HIST 2330Y: The Making of Canada to 1900 Department of History Trent University, Oshawa Campus September 2010 – April 2011 Wednesday, 5:30–9:30 P.M. Professor: Jarett Henderson Office: TBA Office Hours: Wednesday, 3:00 – 4:00 p.m. Email: TBA Course Description and Format This course surveys the main themes in the history of what is now Canada from “contact” until 1900. It traces the patterns of colonization, settlement, and immigration as well as the evolution of the Canadian state from colonial rule through to Confederation and resistance to that process. It plots the growth of a capitalist economy and critically considers the social and cultural changes set in motion by imperialism, industrialization, and urbanization. Throughout the entire course, particular attention is given to the ways in which access to what became Canada revolved around the constantly shifting categories of gender, race, and status. To attend to these themes, and others, we will examine primary documents (sources written at the time the event we are studying occurred) and secondary sources (articles written by trained historians that make specific arguments about the past based upon primary sources). However, because trained historians are not the only one to represent the past, we will also explore how aspects of Canadian history are presented in films, historical vignettes, comics, and historical fiction. The course will be divided between lectures (one two-hour lecture) and tutorial discussions (two one-hour tutorials). We will discuss this schedule on the first day of class. The lectures are designed to provide students with the narrative of Canada’s history, while the tutorial meetings will provide students with the opportunity to engage with selected secondary and primary source materials that complement the lecture materials. This combination of lecture and tutorial will enrich, clarify, and illustrate the critical issues in Canada’s pre-1900 past. Academic Integrity Academic dishonesty, which includes plagiarism and cheating, is an extremely serious academic offence and carries penalties varying from a 0 grade on an assignment to expulsion from the University. Definitions, penalties, and procedures for dealing with plagiarism and cheating are set out in Trent University’s Academic Integrity Policy. You have a responsibility to educate yourself – unfamiliarity with the policy is not an excuse. You are strongly encouraged to visit Trent’s Academic Integrity website to learn more: www.trentu.ca/academicintegrity Hist2330/Henderson 1 Access to Instruction It is Trent University's intent to create an inclusive learning environment. If a student has a disability and/or health consideration and feels that he/she may need accommodations to succeed in this course, the student should contact the Disability Services Office (BL Suite 109, 748-1281, disabilityservices@trentu.ca) as soon as possible. Complete text can be found under Access to Instruction in the Academic Calendar. Voluntary Withdrawal Date Last date to withdraw from Fall/Winter full courses without academic penalty in 2010-11 is Tuesday, 8 February 2011. Course Materials Textbook: J. M. Bumsted, The Peoples of Canada: A Pre-Confederation History, Third Edition, Toronto: Oxford University Press: 2010. Historical Comic: Chester Brown, Louis Riel: A Comic-Strip Biography, Toronto: Drawn and Quarterly Publications,2003 Historical Fiction: Margaret Atwood, Alias Grace, Toronto: McClelland & Stewart, 1999. Course Kit: Jarett Henderson, Ed., “Tutorial Readings: History 2330, Volume I” Jarett Henderson, Ed., “Tutorial Readings: History 2330, Volume II” All texts will be available for purchase at the Trent University Bookstore. Course Evaluation Map Quiz Primary Source Analysis (500 words) Secondary Source Analysis (750 words) Black Robe Review Essay (1500 words) Mid-Term Test Louis Riel: A Comic Strip Analysis Alias Grace Essay (2500 words) Tutorial Participation Final Exam 5% 5% 7.5% 15% 10% 7.5% 20% 10% 20% Total 100% Hist2330/Henderson 29 September 2010 (In Lecture) 3 November 2010 Due on the day of Discussion 1 December 2010 (Due In Lecture) December Exam Period Due on the day of Discussion 