisor. Once the thesis advisor has approved the thesis the Thesis Reader is assigned. Once the Thesis Reader has read and approved the thesis the thesis is officially accepted by TATI towards the requirements of the TATI graduate level diploma. Due Date for Proposal: Due Date for Completion of Thesis: TORONTO ART THERAPY INSTITUTE COURSE OUTLINE Course: Major Project Program: Purpose A major project must be designed and implemented by one student with a group of voluntary clients. A major project highlights the profession of art therapy in the community by involving more than one larger system, a group of clients, and the community. There is often an element of social justice in a major project process or outcome whether it be to empower the population of clients or to highlight issues or power imbalances in our society. A major project is not the same as an activity one would engage in in a practicum. For example, if a student wanted to run a group for people with eating disorders, organize it, etc., this would not be a major project. A major project has to involve larger systems, groups of people and organizations or 2 result in a way of disseminating the work of an art therapy group to a large audience. The purpose is to highlight the profession of art therapy in the community. For example, one student whose daughter has severe life-threatening allergies did a major project in which she offered to do a group for a public school for the children with severe allergies. The children took part in the art therapy group, which helped them to deal with the social, medical and psychological issues related to severe allergies, and when it was finished, she facilitated a process in which they wrote and illustrated a book about severe allergies for children who have them. This book was donated to the Anaphylactic Shock Association and then made available free through the organization. As well, “normal” students from the school were invited to make a video which could be taken to all public schools to help students understand that it’s not just an issue of not being able to eat a peanut. As well, she had two art exhibits of the children’s artwork and on the theme-one of the exhibits was at the Hospital for Sick Children. Outline The student is required to first submit a major project proposal of 10-20 pages in length. Once the proposal is accepted the student can commence the execution of their major project. If the project includes involving certain agencies or organizations, you must have their agreement before handing in the proposal. The objective of this option is to conceive, plan, execute, and report on a major project. The proposal for a major project should generally follow the proposal for a thesis and it should explain what your hopes are for the the outcome of the project. The Major Project is recorded in a minimum fifty page paper describing the reason for the project, the process of conceiving of, planning and executing the project and the outcome. The contribution to the field of art therapy must also be addressed. The following format is recommended: Project- Describe the project in detail, how it took place, where, with whom, etc. Rationale- What is the reason for doing this project? Contribution to the Profession of Art Therapy Literature Review- Cover all the literature related to this project. Human Subjects- If this project utilizes human subjects, how did the researcher meet the requirements of the Toronto Art Therapy Institute Human Subjects Policy. Major Project Log Once the proposal for the Major Project is accepted, a written log to record the process and the progress of the major project should be started. The log should contain the events as they unfold as well as periodic analytic memos reflecting on the unfolding process and what the author is learning from it. The major project paper should be professionally bound and the log should be included on a dvd in an envelope affixed to the inside back cover of the paper. Major Project Advisor and First Reader A major project advisor is arranged to be available to the student during the process of completing their major project. Their role is to read the final paper and support the student to create a well-written, valid document. However, if the student has writing difficulties, either due to English being a second language or other issues, the student may have to hire an editor to edit the paper before it is handed into 3 the advisor. Once the advisor has read and approved the paper they sign the Major Project Approval Form and the paper is submitted to the first reader. The first reader’s task is to read through the major project paper and give their approval that it meets the criteria of a graduate level major project. If the first reader’s feels there are changes that need to be made they indicate this to the student. Once the changes are made and the first reader is satisfied with the presentation of the paper, they sign the major project approval form. All Monthly Practicum Hours Forms representing the practicum hours that the student has completed to date should be submitted prior to proceeding with a major project. Due Date for Proposal: Due Date for Completion of Major Project: Toronto Art Therapy Institute Thesis and Major Project Proposals The thesis or major project proposal should be 10-20 pages in length and follow the following outline: Introduction (includes the following sections) Introduction-What is this study or project addressing in general? Problem-What situation exists that necessitates more information or action in the area you