One Medical Center Drive, Lebanon, NH 03756
Personal Contact Information:
28 Birch Lane, Enfield, NH 03748
603-667-7598 cell
University of Colorado, School of Medicine
Denver, Colorado
University of Colorado,
Boulder, Colorado
1978 – 81 Internship and
Family Practice Residency
Doctor of Medicine
B.A. Biology
University of California – San Francisco
Fresno, California
1996 – present
1981 – present
American Board of Hospice and Palliative Medicine
American Board of Family Practice
1989 – 1998 American Board of Emergency Medicine
2007 – present American Academy of Hospice and Palliative Medicine
1986 – present American Academy of Family Medicine
2004 – present
2004 – present
1989 – present
1982 – present
1980 – 1993
New Hampshire
Ira Byock, MD 4/12/2020 Page 1 of 31
2011 – present Professor of Medicine
2004 – present
2004 – present
1997 – 2006
1997 – 2006
Professor of Anesthesiology &
Community and Family Medicine
Dorothy & John J. Byrne, Jr.
Geisel School of Medicine at Dartmouth
Geisel School of Medicine at Dartmouth
Geisel School of Medicine at Dartmouth
Distinguished Chair of Palliative Medicine
Research Professor, Department of Philosophy University of Montana
Faculty Member, Practical Ethics Center University of Montana
2012 Compassion in Action Award – Santa Clara University
2011 PDIA Palliative Medicine Community Leadership Award, American Academy of Hospice
and Palliative Medicine
2008 Outstanding Colleague Award, National Association of Catholic Chaplains
2007 Lifetime Achievement Award, Anamcara Project, Bend, OR
Roger C. Bone Memorial Lecture and Award, CHEST Foundation
Distinguished Service Award, American Academy of Hospice and Palliative Medicine
Alpha-1 Association Bayer Leadership Award
Distinguished Visiting Scholar, Lewis and Clark College, Portland, OR
Natalie Davis Spingarn Writers Award, National Coalition of Cancer Survivorship
Hans M. Rozendaal Award, Community Hospice of Albany, NY
Person of the Year, National Hospice and Palliative Care Organization
2008 – present Elected Member, Board of Governors, Dartmouth-Hitchcock Medical Center, Lebanon, NH
2004 – present
2006 – present
2006 – present
2006 – present
2006 – present
1992 – present
2006 – 2011
1997 – 2006
1996 – 2005
1987 – 1996
1982 – 1984
1981 – 1982
Director, Palliative Medicine, Dartmouth-Hitchcock Medical Center, Lebanon, NH
Advisory Committee Member, HQuest - ISS project, Dartmouth-Hitchcock Medical Center
Clinical Special Interest Group, New Hampshire Hospice & Palliative Care Organization
Steering Committee Member, New Hampshire Pain Initiative
Member, New Hampshire Comprehensive Cancer Collaboration
Director, The Palliative Care Service (consulting and teaching practice), Missoula, MT
Associate Director for Patient and Family-Centered Care, Norris-Cotton Cancer Center
Director, Promoting Excellence in End of Life Care, Robert Wood Johnson Foundation
Co-founder, Principal Investigator, Life’s End Institute: Missoula Demonstration Project
Hospice Medical Director, Partners in Home Care, Missoula, MT
Family Medicine, Yellowstone River Family Medicine Center, Livingston, MT
Medical Consultant, Hospice of Fresno, St. Agnes Hospital, Fresno, CA
2012 Co-Chair, Capitol Campaign American Academy of Hospice and Palliative Medicine
2011 – present Advisory Committee
2011– present National Advisor
Conversation Project, IHI, Cambridge, MA
S4OM - Society for Oncology Massage, an organization that seeks to establish standards, support practitioners, foster
Ira Byock, MD 4/12/2020 Page 2 of 31
2010 – present
2010 – present
2009 – present
2008 – present
2008 – present
2005 – present
2004 – present
2003 – present
2005 – 2008
2005 – 2006
2005 – 2010
2004 – 2009
2004 – 2008
2004 – 2007
2004 – 2006
2004 – 2006
2002 – 2003
2001 – 2007
2001 – 2005
2001 – 2003
2000 – 2001
2000 – 2003
2000 – 2002
1999 – 2003
1999 – 2003 research, and expand access to specialized massage for cancer patients.
National Advisor StoryCorps, Inc., Legacy Initiative
National Advisor AgeWISE, a national Geropalliative care quality
Co-investigator improvement program that seeks to educate hospital nurses and teams in providing care for frail elders and incurably ill people.
ENABLE III studies, led by Marie Bakitas, APRN, DSc,
Geisel School of Medicine at Dartmouth
Outlook studies, led by Karen Steinhauser, PhD, Duke
American Academy of Hospice and Palliative Medicine Senior Advisor, Ethics, Advocacy &
Awareness Strategic Coordinating
Research Committee
Clinical Advisor
Board of Advisors:
End-of-Life Care Certificate Program
Technical Advisory Committee
National Hospice and Palliative Care Organization
Foundation for Informed Medical Decision Making
Naropa University Boulder, CO
National Advisory Committee
National Steering Committee
Project: “Informing National Policy to Improve Palliative
End-of-Life Care in Medicine” for Office of the Assistant
Secretary for Planning and Evaluation, US Dept of Health and Human Services
Duke Institute on Care at the End of Life
Physician section of the National Council of Hospice and
Palliative Professionals (NCHPP)
New Hampshire Cancer Pain Initiative Steering Committee
Committee Member
Caring Connections
National Advisory Committee
Task Force Member
New Hampshire Health Care Decisions
A program of the National Hospice and Palliative Care
Organization and the Robert Wood Johnson Foundation
National Association of Attorneys General for End of Life
Vermont Attorney General Task Force on Advance
Sacred Art of Living Center, Bend, Oregon7 International Faculty
Board of Directors
Advisory Board
Advisory Board
Public Policy Committee
Advisory Board
Legislative Subcommittee
Public Policy Committee
Board of Directors
Special Representative for the
American Academy of Hospice and Palliative Medicine (AAHPM)
Hospice Care Foundation Inc., Missoula
The Green House Project, a national project of The Eden
Alternative, The Center for Growing and Becoming,
Sherburne, NY
The Mothers’ Living Stories Project, Berkley, CA
Washington, DC
National Coalition of Cancer Survivorship
National W;t Project
National Hospice and Palliative Care Organization
Partnership for Caring
National Health Council, Washington, DC
National Health Council, Washington, DC
Ira Byock, MD 4/12/2020 Page 3 of 31
1999 – 2000
End-of-Life Care Consensus Panel
Task Force and Editorial Board
1998 – 2002
1997 – 2002
1997 – 1998
1996 – 2006
1990 – 1996
1990 – 1996
1988 – 1993
1988 – 1991
1983 – 1987
1982 – 1983
1981 – 1982
1981– 1982
1980 – 1981
Founding Member,
Board of Directors, Executive,
Committee and Secretary-Treasurer
Task Force on Palliative Care
Committee on the Medicare
Hospice Benefit and End-of-Life Care
Director, Promoting Excellence in
End-of -ife Care
Board of Directors
Ethics Committee
Chair, Comfort One Task Force
Montana Committee on Trauma
Principal Author – HB 422,
Amended Montana Living
Will Act
Physician Member
Founding Board Member
Member, Board of Directors
Director of Program Development
Medical Director
1990 – 1993 Founder, President
1989 – 1993
1988 – 1991
Board of Directors
Board of Directors
2005 – present
2004 – present
1999 – present
1998 – present
2003 – 2006
1998 – 2003
Associate Editor, PC-FACS
Advisory Panel
Editorial Board
Editorial Board
Editorial Board
Editorial Board
American College of Physician and American Society of
Internal Medicine (ACP-ASIM)
Twelve Recommendations for Improving End-of-Life Care in Managed Care, Center for Applied Ethics and
Professional Practice Educational Development Center, Inc.
Partnership for Caring, Washington, DC
Last Acts, Robert Wood Johnson Foundation
National Hospice and Palliative Care Organization
American Academy of Hospice and Palliative Medicine
The Robert Wood Johnson Foundation
American Academy of Hospice and Palliative Medicine
American Academy of Hospice and Palliative Medicine
American Academy of Hospice and Palliative Medicine
Montana Department of Health and Environmental Sciences
American College of Surgeons
Montana State Legislature
Core Clinical Team, Big Sky Hospice, Billings, MT
Gateway Hospice, Livingston, MT
American Cancer Society, CA State Division
Esperanza Care, Inc., Fresno, CA
Esperanza Care, Inc., Fresno, CA
Esperanza Care, Inc., Fresno, CA
Round Up Missoula, Inc.
Missoula Food Bank
American Cancer Society, CA State Division
Academy of Hospice and Palliative Medicine
People Living with Cancer website of
American Society of Clinical Oncology (ASCO)
American Journal of Hospice and Palliative Medicine
Journal of Palliative Medicine
Polska Medycyna Paliatywna
Ira Byock, MD 4/12/2020 Page 4 of 31
2007 – present
2006 – present
1998 – 2007
Co-Editor, special section on
Archives of internal Medicine
Critical Care Medicine
Journal of Pain and Symptom Management
Measuring Quality of Care at Life’s End
Reviewer Journal of American Medical Association
Oct 22, 2012 Helmut Schumann Lecture Dartmouth-Hitchcock Medical Center, Lebanon, NH
June 11, 2012 Jesse Galt Lecture Wentworth-Douglass Hospital, Dover, NH
Apr 11, 2012
Feb 2, 2012
Nov 5, 2011
Oct 3, 2011
May 4, 2011
May 12, 2010
Apr 11, 2008
Mar 11, 2008
Nov 5, 2007
Mar 10, 2006
Mar 8, 2004
Apr 2, 2003
Mar 12, 2002
Oct 28, 2000
June 7, 2000
Mar 19, 2000
Nov 3, 1998
Sept 19, 1997
June 18, 1997
Nov 28, 1995
Congdon Lecture
Bowles Chapel Lecture
Kenneth Lee Memorial Lecture
Jahna Halderman-Forland
Memorial Lecture
Sandra Goldberg Lecture
Irvin B. Leninson Memorial Lecture
C. Everett Koop Lecture
Goldman-Berland Lecture
Jesse Galt Lecture
Irving S. Cooper Lecture
Harry and Carolyn Bird Lecture
Cabot Eliot Lecture
Jack Provonsha Lecture
Norman Sharrer Lecture
Florence Schorske Wald lecture
Anne Marie Filkin Lecture
Robert B. Rasmus, M.D.
