The Short Fiction of David Foster Wallace Summer 2012 Instructor: Eric Levitz (860)-918-4177 REQUIRED TEXTS (All required texts by David Foster Wallace) Girl With the Curious Hair Brief Interviews with Hideous Men Oblivion Somewhat Stuffy Course Summary: David Foster Wallace aimed in his fiction to reflect the experienced reality of a hyper self-conscious and ironic culture, while also attempting to chart a path away from the nihilistic solipsism that such a culture could engender: A path back to a stable morality, built on "single-entendre principles". We will read the bulk of DFW's short fiction, along with critical essays on his work, and strive to articulate how and why we feel he succeeded or failed in this aim. (Don't worry, we'll be unpacking these terms, it's fascinating, I promise!) Grading: Participation: 80% Final Paper/Project: 20% You will be graded primarily on what you bring to the class as a member of the seminar. Your primary job in this class is to do a lot of careful, thoughtful reading, thinking and talking. There will be a short informal paper or final project of some kind. If a student is interested in pursuing a longer, more serious critical work, he/she will receive encouragement, attention, and feedback, but this is entirely unnecessary for excelling in the course. NOTE on Reading Schedule: Below is the tentative reading schedule for the course. Our schedule is somewhat challenging, as we have classes on back to back days during the week. Students are encouraged to try and get the bulk of Wednesday's reading done before the end of the long weekend. I say tentative, because I fear the pace set here might be over ambitious. There's at least one "extra" day built into the schedule should we fall behind, which I hope we won't, but do know that considerations will be made should you and your classmates have trouble keeping up. Week 1: Tuesday Handouts: "The Planet Trillaphon as it Stands in Relation to the Bad Thing" (Wallace's first published short story) "A Conversation with David Foster Wallace" by Larry McCaffery "E Unibus Pluram" by David Foster Wallace "My Appearance" (pgs 175-201 in Girl with Curious Hair) Wednesday (No Class, July 4th holiday) Friday: "Little Expressionless Animals" "Girl with Curious Hair" "Here and There", "Everything is Green" (pgs 1-42, 53-74, 149-172, 227-230 in Girl…) Week 2: Tuesday: "Westward the Course of Empire Takes its Way" (231-End of Girl) "Understanding David Foster Wallace" Chapter 3, "Girl with Curious Hair: Inside and Outside the Set. (Handout) Wednesday: 1-69 in Brief Interviews with Hideous Men Friday: 70-130 in Brief Interviews Week 3: Tuesday 131-210 in Brief Interviews Wednesday 210-255 in Brief Interviews Friday 256-End of Brief Interviews with Hideous Men "Understanding David Foster Wallace" Chapter 5, "Interrogations and Consolidations" Week 4: Tuesday: 3-66 in Oblvion Wednesday 67-116 in Oblivion Friday 117-181 in Oblivion Week 5: Tuesday 182-237 in Oblivion Wednesday 238-End of Oblivion Friday "This is Water" by David Foster Wallace, (Handout). Final Critical Readings TBD