Reactions on the Death of UBL

Details of the assassination of Osama bin Laden
Details of the assassination of Osama bin Laden
Washington, United States of America - the American President, Barack
Obama, in a word, on Wednesday, killing al-Qaeda leader Osama bin
Laden, in an operation by U.S. forces outside the Pakistani capital,
Islamabad, on Monday.
Obama said he had given orders to capture Bin Laden, after gathering
intelligence and adequate, targeted a compound in the suburb of
"Abbottabad" Bmcharv Islamabad, not in the process of minutes did not
hurt any of the attacking force.
The President stated that U.S. armed clashes broke out after the attack,
but he did not disclose many details of the operation, which said a
senior military source told CNN that the special forces of the Navy,
"Sills" SEALs were implemented, after several workouts.
Force and moved across a military helicopter from Afghanistan to
perform the operation, which lasted 40 minutes.
Observers pointed out that the compound where he was staying bin
Laden is subject to strict procedures for safe and surrounded by high
fences and the cost of recently constructed more than a million dollars,
was not available by phone or Internet services.
The assurances come after Obama American sources responsible for the
network killed the leader of al Qaeda, in an operation by U.S. forces
outside the Pakistani capital, Islamabad.
Sources said that Obama's emphasis filter bin Laden comes after
verifying his identity and conduct DNA testing.
She also drew the sources of the Congress and the administration of
President, Barack Obama, to the body of bin Laden, who was killed
together with a number of family members, the possession of U.S.
There were no details yet on the assassination of the most wanted by
the United States, which made $ 25 million price-to-head, it was not
clear whether the right forearm and the second man in the
organization, Ayman al-Zawahiri, were among the dead.
Showed video clips presented by the network of large crowds gathered
near the White Americans are cheering with joy at the news of killing of
bin Laden.
The correspondent network, Nick Patton, Welch, Pakistani intelligence
sources, said that elements of the "Pakistani intelligence service ISI"
has been present during the operation, was not clear any of the
elements - American or Pakistani - that fired the bullets that wiped out
bin Laden.
The killing of al Qaeda leader the Pakistani capital, contrary to
expectations, where all the intelligence reports suggested Al Qaeda
leaders hiding in the border region between Pakistan and Afghanistan.
In the meantime, sources said the network that the U.S. State
Department lifted a state of alert among its diplomatic missions abroad.
The assassination of bin Laden victory strong for Obama, who recently
announced his intention to run for re-election, and shortly after the
failure of his predecessor, former President George Bush, in Aguetnas
years after the U.S. invasion of Afghanistan in late 2001 in the wake of
the attacks of 11 September on the United States.
The Show last opinion poll of the network that two thirds of the
American people, ruled out the possibility of capturing or killing bin
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Earlier, the U.S. source revealed that bin Laden has resisted American
power attack, and killed by a bullet in the head during the armed
clashes broke out after storming the compound during a secret
operation, which lasted 40 minutes.
And surprise, "a small U.S. team," bin Laden in a luxury complex located
in the region, "Abbottabad", is about more than 85 kilometers from the
Pakistani capital, except that the source refused to confirm the
participation of the U.S. military in the process.
The U.S. military source told CNN last revealed that elements of the U.S.
Special Forces - Sales SEALs - participated in the implementation.
The official said the three men were killed during the operation, next to
a woman used as a human shield to storm the compound, denied any
casualties among the attacking force of America.
In the meantime, a Pakistani intelligence source said that elements of
Pakistani intelligence were present during the attack, was not clear
whether killing bin Laden shot dead by U.S. or Pakistani elements.
It is noteworthy that a U.S. official pointed out that the al Qaeda leader
killed by a bullet in the head
Showed video clips broadcast by "Geo" Pakistani flames rising from the
And a U.S. helicopter crashed during the raid as a result of mechanical
failure, forcing the attacking force to destroy them to ensure that no
leak any information.
The sources revealed that senior U.S. administration of President,
Barack Obama, suppressed the information gathered by intelligence
about where bin Laden before the operation, has not seen any country,
including Pakistan, which for security reasons.
I learned a few American officials in advance the process that ended
with the liquidation of the bitterest enemies of the United States after
the chase lasted approximately ten years.
Earlier, sources said that the administration will deal with the body of
bin Laden, which had custody of them, according to Islamic law.