Memorial Lecture
Katie Dolan Lecture
Douglas West Memorial
Bruce E. Siegel Memorial Lecture
Genesys Regional Medical Center, Grand Blanc, MI
Memorial Hermann System Services, Houston, TX
Fairview Hospital, Westlake, OH
Leigh Valley Health Network, Allentown, PA
McGill University, Montreal, Canada
Baltimore, MD
Dartmouth College, Hanover, NH
Providence Center for Health Care Ethics, Portland, OR
Wentworth-Douglass Hospital, Dover, NH
Mayo Clinic, Scottsdale, AZ
Dartmouth-Hitchcock Medical Center, Lebanon, NH
Lecture Series in Health Care Policy
Harvard Medical School, Boston, MA
Loma Linda Medical Center,
Provonsha Center for Bioethics
Loma Linda University, Loma Linda, CA
Kaweah Delta Health Care District, Visalia, CA
University of Minnesota, Minneapolis, MN
American Medical Directors Association, San Francisco, CA
La Crosse, WI
Hospice of the Western Reserve, Cleveland, OH
Mount Sinai Medical Center, New York, NY
Mount Carmel Health Care, Columbus, OH
Ira Byock, MD 4/12/2020 Page 5 of 31
Development of health service delivery models for concurrent life-extending and palliative care – acute inpatient, outpatient specialty clinics, academic and community-based primary care, long-term and chronic care settings.
The intersection of health services research, cultural values clarification, and public health policy.
Application of human development framework to outcome measurement of individual and family experience with serious illness, caregiving, dying and grief.
Human development-based counseling for life completion and closure, and measurable impact on individual and family experience with serious illness, caregiving, dying and grief.
The influence of cultural and religious values on end-of-life experience and care.
Transitions of care during late stage illness – involving acute care hospitals, home with hospice or home health, nursing homes.
Investigation of the epidemiology, treatment and prevention of crises among patients cared for at home with hospice.
Development, validation and revision of the Missoula-Vitas Quality of Life Index.
Data driven, community-based quality improvement in: advance care planning; health care and social services; and volunteer and informal social support to people with serious illness and family caregivers.
Measurement methodology for evaluating: access to services; quality of care; quality of life outcomes; and costs during the last phase of life.
Byock I: The Best Care Possible. New York, NY: Avery/Penguin, 2012
Byock I: The Four Things That Matter Most. New York, NY: Free Press, a division of Simon and Schuster, 2004
Byock I, contributing author: Living Fully, Dying Well: Reflecting on Death to Find Your Life’s Meaning.
Bastian EW, Stanley TL (eds) Boulder, CO: Sounds True, 2009
Heffner J, Byock I (eds): Palliative and End of Life Pearls. Philadelphia, PA: Hanley & Belfus, 2002
Staton J, Shuy R, Byock I: A Few Months to Live: Different Paths to Life’s End. Washington, DC: Georgetown
University Press, 2001
Byock I: Dying Well: The Prospect for Growth at the End of Life. New York, NY: Riverhead/Putnam Books,
Byock, I, Merriman, M: The Missoula-VITAS Quality of Life Index, chapter for Encyclopedia of Quality of Life
Research, Springer (in submission – expected 2013)
Byock, I, Ingram, C: Palliative Care for Advance Dementia, in Neurology in practice: Dementia, John Wiley and
Sons ( in submission – expected 2013)
Byock, I: Case Commentary: When Emergencies Happen, in Decisions at the End of Life: A Spiritual
Sourcebook, Sulmasy, D. Wald, FS, Lazenby, M. (eds); Oxford University Press (in submission – expected 2014)
Byock I: Physician-Assisted Suicide: Why Both Sides Are Wrong, in Bauer-Maglin N, Perry D (eds): Final Acts:
Death, Dying, and the Choices We Make, Piscataway, NJ: Rutgers Press, 2010, pp 301-311
Ira Byock, MD 4/12/2020 Page 6 of 31
Byock I, Palac D: Confidentiality in Palliative Medicine, Oxford Textbook of Palliative Medicine, 4 th Edition,
New York, NY: Oxford University Press, 2010, pp281-289
Byock I, Sateia M: Sleep in Palliative Care, Oxford Textbook of Palliative Medicine, 4 th Edition, New York, NY:
Oxford University Press, 2010, pp1059-1083
Byock I: The Outstretched Arm. New York, NY: a publication of the National Center for Jewish Healing, 2001
Byock I: Personal Health and Human Development in Life-Threatening Conditions, in Chochinov HM, Breitbart
W (eds): Oxford Handbook of Psychiatry in Palliative Medicine, 2 nd Edition, New York, NY: Oxford University
Press, 2009 pp281-299
Byock I: Learning from One Another: Lessons from Pediatrics for Palliative Care, in Armstrong-Dailey A,
Zarbock S (eds): Hospice Care for Children, ed 3. New York, NY: Oxford University Press, 2008 pp 378-397
Byock I: Principles of Palliative Care, in Walsh, T.D. (ed), Textbook of Palliative Medicine, Saunders, Elsevier,
2008 pp 33-41
Byock I, Twohig JS: Delivering Palliative Care in Challenging Settings and To Hard-to-Reach Populations, in
Ferrell BR, Coyle N (eds): Textbook of Palliative Nursing, 2nd Edition. New York, NY: Oxford University Press,
2005, pp 1109-1118
Byock I, Norris K: A Community-Based Approach to Improving the Quality of Life’s End, in Ferrell BR, Coyle
N, (eds): Textbook of Palliative Nursing, 2nd Edition. New York, NY: Oxford University Press, 2005, pp 1119-
Davies C, Byock I: Spiritual Care of the Renal Patient, in Chambers EJ, Germain M, Brown E (eds): Supportive
Care of the Renal Patient. New York, NY: Oxford University Press, 2004, pp 191-206
Byock I, Corbeil YJ: Caring When Cure Is No Longer Possible, in Overcash J, Balducci L (eds): The Older
Cancer Patient: Guide for Nurses and Related Professionals. New York, NY: Springer Publishing Company, Inc,
2003, pp 193-214
Byock I: Foreword, in Handbook for End-of-Life Care in Correctional Facilities, Volunteers of America,
Alexandria, Virginia, 2001
Byock I: Learning from One Another: Lessons from Pediatrics for Palliative Care, in Armstrong-Dailey A,
Zarbock S (eds): Hospice Care for Children. Oxford, NY: Oxford University Press, 2001, pp 293-312
Byock I, Caplan A, Snyder L: Beyond Symptom Management: Physician Roles and Responsibility, in Snyder L,
Quill T (eds): Palliative Care, Physician’s Guide to End-of-Life Care. Philadelphia, PA: American College of
Physicians - American Society of Internal Medicine, 2001, Chapter 4, pp 56-71
Byock I: Physician Assisted Suicide is Not an Acceptable Practice for Physicians, in Weir RF (ed): Physician
Assisted Suicide. Indianapolis, IN: Indiana University Press, 1997, pp 107-135
Byock I: Caring for the Dying, Readings in Morgan JD (ed): Thanatology. Amityville, NY: Baywood Publishing
Co Inc, 1997, pp 181-196
Byock I: Preface, in Jaffe C, Ehrlich CH (eds): All Kinds of Love: Experiencing Hospice. Amityville, NY:
Baywood Publishing Co Inc, 1997
Byock I: A Slight Postmortem Disagreement, in Iserson KV (ed): Ethics in Emergency Medicine, ed 2. Tucson,
AZ: Galen Press, Ltd, 1995, pp 80-87
Ira Byock, MD 4/12/2020 Page 7 of 31
Byock I: Foreword in Halifax J: Being with Dying: Cultivating Compassion and Fearlessness in the Presence of
Death. Boston, MA: Shambhala Publications, 2008
Byock I: Foreword in Lasher DB, Feldman SA Jr: The End-of-Life Handbook: A Compassionate Guide to
Connecting With and Caring For a Dying Loved One. Oakland, CA: New Harbinger Publications, 2007
Byock I: A Call for Closure, in Grand Rounds, Dartmouth Medicine Vol 34, No. 2 pg 21 Winter 2009
Byock I: Do I Need to Die Well? Touching Lives, pp 10-13, 2010 SRI Media, Inc.
Byock I: Living Better, Living Longer, Touching Lives, pp 10-13, 2009 SRI Media, Inc.
Byock I: Why We Need to Care, Touching Lives, pp 10-13, 2008 SRI Media, Inc.
Newspaper Articles and Opinion Essays
Byock I: Making Medicine Rational, Los Angeles Times, page A15, July 7, 2012
Byock I: Health Moving Away From Death Panels: Health Reform for the Way We Die
Atlantic Magazine Online, March 6, 2012
Byock I: Do Your Family a Favor and Talk About Death: Ensure Everyone’s Wishes Are Known. Concord Monitor;
Concord, NH, April 14, 2010
Byock I: Healthcare: Time for a Serious Discussion, at ; New America
Foundation, The New Health Dialogue Blog, November 6, 2009
Byock I: We Can’t Fix Health Care By (Merely) Fixing Health Care, at ;
New America Foundation, The New Health Dialogue Blog, August 7, 2009
Byock I: Missoula leading the way in care for those at life’s end. The Missoulian, January 12, 2003
Byock I, Kaplan K: Boomers Confront the Tidal Wave of Caregiving. Knight-Ridder Newspapers, Fall 2001
Finding your way through caregiving, Knight-Ridder / Tribune Information Series, October 11, 2001
Byock I: Elderly Deserve TLC. Milwaukee Journal Sentinel (appeared under multiple titles in Knight-Ridder
Newspapers), August 28, 2001
Byock I: We’re Setting an Example for Others. Missoula Demonstration Project, Missoulian, April 30, 2000
Byock I: Palliative Care, On Our Own Terms: Moyers on Dying. Discussion Guide, produced by Public Affairs
Television, Inc., Spring 2000
Byock I: Steve’s Story, On Our Own Terms: Moyers on Dying. Discussion Guide, produced by Public Affairs
Television, Inc., Spring 2000
Byock I: Suicide Debate Still Off Course. Detroit Free Press, April 13, 1999
Byock I: Snuff Film. The Washington Post, December 6, 1998
Byock I: Congress Can Avoid Another Uncivil War, Oregonian, September 30, 1998
Ira Byock, MD 4/12/2020 Page 8 of 31
Byock I: Dying: After the Court Ruling. The Wall Street Journal, June 27, 1997
Byock I: Why Do We Make Dying So Miserable? The Washington Post, January 22, 1997
Byock I: Kevorkian: Right Problem, Wrong Solution. The Washington Post, January 17, 1994
Journal Articles
Steinhauser KE, Alexander SC, Byock IR, George LK, Tulsky JA. Seriously ill patients' discussions of preparation and life completion: an intervention to assist with transition at the end of life. Palliat Support Care.