6 April 2011 (Due In Lecture) Ongoing April Exam Period 2 Assignment Details All written assignments must be typed in 12pt Times New Roman, double-spaced, and with one inch margins. All references must be in the “Chicago” style, with footnotes (not endnotes) and a bibliography (not works cited) included with the assignment. Instructions on how to cite correctly can be found at the Chicago Manual of Style Online: www.chicagomanualofstyle.org/tools_citationguide.html Map Quiz: 5% (29 September 2010) The map quiz will be held in lecture on Wednesday, 29 September 2011. It is worth 5% of your final grade. To prepare for this quiz, you should study the locations of the following towns, cities, islands, rivers, lakes, and mountain ranges on the map attached to this syllabus. You will complete the quiz on this same map. Please note that you are responsible for finding the location of the places listed below: Atlantic Canada Cape Breton Island (Ile Royale) Labrador St. John’s Halifax Louisbourg Bay of Fundy Fredericton, NB Prince Edward Island Atlantic Ocean Central Canada Québec City Eastern Townships Gross Isle Beauharnois Ottawa River Montreal Gaspe Peninsula Georgian Bay Rideau Canal Welland Canal Kingston Lake Superior Lake Ontario Lake Huron Lake Erie Lake Michigan Sault Ste. Marie Thunder Bay Hist2330/Henderson Lake Simcoe Toronto Lake of the Woods Niagara Falls Credit River Western Canada Red River Fort Garry (Upper and Lower) Batoche Regina Edmonton Calgary Banff Saskatoon Lake Winnipeg Lake Athabasca Saskatchewan River British Columbia and the North Vancouver Island Victoria Queen Charlotte Islands Prince Rupert Fraser River Skeena River Strait of Juan de Fuca Mackenzie River Nunavut Fort Simpson 3 Baffin Island Yukon River Great Slave Lake Great Bear Lake Hudson Strait Hudson Bay James Bay Pacific Ocean The map quiz will consist of TWENTY place names and other topographical features. Each correct place you plot is worth 1 mark. The assignment will be marked out of 20 and converted to a grade out of five. Primary Source Analysis: 5% (Due 3 November 2010) You will write a primary source analysis of the document, “What Occurred Among the Hurons in the Year 1635” in the Jesuit Relations. This source was written on 27 May 1635 by a Jesuit missionary named Jean De Brebeuf. Please follow the instructions below that explain how you can access this resource. Your analysis should be no more than 500 words and will meet the assignment specifics outlined above, i.e.) font size, etc. Your analysis should answer the following questions: “What are the Jesuit Relations? And, what are the problems in using this source to understand Aboriginal societies in the 1600s?” In answering these questions, you must identify the 5-Ws that help historians determine “historical significance”: the who, the when, the where, the why, and the “so” what? You can locate this letter through the Trent University Libraries e-Resources. Click the eResources link on the library home page and then the e-Books link. Scroll down until you find the link for Early Encounters in North America: Peoples, Cultures, and the Environment. You will have to log-in to access this collection. Once you have successfully logged in, find: Le Jeune, Paul, 1591(?)-1664, Jesuit Relations and Allied Documents, VOLUME 8. Thwaites, Reuben Gold, ed.. Cleveland, OH: Burrows Brothers, 1901. ***You want VOLUME EIGHT*** (It should be entry 178). When you click the book title, you will be re-directed to the “Table of Contents.” Find the entry titled, “Relation of What Occurred Among the Hurons in the Year 1635.” You want this letter: click it. Success! This assignment is DUE IN LECTURE on WEDNESDAY, 3 NOVEMBER 2010. Secondary Source Analyses: 2x 7.5 % (Due on the day of Discussion) You must do two secondary source analyses at some point during the course. One must be based on Chester Brown’s comic strip biography of Louis Riel; the other one is your choice. Your 3-page article analysis (750 words maximum) is based on the selected tutorial readings in your course kit. Regardless of which readings you select, your analysis is due ON THE DAY that those articles will be discussed. For