wish to work on? Research Question-In one sentence, what is this study or project exploring or seeking to understand. Rationale- What reason(s) are there for conducting this research or project? For a thesis, how does this research contribute to the art therapy literature? For a major project, how does this project contribute to the profession of art therapy? Definition of Terms if applicable (This would include terms that the researcher creates and/or are not familiar to someone who would be reading the thesis. This does not include terms that are in common usage in the field). Literature Review Includes all the relevant literature with respect to your research question. Methodology Research methodology used Rationale Description every aspect of the procedure(s) you will use to obtain your data Describe how you will satisfy the TATI Human Subjects Policy requirements Cover Page 4 Include: • Name • Address, telephone and email details • Thesis proposal title • Date References List all publications cited in your proposal. Use APA style. General Information: The aim of the thesis proposal is to convince the TATI reviewer that: There is a need for the research; it is significant and important. You are contributing something original to the field. The topic is feasible in terms of availability of funding, equipment, supervisors, and data. The research can be completed in the expected time period. Ethical issues have been considered and the TATI Human Subjects Policy has been followed and its requirements satisfied. The topic matches your interests and capabilities. Your Goal; The thesis proposal helps you focus your research aims, clarify its importance and the need, describe the methods, predict problems and outcomes, and plan alternatives and interventions. Your work will make a worthwhile contribution to the field if it fulfils one or more of the following: it provides greater understanding about the field of Art Therapy it provides evidence to support or disprove a concept, theory, or model in Art Therapy; it contributes new data/information, new or improved solution, analysis procedure or a new improved research methodology in Art Therapy; it results in a new or improved concept, theory or model of Art Therapy. Recommended Reading Allen, G.R. (1976) The graduate student's guide to theses and dissertations: A practical manual for writing and research. San Francisco, CA, Jossey-Bass. Ansedell, G. & Pavlicevic, M. (2001). Beginning research in the arts therapies; a practical guide. London: Jessica Kingsley. Cryer, P. (1996) The research student's guide to success. Buckingham, Open University Press. Toronto Art Therapy Institute Policy and Procedure Roles of Thesis Advisor and Thesis Reader and Major Project Advisor and Major Project Reader 5 A thesis advisor or a major project advisor is not responsible for editing. All spelling, grammatical and APA style mistakes should be eliminated from any written work submitted to the advisor. If a thesis or major project paper is submitted with mistakes it will be returned to the student’ at the student’s expense’ for corrections. If a student has difficulty with spelling, grammar or APA style they must have an editor or someone acting as an editor edit their written work before submitting it to the advisor. Thesis The thesis is an opportunity to contribute in a meaningful way to the art therapy literature and to research an area of study that resonates for the student. The thesis should be 80-120 pages in length and can be commenced once the proposal for the thesis is accepted. APA style must be followed. Thesis Advisor’s Role A thesis advisor is appointed to a student once the student has completed their thesis proposal. The thesis advisor will review the thesis proposal and comment in writing on areas that could be strengthened and any other concerns and/or changes the advisor recommends. The student then makes the changes if any are required and re-submits the proposal. Final approval of the proposal is then required from the Executive Director. When the proposal is approved the student then implements their study and gathers their data. When the study has been completed the student writes Chapter One as per the TATI thesis outline and submits it to their thesis advisor. The advisor reviews Chapter One and comments in writing on areas that could be strengthened and any other concerns and/or changes the advisor recommends. The student then makes the changes, if any are required, and re-submits Chapter One. When Chapter One is approved the student then commences to write Chapter Two and the same process takes place until all four chapters are complete. When the advisor feels the thesis meets the criteria of a graduate level thesis they sign the thesis approval form. Thesis Reader’s Role The thesis reader’s task is to read through the thesis and confirm that it meets the criteria of a graduate level thesis. The reader gives their approval by signing the thesis approval form. Major Project The objective of this option is to conceive, plan, execute, and report on a major project. The proposal for a major project should generally follow the proposal for a thesis and it should explain how the outcome of the project is to be measured. The Major Project is recorded in a minimum fifty page paper describing the reason for the project, the process of conceiving of, planning and executing the project and the outcome. The contribution to the field of art therapy must also be addressed. 