Dec 2009;7(4):393-404
Gardner TB, Barth RJ, Zaki BI, Byock, IR, et al. Effect of initiating a multidisciplinary care clinic on access and time to treatment in patients with pancreatic adenocarcinoma. J Oncol Pract. Nov 2010;6(6):288-292
Byock I: Dying with Dignity, Hastings Center report, 2010: 40(2): c3
Byock I: It’s Time for Our Generation to Act Courageously. ADEC Forum, Vol 36, Issue 1, Apr 2010
Bakitas M, Lyons KD, Hegel MT, Byock IR, et al. Effects of a palliative care intervention on clinical outcomes in patients with advanced cancer: the Project ENABLE II randomized controlled trial. JAMA. Aug 19
Bishop MF, Stephens L, Goodrich M, Byock I. Medication kits for managing symptomatic emergencies in the home: a survey of common hospice practice. J Palliat Med. Jan 2009;12(1):37-44
Byock I: Palliative care and oncology: growing better together. J Clin Oncol 2009 Jan; 27(2):170-171
Byock I. Suffering and Wellness. Journal of Palliative Medicine. 2009;12(9):785-787
Byock IR, Corbeil YJ, Goodrich ME. Beyond Polarization, Public Preferences Suggest Policy Opportunities to
Address Aging, Dying, and Family Caregiving. Am J Hosp Palliat Care 2009
Bakitas M, Ahles TA, Skalla K, Brokaw FC, Byock I, Hanscom B, Lyons KD, Hegel MT: Proxy perspectives regarding end-of-life care for persons with cancer. Cancer 2008 Apr; 112(8):1854-1861
Murray SA, Boyd K, Byock I: Continuous deep sedation in patients nearing death. BMJ 2008 Apr;
Steinhauser KE, Alexander SC, Byock IR, George LK, Olsen MK, Tulsky JA: Do preparation and life completion discussions improve functioning and quality of life in seriously ill patients? Pilot randomized control trial. J
Palliat Med 2008 Nov; 11(9):1234-1240
Van Aalst-Cohen ES, Riggs R, Byock IR: Palliative care in medical school curricula: a survey of United States medical schools. J Palliat Med 2008 Nov; 11(9):1200-1202
Byock I: Caring Well for the Families of our Patients. Chest 2007 Nov; 132(5):1420-1422
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Norris K, Merriman MP, Curtis JR, Asp C, Tuholske L, Byock I: Next of Kin Perspectives on the Experience of
End-of-Life Care in a Community Setting. J Palliat Med 2007 Oct; 10(5):1101-1115
Whalen GF, Kutner J, Byock I, Gerard D, Stovall E, Sieverding P, Ganz PA, Krouse RS: Implementing Palliative
Care Studies. J Pain Symptom Manage 2007 Jul; 34(1 Suppl):S40-S48
Byock I: Improving Palliative Care in Intensive Care Units: Identifying Strategies and Interventions That Work.
Crit Care Med 2006 Nov; 34(11 Suppl):S302-S305
Byock IR: To life! Reflections on Spirituality, Palliative Practice, and Politics. Am J Hosp Palliat Care. 2006 Dec-
2007 Jan;23(6):436-438
Byock I: Where Do We Go From Here? A Palliative Care Perspective. Crit Care Med 2006 Nov; 34 (11
Byock I, Twohig JS, Merriman M, Collins K: Peer-Professional Workgroups in Palliative Care: A Strategy for
Advancing Professional Discourse and Practice. J Palliat Med 2006 Feb; 9(1):934-947
Byock I, Twohig JS, Merriman M, Collins K: Promoting Excellence in End-of-Life Care: a Report on Innovative
Models of Palliative Care. J Palliat Med 2006 Feb; 9(1):137-151
Mularski RA, Curtis JR, Billings JA, Burt JA, Burt R, Byock I, Fuhrman C, Mosenthal AC, Medina J, Ray DE,
Rubenfeld GD, Schneiderman LJ, Treece PD, Truog RD, Levy MM: Proposed Quality Measures for Palliative
Care in the Critically Ill: A consensus from the Robert Wood Johnson Foundation Critical Care Workgroup. Crit
Care Med 2006 Nov; 34 (11 Suppl):S404-S411
Fins JJ, Maltby BS, Friedmann E, Greene MG, Norris K, Adelman R, Byock I: Contracts, Covenants and
Advance Care Planning: an Empirical Study of the Moral Obligations of Patient and Proxy. J Pain Symptom
Manage 2005 Jan; 29(1):55-68
Mitsumoto H, Bromberg M, Johnston W, Tandon R, Byock I, Lyon M, Miller RG, Appel SH, Benditt J, Bernat
JL, Borasio GD, Carver AC, Clawson L, Del Bene ML, Kararskis EJ, LeGrand SB, Mandler R, McCarthy J,
Munsat T, Newman D, Sufit RL, Versenyi A: Promoting Excellence in End-of-Life Care in ALS. Amyotroph
Lateral Scler Other Motor Neuron Disord 2005 Sep;6(3):145-154
Schwartz CE, Merriman MP., Reed G, Byock I: Evaluation of the Missoula-VITAS Quality of Life Index--
Revised: Research Tool or Clinical Tool? J Palliat Med 2005 Feb; 8(1):121-135
Byock I: AAHPM and National Health Council. AAHPM Bulletin 2004 Spring; 5(1):5-6
Byock I: The Ethics of Loving Care. Health Prog 2004 Jul-Aug; 85(4):12-19, 57
Krouse RS, Rosenfeld KE, Grant M, Aziz N, Byock I, Sloan J, Casarett D: Palliative Care Research: Issues and
Opportunities. Cancer Epidemiol Biomarkers Prev 2004 Mar; 13(3):337-339
Norris K, Strohmaier G, Asp C, Byock I: Spiritual Care at the End of Life. Some Clergy Lack Training in End-of-
Life Care. Health Prog 2004 Jul-Aug; 85(4):34-39, 58
Ira Byock, MD 4/12/2020 Page 10 of 31
Seninger S, Byock IR, D’Onofrio C, Elston Lafata J, Engelhardt J, Lockhart C, Miles S, Rosefield, H, Smith D,
Volk-Craft B, Wilkinson A: Accounting for the Costs of Caring Through the End of Life, a monograph of
Promoting Excellence in End of Life Care, The Robert Wood Johnson Foundation, January 2004
Twohig JS, Byock I: Aligning Values with Practice. The "Promoting Excellence" Program Demonstrates the
Practicality of Palliative Care for Patients, Families, and Caregivers. Health Prog 2004 Jul-Aug; 85(4):27-33
Byock I: Palliative Care and the Ethics of Research: Medicare, hospice, and phase I trials. J Support Oncol 2003
Jul-Aug; 1(2):139-141
Byock I: Rediscovering Community at the Core of the Human Condition and Social. Hastings Center Report
Special 2003 Apr; Suppl 33(2):S40-S41
Byock I, Miles SH: Hospice Benefits and Phase I Cancer Trials. Ann Intern Med 2003 Feb 18; 138(4):335-337
Byock I, Twohig JS: Expanding the Realm of the Possible. J Palliat Med 2003 Apr; 6(2):311-313
Schapiro R, Byock IR, Sheils Twohig J: Living and Dying Well with Cancer: Successfully Integrating Palliative
Care and Cancer Treatment, a monograph of Promoting Excellence in End of Life Care, The Robert Wood
Johnson Foundation, May 2003
Beresford L, Byock IR, Sheils Twohig J: Financial Implications of Promoting Excellence in End-of-Life Care, a monograph of Promoting Excellence in End of Life Care, The Robert Wood Johnson Foundation, November 2002
Byock I: Dying Well in Corrections: Why Should We Care?, Correctcare 2002 Fall; 16(4):18
Byock I: The Meaning and Value of Death. J Palliat Med 2002 Apr; 5(2):279-288
Byock I : Sens et valeur de la mort, Byock, I.R., Médecine Palliative, Paris, France, 2002
Byock IR, Sheils Twohig J, Emnett J: Advanced Practice Nursing: Pioneering Practices In Palliative Care, a monograph of Promoting Excellence in End of Life Care, The Robert Wood Johnson Foundation, July 2002
Casarett DJ, Karlawish JH, Byock I: Advocacy and Activism: Missing Pieces in the Quest to Improve End-of-life
Care. J Palliat Med 2002 Feb; 5(1):3-12
Curtis JR, Patrick DL, Engelberg RA, Norris KE, Asp CH, Byock I: A Measure of the Quality of Dying and
Death. Initial Validation Using After-Death Interviews with Family Members. J Pain Symptom Manage 2002 Jul;
Byock IR: End-of-Life Care: A Public Health Crisis and an Opportunity for Managed Care. Am J Manage Care
2001 Dec; 7(12):1123-1132
Byock I, Norris K, Curtis JR, Patrick DL: Improving End-of-Life Experience and Care in the Community: A
Conceptual Framework. J Pain Symptom Manage 2001 Sep; 22(3):759-772
Mayer DM., Torma L, Byock I, Norris, K: Speaking the Language of Pain. Am J Nurs 2001 Feb; 101(2):44-49
Teno JM, Field MJ, Byock I: Preface: The Road Taken and to Be Traveled in Improving End-of-Life Care. J Pain
Symptom Manage 2001 Sep; 22(3):713-716
Ira Byock, MD 4/12/2020 Page 11 of 31
Byock I: Completing the Continuum of Cancer Care: Integrating Life-Prolongation and Palliation. CA Cancer J
Clinic 2000 Mar-Apr; 50(2):123-132
Byock I: Palliative Care as Seen in the Available Light. Hastings Center Report 2000 Nov-Dec;47-48
Quill TE, Byock IR: Responding to Intractable Terminal Suffering. Ann Intern Med 2000 Oct 3; 133(7):561-562
Quill TE, Byock IR: Responding to Intractable Terminal Suffering: The Role of Terminal Sedation and Voluntary
Refusal of Food and Fluids. ACP-ASIM End-of-Life Care Consensus Panel. American College of Physicians-
American Society of Internal Medicine. Ann Intern Med 2000 Mar 7; 132(5):408-414
Byock IR, Teno JM, Field MJ: Measuring Quality of Care at Life’s End. J Pain Symptom Manage 1999 Feb;
Teno JM, Byock I, Field MJ: Research Agenda for Developing Measures to Examine Quality of Care and Quality of Life of Patients Diagnosed with Life-Limiting Illness. J Pain Symptom Manage 1999 Feb; 17(2):75-82
Byock IR: Conceptual Models and the Outcomes of Caring. J Pain Symptom Manage 1999 Feb; 17(2):83-92
Byock I: Hospice and Palliative Care: A Parting of Ways or a Path to the Future. J Palliat Med 1998 Summer;
Byock IR, Merriman MP: Measuring Quality of Life for Patients with Terminal Illness: the Missoula-VITAS
Quality of Life Index. Palliat Med 1998 Jul; 12(4):231-244
Byock I: Dying Well in America: What Would Success Look Like, in Leverage Points: A Report Based on the
Second Last Acts National Leadership Conference, October 29-30, 1997, Weisfeld, VD (ed) The Robert Wood
Johnson Foundation, Pages 17-26
Byock I: Beyond Symptom Management: Growth and Development at the End of Life. Eur J Palliat Care 1996
Autumn; 3(3):125-130
Byock I: What’s So Special About Hospice and Palliative Care? Cope 1996 Sep-Oct; 12(5):24-26
Byock I: The Nature of Suffering and the Nature of Opportunity at the End of Life. Clin Geriatr Med 1996 May;
Byock I: Notes of a Hospice Physician. West J Med 1996 April; 164(4):367-368
Byock IR, Forman WB, Appleton M: Academy of Hospice Physicians’ Position Statement on Access to Hospice and Palliative Care. J Pain Symptom Manage 1996 Feb; 11(2):69-70
Byock I: Patient Refusal of Nutrition and Hydration: Walking the Ever-Finer Line. Am J Hosp Pall Care 1995
Mar-Apr; 12(21):8-13
Byock IR: The Art of Dying in America. Am J Hosp Palliat Care 1995 Mar-Apr; 12(2):6-7
Byock IR: Ethics from a Hospice Perspective. Am J Hosp Palliat Care 1994 Jul-Aug; 11(4):9-11
Byock IR: When Suffering Persists… J Palliat Care 1994 Summer; 10(2):8-13
Ira Byock, MD 4/12/2020 Page 12 of 31
Byock I: Ethical and Emotional Issues for Hospice Physicians from a Hospice Perspective. Hospice Update 1994
Spring; 4(2);2-3
Byock, IR: The Hospice Clinician's Response to Euthanasia/Physician Assisted Suicide. Hosp J 1994; 9(4):1-8
Byock IR: From Innocence to Audit: Transatlantic Lessons on the Routinization of Hospice. Am J Hosp Palliat
Care 1994 Jan-Feb; 11(1):4-7
Byock IR: Consciously Walking the Fine Line: Thoughts on a Hospice Response to Assisted Suicide and
Euthanasia. J Palliat Care 1993 Autumn; 9(3):25-28
Byock IR: The Euthanasia/Assisted Suicide Debate Matures. Am J Hosp Palliat Care 1993 Mar-Apr; 10(2):8-11
Byock IR: A Consensus Statement by Radiation Oncologists regarding Radiotherapy for Bone Metastases. Am J
Hosp Palliat Care 1992 Sep-Oct; 9(5):6-7
Byock I: Cancer chemotherapy and the boundaries of the hospice model. Am J Hosp Palliat Care 1992
March/April; 9(2): 4-5
Byock I. Do Not Resuscitate (DNR) Decisions in the Context of Hospice Care. Chair of authoring sub-committee,
NHO Ethics committee, National Hospice Organization, Arlington, VA 1992
Byock, IR: Final Exit: A wake-up call to hospice. Hosp J 1991; 7(4):51-66
Byock IR: Physician involvement in assisted suicide decisions. Am J Hosp Palliat Care 1991 Jan-Feb; 8(1):6-7
Byock IR. Tools for Autonomy, Am J Hosp Palliat Care 1991 Sep-Oct; 8(5):6-8
Byock I: The Rights of Patients to Forego Treatment. Review of: Miles SH, Singer PA, Siegler M. Conflicts
Between Patients' Wishes to Forgo Treatment and the Policies of Health Care Facilities. (NEJM 1989 321:1 pp
48-50). Am J Hosp Palliat Care 1990 Sep-Oct; 7(5):16-17
Byock I: Hospice Update Vol 2 #2, Review of: Zelefsky MJ Scher HI, Forman JD, Linares LA, Curley T, Fuks Z.