The U.S. president, said in a speech Sunday, the liquidation of the
mastermind of the attacks of September 11, 2001 attacks on his
country, saying that justice has been done.
It is noteworthy that radical sites which has been published did not
mention al Qaeda videos from near or far to the death of bin Laden.
How to monitor the place of bin Laden
American sources reported that Washington realized the possibility of
hiding bin Laden's compound in Pakistan earlier this year, in February
confirmed the information available the possibility of moving to
In mid-March, the U.S. president's series of meetings with the security
crew, yet another confirmation of information received on 19 and 28
last April, Obama gave the green light for the operation, on Friday.
Raised complex luxury, which established by bin Laden and his wife,
small, and a number of family members, and surrounded by high walls
reached a height of between 12 to 18 feet on her head, barbed wire,
doubts, procedures security was strict, even waste was burned or
placed in the space to collect.
The investigators concluded that the complex which was built
specifically to house a person of great importance, not only hideout for
bin Laden
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Today, 08:42 AM
Re: details of the assassination of Osama bin Laden
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The life of Osama bin Laden and the inception
Born Osama bin Muhammad bin Awad bin Laden in Riyadh in Saudi
Arabia, wealthy father, Mohammed bin Laden, who was working in
construction, construction work and was a strong relationship with
the ruling Al Saud family in Saudi Arabia. Osama and the order
between brothers and sisters is 17 out of 52 brother and sister. He
studied at King Abdul Aziz University in Jeddah and graduated from
the Bachelor in the economy, while talking to some reports, he
received a degree in civil engineering in 1979, to conduct the work
of Bin Laden and take some responsibility for his father in the
management of the company. After the death of Mohammed bin
Laden, Osama's father, the first to leave a fortune to his children is
estimated at $ 900 million.
His wealth enabled him and his relations to achieve its objectives in
supporting the Afghan mujahideen against the Soviet invasion of
Afghanistan in 1979. In 1984, he founded the bin Laden
organization advocacy and he called the "Service Center" and a base
for training in the arts of war and the insurgency as "the al-Farooq
camp" to support and finance the war effort "of the Afghan
mujahideen" (and to the militants of Arab and foreign later). And
supported them (the organization and the camp) of the United
States, Pakistan, Saudi Arabia and Egypt and a number of countries
that saw the invasion of the Soviet threat, directly or indirectly.
Book of Osama found in a house used by al Qaeda in Kabul,
declaring what he called a jihad against the Americans [1].
In 1988, Crystal Osama bin Laden in Afghanistan do create records
data base to record the militants, and was joined by volunteers from
the "service center" with the terms of reference of the military and
combat training. And later became a symbol for the organization of
the insurgents. The withdrawal of Soviet troops from Afghanistan,
described bin Laden "a hero" by Saudi Arabia, but quickly faded this
support when he attacked, bin Laden the American presence in
Saudi Arabia during the Iraqi invasion of Kuwait in 1990, and even
attacked the Saudi regime for allowing the presence of U.S. troops,
which he described bin Laden's "materialism "and" corrupt "and the
erosion of support has led to the ouster of the Saudi bin Laden to
Sudan in the same year and the establishment of bin Laden's new
operations center in Sudan. And bin Laden succeeded in exporting
their ideas to Southeast Asia, the United States, Africa, and Europe.
And after bin Laden left Sudan in 1996, and traveled to Afghanistan
as a result of strong ties to the Taliban that Afghanistan was moving
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things and in control of the situation in Afghanistan. There has
declared war on the United States of America. In 1998, she joined
the efforts of Osama bin Laden, Ayman al-Zawahiri, with the efforts
of the Secretary-General for the organization of the outlawed
Egyptian Islamic Jihad, and the two launched a fatwa calling to "kill
the Americans and their allies, wherever they are and to evacuate
them from the Al Aqsa Mosque and the Holy Mosque." After the
events of September atheist, and the United States sent the finger
at bin Laden and al Qaeda. And praised Osama on the perpetrators
of suicide. In December 2001, I managed to U.S. forces access to a
video showing Bin Laden with a gathering of his supporters
speaking in the tape was surprised by the amount of devastation
and death that befell the tower and that the proceeds were not into
account, but exceeded expectations, has been using this tape as
evidence the public that the son of Laden note of the pre-event and
its details, while remaining some evidence of undeclared grounds of
national security and the war on terrorism. And kill Osama bin Laden
in Pakistan, President Barack Obama murder in the process of U.S.
intelligence in the city of Islamabad, the Pakistani capital, on
The United States has a direct indictment for causing the Khobar
bombings, explosions, Nairobi and Dar es Salaam, the events of
September 11, 2001 which killed 2997 people. Is the head of the
world's most wanted list (a list of Interpol), and his whereabouts
were unknown until now.