example, if I signed up for “Politics and “the people” of British North America,” I would write on the Bradbury and Morgan articles and handin my work on the day of that class: 12 January 2010. Hist2330/Henderson 4 This assignment is designed to help you to identify key themes and ideas within the writings of important Canadian historians. The ability to identify key themes, ideas, and arguments in other people’s writing is the first step in developing your own critical analysis skills. This assignment has two goals: first, to begin you on your way to thinking critically about the way we understand Canada’s past; and second, to encourage you to develop your own analyses and interpretations of that past in the process. When writing and organizing your work DO NOT discuss one article after the other: think about how to pull the two readings together. This can be done either by topical themes, the questions the authors are asking, or by historiographical or conceptual issues. Your analysis should integrate/seek to answer some of the following suggestions/questions: What is overall picture you got from the readings? What are differences and similarities between the approaches taken in the two readings? What is the major argument of each article? What is the historiographical context – meaning, where do the authors place themselves within the literature? (I.e. Are they interested in gender? In sexuality? In political change?) What are the key concepts/words/ideas upon which they draw (ask about those you do not understand). Is there anything or anyone absent from the readings that could alter the argument? What primary sources were used? Can you think of any problems with these sources and how they may have influenced the historian’s argument? And, your evaluation of the work: What did you like, dislike? Think about this in terms of the questions that authors ask, their approach, their method of enquiry, and the sources they used as well as your personal reaction to the readings. These assignments are DUE IN TUTORIAL on DAY WE DISCUSS THE ARTICLES. A sign-up sheet will be handed out in Tutorial in September. (Re)viewing Black Robe: 15% (Due 1 December 2010) As your Primary Source Analysis of the Jesuit Relations will demonstrate, it is extremely difficult to accurately depict Aboriginal societies and the relationship that they had with the Jesuit missionaries that sought to “civilize” them. We will read about missionaries for tutorial and view the film Black Robe on 3 November 2010. You will then write a 6-page review essay (1500 word) of Black Robe. Your essay should compare and contrast what you learned about the history of the Jesuit missionaries and their relationship with the Huron in lecture, tutorial, and in reading the Jesuit Relations with how Black Robe represented this history. Your review should clearly articulate the strengths and weaknesses of Black Robe and its depiction of the civilizing mission of the Jesuits in New France in the mid-1600s. Your review essay can focus on any aspect or theme from Black Robe, however, it MUST NOT be a summary or an “and then, and then” narrative of what occurred in the film. It is to be a critical review essay. You must also read the below articles, (I will post these on the course website), to see how two historians have responded to Black Robe. But remember, I am interested in WHAT Hist2330/Henderson 5 YOU THOUGHT so, please only use Churchill and Haavik as guidelines. You may even disagree with them, and that is ok! Ward Churchill, “And They Did It Like Dogs in the Dirt”: An Indigenist Analysis of Black Robe,” in Ward Churchill, From A Native Son: Selected Essays in Indigenism, 19851995, Cambridge: South End Press, 1996, 423–38. Kristof Haavik, “In Defense of Black Robe: A Reply to Ward Churchill,” Journal American Indian Culture and Research Journal 31:4 (2007): 97-120 Ward Churchill, “Reasserting "Consensus": A Somewhat Bitterly Amused Response to Kristof Haavik's ‘In Defense of Black Robe,’” American Indian Culture and Research Journal 31:4 (2007): 121-143. Remember, your review essay should not regurgitate what happened in the film. You are to evaluate the effectiveness of