Palliative Hemiskeletal Irradiation for Widespread Metastatic Prostate Cancer: A Comparison of Single Dose and
Fractionated Regimens. Int J Radiat Oncol Biol Phys 1989 Dec; 17(6):1281-1285
Byock I: Hospice Update Vol 1 #1, Review of: Guidelines for 'Do Not Resuscitate' Orders in the Prehospital
Setting. American College of Emergency Physicians. Ann Emerg Med 1988 Oct; 17(10):1106-1108
Byock I: Growth: The Essence of Hospice. From a Physician’s Point of View. Am J Hosp Care 1986 Nov-Dec;
Byock I: Hospice and the Family Physician. J Fam Pract 1984 May; 18(5):781-784
Byock I. Fulminant Neonatal Hepatic Necrosis Associated with Echovirus Type 11 Infection. West J Med 1983
Feb; 138(2):260-263
Byock I: Optimizing Terminal Care. Seminars Fam Med 1981 Nov; 2(4):289-300
Ira Byock, MD 4/12/2020 Page 13 of 31
Caron P, Pipas JM, Soltura D, Bishop M, Fisher T, Byock I. Providing Palliative Care in the Outpatient Setting:
Successful Collaboration with a Pancreatic Cancer Interdisciplinary Team. Journal of Pain and Symptom
Management; 2010:427-8.
Bakitas, M., Kaufman, P.,Urquhart L, Byock, I., Llewellyn-Thomas, H. Improving Decision-Making and Decision Support in
Metastatic Breast Cancer. Presented at National Palliative Care Research Center, 4th Annual Kathleen Foley Palliative Care
Retreat and Research Symposium, Oct 12-14, 2010; Sundance, UT.
Bakitas M, Ahles TA, Brokaw F, Byock I: 2006. Family perceptions of end-of-life care in an NCI-Designated
Comprehensive Cancer Center. (Accepted for Podium Presentation), Eastern Nursing Research Society; Cherry Hill, NJ;
April 20.
Bakitas M, Brokaw F, Ahles TA, Byock I: 2006. Family perceptions of end-of-life care in an NCI-Designated
Comprehensive Cancer Center; American Academy of Hospice and Palliative Medicine and HPNA Annual Assembly;
Nashville, Feb. 8-11. (poster presentation)
Ira Byock, MD 4/12/2020 Page 14 of 31
Growth & Development Through the End of Life and Integrated Care: “The Best Care Possible” , Bowles Chapel Lecture Series,
Memorial Hermann System Services, Houston, TX, February 2, 2012
Bearing the Profound, American Association of Hospice and Palliative Medicine, Annual Assembly, Denver, CO, March 8, 2012
“The Best Care Possible”
, an evening with Ira Byock, Life Quality Institute, Denver, CO, March 8, 2012
The Four Things That Matter Most and Why Hospice in Corrections Matters, Inmate Hospice Conference, Angola Prison,
St. Francisville, LA, March 13, 2012
“The Best Care Possible”, 5th Annual Caring Coalition Conference, Jewish Hospice and Chaplaincy Network, Detroit, MI,
March 21, 2012
“The Best Care Possible” – What It Is and How To Get It and Providing “The Best Care Possible” Through the End of Life,
Public Event and 5th Annual Spring Conference, Hospice of the Valley, Santa Clara, CA, March 29-30, 2012
Providing “The Best Care Possible” Through the End of Life and What are doctors for? The Physician-Patient
Relationship Through the End of Life, Congdon Lecture Series, Genesys Regional Medical Center, Grand Blanc, MI,
April 11, 2012
“The Best Care Possible”: Celebrating Medicine, Facing Death, Finding Life, a community event sponsored by Western
Montana Spiritual Development Council, Missoula, MT, April 14, 2012
Making the Numbers Real: A Physician’s Perception of the Patient’s Perspective, Annual Dinner and Symposium – Ethics of
Transitions Care, Center for Practical Bioethics, Kansas City, MO, April 20, 2012
What Are Doctors For? When Cure Is No Longer Possible , Dartmouth Community Medical School, Lebanon, NH, April 25, 2012
“The Best Care Possible”, an evening with Dr. Byock, Hospice of the Valley, Phoenix, AZ, May 1, 2012
Giving “The Best Care Possible” – A Leading Role for Home Health and Hospice, 30 th Annual Meeting, Visiting Nurse
Associations of America, Phoenix, AZ, May 2, 2012
What Are Doctors For? The Physician-Patient Relationship Through the End of Life, Joanne Lyons Palliative Care Grand
Rounds, Memorial Sloan Kettering Cancer Center, New York, NY, May 4, 2012
Providing “The Best Care Possible” Through the End of Life, Pre-Conference, Hospice & Palliative Care Association of New
York State, Albany, NY, May 9, 2012
“The Best Care Possible” – What It Is and How To Get It, Jesse Galt Series, Wentworth-Douglass Hospital, Dover, NH,
June 11, 2012
Providing “The Best Care Possible” Through the End of Life: The Vital Role of the Pharmacist, Education Conference,
New England Pharmacy Collaborative, Ogunquit, ME, June 2, 2012
Ira Byock, MD 4/12/2020 Page 15 of 31
“The Best Care Possible” and The Ethics and Practice of Loving Care, Annual Leadership Conference, Louisiana~Mississippi
Hospice & Palliative Care Organization, New Orleans, LA, July 25, 2012
Providing “The Best Care Possible” Through the End of Life and What are doctors for? The Physician-Patient Relationship
Through the End of Life , Grand Rounds, Academy of Medicine, Lifetime Care-Hospice of Rochester, Rochester, NY 14623,
September 19-20, 2012
“The Best Care Possible” Through the End of Life , Annual Leadership Conference, Aligning to Our Common Vision,
Benedictine Health System, Duluth, MN 55805, September 27, 2012
The Best Care Possible , Fall System Invitational Conference, The Governance Institute, Scottsdale, AZ, October 1, 2012
The Ethics and Practice of Loving Care , 22nd Annual Jonathan King Lectureship, What are doctors for? The Physician-Patient
Relationship Through the End of Life , Department of Medicine Grand Rounds, Stanford University, Center for Biomedical Ethics,
October 2-3, 2012
Beyond Symptoms and Suffering: Human Development Through the End of Life and The Best Care Possible: A Call for Clinical,
Social, and Cultural Transformation , Conference – Navigating “The Best Care Possible” at the End of Life, Compassionate Care
Alliance, Monterey, CA, October 6, 2012
The Best Care Possible – How Courage, Conversations and Community Will Transform the End-of-Life Experience in the 21st
Century , The 7th Annual Dr. Sharon Erel Lecture,
A Caring Society’s Response to People Facing the End of Life
and What Are
Doctors For? The Physician-Patient Relationship Through the End of Life , Conference, Hospice of Northwest Ohio, Toledo, OH,
October 16-17, 2012
The Ethics and Practice of Loving Care, Helmut Schumann Lecture, Dartmouth-Hitchcock Medical Center, Lebanon, NH,
October 22, 2012
Giving “The Best Care Possible” , 2012 Geriatric and Palliative Care Conference, Care Management Institute, Kaiser Permanente,
Burlingame, CA, October 27, 2012
What are doctors for? The Physician-Patient Relationship Through the End of Life , Grand Rounds, Getting “The Best Care
Possible” Through the End of Life , End-of-Life Conference, St. Anthony’s Hospice, Henderson, KY, October 30, 2012
What are doctors for? The Physician-Patient Relationship Through the End of Life , Fall 2012 McGovern Award Lectureship in the Art and Science of Medicine, The Best Care Possible Through the End of Life: What It is and How to Get It , Annual
Community Symposium, Hospice Brazos Valley, Bryan, TX, November 1, 2012
Providing “The Best Care Possible” Through the End of Life: The Vital Role of the Pharmacy Professional , Pharmacy
Technician Conference, Dartmouth-Hitchcock Pharmacy, Lebanon, NH, November 4, 2012
Hospice and Palliative Care – Simply the Best!