And the last known location was in it, bin Laden is the city of
Kandahar in Afghanistan in 2001. The United States asked the
Taliban handed over bin Laden, but the group, which ruled
Afghanistan at the time demanded that the U.S. evidence on the
involvement of Osama bin Laden in the atheist events of September
2001. And the impact that led the United States, without the
authorization of an international war on Afghanistan and toppled
the Taliban government but the United States can not capture bin
Laden. It was believed that bin Laden has died a natural death
because he has kidney failure which requires medical attention and
high making it difficult for bin Laden in its current status. (Many of
his denies reports of kidney failure, as in a meeting with your
doctor), but from time to time, you receive the video and a voice
speaking on topical issues, which may indicate that he is still alive.
On May 7, 2004, there was an audio tape attributed to Osama bin
Laden urging the Nile from Paul Bremer, former U.S. civil
administrator in Iraq, and provision of bin Laden "a gold reward to
anyone who could kill him." Included bin Laden's military
commander of all U.S. forces in Iraq, his deputy and the Secretary
General of the United Nations, Kofi Annan, his Special Envoy
Lakhdar Brahimi in Iraq
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Today, 08:44 AM
Re: details of the assassination of Osama bin Laden
After the events of September 11
Al-Qaeda leader disappeared from view after the war against the
Taliban and Al Qaeda in Afghanistan and some believe that Osama
bin Laden is still hiding in the mountainous region of Afghanistan,
bordering Pakistan. In the video tape aired by Al Jazeera in October
30, 2004, justified the bin Laden for the first time why the feet of Al
Qaeda to strike at the civilian buildings in the United States, the ills
of bin Laden, strike, saying: "Having had enough, Muslims from an
Israeli incursion into Lebanon in 1982, and doing of terrorist acts
against innocent civilians in Palestine and the Islamic scene
Machhdh of Israeli violations towards the Palestinian people. and
also sees the entire world that America supports Israel and bless
what you're doing by occupying land that was not really her or not
in the history of civilization. " He claimed that "the U.S. president is
mistaken interpretation that the rule of anti-freedom is based on
saying that the rule says the fact that America has always aired
Chronology of the messages or audio visual recordings
The following is the chronology of important messages attributed to
bin Laden since 2007: [2]''
September 7, 2007 - shows bin Laden in his first video in nearly
three years to commemorate the sixth anniversary of the September
11 attacks on the United States. In his letter to the American
people, bin Laden says the United States was vulnerable despite its
economic and military.
November 29, 2007 - urges Bin Laden in an audio recording of
European countries to end its alliance with U.S. forces in
March 19, 2008 - Bin Laden in an audiotape threatening the
European Union severe punishment over cartoons of the Prophet
March 20, 2008 - Bin Laden urges Muslims to continue the struggle
against U.S. forces in Iraq as a way to liberate Palestine.
May 16, 2008 - calls for bin Laden in an audio prompt for the
peoples of the western continuation of the war against Israel and
says that the Israeli-Palestinian conflict the heart of the battle of
Muslims against the West.
May 18, 2008 - Bin Laden urges Muslims to lift the siege led by
Israel on the Gaza Strip, which is controlled by the Islamic
Resistance Movement (Hamas) and fight Arab governments that
deal with Israel in an audiotape broadcast on the Internet.
January 14, 2009 - calls for bin Laden in an audio recording of jihad
again for Gaza and says the global financial crisis revealed the
decline in U.S. influence in world affairs and that this in turn would
weaken Israel.
March 14, 2009 - Bin Laden accuses the moderate Arab leaders of
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conspiring with the West against Muslims in an audiotape broadcast
on Al Jazeera television.
June 3, 2009 - Bin Laden says in a voice message that President
Barack Obama sowing the seeds of revenge and hatred toward the
United States in the Islamic world and warned the American people
and asked him to prepare for the consequences. And bin Laden said
that Obama shares the same footsteps of his predecessor George
June 4, 2009 - Bin Laden calls the Islamic world to prepare for long
war against the infidels and their agents.
