Guiding Concepts for Chapter 5 Group 1 – Progressive Education and the New PE 1. What is the key focus of the curriculum in Progressive Education? Pg 90 2. Who was the most prominent progressive Educator? Pg 90 3. How was the “New Physical Education” in the late 1800’s different than gymnastics focused PE? What major activity was included that had not been before? Pg 90-91 4. Who invented basketball, where and why? Pg 92 Group 2 – Athletics & PE 1. Why were extracurricular activities, especially athletics invented? Pg 92 2. Athletics stimulated growth in physical education – How did administrators view physical education at the time? Pg. 93 Discuss “athletics as educational” philosophy – that lasted 3 generations. Group 3 – Compulsory PE 3. How did compulsory physical education emerge? When did it peak? In 1930 how many states mandated physical education? Pg 95 - 96 4. How many service men were found unfit for service during World War I? Pg 95 Group 4 – Scientification of Physical Education Pgs 96-98 1. Describe early scientific approaches to physical education. a. List at least 3 scientific studies professionals did in the research area. b. What types of things were measured? c. What did the Harvard Fatigue Lab focus on? Group 5 - Athletics 1. Describe Athletics and the Golden Era of Sport. 1920’s Pg 98-100 2. Describe the concerns with commercialism. How does it relate to today? 3. What was the debate about in Women’s Athletics? What were the arguments? Which philosophy won out? 4. What was CWA & NAAF? 5. How did Black Colleges differ when it came to women’s athletics? Why? Group 6 - World War II and the renewal of Fitness – how did this curriculum differ from Sport? 1. How did World War II impact physical education? Was it any different from World War I? What were the unfit for service percentages? 2. Within the profession what was AAHPER’s message on fitness in 1950 after the war? 3. What was the Kraus-Weber Test? 4. What was it used for? 5. How did America do? 6. What item did American children fail? What would that measure in fitness today? 7. As a result of the Kraus-Weber what did the President do? Who was the president at the time? Why is this significant? How does it relate to today? Friday’s Topics from Chapter 5 – Quiz on Monday 1. From Youth Fitness to Aerobics - Pg 106 – 108 a. What was John F Kennedy’s position on fitness? b. Who was Cooper and what was his role in aerobics fitness particularly? c. How did Cooper’s focus on fitness change PE - from what to what? d. What resulted from the surge in jogging? 2. The Feminist movement and Equity in Athletics – Pgs 108 – 111 a. What was the CIAW? Why was it formed? b. What was the AIAW? What did it oppose? Who usurped AIAW’s power, in what year? c. What is Title IX? What year was Title IX passed as a federal law? d. What is the Equity in Athletic Disclosure Act of 1996? 3. A century of Olympic Competition – Pgs 111 – 112 a. Modern Olympics revival in 1896 b. Discuss Olympic female athletic benefits related to title IX c. Discuss politicization of Olympics – 1936, 1972, 1980 & 1984 Olympics d. Discuss amateurism in Olympics - 1992 NBA players? 4. The Jock Mentality and Public Criticism - Pgs 112 – 114 a. After World War II, physical education became a haven for who? Why was this a concern? Discuss courses taken, grades, watered down collegiate curriculum for athletes – “dumb-jock” image. b. What did Murray Sperber, critic of collegiate athletics say about the hideaway curriculum? Pg.113 c. Jock invasion became problematic for PE – public criticism – perceptions – describe what we were facing in the profession and why. Fischer Act? d. With PE’s survival at stake what did the profession do? 5. The Scientization of Physical Education - Pgs 114 – 118 a. Between 1950’ and 1960’s PE changed at the college preparation level b. Sputnik – what was it - what happened? c. “Physical Education: An academic Discipline” – what did it mean? d. Impact of Science in profession – how did it broaden teacher preparation in PE to alternative professions in our field? What are some of those fields? e. What is the ACSM – who are these folks? What is NATA – who are these folks? What is Sports management? What do they do? What University developed first program in this field? 6. Survival and identity in a Market economy – Pgs 118-119 a. What is the main drive of our survival (PE)? Discuss broadly, but add a couple of specifics to make the point. b. What is the concept of Wellness as it relates to PE? c. What amounts of physical activity can improve health – Surgeon General’s report? d. In High School PE grades 9-12 – what % of students have daily PE? How does this impact our profession?