, National Hospice and Palliative Care Organization 13th Annual Clinical Team
Conference, Orlando, FL, November 6, 2012
What are doctors for? The Physician-Patient Relationship Through the End of Life, Getting "The Best Care Possible" Through the End of Life, and The Ethics and Practice of Loving Care , 12th Annual End of Life Conference:Dying in America: Ensuring
The Best Care Possible, Casa de la Luz Foundation, Tucson, AZ, November 8, 9, 10, 2012
Providing “The Best Care Possible” Through the End of Life and The Ethics and Practice of Loving Care , 17th Annual Fall
Conference –“ The Best Care Possible”, NH Hospice and Palliative Care Organization, Bedford, NH, November 15, 2012
Providing “The Best Care Possible” Through the End of Life , Grand Rounds, University of Pittsburgh Medical Center Hamot,
Erie, PA, November 16, 2012
Dying Well in America – Giving and Getting “The Best Care Possible” Through the End of Life , Symposium, The Jefferson
Educational Society of Erie, Erie, PA, November 16, 2012
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Providing “The Best Care Possible” Through the End of Life , healthcare professionals, Haven Hospice, Jacksonville, Gainesville, and Daytona Beach, FL, December 4, 5, 6, 2012
What are doctors for? The Physician-Patient Relationship Through the End of Life , Grand Rounds, University of Florida College of Medicine, Gainesville, FL, December 6, 2012
The Ethics and Practice of Loving Care, Saying “The Four Things That Matter Most”, and What are doctors for? The Physician-
Patient Relationship Through the End of Life , 24th People and Progress Continuing Care Conference – Dying Well - Living through the End of Life, CaptialCare, Edmonton, Canada, February 3, 2011
The “Real” Ethics of End of Life Care and The Ethics and Practice of Loving Care , Annual Sandra Goldberg Lecture, McGill
University, Montreal, Canada, May 4, 2011
What are doctors for? The Physician-Patient Relationship Through the End of Life and
Saying “The Four Things That Matter
Most” , The Osler Symposia, Doctoring 2011: Embracing the Challenge, Endorphin Power Company, Albuquerque, NM, May 17,
Taking the Long View: The Research and Practice Interface , National Institute of Nursing Research Scientific Summit “The
Science of Compassion: Future Directions in End of Life & Palliative Care”, National Institutes of Health, Bethesda, MD,
August 11, 2011
The Four Things That Matter Most in Our Work, Our Life and Our Culture, The Patient-Physician Relationship When Cure is No
Longer Possible , and To Life! Clinically and Culturally Reclaiming the End of Life , 30th Anniversary, Montgomery Hospice,
Rockville, MD, September 15-16, 2011
Saying “The Four Things That Matter Most”
The “Real” Ethics of End of Life Care
, Fall Lecture Series, San Marcos Public
Library, San Marcos, TX, September 22-23, 2011
The Ethics & Practice of Loving Care and Saying “The Four Things That Matter Most” , The Jahna Halderman-Foland Memorial
Lecture Series, Lehigh Valley Health Network, Allentown, PA, October 3, 2011
The Nature of Suffering and Nature of Opportunity Through the End of Life, Kenneth Lee Memorial Lecture, Fairview Hospital,
Westlake, OH, November 5, 2011
“The Best Care Possible” Through the End of Life , Community Event, Hospice Hawaii, Honolulu, HI, November 10, 2011
Physician-Assisted Suicide: Why Both Sides Are Wrong and Beyond Symptoms and Suffering – Human Development Through the
End of Life , Annual Pain & Palliative Care Conference, The Queen's Medical Center, Honolulu, HI, November 11, 2011
To Life! Clinically and Culturally Reclaiming the End of Life, Regence Foundation, Portland, OR, February 26, 2010
Dying Badly At Home: Preventing and Managing Symptomatic Crises , with Yvonne Corbeil, American Academy of Hospice and
Palliative Medicine, Boston, MA, March 6, 2010
Dying Well: The Meaning and Value of Death, Keck School of Medicine, University of Southern California, Los Angeles, CA,
March 12, 2010
The Meaning of Death, National Association of Catholic Chaplains, Annual Conference, St. Paul, MN, March 22, 2010
Ira Byock, MD 4/12/2020 Page 17 of 31
The Nature of Suffering and Nature of Opportunity Through the End of Life, Giving and Getting “The Best Care Possible”
Through the End of Life, and Saying "The Four Things That Matter Most", University of Texas Health Science Center, San
Antonio, TX, March 25, 2010
Partnering for Excellence in End-of Life Care , 6 th Annual End of Life Conference, Oconomowoc, Wisconsin,
April 1, 2010;
DHMC Advances in Critical Care 2010 , The Future of Critical Care: A Palliative Perspective, DHMC, Lebanon, NH,
April 29, 2010
Saying “The Four Things That Matter Most” , Annual Irvin B. Levinson Memorial Lecture Series, Baltimore, Maryland, May 12,
Saying “The Four Things That Matter Most”
, and The Nature of Suffering and Nature of Opportunity Through the End of Life ; 3 rd
Hospice and Palliative Care Conference; Fresno, CA, May 13 & 14, 2010
Dying – Not So Well – at Home , 19 th Hospice and Palliative Care Council of Vermont Annual Conference, Fairlee, VT, June 10,
Mortality, Morality and Religion, Annual Members’ Reception, New York Citizens' Committee on Health Care Decisions, New
York City, NY, June 17, 2010
The Nature of Suffering and Nature of Opportunity Through the End of Life and Saying “The Four Things That Matter Most”,
7th Bereavement Conference - Facing the End of Life: Intervention & Care, Scott & White Clinic-MHC, Temple, TX, Sept. 24,
Advance Directives: Dying with dignity, the importance of planning for end of life care , A Community Education event, Dartmouth Hitchcock Concord, Concord, NH 9/30/2010
Saying “The Four Things That Matter Most”, fundraiser and community education event, and, The Nature of Suffering and
Nature of Opportunity Through the End of Life, Annual conference – The Gift of Hospice, Exploring the Opportunities at the End of Life, Ambercare Hospice, Albuquerque and Santa Fe, NM, October 15-16, 2010
Excellence in Palliative Care: Implications to the Bottom Line and
Saying “The Four Things That Matter Most”,
Annual Fall
Conference Integrating the Medical, Ethical, and Philosophical Aspects of End of Life Care, Sharp HospiceCare, San Diego, CA,
November 5-6, 2010
The Real Ethics of End of Life Care, Serious Illness – Getting to the Heart of the Matter, and Envisioning “The Best Care
Possible” for Our Patients Through the End of Life, Immanuel St. Joseph's - Mayo Health System, Mankato, MN,
November 11-13, 2010
Shaping the Future of Hospice and Palliative Care – the Strategic C’s of Clinical and Social Success and Excellence in Palliative
Care: Implications to the Bottom Line , The Foundation of FirstHealth, Pinehurst, NC, February 5, 2009.
Saying” The Four Things That Matter Most”, Institute of Palliative Medicine, San Diego, CA, February 18, 2009.
The Nature of Suffering and Nature of Opportunity Through the End of Life and “Doctor, Will you help me die?” Therapeutic
Responses to Patient Requests for Hastened Death, Winter Session of the Mid-West Pain Management Symposium Retreat
National Meeting, Hilton Head Island, SC, March 5-6, 2009.
Beyond Symptoms and Suffering – Human Development Through the End of Life and Excellence in Palliative Care: Implications to the Bottom Line , 2009 Forum, “End-of-Life Care”…A Revolution in the Making”, Florida Hospices and Palliative Care,
Kissimmee, FL, March 12, 2009.
Ira Byock, MD 4/12/2020 Page 18 of 31
Citizen Values and Policy Preferences Related to Aging, Serious Illness and Family Caregiving , Annual Assembly, American
Academy of Hospice and Palliative Medicine, Austin, TX, March 25-28, 2009.
Dying in America: The Nature of Suffering and the Nature of Opportunity Through the End of Life, 31st Annual Conference,
Living Beyond Loss, Assoc. for Death, Education and Counseling, Dallas, TX, April 18, 2009.
Public Policy from the Citizens' Perspective , 24th Management & Leadership Conference, National Hospice and Palliative Care
Organization, Washington, D. C., April 23, 2009.
Saying “The Four Things That Matter Most” and The Ethics and Practice of Loving Care , Spiritual Care Conference – Presence and Compassion: The Foundations of Care for the Living and Dying, Dzogchen Beara Retreat Centre, Killarney, Ireland, April
27-28, 2009.
The "Real" Ethics of End-of-Life Care, Beyond Symptoms & Suffering: Human Development through the End-of-Life, and Saying
"The Four Things That Matter Most", Florence Wald Annual Educational Conference, Connecticut Association for Home Care and Hospice, Inc., Portland, CT, May 15, 2009.
The Nature of Suffering and Nature of Opportunity Through the End of Life,
Giving and Getting “The Best Care Possible”
Through the End of Life, and Saying “The Four Things That Matter Most”, 30 th Anniversary, Hospice of Humboldt, Eureka, CA,
May 29-30, 2009.
Small Miracles, Deep Wisdom: Life Lessons from Dementia Care and
Saying “The Four Things That Matter Most”,
Education Conference, The Wisdom of Alzheimer’s, Alzheimer’s Association, OK and AR Chapter, Tulsa, OK, June 9, 2009.
Saying “The Four Things That Matter Most” and The Nature of Suffering and Nature of Opportunity Through the End of Life,
Dying Well in Idaho Conference, Idaho End-of-Life Coalition, Boise, ID, July 20, 2009.
To Life! Clinically and Culturally Reclaiming the End of Life and Excellence in Palliative Care: Implications to the
Bottom Line , Ethics in End of Life Care, Munson Hospice, Traverse City, MI, September 14, 2009.
Saying “The Four Things That Matter Most”, Stories of Success: A Window into the Core of Caring, and The Nature of Suffering and Nature of Opportunity Through the End of Life, Annual Educational Event, Voice of Palliative Care, Life Quality Institute,
Denver, CO, September 16-17, 2009.
Dying Well: Palliative Care, Nutrition and Ethics, 2009 Food & Nutrition Conference, American Dietetic Association,
Denver, CO, October 20, 2009.
Saying “The Four Things That Matter Most”, Giving and Getting “The Best Care Possible” Through the End of Life and
The Nature of Suffering and Nature of Opportunity Through the End of Life, 10th Annual Seasons of Hope Palliative Care
Conference, Douglas County Hospital, Alexandria, MN, October 22-23, 2009.
Physician-Assisted Suicide: Why Both Sides Are Wrong!, The Nature of Suffering and Nature of Opportunity Through the End of
Life and Saying “The Four Things That Matter Most”, 1st VistaCare Hospice Foundation Lecture Series, Chattahoochee Valley
Libraries, Columbus, GA, November 13, 2009.
The Nature of Suffering and Nature of Opportunity Through the End of Life, Medical Ground Rounds, Lenox Hill Hospital, New
York City, NY, November 20, 2009.