September 14, 2009 - Bin Laden warned the American people of his
close relations with Israel and says that it is time to liberate the
American people themselves from the grip of neo-conservatives and
the Israeli lobby. "The reason for our disagreement with you is your
support of your allies the Israelis are occupying our land, Palestine
January 24, 2010 - vowed al-Qaeda leader Osama bin Laden to
continue attacks on the United States as long as Washington
continues to support the Israeli occupation. He said bin Laden in an
audio tape "is not fair that Americans are happy to live as long as
our brothers in Gaza Onkd living," emphasizing that "Garatna will
continue as long as U.S. support for the Israelis continued."
Thursday, 9 Rabi 1431 March 25, 2010 - Bin Laden threatens the
execution of the Americans is to have the Americans in captivity if
the defendants were executed bombings of the World Trade Towers
in September 2001 [1].
[Edit] His death
Kill Osama bin Laden in May 1, 2011 through the ground operation
was attended by about 25 U.S. special forces soldier in conjunction
with certain elements of the ISI on the palace was in hiding by
Babbitt Islamabad, Pakistan. Was shot dead after a battle and one
of his sons was also killed adults and several elements of the base
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Today, 08:45 AM
Re: details of the assassination of Osama bin Laden
Views on bin Laden
The opinion of Muslim scholars in bin Laden during the war the
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Soviet Union
Does not know about bin Laden's legitimate request for information,
and some scholars have attacked the Muslims because they are in
his opinion, "agree with the injustice of America and Israel through
the support of the rulers of the darkness Bstarham veil of Sharia and
non-infidels who did not judge by what Allah hath revealed." On the
other hand, what to do and calls to him is the reason for the
increase of injustice by not share. [Citation needed].
Some views of the most prominent Muslim clerics in Osama bin
Laden, but it should be noted that some of those views changed
dramatically after the events of 11 September and the beginning of
the war on terrorism:
Said by Mohammed bin Uthaymeen:
Thank God for facilitating this meeting with our brother Osama,
which I wish to sit with him have shown us the virtue of jihad and
ask God to bless our brother Osama
Jibrin said his son:
Osama man labored in the way of Allah in the past and his efforts
were in the land of the Afghans and the jurisprudence of God,
victory, and victory is still standing by the jihad and infidels, this
being of diligence
Hammoud said his wise Shuaibi:
Mujahid is fighting a believer to approach the Quran and Sunnah
Said of him, Abdullah Azzam:
And I bear witness to God I did not find his counterpart in the
Muslim world, we hope to God to preserve his religion and his
wealth and to bless him in his life
God, I bear witness that Osama guardian of the guardians of God
moved upon the earth, and if God is not God, the Crown in the
parents only one person I thought that Osama bin Laden, and I
know him from before he came to Peshawar and I know more than
he knew one of you and what I saw but a Muslim really ask God to
be like part of it
Said by Omar Abdel-Rahman:
Gza Allah Osama was a really good applied Jihad also ordered the
book and God bless the year-old
Hamed Al-Ali said of him:
Sheikh Osama and al-Qaida leaders are striving for the sake of God
and ask God for their victory
Said Zu'air said of him:
The nation needed men like an ant Osama labors, the enemies you
will see for the men to see Osama
Hekmatyar said of him:
Sheikh Osama gift from God Almighty and God-given to the Afghan
jihad was really Amir of Mujahideen
Omar Bakri said of him:
I live Sheikh Osama Jihad after it was absent Vdzah good God
[Edit] some of the words after leaving the Saudi State
Ibn Baaz said of him:
As for what he is doing now is Mohammed al-Massari, Saad al-Faqih
and the like from the publishers of calls corrupt, misguided, it is
undoubtedly much evil, and they are the advocates of much evil, and
great corruption, and to be careful of their publications, and
elimination, and destruction, and lack of cooperation with them in
anything that calls for the corruption and evil and wrong and
tribulations, and should be obliged not to cooperate with them and
warn them, and which postings and eliminate him because God has
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ordered to cooperate in righteousness and piety, not cooperation on
corruption and evil, and the dissemination of lies, and the
publication of invitations false that cause division and insecurity and
so on. These releases issued by al-Faqih, or the Masari, or other
advocates of falsehood and those who call evil, must be eliminated
and destroyed, and not paying any attention to it, and should the
person who can advise them and Incdhm and guide them to the
right and to warn them of the falsehood may not cooperate with
them in this corruption is not permissible for one to collaborate with
them in this evil and should advise and return to their senses and let
this falsehood must leave it and call it al-Massari and a jurist and bin
Laden and all of the investigating ways of evil corrupt should be
wary of these methods and should not cooperate with them and
should be advised so go back to the right until they come to the
right until what they call it of falsehood and causes of division and
difference. [from Fataawa al-Shaykh Ibn Baaz, Volume IX, p. 100,
published in Al-Riyadh number 12 182, which is part of the Islamic
Research Journal No. 50, p. 15].