Black Robe’s portrayal of this aspect of Canada’s history. For example, what perspective does Black Robe take on the subject? What is Black Robe’s main point? Was the film successful in accurately depicting the work of the Jesuits; of the Aboriginal people they sought to convert? Why or why not? This assignment is DUE IN LECTURE on WEDNESDAY, 1 DECEMBER 2010. Mid-Term Test: 10% (Organized during December Exam period) This test will cover material from the first thirteen weeks of class. It will be 3 hours in length. It will be comprised of essay, short answer, and some multiple-choice questions. Questions will be based on material covered in both lecture and tutorial. Alias Histories of Nineteenth Century Upper Canada: 20% (Due 6 April 2011) The past can be portrayed and interpreted in a variety of ways. Professional historians are not the only individuals capable of accurately portraying past events. In Alias Grace, Margaret Atwood provides a fictional account of the life of Grace Marks. Grace, an Irish immigrant and resident of Toronto, was convicted of murdering her employer, Thomas Kinnear, in the early1840s and was later incarcerated in the Kingston Penitentiary. Much like historians do, Atwood consulted a wide selection of primary and secondary sources to write about Grace Marks and Upper Canadian society in the nineteenth century. It is your job, as historians-in-training, to evaluate the accuracy of Atwood’s depiction of one aspect of the novel that interested you and conduct your own research on that topic. You must write a 2000-2500-word (8–10 page) essay that examines one historical theme that sparked your attention. For example, Atwood repeatedly returns to the 1837-38 Rebellion and its importance for the characters in her book. Once you have read the novel and picked your theme or topic, you must assess if Atwood accurately depicted the history/significance of your specific theme or topic by conducting primary and secondary research on your subject. Your essay should compare and contrast Atwood’s history of the social world of mid-nineteenth century Upper Canada with what historians argue about the same period. By including primary materials written by individuals from the 1840s you will be able to determine where Atwood’s representation of Upper Canada is historically accurate, and where it is not. Hist2330/Henderson 6 You must incorporate the following material into your essay. The novel: Margaret Atwood, Alias Grace, Toronto, 1996. What historians think of Alias Grace: Margaret Atwood, “In Search of Alias Grace: On Writing Canadian Historical Fiction,” American Historical Review 103:5 (December 1998): 1503-16. Jonathan D Spence, “Margaret Atwood and the Edges of History,” American Historical Review 103:5 (December 1998): 1522-5. John Demos, “In Search of Reasons for Historians to Read Novels,” American Historical Review 103:5 (December 1998): 1526-9. Lynn Hunt, “No Longer an Evenly Flowing River: Time, History, and the Novel,” American Historical Review 103:5 (December 1998): 1517-21. What did people in the nineteenth century said: (Some primary source examples) Susannah Moodie, Life in the Clearings Vs. the Bush, London, 1853. Pages 207-32, 299-312. A down-loadable pdf version is Google Books. Follow this link: http://books.google.ca/books?id=b64NAAAAQAAJ&dq=Life%20in%20the%20clearings&pg= PR1#v=onepage&q&f=false The Trials of James McDermott and Grace Marks at Toronto, Upper Canada, November 3rd and 4th, 1843 For the Murder of Thomas Kinnear, Esquire and His Housekeeper Nancy Montgomery, Richmond Hill, Township of Vaughan, Home District, Upper Canada on Saturday, 29th July, 1843. Toronto: 1843. There is a selection of documents on the Toronto Public Library webpage that deal with trial. Follow this link: http://ve.torontopubliclibrary.ca/showcase/marks/index.html You may also want to look at Paper Of Record, an eResource that contains searchable PDFs of many Canadian newspapers. Your essay is DUE IN LECTURE on 6 April 2011. Tutorial Participation: 10% (Ongoing) Students must attend all tutorials. However, perfect attendance does not translate into a perfect participation mark. In order to obtain a high