language test - Executive MBA w WSB

HSE – WSB Executive MBA
Egzamin z języka angielskiego może odbyć się w formie pisemnej lub ustnej.
Kandydat sam wybiera dogodną dla siebie formę:
Wariant 1 - rozmowa kwalifikacyjna w języku angielskim
Na podstawie wylosowanego i przeczytanego tekstu prowadzona jest rozmowa, w czasie której
oceniane są: stopień rozumienia tekstu, umiejętność jego przetwarzania, bogactwo słownictwa oraz
poprawność gramatyczna wypowiedzi.
Wariant 2 - test językowy
Egzamin pisemny z języka angielskiego polega na wypełnieniu testu gramatycznego, uzupełnionego
o rozbudowaną część z ćwiczeniami sprawdzającym umiejętność rozumienia ze słuchu.
Egzamin ustny jest rozmową kandydata i egzaminatora opartą o tekst. Tekst ten może być kilkakrotnie
przeczytany przed egzaminem, stosowanie słowników jest dozwolone. Poniższy tekst stanowi
przykład wykorzystywanych materiałów, wskazując na stopień trudności słownictwa i struktur
(Priscilla Karant, Headlines, Prentice Hall International 1985)
Smokers have learned a lot about humility in recent years. Relegated to the rear of airplanes or the
drafty section of the restaurants, they are sometimes even unable to rent the apartment of their
choice. Now smokers face a new form of discrimination: Smoking, it seems, may be hazardous to the
chances of getting a job.
Citing everything from health hazards and productivity losses to outright stupidity as reasons, some
employers are resolutely closing the door to job seekers who smoke. Others will hire the smokers but
forbid them to smoke in the work place. Both practices appear to be perfectly legal.
Job candidates at Seattle-based Radar Electric Inc. find the question “Do you smoke?” written in
red at the top of the application form. Those who answer “yes” are told they needn’t bother filling out
the rest of the form. There won’t be any job for them at Radar. Several hundred confessed smokers
have been turned away since Radar President Warren McPherson started the policy five years ago.
He defends his stance by quoting a private survey that showed that nonsmoking employees of the
electrical-equipment maker were more productive than those who smoked.
Employers who shun smokers usually echo Mr. McPherson’s complaint that smokers are less
productive than nonsmokers. They argue that people use cigarettes as a break from work, so smoking
a pack of cigarettes on the job could mean 20 breaks a day. Smoking-related illnesses can also cause
high absenteeism, says the National Center for Health statistics, which estimates that sick smokers
cost businesses $25.8 billion in lost productivity in 1980.
The Tobacco Institute, a Washington-based group of U.S. cigarette makers, disputes such
conclusions. It points to other studies that show that depriving smokers of the opportunity to indulge
can impair their productivity.
A spot check of 15 employment agencies around the country indicates that hostility towards
smokers is building in executive offices, Increasingly, managers are requesting that agencies send
them nonsmokers.
Some employers who don’t like smoking on the job worry that a policy of turning away applicants
who smoke might be discriminatory. They solve their dilemma by prohibiting smoking on company
Isn’t it illegal to discriminate against smokers? No, says the federal Equal Employment Opportunity
Commission – unless the result is discrimination on the basis of national origin, race, religion, sex, or
age. If, for example, an employer hired men who smoked but not women, there could be a problem,
says an EEOC spokesman.
Przykładowe pytania:
Is smoking prohibited by law in the U.S.?
What are the arguments for the thesis that smokers are less productive?
What point does the Tobacco Institute make?
Isn’t it illegal to discriminate against smokers?
What is the situation in Poland concerning smoking at work?
Stawiane pytania powinny być zachętą do dłuższych wypowiedzi dających kandydatowi
możliwość wykazania się umiejętnością stosowania złożonych form gramatycznych oraz słownictwa
na poziomie zaawansowanym. Egzaminator ocenia umiejętność ustnej komunikacji kandydata biorąc
pod uwagę wyżej wymienione elementy oraz swobodę wypowiedzi, szybkość reakcji oraz prawidłową
Test kwalifikacyjny z języka angielskiego składać się będzie z trzech części: rozumienia tekstu
słuchanego, testu gramatycznego oraz rozumienia tekstu pisanego. Każda część zawiera cztery różne
ćwiczenia. W poniższym wzorze brakuje przykładu części pierwszej ze względu na niemożność
przedstawienia ćwiczenia na rozumienie ze słuchu w formie testu pisemnego.
Task 1.
Rewrite each sentence, beginning as shown, so that the meaning stays the same.
Example: „Sue, can you remember to buy some bread?”
Paul reminded Sue to buy some bread.
1. „It’s not true! I have never been arrested.”
Larry denied ____________________________________.
2. I didn’t have an umbrella with me and so I got wet.
I wouldn’t ______________________________________.
3. I don’t like being so tall.
I wish _________________________________________.
4. No decision has yet been made.
Nothing ________________________________________.
5. I think you were wrong to sell your bike .
You shouldn’t ___________________________________.
Task 2.
Put the verbs in brackets in the right form. Look at the example (0).
„It all started one day when out of the blue I (0) started (start) to vomit. And I kept on
(1) ___________________ (be) sick. I went to the doctor and he sent me for some blood tests at the
local hospital. Then I
(transfer) to a hospital in London.
I felt like I (3) ____________________ (put) on weight. It turned out I was retaining loads of fluid.
Shortly after arriving at the hospital I went into a coma. My liver had failed because I had something
(4) ____________________ (call) Wilson’s disease, which is an inability of the body to get rid of
copper. My body was poisoning itself, and I had to have an emergency transplant.
