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North Carolina HOSA 2013-2014 Partnership Form
Become a Partner!
Simply complete the form below, send to us, and you’re on the way to the heart of investments – our youth,
our future caregivers.
Partnership is easy!
Choose one of these three methods to submit your completed form:
Fax form to 919.807.3882
Access form via and e-mail to
Mail to NC-HOSA, 6360 Mail Service Center,
Raleigh, NC 27699-6360
_____ Diamond Sponsorship - $1000+ Full Page Ad + Exhibit Space
____ Advisor’s Luncheon, March 27 1:00 PM
OR ____ Judge’s Breakfast, March 28th 7:30 AM
_____ Gold Sponsorship - $500+ Full Page Ad and Exhibit Space
EVENT ___________________________
_____ Silver Sponsorship - $350 + ____1/2 pg Ad OR ___exhibit space EVENT ___________________________
_____ Bronze Sponsorship - $225
EVENT _____________________________________________________
_____ $150 without Sponsorship - Person(s) Attending: _______________________________________________
Without Sponsorship or Scholarship
_____ Full Page (81/4” X 11”) - $200
_____ Half-page (4” X 5”) - $125
_____ Quarter-page (4” X 21/4”) - $75
Ads will be black and white in the Conference Program
_____ Camera-ready ad enclosed
_____ E-mailing ad to:
_____ Diamond Scholarship - $1,000+
In Honor of ___________________________________ OR
_____ Gold Scholarship - $500+
In Memory of __________________________________
_____ Silver Scholarship - $350 +
_____ I would like to present the scholarship(s) at the
_____ Bronze Scholarship – $200+
Opening Session on Thursday, March 27, 2014, 8:00 PM
Deadline for Inclusion in the Conference Program: February 5, 2014
Name (Contact Person)________________________________________________________________
Company ___________________________________________________________________________
Address ____________________________________________________________________________
City _______________________________________________ State ______ Zip Code _____________
Phone # _________________________________ Fax #______________________________________
E-mail __________________________________ Company Web Site ___________________________
_____ Check attached with form OR ____ Check will be sent separately Check Amount ___________
Make checks payable to NC HOSA
Please indicate your level of investment above.
Please mail the original form to NC-HOSA and keep a copy.
North Carolina HOSA Thanks You for Your Support!
HOSA promotes opportunities in the health professions! As a HOSA partner at the 2014 State Leadership Conference,
opportunities will be provided to network with our future healthcare leaders who will experience competitive events,
leadership development, teambuilding, health industry sponsored and conducted workshops, and dynamic general
sessions. High expectations abound and are eagerly met!
Who is HOSA? – Health Occupations Students of America
A Student-Led Association of Future Health Professionals
Secondary and postsecondary students in pursuit of careers in the health professions
Health science teachers • Healthcare professionals • HOSA alumni and friends
One of 10 national career and technology student organizations endorsed by the US Department of Education
NC HOSA is a chartered affiliate of National HOSA, a 150,000-member organization
NC HOSA alone provides academic, technical, and leadership development for over 9,600 student members
Your fees enhance awards, scholarships, and conference activities. Don’t miss the opportunity to make a difference in the
lives of young people who strive to become our future health professionals. HOSA has been doing so since 1976.
Sponsorship levels afford you the maximum investment in our future. The top three winners receive the sponsorship
money if they go to the National Conference to compete. If not, your sponsorship helps cover meeting room rentals,
speaker fees, or audiovisuals. These are big-ticket items for which sponsorships help defray costs.
Diamond Sponsorship - $1000+
Full-page ad in conference program AND Exhibitor table
Recognition as Diamond Sponsor on NC HOSA Web site and conference program
Link to your company on NC HOSA Web site
Sponsor the Advisor’s Luncheon or the Judge’s Breakfast
$225 to be split between the top three winners of your chosen event. ($100, $75, $50)
Gold Sponsorship - $500+
Full-page ad in conference program AND Exhibitor table
Recognition as Gold Sponsor on NC HOSA Web site and conference program
Link to your company on NC HOSA Web site
$225 to be split between the top three winners of your chosen event. ($100, $75, $50)
Silver Sponsorship - $350+
Half-page ad in the conference program OR exhibitor table
Recognition as Silver Sponsor on NC HOSA Web site and conference program
$225 to be split between the top three winners of your chosen event. ($100, $75, $50)
Bronze Sponsorship–$225+
Recognition as Bronze Sponsor in the conference program
$150 to be split between the top three winners of your chosen event. ($100, $75, $25)
Exhibitors are of major importance. Show your support and investment in person. Your interaction throughout the day
with the students and their advisors is invaluable. Think of your positive influence and the immediate feedback received in
$150.00 Exhibitor Fee without Sponsorship
Friday, March 28, 2014
 One 8’ table with two chairs
9:00 AM Set up 10:00 AM – 3:00 PM Exhibits
 Conference program listing and listed on the NC-HOSA web site. Be prepared to see over 1800 students!
Ads in the conference program create a sense of community awareness and support. If sponsorship or exhibiting is
not feasible, become an investor by submitting an ad in the conference program. Your investment provides
valuable coverage to participants in print.
Program Ads without Sponsorship or Scholarship: $200 Full Page, $125 Half Page, $75 One-Fourth Page
Scholarships are awarded on merit, academic achievement, leadership skills, and community service. Three letters of
reference are provided that acknowledge the applicant’s good character and participation in HOSA, along with the
applicant’s essay describing the contributions she/he expects to make in the healthcare workforce. Proof of acceptance
into a postsecondary health science program is required. A scholarship investment will assist with tuition, room and
board, and books at two-year and four-year colleges and universities.
Diamond Scholarship - $1,000+
Gold Scholarship - $500+
Silver Scholarship - $350+
Bronze Scholarship - $200+
All Levels include:
 Opportunity to present your scholarship at Opening Ceremony on Thursday, March 27, 2014.
 Recognition at appropriate Scholarship Donor Level on NC HOSA web site and conference program.