"No One Alone” Volunteers: Extending and Enhancing the Services of an Academic Medical Center’s Palliative Care Team, with
Wendy Sichel, National Hospice and Palliative Care Organization, 6th National Conference on Volunteerism & Family
Caregiving., Orlando, FL, December 4, 2009
Completing the Continuum – Caring for Our Patients Through the End of Life, DHMC Cardiovascular Disease Update
Symposium 2009, Lebanon, NH December 7, 2009
Ira Byock, MD 4/12/2020 Page 19 of 31
Doctor, Will You Help Me Die? Therapeutic Response to Requests for Hastened Death and What are doctors for? The Physician-
Patient Relationship Through the End of Life, Annual Palliative Care Week, Fletcher Allen Health Care, Burlington, VT, January
7, 2008.
Improving End of Life Care for Patients and Support For Families. Leukemia &Lymphoma Society Family Support Conference.
White Plains, NY, January 27, 2008
Saying “The Four Things That Matter Most”, Family Support Group Conference, The Leukemia & Lymphoma Society, Tampa
Bay, FL, January 27, 2008.
The Nature of Suffering and the Nature of Opportunity Through the End of Life, Excellence in Palliative Care: Implications to the
Bottom Line, and, Saying “The Four Things That Matter Most”, Big Bend Hospice, Tallahassee, FL, January 27-29, 2008.
Doctor, Will You Help Me Die? Therapeutic Response to Requests for Hastened Death , Annual Assembly, American Academy of Hospice and Palliative Medicine, Tampa Bay, FL, February 1, 2008.
What are doctors for? The Physician-Patient Relationship Through the End of Life and Hospice: Giving and Getting the Best
End-of-Life Care Possible, Goldman-Berland Lecturer in Palliative Medicine, Providence Center for Health Care Ethics,
Portland, OR, March 11-12, 2008.
Saying “The Four Things That Matter Most” , T. Elliott Young Community Education Series, and Beyond Symptoms and
Suffering – Human Development Through the End of Life, Grand Rounds, Exeter Hospital, Exeter, NH, March 24-25, 2008.
Completing the Continuum of Patient and Family-Centered Cancer Care: from Prevention and Screening through Palliative and
Survivorship, Annual Meeting, NH Comprehensive Cancer Collaboration, Concord, NH, March 25, 2008.
Saying “The Four Things That Matter Most”, community event, and, Shaping the Future of Hospice and Palliative Care – The
Strategic C’s of Clinical and Social Success, keynote, End of Life Care Conference, Santa Clara University, Santa Clara, CA,
March 27-28, 2008.
Four Things That Matter Most.
Crotched Mountain Lecture, Crotched Mountain, VT, April 8, 2008
Medical Informatics.
C. Everett Koop Lecture. Dartmouth College, Hanover, NH, April 11, 2008
Excellence in Palliative Care: Implications to the Bottom Line, physician symposium, attendance at Hospice
Foundation of America Annual Bereavement satellite teleconference, and participation in panel discussion, Visiting
Nurse Service & Hospice of Suffolk, Northport, NY, April 16, 2008.
Giving and Getting “The Best Care Possible” Through the End of Life, keynote, and, Financial Implications of Excellence in
End of Life Care, workshop, Annual Meeting & Conference, Pennsylvania Hospice Network, State College, PA, April 29, 2008.
To Life! Clinically and Culturally Reclaiming the End of Life, plenary, and, The Nature of Suffering and the Nature of
Opportunity Through the End of Life, 2 nd Annual Celebrating Life Conference, Hospice Home Care Foundation, Little Rock, AR,
May 6, 2008.
Small Miracles, Deep Wisdom: Life Lessons from Dementia Care, Beacon Hospice, Concord, NH, May 15, 2008.
Small Miracles, Deep Wisdom: Life Lessons from Dementia Care, keynote, and, What are doctors for? The Physician-Patient
Relationship Through the End of Life, workshop, 17 th Annual Conference, Hospice & Palliative Care Council of VT, Lake Morey,
VT, June 12, 2008.
Ira Byock, MD 4/12/2020 Page 20 of 31
Giving and Getting “The Best Care Possible” Though the End of Life
and Excellence in Palliative Care: Implications to the
Bottom Line , Annual Conference, California Hospice and Palliative Care Association, San Mateo, CA, September 15, 2008.
The Nature of Suffering and the Nature of Opportunity Through the End of Life and “Doctor, Will you help me die?”
Therapeutic Responses to Patient Requests for Hastened Death , 7th Annual Pain Management Symposium Retreat,
Avera St. Luke’s Pain Management Center, Aberdeen, SD, September 26, 2008.
Recognizing ClinicalOpportunities Within Tragedy, Dartmouth-Hitchcock Medical Center, Regional Program for Women’s &
Children’s Health, 19 th Tertiary Care Conference on Infant Intensive Care, Lebanon, NH, October 14, 2008.
Small Miracles, Deep Wisdom – Life Lessons from Dementia Care, Beacon Hospice, Annual Employee Luncheon, Boston, MA,
November 6, 2008.
Saying “The Four Things That Matter Most”,
Northeast Regional Oncology Nursing, Biennial Conference, Portsmouth, NH,
November 8, 2008.
Excellence in Palliative and End of Life Care: Implications to the Bottom Line, Dying Well – Human Development Through the
End of Life, Wheaton Franciscan Healthcare, End-of-Life Educational Event, Milwaukee, WI, November 12, 2008.
The Nature of Suffering and the Nature of Opportunity Through the End of Life, Giving & Getting “The Best Care Possible”
Through the End of Life, Saying “The Four Things That Matter Most”, Immanuel St. Joseph’s Hospice-Mayo Health System,
Mankato, MN, November 13, 2008.
The Nature of Suffering and Nature of Hope and Opportunities Through the End of Life . Anamcara Project Module 2: Diagnosing
Spiritual Pain, and, community event – Saying “The Four Things That Matter Most”, Sacred Art of Living Center, Bend, OR,
March 2-3, 2007
Giving & Getting “The Best Care Possible” Through the End of Life and The Nature of Suffering and the Nature of
Opportunity Through the End of Life . Hospice of the Red River Valley, Fargo, ND, April 11-12, 2007
Excellence in Palliative Care: Implications to the Bottom Line – Palliative Care Symposium . The Nature of Suffering and Nature of Opportunity Through the End of Life – Grand Rounds, and, community event – Saying “The Four
Things That Matter Most”, University of Oklahoma Health Sciences Center and Mercy Hospital,
Oklahoma City, OK, April 17-18, 2007
Building Regional Bridges for Quality: A Tertiary Center-Based Palliative Care Program Serving Northern New
England . 22 nd Management & Leadership Conference, National Hospice and Palliative Care Organization,
Washington, DC, April 20, 2007
Human Development Through the End of Life: A Common Language for Spiritual Experience and Care . two-day symposium - Encountering the Sacred at the End of Life, Association of Professional Chaplains, Burlingame, CA,
April 26, 2007
The Nature of Suffering and the Nature of Opportunity Through the End of Life – End-of-Life Symposium, and, Saying
“The Four Things That Matter Most”
– Senior Expo 2007, a community event, Macon State College,
June 8-9, 2007
Advocacy & Activism: It’s Time to Make Pain History. Annual Meeting – Celebrating 20 Years of Progress:
Transforming the Culture of Pain Care, Alliance of State Pain Initiatives and University of Wisconsin School of
Medicine and Public Health , Boston, MA, June 22, 2007
Small Miracles, Deep Wisdom: Life Lessons from Dementia Care . Dementia Care Conference, Alzheimer's Association,
Chicago, IL, August 29, 2007
Giving & Getting “The Best Care Possible” Through the End of Life, Saying “The Four Things That Matter Most” .
Ira Byock, MD 4/12/2020 Page 21 of 31
Educational Retreat – 25th Anniversary celebration, Rice Hospice, Willmar, MN, September 20, 2007
Saying “The Four Things That Matter Most” . community event, Hospice of Red River Valley, Fargo, ND,
September 20, 2007
Giving and Getting “The Best Care Possible” Through the End of Life
. Annual Meeting, North Dakota Medical Association,
Fargo, ND, September 21, 2007
The Nature of Suffering and Nature of Opportunity Through the End of Life , and community event, Saying “The Four Things
That Matter Most”. The Foundation of FirstHealth, Pinehurst, NC, October 19-20, 2007
The Real Ethics of End-of-Life Care . State Convention, VT State Nurses Association. Inc., Montpelier, VT, Oct. 25, 2007
The Nature of Suffering and Nature of Opportunity Through the End of Life
, and community event, Saying “The Four Things
That Matter Most”. Annual Grief Conference, St. Elizabeth Hospice, Lafayette, IN, November 2, 2007
The Art of Discussing DNR and Advance Directives – grand rounds, and, community event, Saying “The Four Things That Matter
Most,” Community Ed Program – 1st of Jesse Galt Lecture Series. Wentworth-Douglass Hospital, Dover, NH, November 5-6,
Interactive Discussion on Future and Vision: Palliative Care in ICUs . Promoting Excellence in End-of-Life, a program of the
Robert Wood Johnson Foundation, Annual Meeting, Big Sky, MT, February 1-4, 2006
Where Do We Go From Here: The Palliative Care Perspective, and, Quality Indicators for End of Life Care in the ICU . Society of Critical Care Medicine, Improving the Quality of End-of-Life Care in the ICU: Interventions that Work Conference, Miami,
FL, February 17-19, 2006
Caring for Our Patients Through the End of Life – Completing the Therapeutic Continuum, Beyond Symptoms and Suffering:
Human Development Through the End of Life, and, Saying “The Four Things That Matter Most” . Central VA Palliative Care
Initiative, Charlottesville, VA, February 22, 2006
Giving and Getting “The Best Care Possible” Through the End of Life, and, Saying “The Four Things That Matter Most”
. Mayo
Clinic Arizona, Irving S. Cooper Visiting Professorship, Scottsdale, AZ, March 10, 2006
The Nature of Suffering and Nature of Opportunity Through the End of Life, grand rounds, and, Physician-Assisted Suicide: Why
Both Sides Are Wrong!
Ethics Committee, 4 th Annual Visiting Professor, University of Pennsylvania Medical Center,
Philadelphia, PA, April 11, 2006
“The Best Care Possible” Through the End of Life and Learning From Dying – Saying “The Four Things That Matter Most” . 3 rd
Annual Ethics Symposium on End-of-Life Decisions, Orlando Regional Healthcare, Orlando, FL, April 21, 2006
Can Quality of Life at the End-of-Life be Measured?
