The Presidency of George Washington A Webquest activity Directions: Your goal is to research the presidency of George Washington. Use the links listed above the questions to help you. Biography: 1. What years was George Washington President? What is a Precedent? 2. Define Precedent Washington’s Precedents 3. What precedents did President Washington set? 4. What does The Judiciary Act of 1789 establish (Use an outside source to research this one)? Washington’s Cabinet _Cabinet 5. What is the Cabinet? 6. Who were the members of Washington’s cabinet and what positions did they hold? a. Department of State deals with – b. Department of Treasury manages – c. Department of War deals with Crisis 7. Identify the four crises that the Washington administration faced. Economic Crisis: 8. Describe the main economic problems facing the country? 9. Who was responsible for fixing these problems? 10. What recommendations were made to fix these problems? Foreign Policy 11. Define Foreign Policy 12. What policy did Washington implement in regards to foreign policy? Impressment and Jay’s Treaty 13. Define Impressment 14. What were two reasons Americans were upset with the British? 15. What was the first provision of Jay’s treaty? 16. Which provision was missing from Jay’s Treaty? 17. How did the public react to Jay’s Treaty? 18. How do historians view Jay’s Treaty? Whiskey Rebellion: 19. Describe the event known as the Whiskey Rebellion? Why did it begin and what was the outcome? 20. Why was the Whiskey Rebellion considered the first big test for the Federal Government? Saying Goodbye: 21. What two warnings does Washington give in his farewell address? 21. Go to: Find and record what is important (about Washington's life) for each of the following years: 1732 1759 1774 1775 1776 1787 1789 1793 1799