participation mark, one must arrive to tutorial having completed the assigned readings and prepared to share their thoughts and opinions with the class. Perfect attendance can earn you a maximum grade of 4/10. At various times throughout the term you will be asked to evaluate your participation. If you are unable to attend class, for whatever the reason, please, let me know. You are allowed ONE grace absence per term. All other unexplained absences will require documentation. Hist2330/Henderson 7 Final Exam: 20% (Organized during April Exam period) This exam will cover material from the final thirteen weeks of class. It will be 3 hours in length. It will be comprised of essay, short answer, and some multiple-choice questions. Questions will be based on material covered in both lecture and tutorial. Late Policy Any assignment submitted longer than one week after the stated deadline will not be marked. Exception to this lateness penalty may be granted for valid reasons such as illness, compassionate grounds, etc. For such exceptions to be considered supporting documentation (I.e. a doctor’s note) will be required. An assignment submitted between the stated deadline and the one week immediately following said deadline will be penalized at 2% a day. All assignments must be submitted in a paper (hard copy) with at least one rough draft. Email attachments will not be considered as completed assignments. I. NORTHERN NORTH AMERICA TO 1763 Week 1: First Nations’ Territory 15 September 2010 Lecture Reading: Ch. 1. The Peoples of Early North America Week 2: Colonial Contacts and Encounters in North Eastern North America 22 September 2010 Lecture Reading: Ch. 2. Contacts and Encounters Ch. 3. Early European Approaches Tutorial Reading: Ramsay Cook, “Making a Garden out of A Wilderness,” in Canada, Quebec, and the Uses of Nationalism, 2nd Ed, (Toronto: McClelland & Stewart, 1995), 51-72. Primary Source: Ramsay Cook, ed., The Voyages of Jacques Cartier, (Toronto: University of Toronto Press, 1993), 23–27; 60–66; 68–70. Week 3: Population and Popular Culture in New France 29 September 2010 Lecture Reading: Ch. 5. Canada to 1663 Tutorial Reading: Leslie Choquette, “Recruitment of French Emigrants to Canada, 1600-1760,” in “To Make America”: European Migration in the Early Modern Period, 131-62. Hist2330/Henderson 8 Peter Moogk, “‘Thieving Buggers’ and ‘Stupid Sluts’: Insults and Popular Culture in New France”, William and Mary Quarterly 36:4 (Oct. 1979): 524-47. Primary Source: “Condemnation of Popular Practices,” “Report on Popular Culture,” and “Discovering the Common People,” in Documents in Pre-Confederation History, Morgan and Jaenen Editors, (Toronto: Addison-Wesley, 1998), 34–36; 42–46. Week 4:The Civilizing Mission in New France I 6 October 2010 Lecture Reading: Ch. 6. Canada 1663-1763: Government, Military, Economy Tutorial Reading: Carol Devens, “Separate Confrontations: Gender as a Factor in Indian Adaptation to European Colonization in New France,” American Quarterly 38:3 (1986): 461-80. Tracey Neal Leavelle, “Geographies of Encounter: Religion and Contested Spaces in Colonial North America,” American Quarterly 56: 4 (Dec. 2004): 913-943. Primary Source: “Memorandum on Colonizing New France,” in Documents in Pre-Confederation History, Morgan and Jaenen Editors, (Toronto: Addison-Wesley, 1998), 14–15. Week 5: The Civilizing Mission in New France II 13 October 2010 Lecture Reading: Ch. 7. Canada 1663-1763: Population, Society, Culture Tutorial Reading: Arnaud Balvay, “Tattooing and Its Role in French–Native American Relations in the Eighteenth Century,” French Colonial History 9 (2008): 1-14. Peter A. Goddard, “Converting the Sauvage: Jesuit and Montagnais in Seventh-Century New France,” The Catholic Historical Review 84 (1998): 219-39. Primary Source: Excerpts from, Peter Kalm, Travels in North America: The English Version, Adolph Burnett Benson, Editor, (Wilson-Erickson, 1937), 402–05; 410–18; and 525–27. Week 6: Slavery in New France 20 October 2010 Lecture Reading: Ch. 8. The Peripheries of the Empires, 1670-1760 Tutorial Reading: Brett Rushforth, “‘A Little Flesh We Offer You’: The Origins of Indian Slavery in New