Apparently, during the transplant operation, I started to bleed internally and my heart stopped for
twenty minutes.The doctors finally managed (5) ____________________ (revive) me, but my mum
was told that. I would be definitely brain-damaged because the oxygen supply to my brain
(cut) off. When I finally (7) ___________________ (regain) consciousness after nineteen days,
I couldn’t talk, my arms were weak and I could hardly move. I was in hospital for two months in all.
When I started to recover the doctors and my mum told me what I (8) ____________________ (be)
through. It is so scary to think about how I could (9) ____________________ (end) up. I can’t even
think about it too much. Suffering has really made me (10) ____________________ (see) how
many friends I have. And I have come to appreciate even the tiny things in life. I am covered with
scars. They are really hideous but they don’t really bother me. They are certainly not going to stop me
from (11) ___________________ (wear) my swimsuit when I (12) ____________________ (go) on
holiday. When I think that I died and came back to life it puts having a few scars into perspective. The
illness (13)____________________ (give) me a new view on life. It has made me not want to sit
around and do nothing. I am definitely more determined now and I really want to live life to the full.
You don’t realise just how precious life is until you (14) ___________________ (come) so close to
(15) ____________________ (lose) it.”
Task 3.
Choose the right form and mark it as in the example.
Example: The windows _____B_____
A. is broken
B. were broken
C. was broken
1. I asked him if he __________ a good day.
A. have had
B. had had
C. has had
2. He __________ us that he had been to Paris.
A. say
B. said
C. saying
3. These machines __________ .
A. have to regulate B. need to regulate
C. need regulated
4. Tomorrow you __________ leaving England.
A. will be
B. can
C. are going to
5. He asked her whether __________ London.
A. she liked
B. she like
C. had she liked
6. I was walking along the road when a car __________.
A. was crashing
B. crashed
C. crashes
7. Do you know what __________ to do?
A. I require
B. am I required
C. I am required
8. Do you know if the train __________?
A. has already left B. went already
C. is left now
9. My sister enjoyed __________ dinner.
A. to cook
B. cooking
C. is cooking
10. Didn’t you __________ play tennis?
A. used to
B. to use
C. use to
11. He has had to __________ .
A. let his hair cut B. have his hair cut
C. been cut his hair
12. If all goes well, I __________ home before six o’clock.
A. would be
B. should be
C. will have been
13. The man said he did not ____________ to walk.
A. care for
B. bother about
C. mind having
14. __________ he has finished his work he can go home..
A. Then
B. Until
C. As soon as
15. John is the ___________ in the class.
A. most tall
B. tallest
C. taller
D. break
D. did had
D. told
D. need regulating
D. did
D. did she like
D. had crashed
D. I am requiring
D. left since an hour
D. the cooking
D. have used to
D. be cutting his hair
D. am
D. much mind
D. Therefore
D. more tall
Task 1.
Read the passage carefully and circle the right (only one) answer to the following questions.
Jacob Epstein’s sculptures were the focus of much controversy during the sculptor’s lifetime. Epstein
was born in the United States of Russian-Jewish immigrants in 1880. He moved to Paris in his youth
and later to England, where he eventually settled and took out British citizenship in 1907. His first
major public commission, on a building in London, offended public taste because of the expressive
distortion and nudity of the figures. In 1937, the Rhodesian government, which at that time owned the
building, actually mutilated the sculptures to make them conform to public notions of decency. Many
other of Epstein’s monumental carvings received equally adverse criticism. While the general public
denounced his work, many artists and critics praised it. They admired in particular the diversity of his
work and noted the influence on it of primitive and ancient sculptural motifs from Africa and the Pacific.
Today, Epstein’s work has received the recognition it deserves, and Epstein is considered one of the
major sculptors of the twentieth century.
1. Jacob Epstein’s nationality was originally
A. Russian
B. Parisian
C. French
D. English
2. Epstein moved to Paris
A. in 1880
B. in 1907
C. when he was young
D. in the 1930s
3. Which of the following statements is NOT true
A. Epstein’s work is now almost forgotten
B. Some critics admired Epstein’s work
C. Epstein lived in Paris
D. Epstein’s first major work was erected in London
4. The passage states that some people didn’t like some of Epstein’s sculptures because they found
the sculptures
A. badly made
B. mutilated
C. offensive
D. ancient
5. Which of the following was most probably an important influence on Epstein’s work?
A. Russian painting
B. Public tastes
C. The Rhodesian government
D. African carvings
Każda poprawna odpowiedź - 1 punkt
Każda błędna odpowiedź - 0 punktów
PART II. Grammar test
1. having ever been arrested / being
ever arrested.
2. have gotten / got wet if I had had
an umbrella with me.
3. I weren’t / wasn’t so tall.
4. has been decided yet.
5. have sold your bike.
1. being
2.was transferred
3. was putting / had put
4. called
5. to revive
6. had been cut
7. regained
8. had been
9.have ended
10. see
13.has given
8. A
9. B
PART III. Reading comprehension
TASK 1. 1 A, 2 C, 3 A, 4 C, 5 D
Uzyskanie powyżej 30 punktów (75%) z powyższego testu informuje, że kandydat posiada znajomość
języka angielskiego na poziomie upper-intermediate i bez problemu poradzi sobie na zajęciach.
Otrzymanie 20-30 punktów (50-75%) informuje kandydata, iż powinien uczestniczyć w dodatkowych
zajęciach języka angielskiego - jego znajomość języka angielskiego jest na poziomie intermediate.