Newsletter – Friday 16th October 2015

Sacred Heart Primary School
Friday 16th October 2015
Newsletter No: 7
Calendar of Events
Monday 19th October
Tuesday 20th October
Wednesday 21st October
Thursday 22nd October
Friday 23rd October
Year 3S Swimming – Coach to the pool and back
Whole School Mass in Church – 9.30am – Parents Welcome
RMT Guitar
Netball Club
Parent’s Evening
RMT Piano
Year 3S Swimming – Coach to the pool and back
8.30am – Governors Meeting - Pay Review Panel
Classics Club – Year 6
Karate Club – 6.00pm – 7.00pm
Governors’ Admissions Committee Meeting – 7.30pm
Year 3S Swimming – Coach to the pool and back
Year 3 Cake Sale
End of Half Term – end of day as normal
Looking Ahead:
Monday 26th – Friday 31st October
Half Term
Monday 2nd November
Tuesday 3rd November
Wednesday 4th November
Thursday 5th November
Year 3S Swimming – Coach
Governors Meeting – Personnel and Premises – 7.30pm
Year 3S Swimming – Coach
Open Morning 9.30am to 11.30am
PTA Firework Night
Year 3S Swimming – Coach
Barnardo Concert at The Royal Albert Hall
Individual and Sibling School Photographs
Year 3C Swimming – Coach
Year 3C Swimming – Coach
Year 3C Swimming – Coach
Year 3C Swimming – Coach
Year 3C Swimming – Coach
Year 3C Swimming – Coach
Year 4 to Sky Studios – 9.30am – 12.30pm
Height and Weight Measurements for Reception and Year 6
End of Term – 2.00pm
Friday 6th November
Sunday 8th November
Monday 9th November
Wednesday 11th November
Friday 13th November
Monday 16th November
Wednesday 18th November
Friday 20th November
Thursday 3rd December
Thursday 10th December
Friday 18th December
This week’s McDonald Award for Good Manners goes to: Marcos Tiferes – Year 4
House Point winners this week are: Walsingham with 398 points
Our Star Class of the week are: Year 2
Our Stars of the week are:
Year 1
Year 2
Year 3C
Year 3S
Year 4
Year 5
Year 6
Jesse Dobson
Liam Walls
Arjan Sandhu
Imogen Adams
Evie Ryalls
Max Hunkin
Barney Cowles
Next week, Year 3S will be swimming on Monday, Wednesday and Friday. They will travel to and from the
swimming pool by coach. It is advisable that every child has their jumper/cardigan and a warm coat even though they
will not be walking. Thank you.
There will be whole school Mass at Sacred Heart Church at 9.30am on Tuesday 20th October. All parents are
welcome. This is our first Mass of this school year and will be to welcome our new Reception class and our new
members of staff. We look forward to seeing you there. Mrs Smith
Unfortunately we have a visitation of head lice again. A number of instances have been reported to the school in
different year groups. Please take the time to inspect your child and treat any occurrences that you find. Many thanks
Nitty Nora
The Choir sang fantastically at Wednesday's performance at St Mary's School. I was extremely proud of them and
they made an impressive sound. Congratulations to all and thanks to parents for supporting this event by getting
children there in time, even after the tag rugby day. The retiring collection made £105 for the music therapy charity,
Nordoff Robins. Mrs Fogg
The School Photographer will be in school on Monday 9th November to take individual and sibling photos of your
children. If you have a child in the Nursery who you would like to be included with your child/children in school,
please let Mrs Potter know. Please could you send your children into school looking extra smart that day. Many
Reception went on a nature walk to Bushy Park on Tuesday morning. We had a super time looking for signs of
autumn and collected lots of leaves, bark, twigs and conkers. We enjoyed making leaf prints and rubbings when we
got back to school. Mrs Connolly.