Future, "said Hadi bin Wadi'i:
I turn to God from bin Laden, is doom and the scourge of the nation
and its evil ... [in an interview with Kuwaiti newspaper public
opinion as of 19/12/1998 Number: 11 503].
The Saleh Bin Abdul Aziz Al-Sheikh [in Riyadh newspaper on
8/11/2001 m], where the reason behind the glorification of Osama
bin Laden fooled by some of their teachers or educators to be due to
a bug in their understanding of Islam. A. E
[Edit] According to some intellectuals
Said Ahmad Zeidan conciliator-Jazeera correspondent in Pakistan:
Did not raise global figure in the late twentieth century and the
beginning of this century controversy and provoke such a question
raised by the figure of Osama bin Laden; If Carlos had filled the
world and served the people of his time promised then that (a
terrorist of a unique type), but that Osama bin Laden's flavor of the
other, as The live and his activities that are terrorist in the eyes of
his opponents, and seizures of cocaine in the eyes of his fans, at the
time of a unipolar world. It was at the disposal of Carlos dozens of
countries and systems that facilitate his movement. And will
continue to Osama bin Laden is a mystery to many, shrouded in
mystery because of his personality as each of offset certain of its
simplicity and warmth of the robe, but the nature of the movements
and methods, which camouflages managed through blind to its
existence, although coordination huge between the systems
intelligence international has the potential financial and human
resources are considerable.
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Today, 08:50 AM
Re: details of the assassination of Osama bin Laden
Osama bin Laden
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Became the name of Osama bin Laden, one of the most famous names
in the world today, moving many of the most powerful intelligence
agencies - led by the United States - in order to obtain any
information to assist in his arrest .. Who is Osama bin Laden? And
how to go to Afghanistan and began his journey with Jihad? Why is
haunted by the security services? The accusations by the U.S.
Birth and upbringing
Born Osama bin Laden in Riyadh, Saudi Arabia 1957 Syria Damascus
mother, with many of our brothers and sisters of the famous sons of
the contractor Mohammed Awad bin Laden.
Was attended by Osama's father of Hadramawt to Jeddah in 1930,
was passed a few years to convert the Mohammed bin Laden than a
porter in the port of Jeddah to the largest construction contractor in
Saudi Arabia. In 1969, the father of Osama rebuilding Al-Aqsa Mosque
after the fire in which he was, also contributed to the expansion of
the Two Holy Mosques first.
Father died and Omar Osama 9 years. And raised the emergence of
Osama valid, and married the son of his first 17 years of his maternal
uncles of the Levant.
Complete all stages of the study in Jeddah, and completed his
undergraduate studies in the science of public administration and
economics, where he graduated at the University of King Abdul Aziz.
Bin Laden and Jihad
Relationship began to Osama bin Laden in Afghanistan since the first
weeks of the invasion of Russian in 26 December 1979, where he
participated with the Afghan Mujahideen against the Communist
invasion and had a large presence in the battle of Jalalabad, which
forced the Russians to withdraw from Afghanistan.
Al Qaeda
The foundations of Bin Laden what he is and his staff to "log rule" in
1988, which is a base of information, including full details of the
Movement of Arab mujahideen, both incoming and likely to be in back
and fronts. And became independent records such as management
and record label came here on the basis of the rule that the rule
includes all the combination of Bayt al-Ansar - the first receiving
station temporarily - for those coming to Jihad before heading to
training and then contribute to the jihad training camps and fronts.