France,” The William and Mary Quarterly 60: 4 (Oct. 2003): 777-808. Hist2330/Henderson 9 Kenneth Joseph Donovan, “Slaves in Ile Royale, 1713-1758,” French Colonial History 5 (2004): 25-42. Primary Source: “Regulating Slavery in the Colony,” Documents in Pre-Confederation History, Morgan and Jaenen Editors, (Toronto: Addison-Wesley, 1998), 36–38. Week 7: READING WEEK! No Class 27 October 2010 Week 8: MOVIE: Black Robes (Primary Source Analysis Due) 3 November 2010 Week 9: The British Conquest and the Integration of Québec 10 November 2010 Lecture Reading: Ch. 9. A Century of Conflict, 1660-1760 Tutorial Reading: Nick Rogers, “Brave Wolfe: The Making of a Hero in Mid-Eighteenth Century Britain and America,” in A New Imperial History: Culture, Identity and Modernity in Britain and the Empire 1660-1840, (Cambridge: CUP, 2004), 239-59. Ramsay Cook, “Governing a Colony ‘pas comme les autres’: The Dilemmas of Unplanned Conquest,” in Realities of Representation: State–Building in Early Modern Europe and European America, (London: Palgrave, 2007), 187–202. Primary Source: “Articles of Capitulation, Québec, Sept 18, 1759,” Documents Relating to the Constitutional History of Canada, 1759-1791, Doughty, (1918), 5–7. “Proclamation of Oct 7th, 1763,” Documents Relating to the Constitutional History of Canada, 1759-1791, Doughty, (1918), 163–68. Week 9: Creating a New Colonial Order and the American Revolution 17 November 2010 Lecture Reading: Ch. 10. The Expansion and Contraction of British North America, 1760-1782 Tutorial Reading: Peter Burrows, “Wampum at Niagara: The Royal Proclamation, Canadian Legal History, and Self Government,” in Aboriginal and Treaty Rights in Canada, (Vancouver: UBC Press, 1997), 155-72. Matthew L. Rhoades, “Blood and Boundaries: Virginia Backcountry Violence and the Origins of the Quebec Act, 1758-1775,” West Virginia History: A Journal of Regional Studies 3:2 (Fall 2009): 1-22. Hist2330/Henderson 10 Primary Source: “Petition of French Subjects to the King, Dec 1773,” Documents Relating to the Constitutional History of Canada, 1759-1791, Doughty, (1918), 507–08. “Case of the British Merchants Trading at Québec, 1774,” Documents Relating to the Constitutional History of Canada, 1759-1791, Doughty, (1918), 512–22. “The Québec Act, 14, Geo. III, cap. 83,” Documents Relating to the Constitutional History of Canada, 1759-1791, Doughty, (1918), 570 – 576. II. THE CONSOLIDATION OF BRITISH NORTH AMERICA TO 1860 Week 10: The Loyalists and Aboriginal Dispossession 24 November 2010 Lecture Reading: Ch. 11. Loyalties and Loyalists, 1775-1791 Tutorial Reading: Donald Smith, “The Dispossession of the Mississauga Indians: A Missing Chapter in the Early History of Upper Canada,” in Historical Essays on Upper Canada: New Perspectives, (Montreal-Kingston: MQUP, 1989), 23-52. Maya Jasanoff, “The Other Side of Revolution: Loyalists in the British Empire,” William and Mary Quarterly 65:2 (April 2008): 205-32. Primary Source: “Plan for the Future Management of Indian Affairs,” Documents Relating to the Constitutional History of Canada, 1759-1791, Doughty, (1918) 614–20. “Simcoe to Dorchester, 9 March 1795,” Documents Relating to the Constitutional History of Canada, 1791-1818, 176–82. Week 11: Colonial Economies and the Fur Trade 1 December 2010 Lecture Reading: Ch. 14. The Colonial Economy, 1791-1840 Tutorial Reading: Carolyn Podruchny, “Baptizing Novices: Ritual Moments among French Canadian Voyageurs in Montreal Fur Trade, 1780-1821,” Canadian Historical Review 83:2 (2002): 165-95. Elizabeth Vibert, “Real Men Hunt Buffalo: Masculinity, Race, and Class in British Fur Traders’ Narratives,” Gender & History 8:1 (1996): 4-21. Primary Source: Excerpts from, Governor George Simpson’s 1832 Character Book. Hist2330/Henderson 11 Week 12: War of 1812 8 December 2010 Lecture Reading: Ch. 12. Colonial Politics, War, and Rebellion, 1791-1840 (only till 1812 Section) Tutorial Reading: Sean Mills, “French Canadians and the Beginning of the War of 1812: Revisiting the Lachine Riot,” Histoire Sociale/Social History (May2005) 38:75, 37-57 R. Arthur Bowler, “Propaganda in Upper Canada in the War of 1812,” American Review of Canadian 18:1 (March 