. 7 th Annual Clinical Team Conference, National Hospice and Palliative Care
Organization, San Diego, CA, April 26, 2006
Completing the Therapeutic Continuum: Caring Well for Patients Through the End of Life . Spring Conference, Vermont Cardiac
Network, Fairlee, VT, May 4, 2006
Giving and Getting “The Best Care Possible” Through the End of Life and Beyond Symptoms and Suffering: Human
Development Through the End of Life . Annual Kaleidoscope Palliative Care Conference, St. Francis Hospice, Dublin, Ireland,
May 31-June 1, 2006
Dying Well: The Nature of Suffering and The Nature of Opportunity Through the End of Life . Mt Ascutney Hospital, Windsor,
VT, June 20, 2006
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The Meaning and Value of Death and Dying Well: Human Development Through the End of Life . Summer Institute, The Ernest
Becker Foundation, Seattle, WA, July 27-28, 2006
The Nature of Suffering and Nature of Opportunity Through the End of Life and Saying “The Four Things That Matter Most” .
End-of-Life Care Symposium and Community Event, Hoffmann Hospice, Lancaster and Bakersfield, CA, Sept. 8-9, 2006
The Doctor-Patient Relationship at the End of Life . Seminar Series, Weill Medical College of Cornell University, New York, NY,
Sept. 14, 2006
Reclaiming the End of Life: From Principle and Practice to Politics and Advocacy & Activism: From Abstraction to Action .
Annual Fall Conference, NH Hospice and Palliative Care Organization, Manchester, NH, October 18, 2006
Completing the Continuum of Care – Life-prolonging and Palliative . Medical Grand Rounds, The Reading Hospital and Medical
Center, West Reading, PA, Oct. 25, 2006
The Nature of Suffering and the Nature of Opportunity Through the End of Life and Saying “The Four Things That Matter Most” , a physician luncheon and Community Event. The Elizabeth Hospice, Escondido, CA, Nov. 2, 2006
The Meaning of Death and A Developmental Framework for Spiritual Experience, Assessment and Research at the End of Life .
Spiritual Care Research Conference, Mayo Clinic, Rochester, MN, Nov. 9-10, 2006
The Ethics and Practice of Loving Care . American Academy of Hospice and Palliative Medicine, Annual Meeting, New Orleans,
LA, January 21, 2005
What Matters Most - Beyond Symptoms and Suffering . Boca Raton Community Hospital, Palliative Care Symposium, Boca
Raton, Florida, January 27, 2005.
Community Approaches to End of Life Care , keynote. Hospice of the Littleton Area, annual hospice dinner dance, January 29,
Physician Assisted Suicide: Why Both Sides Are Wrong . Rutland Regional Medical Center – Grand Rounds, Holiday Inn, Rutland,
VT, February 3, 2005
Giving and Getting “The Best Care Possible” Through the End of Life . Lahey Clinic, Grand Rounds, Burlington, MA, Feb. 4,
Beyond Symptoms and Suffering – Human Development Through the End of Life . Resident Training Seminar, and, Giving and
Getting “The Best Care Possible” Through the End of Life, Family Practice Grand Rounds, State University of NY Downstate
Medical Center, Brooklyn, NY, Feb. 23, 2005
Legislative Testimony Healthcare Decision Public Hearing, Spokesman of the Coalition . New Hampshire Legislature, Concord,
NH, March 14, 2005
Dying in America: A Crisis and Opportunity for Leadership . Harnessing Community Care Trends Program, Concord Hospice,
Grappone Center, Concord, NH, March 25, 2005
Spirituality in the Human Experience of Dying-The Nature of Suffering and The Nature of Opportunity Through the End of Life , lecture to healthcare professionals, and, Saying “The Four Things That Matter Most”-Relationship Completion as Emotional Self-
Care and Healthy Anticipatory Grieving, Spirituality Grand Rounds, Mayo Clinic, Rochester, MN, March 31, 2005
The Nature of Suffering and The Nature of Opportunity Through the End of Life . Geriatric Grand Rounds, Hackensack University
Medical Center, Hackensack, NJ, April 1, 2005
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Giving and Getting “The Best Care Possible” Through the End of Life . NH Comprehensive Cancer Planning Collaborative,
Concord, NH, April 4, 2005
Caring for Patients Through the End of Life" on Monday . CMS Project meeting, Squires Center, Nashua, NH, April 11, 2005
Saying “The Four Things That Matter Most, community event, and, Beyond Symptoms and Suffering-Human Development
Through the End of Life . Grand Rounds, Hospice of the Visiting Nurse Association of St. Luke's, Bethlehem, PA, April 12-13,
The Nature of Suffering and Nature of Opportunity Through the End of Life, Spring Clinical Conference, and, Saying "The Four
Things That Matter Most" . A community event, HospiceCare, Inc, Madison, WI, April 27-28, 2005
Integrating Palliative Care into the ICU . National Teaching Institute & Critical Care Exposition, American Association of
Critical-Care Nurses, New Orleans, LA, May 10, 2005
Shaping the Future of Hospice and Palliative Care - the Strategic C’s of Clinical and Social Success, Saying “The Four Things
That Matter Most” . Hospice & Palliative Care Assoc. of NY State, 25th Anniversary Annual Interdisciplinary Seminar and
Meeting,, Saratoga Springs, NY, May 19, 2005
Dying Well: Human Development Through the End of Life . Department of Oncology, McGill University, McGill Programs in
Integrated Whole Person Care, The Meaning of Death, a public lecture, Meakins auditorium, McGill University, Montreal,
Canada, May 24, 2005
Physician Assisted Suicide: Why Both Sides are Wrong!
Grand Rounds, Concord Hospital, Concord, NH, June 8, 2005
The Future of Palliative Care, Saying “The Four Things That Matter Most” . The Future Paths of Palliative Care Conference,
Hospice of the Florida Suncoast, St. Pete Beach, FL, June 9, 2005
Giving & Getting “The Best Care Possible” Through the End of Life . A lecture series, Evangelical Community Hospital,
Lewisburg, PA, June 28, 2005
Saying “The Four Things That Matter Most”, Caring for Our Patients Through the End of Life . Northwestern Medical Center, St.
Albans, VT, June 30-July 1, 2005
Giving and Getting “The Best Care Possible” Through the End of Life, Beyond Symptoms and Suffering – Human Development
Through the End of Life, Saying “The Four Things That Matter Most” . Healing Arts Council of Shenandoah Valley, Winchester,
VA, Sept. 9-10, 2005
The Nature of Suffering and the Nature of Opportunity Through the End of Life . Grand Rounds, Parkland Medical Center, Derry,
NH, Sept. 13, 2005
Transforming Care Through the End of Life: CQI . Citizens & Consumers, Community & Culture,
CT Hospice & Palliative Care Council, Fall Conference, Westbrook, CT, Oct. 7, 2005
Changing the World from Northern New England . NH Hospice & Palliative Care Organization Annual Meeting, Manchester, NH,
Oct. 24, 2005
Physician Assisted Suicide: Why Both Sides are Wrong . Harvard Medical School, Practical Aspects of Palliative Medicine,
Boston, MA, Oct. 21, 2005
Saying “The Four Things That Matter Most”, Beyond Symptoms and Suffering – Human Development Through the End of Life .
Lourdes Hospice, Binghamton, NY, Oct. 26-27, 2005
Lucid Moments: What Do They Teach Us?
Dartmouth-Hitchcock Medical Center, Alzheimer’s Conference, Lebanon, NH, Oct.
28, 2005
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Completing the Continuum of Cancer Care . Northern New England Clinical Oncology Society, Annual Meeting, Portsmouth,
NH, Nov. 5, 2005
Beyond Symptoms and Suffering – Human Development Through the End of Life, Giving and Getting “The Best Care Possible”
Through the End of Life, Saying “The Four Things That Matter Most” . Bon Secours Richmond Health System, Richmond, VA,
Nov. 7-8, 2005
Giving and Getting “The Best Care Possible” Through the End of Life, Beyond Symptoms and Suffering – Human Development
Through the End of Life . St. John’s Mercy Medical Center, Advances in Palliative Care, St. Louis, MO,
Nov. 9, 2005
Saying ‘The Four Things That Matter Most” . Hospice Volunteer Services, Annual Meeting, Middlebury, VT,
Nov. 16, 2005
Spiritual Care in the ICU, Promoting Excellence in End-of-Life Care . a program of the Robert Wood Johnson Foundation,
Grantee Annual Meeting, Mesa, AZ, Feb 13, 2004
Choices Bank: A Community Owned Repository for Advanced Directives . Vermont Ethics Network Board, Central Vermont
Medical Center, Berlin, VT, February 17, 2004
Giving and Getting “The Best Care Possible” Through the End of Life . Texas Academy of Physician Assistants Annual Primary
Care CME Conference, Dallas, TX, February 21, 2004
The Nature of Suffering and Nature of Opportunity Through the End of Life: A Common Language and Approach for Caring . The
George Washington Institute for Spirituality and Health, End of Life Care: Clergy and Physician Partnerships Conference,
Washington, DC, March 4, 2004
Saying “The Four Things That Matter Most”, a community event, “The Best Care Possible” Through the End of Life, Dying Well
– Beyond Symptoms and Suffering: Human Development Though the End of Life . Brody School of Medicine at East Carolina
University, 4 th Annual Advances and Controversies in Pain Management, a Symposium on Palliative Care at the End of Life,
Greenville, NC, March 4-5, 2004
Giving and Getting “The Best Care Possible” Through the End of Life . Gifford Medical Center, “Healthstyles” – a Community
Education Series, Randolph, VT, March 9, 2004
Financial Implications of Promoting Excellence in End of Life Care . Massachusetts Hospital Association, Waltham, MA, March
12, 2004
Saying “The Four Things That Matter Most” . National Hospice and Palliative Care Organization, 5 th Clinical Team Conference on Hospice and Palliative Care, Fostering Excellence: Individual and Team Leadership and Growth, Las Vegas, NV, March 24,
End-of-Life Care: Where we've come from - Where we're going , International Work Group on Death, Dying & Bereavement, The
Great Journey: Death, Dying &Bereavement, Tucson, AZ, March 27, 2004
Saying “The Four Things That Matter Most” . a community event, Casa de la Luz Hospice, Tucson, AZ, March 30, 2004
Saying “The Four Things That Matter Most”. a Community Event, The Nature of Suffering and Nature of Opportunity Through the End of Life, Washington State Hospice & Palliative Care Organization, a Workshop for Clinicians, Seattle, WA, April 1, 2004
Giving and Getting “The Best Care Possible” at the End of Life . VNA & Hospice of VT and NH, Reflections on Our Mortality,
Four Mondays in April Lecture Series, Dartmouth Hitchcock Medical Center, Lebanon, NH, April 5, 2004
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Giving and Getting “The Best Care Possible” Through the End of Life . Federation of Jewish Philanthropies of NY, Partnership in
Dignity Program, sponsored by UJA-Federation of New York, Syosset, NY, April 14, 2004
Saying “The Four Things That Matter Most” . University of Nebraska Medical Center, College of Nursing, Lunch ‘n’ Learn
Seminar, Omaha, NE, April 15, 2004
Getting “The Best Care Possible” Through the End of Life. a community event, Saying “The Four Things That Matter Most.
