03 26 15 Macbeth 9 AP Lit.doc

Thursday, March 26, 2015
1 (AP Lit & Comp)
1. Have Act V of Macbeth completed and have all of Macbeth Act V Starred Quotations
1. Because everyone is doing so well and we’ve been having great conversations about
the play, the multiple-choice portion of the test will be on the TUESDAY we get back
from break (and it will count on Q3). The essay will either be a take-home essay or it
will be done in class on Wednesday or Thursday after we get back.
2. Question of the Day sheet for the week of March 23, 2015 (#58)
 After Duncan is found murdered, what do Malcolm & Donalbain do? Be
SPECIFIC. (we talked about this yesterday!)
3. Daily Edits Set #8 , sentence #4 (#60)
 Pronoun-antecedent agreement: singular pronouns go with singular nouns, and
plural pronouns go with plural nouns
 “Everyone,” “everybody,” “someone,” and “somebody” are ALL singular words
 “None of us are going to the party tonight.”
 “None” is a contraction for “Not one”
 “us” is NOT the subject of the sentence, as it is the object of the preposition
 Therefore, this sentence is WRONG.
 “None of us is going to the party tonight.”
4. Macbeth performances
 I.i (three witches: Rebecca, Mark, and Julia M)
 I.ii.1-78 (Emily as Duncan, Paige as Malcolm, Mr. Reiff as Captain, Danielle as
Lennox, and Katie as Ross)
 I.iii.1-92 (First Witch, Second Witch, Third Witch, Mr. Reiff as Macbeth, and
Meagan as Banquo)
 I.v.1-86 (Abbey as Lady Macbeth (soliloquy), Messenger, and Macbeth)
 I.vi (Duncan, Banquo, and Lady Macbeth): not performed
 I.vii.1-96 (Mr. Reiff as Macbeth and Abbey as Lady Macbeth
 II.iii.1-172 (DVD of the Porter Scene!) (Porter, Macduff, Macbeth, Lennox, Lady
Macbeth, Banquo, Malcolm, and Donalbain)
 III.i.1-162 (Mr. Reiff as Macbeth, Abbey as Lady Macbeth, Meagan as
Banquo, Jake S as First Murderer, and Jake W as Second Murderer
5. Macbeth performances
 III.ii.1-63 (Abbey as Lady Macbeth, Servant, Mr. Reiff as Macbeth)
 III.ii.6-9: sounds familiar, doesn’t it? It should! It’s a parallel soliloquy to
Macbeth’s soliloquy from the previous scene! Lady Macbeth is saying that
she wishes she were in Duncan’s place rather than be queen with so many
doubts about staying queen
 Macbeth is taking a more traditionally masculine role by plotting to kill
Banquo without Lady Macbeth’s help. “Don’t worry, baby!”
 III.ii.52-60 Darkness: bad things are afoot!!
III.iii.1-33 (First Murderer, Second Murderer, Third Murderer, and Banquo) (not
performed but viewed)
 Murderers kill Banquo, but Fleance escapes!
Handout of Polanski version of III.iv.1-176 (#61) (Macbeth, Joe as First
Murderer, Abbey as Lady Macbeth, and Jamila as Guest, Ross, and Lennox, and
the whole class as All and Lords)
 Class performed scene, viewed video, and worked on motifs.
 Macbeth wigs out, thinking that the ghost of Banquo has appeared at the table
 Lady Macbeth tries to explain it by saying that Macbeth has had problems like
this since he was a child
 Motifs
 Meet with your GLAMIS partner for 20 minutes and identify as many
motifs as you can from III.iv (NOTE: Line numbers are not exact, as they
refer to line numbers from a different publication of Macbeth)
 In addition, examine III.iv.23-27: to what is Macbeth comparing
himself (cabined, cribbed, confined, and bound). In other words, what
is the metaphor?
 Appearances can be deceiving: 108-111 (the toast)
 Blood equals Guilt: 91-99 (people used to stay dead) and 168-170
 Darkness
 Sleeplessness: 173 (you’re acting this way because you haven’t slept)
 Masculinity vs. Femininity
 Ambition: 164-168 (I must find out what’s going to happen to me, even if
it’s the worst news)
 Blood equals guilt:
 III.iv.168-170: Starred Quotation #15. This one is HUGE!! In a
wonderful piece of imagery, Macbeth imagines himself in an ocean of
blood. Imagine Mr. Reiff standing in the middle of the classroom and
the classroom is filled with blood. Macbeth is saying that the
beginning of this ordeal (battlefield, witches, Thane of Cawdor,
murder of Duncan, ascension to king, and murder of Banquo) is as far
away from him as his ultimate goal (which he’s going to find out from
the witches when he goes to see them the next day).
 III.iv.164-168: Macbeth decides that he MUST speak with the witches
and that they MUST tell him what’s going to happen to him
In addition, examine III.iv.23-27: to what is Macbeth comparing himself
(cabined, cribbed, confined, and bound). In other words, what is the
1. Sample AP exam (#5)
2. Method to the Madness of Metaphors (#47)
3. Elements of a Sonnet (#48)
4. Sonnet 18 (#49)
5. Sonnet I (#50)
6. Question of the Day sheet for the week of March 16, 2015 (#51)
7. Daily Edits Set #6 review paragraph (#52)
8. Daily Edits Set #7 (#53)
9. Macbeth Reading Schedule (#54)
10. Macbeth Study Guide (#55)
11. Tone (#56)
12. Macbeth tragedy, internal conflict, and other important items (#57)
13. Question of the Day sheet for the week of March 23, 2015 (#58)
14. Daily Edits Set #7 review paragraph (#59)
15. Daily Edits Set #8 (#60)
16. Handout of Polanski version of III.iv.1-176 (#61)
1. Friday, March 27, 2015: End of Marking Period Three
2. Tuesday, April 7, 2015: multiple-choice portion of the Macbeth test, which will count
on Q3. Essay will be given upon our return from Spring Break, and it will count on
3. Monday, March 23, 2015 through Friday, April 10, 2015: Standardized mid-term
4. Tuesday, April 7, 2015: First day back from spring break
5. Friday, April 10, 2015: Rockin’ the Schoolhouse show in HHS auditorium at 7:00
6. Friday, May 1, 2015: Act 80 day (students out at 11:00 AM). Senior Prom night.
7. Monday, May 4, 2015: Surrrrrrrrrrre, you’ll be here.
8. Monday, May 4, 2015 through Friday, May 15, 2015: AP testing window
9. Wednesday, May 6, 2015: English Literature & Composition AP exam (morning
10. Monday, May 11, 2015 through Friday, May 22, 2015: Standardized Quiz #2 window
11. Wednesday, May 13, 2015 through Wednesday, May 27, 2015: Keystone Testing
12. Tuesday, May 19, 2015: No school (in-service day for teachers)
13. Friday, May 22, 2015: Final deadline for SLO essay revisions (more details later)
14. Monday, May 25, 2015: No school (Memorial Day)