1988): 11 – 32 END OF TERM ONE II. THE CONSOLIDATION OF BRITISH NORTH AMERICA TO 1860, CONT’D Week 13: Politics and “the people” of British North America 12 January 2011 Lecture Reading: Ch. 13. Peopling British North America, 1791-1860 Tutorial Reading: Bettina Bradbury, “Widows at the Hustings: Gender, Citizenship, and the Montreal By-Election of 1832,” in Women on Their Own: Interdisciplinary Perspective on Being Single, Edited by, Rudolph Bell and Virginia Yans-McLaughlin, 82–114. Cecilia Morgan, “‘When Bad Men Conspire, Good Men Must Unite!’: Gender and Public Discourses in Upper Canada, 1820s-1830s,” in K. McPherson, N. M. Forestall, and C. Morgan, Eds., Gendered Pasts, Toronto: Oxford University Press, 1999: 12-28. Primary Source: “Women’s Suffrage, Petition to the House of Assembly, Lower Canada, 4 December 1828,” Documents in Pre-Confederation History, Morgan and Jaenen Editors, (Toronto: Addison-Wesley, 1998), 309–11. Week 14: The 1837 Canadian Rebellion 19 January 2011 Lecture Reading: Ch. 12. Colonial Politics, War, and Rebellion, 1791-1840 Tutorial Reading: Allan Greer, “From Folklore to Revolution: Charivaris and the Lower Canadian Rebellion of 1837,” Social History 15:1 (Jan., 1990): 25-43. Hist2330/Henderson 12 Fernand Ouellet. “The Insurrections,” Readings in Canadian History: Pre-Confederation. Eds. R. Douglas Francis and Donald B. Smith. (Toronto: Harcourt Brace & Company, 1994), 330-344. Primary Source: “92 Resolutions,” Statutes, Treaties and Documents of the Canadian Constitution, 1713-1929, (Toronto: Oxford University Press, 1930), 270–90. “William Lyon Mackenzie’s Draft Constitution, 15 November 1837,” Documents in PreConfederation History, Morgan and Jaenen Editors, (Toronto: Addison-Wesley, 1998), 238–42. Week 15: The Durham Interlude 26 January 2011 Lecture Reading: Ch. 17. Political and Administrative Reform, 1840-1860 Tutorial Reading: Bruce Curtis, “The ‘Most Splendid Pageant Ever Seen’: Grandeur, the Domestic, and Condescension in Lord Durham’s Political Theatre,” Canadian Historical Review 89:1 (March 2008): 55-88 Carol Wilton, “A firebrand amongst the people: The Durham Meetings and Popular Politics in Upper Canada,” Canadian Historical Review 75:3, (Sept 1994): 346-375. Primary Source: Extracts from, Correspondence Relative to the Affairs of British North America, (London: 1839). Extracts from, Lady Durham’s Journal, (Québec: Literary and Historical Society of Québec, 1915). Week 16: Responsible Government and Colonial Reform after 1838 2 February 2011 Lecture Reading: Ch. 18. Reorientation: British North America and the Empire after 1840 Tutorial Reading: Barbara Messamore, “Mary Lambton’s Husband,” and “The Great Experiment: Elgin, Grey, and Responsible Government,” in Canada’s Governor Generals: Biography and Constitutional Evolution, (Toronto: University of Toronto Press, 2008), 31–70. Primary Source: Extracts from, Canada Papers Relative to the Affairs of Canada, (London: Clowes, 1849), 1-9. Week 17: Aboriginal Policy at Mid-Century 9 February 2011 Lecture Reading: Ch. 19. Reorientation: British North America and the Continent after 1840 Hist2330/Henderson 13 Tutorial Reading: Theodore Binnema and Kevin Hutchings, “The Emigrant and the Noble Savage: Sir Francis Bond Head’s Romantic Approach to Aboriginal Policy in Upper Canada, 1836-1838,” Journal of Canadian Studies, 39:1 (Winter 2005): Shurlee Swain, “Canada: “If they Treat the Indians Humanely, All Will be Well,” in Equal Subjects, Unequal Rights: Indigenous Peoples in British Settler Colonies, 1830-1910, Julie Evans et. al., Editors, (Manchester: Manchester University Press, 2003), 43–62. Primary Source: Extracts from, Appendix to the sixteenth volume of the journals of the Legislative Assembly of the Province of Canada ... 