Macbeth Thematic Evaluation by ACT – 50 pts. Within the play



Thematic Evaluation by ACT – 50 pts.

Within the play, several themes or motifs re-emerge, though not always with clear answers.

Each group will create a power point presentation that explores an act of the play and the extent to which these themes are addressed within that act. The presentation will be driven by the analysis of relevant original text.

Textual examples should always be clearly cited as they are illustrated. (Act: Scene: Lines)


The Dehumanization of Macbeth – What statement about human nature does Shakespeare make based upon the presentation of his dehumanization (i.e. from “brave Macbeth” to “dead butcher”)? a.

Trace the steps of his corruption (how he starts to how he ends) b.

Explore his self-awareness and its relevance to his moral culpability c.

Demonstrate the shifts in his world view d.

Consider the meaning of his refusal to yield (determination) right up to his death


The Rehumanization of Lady Macbeth – What statement about human nature does Shakespeare make based upon the presentation of her character? a.

Examine the progression of Lady Macbeth’s behavior in the play and attempt to explain it b.

Show evidence of change in Lady Macbeth from throughout her appearances in the play c.

What is the relevance of guilt in her change of psyche? How is guilt manifested in her? d.

Is there a gender commentary present in the way she and her husband respectively respond to their situation? e.

Does her madness and suicide late in the play humanize or redeem her in any way?


The Witches (Weird Sisters) – What is the function of these supernatural agents in the play? a.

What is the nature and intention of their game, as best we can infer? b.

How responsible are they for Macbeth’s downfall? c.

Are they active or passive agents of fate? d.

What is the true nature of their power? e.

To what extent would you consider Macbeth their victim?


Manhood – What does the commentary of the play suggest about manhood? a.

What views of manhood are brought up for consideration? b.

What aspects of manhood are promoted and condemned throughout the play? c.

What is irony of Macbeth’s own evolving manhood? d.

How is the subject of manhood explored through the discourse and behavior of various secondary characters (not merely Macbeth)?


Just Monarchy – How is the subject of human leadership explored throughout the play? a.

What leadership styles and approaches are displayed through various characters in the play? b.

How is the idea of divine right/rule explored through the action of the play? c.

Can we infer anything about what kind of leadership Shakespeare condemns or favors? d.

Can we draw any conclusions about just monarchy at the end of the play, or is mankind simply doomed to an endless cycle of chaos and “hurly burly”?



Identify scenes/passages of relevance and interest. Work chronologically through the act.


Examine the text. What direct textual examples should be included?


Outline slide show.


Coordinate how you will present.