And continued use of the word al-Qaeda by the group that continued
association with Osama bin Laden, and here came the Americans with
the impression that it's name to a terrorist organization aimed to
overthrow the governments of the radical Islamic and replace it by
virtue of law, and that al Qaeda hostile to the West and the United
States is the U.S. - in particular - the first enemy of Islam and all
Muslims to take up arms against it.
Return to Saudi Arabia
After the Soviet withdrawal from Afghanistan, bin Laden returned to
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Saudi Arabia and knowledge after a period of his arrival that he is
prohibited from traveling, and he thought that the reason is the
Russian withdrawal, understanding the great powers, and take an
active part in public lectures.
Tips for the Saudi state
Not only did the Saudi interior ministry banning him from travel and
even sent him a warning not to exercise any public activity, but left no
message initiated by a state such as the tips of the Iraqi invasion of
Out of the Kingdom
After conditions worsened following the Iraqi invasion and the lack of
commitment to the limitation imposed on him because of suspension
of its activities, bin Laden left Saudi Arabia to Afghanistan and then
return to Khartoum in 1992, then was ordered at the end of the same
year to freeze his assets. Then turned the issue of bin Laden to a hot
issue on the agenda of U.S. intelligence, pulling the Saudi government
of his nationality in 1994.
These developments prompted Osama because the first takes the
initiative declared against the Saudi government when he issued a
statement personally responded to the decision to withdraw the
citizenship, and then decided to move openly in collaboration with
Return to Afghanistan
During his stay in Sudan and the incidents of Somalia and Yemen, and
the explosion of Riyadh and boasts Osama operations were launched
against U.S. interests in these places, but does not directly attributed
to himself, but considers his constituency of the public. After these
events, Sudan has been a lot of pressure from America and Arab
countries to take out bin Laden or his extradition, and under this
pressure he and his fellow to Afghanistan. Since he arrived there he
began the events Taattaba dramatically from the blast to the Taliban
takeover of Jalalabad to try captured by his own statement to the
jihad against the Americans, issued in November 1996.
He went on the events and attributed to Osama bin Laden and his
most bombing incidents that took place in the world in which
prejudice to U.S. interests, and became bin Laden's sworn enemy of
America and every calamity occur brought to the finger, but he
remains a hero to many in the Muslim world.
America's accusations against bin Laden
Conspiracy to kill U.S. soldiers were in Yemen on their way to Somalia
in 1992.
Do bin Laden's network with the help of the Egyptians accused of
trying to assassinate President Hosni Mubarak in Addis Ababa,
Ethiopia, in 1995, and who have killed dozens of tourists in Egypt in
the following years.
The Egyptian Islamic Jihad group which had links with bin Laden,
bombing the Egyptian embassy in Pakistan in 1995 and killed more
than 20 Egyptians and Pakistanis.
Conspiracy group bin Laden to blow up American planes in the Pacific,
the killing of the Pope.
The followers of bin Laden blew up the building of U.S. troops in
Riyadh in 1995.
A declaration of war on the United States in 1996.
* A statement bin Laden in 1998 "If one managed to kill any American
soldier, it is better for him than wasting time on other things."
In February 1998 announced the World Islamic Front for Jihad
Against Jews and Crusaders of the bin Laden network intention to
attack Americans and their allies, including civilians anywhere in the
America hit the Sudan in retaliation for bin Laden
On 20 August 1998 hit the United States a number of facilities
believed to be used by bin Laden's network. These included six
training camps of al Qaeda and a medicine factory in Sudan that U.S.
intelligence was suspect in the production of components of chemical
weapons, but admitted afterwards that the attack happened at the
factory based on false information.
The events of September
In September 2001 the United States has accused bin Laden of
masterminding the attacks on the World Trade Center and the
Pentagon, and killed several thousand and three led to economic
losses estimated at more than 150 billion dollars. After that put the
administration of President George W. Bush, Osama bin Laden and alQaeda at the top of the desired reprisals against them, began
pounding what it believes the rules for the organization of bin Laden
in Afghanistan has changed since that date, political situations and
many military is not in Afghanistan alone, but in many countries of
the world as well.
And finally heard the voice of bin Laden tape aired by Al Jazeera
television on 10 September 2002, praising the perpetrators of the
September attacks, which many saw as clear evidence of the
responsibility for the bombings as the mastermind and the funded.
Source: Al Jazeera
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