25th February to 16th August, 1858 ... twenty-first and twentysecond years of the reign of ... Queen Victoria: being the 1st session of the 6th Provincial Parliament of Canada, (Toronto : R. Campbell, 1858). Week 18: Regulating Marriage and Family in the Nineteenth Century 16 February 2011 Lecture Reading: Ch. 20. The West and the North, 1821-1870 Tutorial Reading: Adele Perry, “Hardy Backwoodsmen, Wholesome Women, and Steady Families: Immigration and the Construction of a White Society in Colonial British Columbia, 1849-1871,” Social History/ histoire sociale 33: 66 (2000): 343–60. Sarah Carter, ““Creating ‘Semi-Widows’ and ‘Supernumerary Wives:’ Prohibiting Polygamy in Prairie Canada’s Aboriginal Communities to 1900.” In The Importance of Bing Monogamous, Primary Source: Debates, House of Commons, Canada. Week 18: READING WEEK! No Class 23 February 2011 Week 19: Public Spaces and Public Spectacles 2 March 2011 Lecture Reading: Ch. 15. Colonial Society, 1791-1840 Ch. 21. Early Victorian Society, 1840-1870 Tutorial Reading: Cecilia Morgan, “‘In Search of the Phantom Misnamed Honour’: Dueling in Upper Canada,” Canadian Historical Review 76:4 (December 1995): 529-62. Julia Roberts, “‘A Mixed Assemblage of Persons’: Race and Tavern Space in Upper Canada,” Canadian Historical Review 83:1 (March 2002): 1710-1093 Hist2330/Henderson 14 Primary Source: “Regulating Taverns,” in Documents in Pre-Confederation History, Morgan and Jaenen Editors, (Toronto: Addison-Wesley, 1998), 218. Week 20: Class, Identity, and Leisure 9 March 2011 Lecture Reading: Ch. 16. Colonial Culture, 1791-1840 Ch. 22. Early Victorian Culture, 1840-1870 Tutorial Reading: Karen Dubinsky, “The Pleasure is Exquisite but Violent”: The Imaginary Geography of Niagara Falls in the Nineteenth Century,” Journal of Canadian Studies 29:2 (1994): 64–88. Gillian Poulter, ““Brave North Western Voyageurs”: Snowshoeing in Montreal,” Becoming Native in a Foreign Land: Sport, Visual Culture and National Identity, Montreal 18401885, (Vancouver: UBC Press, 2008), 21–65. Primary Source: Lady Durham’s account of Niagara Falls, in Lady Durham’s Journal, (Québec: Literary and Historical Society of Québec, 1915), 22–30. III. The Creation of the Dominion of Canada, 1860 – 1900 Week 21: Confederation 16 March 2011 Lecture Reading: Ch. 24. Unification, 1862-1867 Tutorial Reading: Gail Cuthbert Brandt, “Presidential Address: National Unity and the Politics of Political History,” Journal of the Canadian Historical Association 3:1 (1992): 3-11. Arthur Silver, “Confederation and Quebec” The French Canadian Idea of Confederation, 18641900 (Toronto: University of Toronto Press, 1997), 33-50 Primary Source: Wilfred Smith, “Charles Tupper’s Minutes of the Charlottetown Conference, 1864,” Canadian Historical Review 48:2 (June 1867): 100–12. Week 22: Canada’s Colony 23 March 2011 Lecture Reading: Ch. 25. The Completion of Confederation, 1867-1873 Hist2330/Henderson 15 Tutorial Reading: Chester Brown, Louis Riel: A Comic-Strip Biography, (Toronto: Drawn and Quarterly Publications, 2003) Primary Source: “Radio Clip: CBC. http://archives.cbc.ca/arts_entertainment/visual_arts/topics/1482-9905/ “List of Rights, Created by the Provinsln Governing COuncil of the Métis Nation, 1 December 1869,” and “Protest of the People” in Documents in Pre-Confederation History, Morgan and Jaenen Editors, (Toronto: Addison-Wesley, 1998), 298-99; 301-03. Week 23: Industrialization and Urbanization in Working Class Montreal 30 March 2011 Lecture Reading: Ch. 23. Industrialization, 1850-1870 Tutorial Reading: Bettina Bradbury, “Pigs, Cows, and Boarders: Non-wage Forms of Survival among Montreal Families, 1861-91,” Labour/ Le Travail (Fall 1984): 9-46. Peter DeLottinville, “Joe Beef of Montreal: Working Class Culture and the Tavern, 1869-1889,” Labour/Le Travail 8:9 (1981-82): 9–40. Primary Source: Excerpts from, The Royal Commission on the Relations of Labour and Capital, 1889 (Abridged), Gregory Kealey, Ed., (Toronto: Univeristy of Toronto Press, 1973), 213–19; 222–37. Week 24: Canada’s History at the Turn-of-the-Century 6 April 2011 Lecture Reading: Ch. 26. Envisioning the New Nation, 1867-1885 Tutorial Reading: Jarett Henderson, “I Am Pleased with the Lambton Loot”: Arthur George Doughty and the Making of the Durham Papers,” Archivaria 70 (2010): H. V. Nelles, “Historical Pageantry and the 'Fusion of the Races' at the Tercentenary of Quebec, 1908,” Social History/ Histoire Sociale 29 (1996): 391-415. END OF SECOND TERM Hist2330/Henderson 16 QuickTime™ and a decompressor are needed to see this picture. Hist2330/Henderson 17