Lesson 1

Health & Wellness
Health – state of well-being that comes from realizing your potential in each of the 5 aspects of
Health Status
- is the condition of a person’s body, mind, emotions, & relationships.
10 Factors that affect a person’s Health
1. A person’s Heredity – parent to child
Protective Factors – something that increases the likelihood of a positive
Risk Factor – neg. outcome
2. The quality of the Environment in which the person’s lives.
~where you live, conditions of your home
3. The Random Events that happens in a person’s life
~event in which a person has little or no control
4. The Health Care a person receives
~professional medical and dental care
5. The Behaviors and Situations a person chooses
~ an action a person chooses – good or bad
~circumstances that can affect you – good or bad
6. The quality of the Relationships a person has
~can be healthful and harmful
7. The Decisions a person makes
~ can be responsible or “wrong”
8. A person’s ability to use Resistance Skills
~skills that help a person say NO or leave a situation
9. The kind of Risks a person takes
~a chance a person takes with an unknown outcome
Calculated risks – careful consideration of outcomes
Unnecessary Risk - a chance not worth taking
10. The degree to which a person is Resilient
~the ability to adjust, recovers, bounce back, and learn from past
***Health Skills are specific tools and strategies used to maintain, protect, and improve all
aspects of your health. –aka life skills
These are:
Communication skills- expressing yourself
Use “I” messages
Refusal- saying no
Conflict Resolution-resolve problems healthy
Accessing information-valid source
Analyzing Influences- good or bad
Practicing Healthful Behaviors- reduce risk
Stress management- manage stress
Advocacy – working to improve health and community
Decision Making- making choices
Goal Setting- develop a plan to achieve a goal
Short Term and Long Term***
Wellness – optimal health in each of the 5 aspects of health
5 MAJOR components
1. Physical – covers those aspects of health related directly to the body
a. Exercise improves physical health
2. Social:
a. Interactions w/ people to build satisfying relationships
3. Spiritual:
a. Maintaining harmonious relationships w/other living things and having spiritual
direction and purpose
4. Emotional
a. Expressing feelings in an appropriate way
5. Mental
a. The ability to recognize reality
b. Stress is a part of this
c. How you perceive things
Self-esteem - feeling good about yourself (positive) and your abilities
***Characteristics of Good Mental and Emotional Health
Sense of Belonging
Sense of Purpose
Positive outlook
Healthy self esteem- accepts and recovers from difficulties
Health Continuum – Wellness Scale
Premature Death
Optimal wellness
Where do you fall on this scale??
Why?? (answer in your notes)
Social support – benefits that one gets from talking to others about joys, sorrows, problems, and
Physical Fitness _ state in which your body can meet the daily demands of living
Communicable Disease – a disease that is passed from person to person by an organism
Do Life skills pg. 14 & 15
Life Skills – is a healthful action that is learned practiced for a lifetime.
Ways of Acquiring Health Knowledge
Reference Materials
How do you know if the source is Reliable?
Reliable sources include government org., professional
org., & medical staff at universities.
You should be able to obtain copies of research the person used.
***Read labels, comparison shop, do research on products,
Look for Fraud – “secret formula – miracle cure – all natural – ect.
Responsible Decision-Making
3 Decision-Making Styles
1. Inactive Decision-Making –is habit in which a person fails to make choices, & this failure
determines the outcome.
Procrastinate ~~ postpone things until a future time
2. Reactive Decision-Making – is a habit in which a person allows others to
make his/her decisions.
~~ So-in-so made me do it
3. Proactive Decision-Making – is a habit in which a person describes
the situation that requires a decision, identifies and evaluates the possible
decisions, and makes a decision and TAKES RESPONSIBILITY FOR THE
Responsible Decision-Making Model
Step 1. Describe the Situation that requires a Decision
- Say to self or write it
Step 2. List possible decisions you might make.
- Say to self or write it
Step 3. Share the list of possible decisions with a parent, guardian, or other
responsible adult.
- get another’s point of view
Step 4. Use Six Question to evaluate the possible consequences of each decision.
1. Promote health
2. Protects safety
3. Follow laws
4. Shows respects for self &
5. Follows guidelines of parents &/or other
responsible adults
6. Demonstrates good character
Step 5. Decide which decision is most responsible and
Step 6. Act on your decision and evaluate the results
Wrong Decision
– What are you going to do???
1. Take responsibility and admit you made a wrong decision.
2. Do not continue actions based on wrong decisions
3. Discuss the wrong decisions with a parent or other responsible adult.
4. Make restitution for the harm done to others.
~making good for a loss or damages
Peer Pressure – is influences that people of similar age or status on others to
behave in a certain way.
Positive Peer Pressure – influence to behave in a responsible way
Negative Peer Pressure – influence to behave in a way that is not responsible
Resistance Skills
Ways of Saying NO!!!
Body Language
Avoid possible situations
Lesson 6
Self respect – high regard for one’s self
Conceit – excessive appreciation of one’s self
Value- a standard or belief
Family Value – value that is copied by your family
Character – a person’s use of self-control to act on responsible values
Self-control – degree to which a person regulates their own behavior
Moderation – placing limits to avoid excess
Delay gratification – voluntarily postponing an immediate reward.
Self Esteem – how worthy a person feels about themselves
Positive – deserves self- respect and likes themselves
Negative – not worthy, demands no or little respect
Help your self esteem – pg 43 - read
What are some GOOD characteristics?
What do you look for in others?
What do you want others to see in you?
Sense of humor
Good self-esteem
What Else?
Strong Will