On Tuesday 13th October a representative from Operation Child came into the school to talk to the children about
their Shoe Box Appeal. Following on the from the assembly the School Council will sell “Make your Own” shoe
boxes for £1 each at 8.45am and 3.20pm in the KS1 playground next week. Please do not bring your full shoe boxes
into school until after the half term holiday. Many thanks. Mrs Moss
Tag Rugby
On Wednesday 14th October, 24 children from across the junior classes represented the school at the Tag Rugby
Festival in Old Deer Park. The children acquitted themselves exceptionally well.
The Year 5 and 6 team performed really well and qualified from their group into the Cup Competition where
unfortunately they were beaten in the quarter finals. Although they were a little disappointed, they should not have
been because they were a credit to the school.
The Year 3 and 4 team went through to the Plate Competition. They won all their six games in the afternoon, winning
their game in the semi-final, to ensure a place in the final. The final was a tough and tense affair and, going into
extra time, the score was level at 5-5. With the final try of the match, Sacred Heart beat St Elizabeth’s 6-5 and we
won the Plate!!
The feedback from the members of staff, parents and coaches at the end of the day was overwhelming. There were
some fantastic individual performances throughout the day but as teams the children worked incredibly well together
and were brilliant. As a community, we should be so proud of our young people and how they represent us at such
A big thank you to Mrs Moss, Mr Perks, Mr Neville and Mr Davis for the outstanding job that they did on the day
coaching the teams.
I attach a photo from the day, however, I am sure there will be many more official photos coming our way in the near
future which I will look to display on the parent’s noticeboard.
To cap it all the world record was beaten and so the school and the children will be in the Guinness Book of World
Records soon with Sacred Heart being the last school through the turnstile for the world record attempt. For those
that don’t know, the Guinness World Record we are a part of is for the largest number of participants in a Tag Rugby
Match - the existing record was 336 participants and the new one is 442. An incredible achievement!!!
Message from one of our proud parents:
A massive thank you to you & Mr Neville, Mr Davis & Mr Perks, and of course the very brilliant Mrs Moss - for
having faith in the children & giving them all this unforgettable opportunity to be part of making history & taking
part in something new. As a parent I'm so thrilled & proud and as a governor I'm equally so!!! We may not number as
many as the majority of the other schools that took part, but what we lack in numbers on the roll we more than make
up for in passion & effort!!
Father Lyon’s Funeral
On Tuesday 13th October, Years 5 and 6 represented the school at Father Pat Lyon’s Funeral Mass at Sacred Heart
Church. The children sang the opening hymn “Here I am Lord” at the request of Father Pat’s niece who said it was
his favourite hymn and he loved hearing the children singing it. The children sang beautifully and we received many
compliments on their behaviour, their reverence at the occasion and their singing. Many thanks to all those children
who attended.
Parents’ Evenings
Many thanks to all the parents who have signed up to meet the teachers on Tuesday or Thursday of next week. At
these meetings you will have the opportunity to meet individually with the class teacher to discuss the specific goals
that your child will be working towards during the first part of this school year. At these meetings, you will receive a
summary report of your child’s goals/targets plus information on how they have started in the term. In addition, the
report will contain information on their attendance, punctuality and attitudes to learning. Your feedback on the
reports, their clarity and format would be appreciated.
Open Morning
Our school open morning for prospective new parents will take place on Thursday 5th November between 9.30 and
11.00 am. In addition, this year, we will be offering our first Open Evening on Thursday 19th November starting at
7.00 pm and running until 8.30 pm. Please spread the word to any friends, family or neighbours that these events are
taking place letting them know what a wonderful school and community we have here at Sacred Heart.
Remember our Twitter account
As you know, the school has had a Twitter account for the last year. This is a fantastic way to publicise the school.
We thank our Twitter administrators for the excellent job they do in tweeting information about our school. If you
have a Twitter account, please could you ensure that you follow our Twitter feed @SacredHeartTedd and that you
retweet any information that is put out by Sacred Heart. This way we can ensure that our profile is raised in the
wider community. Thank you.
Have a great weekend – enjoy the rugby.
Mrs Bernadette Smith
Head Teacher