Macbeth Act I (sc.v - vii).doc

Macbeth – Act I, sc.v
1. After Lady Macbeth reads the letter from her husband she comments:
You are too full of the milk of human kindness
To strike aggressively at the first opportunity.
a) Using a more traditional text of Macbeth, locate and copy down the Elizabethan
version of these lines.
b) What is Lady Macbeth saying about her husband?
c) What are you initial impressions of Lady Macbeth? Make note of your observations
about her character on the handout titled: “The Character of Lady Macbeth”.
2. After hearing the news that Duncan is coming to her castle, Lady Macbeth expresses
much emotion in a speech that begins:
“Come, you spirits that assist murderous thoughts…”
What is Lady Macbeth saying in this speech?
What does this tell the reader/audience about her character? (Make note on the
accompanying handout titled: “Lady Macbeth”.)
3. Note the way Lady Macbeth greets her husband. Based on what you have just seen of
her, what is your overall impression of Lady Macbeth?
ENG3U – Mr. Campbell
Macbeth - Act I, sc.v
The Character of Lady Macbeth
In Act I, sc.v the reader/audience is introduced to Lady Macbeth, a character who has
created much critical disagreement. Some critics say she is all evil, others contend that
Shakespeare gives her many human qualities. As you read the play, take note of both
Lady Macbeth’s positive and negative qualities.
Positive Qualities
(Act, sc, ll)
Negative Qualities
(Act, sc, ll)
ENG3U – Mr. Campbell
Macbeth – Act I,
In-class Writing Assignment
Act I, of Macbeth is filled with many examples of dramatic irony. Dramatic irony
occurs when the reader/audience knows something that certain characters in the play do
not. It is a literary device that helps the reader/audience feel connected to the play. Using
your knowledge of the hamburger format, and your experience with paragraph writing,
construct a written composition in which you discuss at least three examples of dramatic
irony in act I, of Macbeth.
- state topic (e.g. use of dramatic irony in act I, of Macbeth)
- briefly state why dramatic irony is used (what is its purpose)
- provide a definition of dramatic irony
- provide a directional statement in which you mention the three examples
you will discuss
- explain at least three examples of dramatic irony
(you need to explain why these are examples of dramatic irony
e.g. what does the audience know that a certain character does not)
- use transitions to link your examples together
- firstly, secondly, thirdly
- another example of dramatic irony occurs when…
- mirrors introductory paragraph (explain why dramatic irony is used)
- restates the three points of proof used in the body
ENG3U – Mr. Campbell
Macbeth – Act I, sc.vii
1. Early in this scene Macbeth begins to question the act of murder when he says:
If doing the deed would end this business,
Then it would be best to do it quickly…
a) What is Macbeth saying in this speech?
2. Why is it appropriate that Lady Macbeth enters this scene shortly after Macbeth states:
I have no spur to prick the sides of my intent…
3. How does Lady Macbeth react when her husband tells her that they can’t go on with
their plan? (How does she attack him?)*make note of this on “Lady Macbeth” handout.
4. Near the end of this scene Lady Macbeth reveals to the reader/audience the
assassination plan. What is it?