6 Once the student’s proposal for a major project is accepted the student can commence the execution of their major project. At this time they will also receive a Major Project Advisor. Major Project Advisor’s Role The Major Project Advisor’s role is to advise the student during the course of the major project undertaking on any issues pertaining to the major project as they arise. Providing clinical supervision of clinical work undertaken during the major project is also part of the major project advisor’s role based on a ratio of one hour of supervision to ten hours of client-contact. The major project advisor will initially read the approved major project proposal. Once the project has been completed the student must submit a 50 page paper detailing the results of the major project. The major project advisor will comment on any areas they feel could be strengthened and return the paper to the student for changes. The student will then submit their major project paper for review once they have made changes. The major project advisor will then sign the major project acceptance form confirming that the major project has met the criteria of a graduate level major project. Major Project Reader’s Role The major project reader’s task is to read through the major project paper and confirm that it meets the criteria of a graduate level major project paper. The reader gives their approval by signing the major project approval form. Thesis / Major Project Approval Form Once both the Advisor and Reader have approved your thesis or major project they will sign a Thesis or Major Project Approval Form which will then be sent to you. The Thesis or Major Project Approval Form is the first page of all bound copies and is not numbered Clinical Supervision for Students conducting Thesis or Major Project Policy TATI will pay for clinical supervision for students until they have completed their practicum hours. Clinical supervision of thesis or major project client populations will only be paid for by TATI if the student’s practicum hours are not complete. After this each student must ensure that they have the minimum amount of supervision required and the student must pay for this. Students will be required to provide documentation showing that they have engaged in supervision of any clinical work conducted with a thesis or major project population by submitting monthly Thesis or Major Project Clinical Supervision Form. Only client contact hours of art therapy conducted during a thesis study or a major project can be counted towards practicum. 7 TORONTO ART THERAPY INSTITUTE THESIS AND MAJOR PROJECT FORMATTING Requirements Consistency in style and formatting of a thesis and major project paper is essential. The following guidelines apply: Font size: must be a minimum of 10 points. You may use a smaller font size for graphs, formulas, and appendices Avoid italics. Line spacing: must be at least one-and-a-half spaces, except for the thesis abstract, which should be double-spaced. Single spacing may be used for long quoted passages and footnotes. Footnotes and references: The publication of Manual of the American Psychological Association sixth edition must be followed for footnotes and referencing. Page and margin sizes: The size of the pages should be 8 1/2" x 11" (21.5 cm x 28 cm), the text reading across the 8 1/2" (21.5 cm) dimension. The left-hand margin should be at least 1 1/4" (32 mm), and the remaining three margins should be at least 3/4" (20 mm) to the main text. Page Numbering Each and every page in the thesis or major project paper, except the title page, must be numbered. The preliminary portion of the thesis should be numbered with small Roman numerals placed in the centre of the page, about half an inch from the bottom. Numbering begins with the Abstract as ii (the Title Page counts as i, but the number does not appear). The remainder of the thesis, starting with the first page of the Introduction or Chapter One, should be numbered with Arabic numerals, beginning with the number 1. Preferred placement of the Arabic numerals is in the upper right-hand corner (about 2.5 cm. from each edge) with the exception of the first page of every chapter, including the first page of the references or bibliography and appendices. For these, the page numbers should be placed in the centre, half an inch from the bottom edge of the page. Appendices included in the thesis must be numbered consecutively with the main body of the thesis. Page Order The accepted order of pages within the preliminary section of the thesis is as follows: Thesis Readers or Major Project Advisors Signature Form Title Page Abstract Acknowledgments Table of Contents List of Tables List of Figures List of Appendices Title Page See the "Sample of Title Page" below. On the title page should appear the words "A thesis submitted in partial fulfillment of the requirements for the Diploma from the Toronto Art Therapy Institute, along 8 with the thesis title (capitalize the content words), student's name, and the date (the date will be the year the degree will be conferred). Sample of Title Page (NOTE: Spacing is approximate on 8 1/2" x 11" or 21.5cm x 28cm page) (2" or 5 cm from top of page) This Area is Recommended for the Thesis/Major Project Title Only (1 1/2"or approx 4cm) by (1 1/2" or approx 4cm) Jane Ann Doe (2"or approx 5cm) A thesis/Major Project submitted in conformity with the requirements for the graduate level diploma of the Toronto Art Therapy Institute Copyright ©Year, Name of Author (1 1/4"or approx 3cm) (1 1/4"or approx 3cm from Bottom of page) Order of Appendices and References: Appendices should be included in the final text before the references. 9