Nebraska Hospice & Palliative Care Association Annual Conference, Living a Good Life…at the End of Life, Lincoln, NE, April
16, 2004
Saying “The Four Things That Matter Most” . a community event, Hospice of Michigan, Dearborn, MI,
April 19, 2004
“Dying in America: A Crisis and Opportunity for Leadership”
. Michigan Hospice & Palliative Care Organization Annual Spring
Conference, 25 th Anniversary, Kalamazoo, MI, April 20, 2004
Saying “The Four Things That Matter Most” . a community event, Life’s End Institute: The Missoula Demonstration Project,
Missoula, MT, April 23, 2004
Beyond Symptoms and Suffering – Human Development Through the End of Life, Saying “The Four Things That Matter Most . St.
John Hospital and Medical Center, The Art of Providing Palliative Care, Detroit, MI, April 28, 2004
“Human Development through the End of Life-Beyond Symptoms and Suffering” . Rural Health Symposium 2004, Karmệ Chöling
Buddhist Meditation Center, Barnet, VT, May 5, 2004
“The Nature of Suffering and the Nature of Opportunity Through the End of Life” . Naropa University School of Extended
Studies, Contemplative End-of-Life Care Program, Boulder, CO, May 12, 2004
Saying “The Four Things That Matter Most . New York Open Center, May 14, 2004
“Dying Well: The Nature of Suffering and the Nature of Opportunity through the End of Life” . Integrating Spirit and Caregiving
Conference, Naropa University at the Garrison Institute, Garrison, NY, May 19, 2004
“Beyond Symptoms and Suffering – Human Development Through the End of Life”
. Georgia Hospice Organization, Kennestone
Hospital, Marietta, GA, May 20, 2004
Giving and Getting “The Best Care Possible” Through the End of Life . Georgia Hospice Organization, Atlanta, GA, May 21,
The Nature of Suffering and Nature of Opportunity Through the End of Life, Saying “The Four Things That Matter Most . a seminar - Embracing the Journey, Hospice of Rutherford County, Forest City, NC, June 1-2, 2004
Dying in America: Crisis and Opportunity for Leadership, Millennium Group Roundtable . Innovation in Ambulatory and
Consumer-Directed Health Care, The Leadership Institute, Chicago, IL, June 3, 2004
Saying “The Four Things That Matter Most”, National Cancer Survivor’s Day
. Dartmouth-Hitchcock Medical Center, Lebanon,
NH, June 6, 2004
Giving and Getting “The Best Care Possible” Through the End of Life . Annual Meeting, Westchester Jewish Community
Services, sponsored by UJA-Federation of NY, Westchester, NY, June 8, 2004
Completing the Continuum of Care, Palliative Programs in Teaching Hospitals & Other Settings . 13 th Annual Conference, The
Hospice & Palliative Care Council of Vermont, Lake Morey, VT, June 10, 2004
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Giving and Getting, “The Best Care Possible” Through the End of Life, Beyond Symptom Management: Human Development
Through the End of Life . Annual Hospice and Palliative Care Conference, The Courage to Care: Embracing End-of-Life
Decisions, Hospice of the Lancaster Area, Dixville Notch, NH, June 16, 2004
Dying Well: The Nature of Suffering and Nature of Opportunity through the End of Life . Spiritual Care Foundation, Aspen, CO
July 8-11, 2004
Caring for Patients Through the End of Life . Grand Rounds, Littleton Regional Hospital, Littleton, NH, July 14, 2004
Saying “The Four Things That Matter Most” . The Fourth Annual Palliative Care Conference: A Fuller Sense of Healing,
Dartmouth Hitchcock Medical Center, Lebanon, NH, August 9, 2004
Dying in America: Crisis and Opportunity for Leadership . Founding Group Meeting, The Leadership Institute, Transformation of
Health Systems to Ambulatory Delivery of Care, Chicago, IL, August 12, 2004
Giving and Getting “The Best Care Possible” Through the End of Life, Saying “The Four Things That Matter Most” . Matters of
Life & Death Conference, Kansas City Hospice, Kansas City, MO, September 10, 2004
Saying “The Four Things That Matter Most”. a community event, and, The Nature of Suffering and Nature of Opportunity
Through the End of Life, Grand Rounds, York Hospital, York PA, September 15, 2004
Beyond Symptoms and Suffering: Human Development Through the End of Life . 15 th International Congress on Care of the
Terminally Ill, Montreal, Canada, Sept. 21, 2004
Saying “The Four Things That Matter Most”. a community event, and, The Nature of Suffering and the Nature of Opportunity
Through the End of Life, Grand Rounds, University of Vermont, Burlington, VT, September 23, 2004
Saying “The Four Things That Matter Most, closing keynote, and Expanding the Realm of the Possible: Results from the
Promoting Excellence Experience . National Hospice and Palliative Care Organization, 19 th Management and Leadership
Conference, Washington, DC, Oct. 2, 2004
Dying Well: What Does It Mean?
End of Life Health Care Attorney General Training Seminar, National Association of Attorneys
General, Chicago, IL, Oct. 5, 2004
Saying, “The Four Things That Matter Most”. a community event, and, The Nature of Suffering and Nature of Opportunity
Through End of Life, workshop, Kennesaw State University, Kennesaw, GA, Oct. 11-12, 2004
The Nature of Suffering and the Nature of Opportunity Through the End of Life, keynote , and, Saying, “The Four Things That
Matter Most” , Hospice: The Journey of Hope and Healing Conference, Androscoggin Home Care & Hospice, Auburn, ME, Oct.
15, 2004
Dying in America: A Crisis and Opportunity for Leadership, Saying “The Four Things That Matter Most” . Hospice of the Valley,
Phoenix, AZ, Oct. 21-22, 2004
Saying “The Four Things That Matter Most” . a community event, Seacoast Hospice, Portsmouth, NH,
Oct. 25, 2004
“Giving and Getting "The Best Care Possible" at the End of Life” . Palliative Care Day, Cheshire Medical Center, Keene, NH,
October 27, 2004
“Beyond Symptoms and Suffering – Human Development Through the End of Life” . HCS - Home Healthcare, Hospice and
Community Services Annual Meeting, Keene, NH, October 27, 2004
Walking the Last Mile with Our Patients – What Would Success Look Like?
Cooley Dickinson Medical Education, Cooley
Dickinson Health Care Center, Northampton, MA November 1, 2004
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Saying “The Four Things That Matter Most” . a community event, The Lighthouse Foundation of NJ, Mt. Laurel, NJ, November
2, 2004
Saying Four Things Before “the Long Goodbye” . Alzheimer's Association benefit dinner, Dartmouth-Hitchcock Medical Center,
Lebanon, NH, November 5, 2004
The Nature of Suffering and Nature of Opportunity Through the End of Life . Hospice & Palliative Care Federation of
Massachusetts Annual Conference, Marlborough, MA, November 9, 2004
Caring Well for People Through the End of Life: Opportunities for Clinical and Cultural Leadership . Fall Book Forum, Brown
Medical School, Providence, RI, November 9, 2004
“The Best Care Possible” Through the End of Life . California Medical Association Leadership Conference, La Quinta, CA,
November 18, 2004
Beyond Symptoms and Suffering - Human Development Through the End of Life and Shaping the Future of Hospice and
Palliative Care – the Strategic C’S of Clinical and Social Success . VNA of the Inland Counties, Riverside, CA, November 19,
Completing the Caring Continuum: The Relevance of Palliative Care to ESRD . End-of-Life Conference, Mid-Atlantic Renal
Coalition, Orlando, FL, December 2, 2004
“The Best Care Possible” - What It Means at the End of Life and How to Get It . Community Medical Center Foundation,
Minerva Society Lecture, Missoula, MT, Jan. 14, 2003
Promising Findings: A Report on the Financial Implications of Promoting Excellence in End-of-Life Care. American Academy of Hospice and Palliative Medicine, 15 th Annual Assembly, Orlando, FL, Feb. 6, 2003
Advocacy and Activism: The Quest to Improve Pain Management and End of Life, Dying Well: Reclaiming the End of Life,
Completing the Continuum of Cancer Care: Integrating Life-Prolongation and Palliation . The Ethics Consortium of the Tarrant
County Academy of Medicine, Fort Worth, TX, Feb. 18-19, 2003
Dying in America: A Consumer Crisis and Opportunity for Leadership. National Association of Attorneys General, San Diego,
CA, Feb. 21, 2003
Dying Well: Beyond Symptoms and Suffering: Human Development at the End of Life. Department of Veterans Affairs, Employee
Education System, 3 rd National Leadership Conference: Pain Management and End of Life Care, Alexandria, VA, March 4, 2003
Completing the Continuum of Life: Reflections on Care, Culture & Community, Human Development through the End of Life:
The Nature of Suffering and the Nature of Opportunity . Lower Cape Fear Hospice, Reflections on Palliative Care, Wilmington,
NC, March 13, 2003
The Nature of Suffering and the Nature of Opportunity at the End of Life, Cabot Eliot Lecture, Completing the Continuum of Life
- Reflections on Care, Culture and Community. Grand Rounds, Harvard Medical School Center for Palliative Care, Boston, MA,
March 31, April 2, 2003
Reclaiming the End of Life: A Community-based Approach to Improving the Quality of Life’s End, Dying Well: Beyond Symptoms and Suffering-Human Development at the End of Life . Kansas City Hospice, Spring Conference, Matters of Life and Death,
Kansas City, MO, April 12, 2003
“The Best Possible Care” at the End of Life (and How to Get It). Provena Covenant Hospice Care Program, a Celebration of
National Volunteer Week, Urbana, IL, April 26, 2003
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Communication and Anticipatory Guidance: Therapeutic Modalities for Aging and Dying Well . Montana Gerontology Society,
Annual Meeting, Missoula, MT, April 28, 2003
Dying Well: The Nature of Suffering and the Nature of Opportunity at the End of Life . Casa de la Luz Foundation, Tucson, AZ,
May, 2003
Reclaiming the End of Life, Providing "The Best Care Possible" at the End of Life . University of Ottawa Institute of Palliative
Care, Ottawa, Canada, May 6-7, 2003
Completing the Continuum of Care - Preserving the Opportunity to Die Well, The "Best Care Possible" at End of Life - What
Does It Look Like and How Do We Get it?; Beyond Symptoms & Suffering: Human Development at the End of Life; End of Life
Care: Crisis & Opportunity . Providence Alaska Medical Center, Lecturer & Visiting Professor, Anchorage, AK, May 8-9, 2003
Dying in America: A Consumer Crisis and Opportunity for Leadership, National Association of Attorneys General, "The Vision vs The Reality" Listening Conference on Improving End-of-Life-Care . Baltimore, MD, May 16, 2003
The Nature of Suffering and the Nature of Opportunity at the End of Life. American Osteopathic Association's End-of-Life Care -
National Osteopathic Workshop; EPEC Training Course and End-of-Life Seminar in the Pacific Northwest, Portland, OR, June
12, 2003
The Nature of Suffering and the Nature of Opportunity at the End of Life. California Medical Association, Pain Management and
End of Life Care in California’s Regulatory Environment, Santa Clara, CA, Sept. 13, 2003
Concurrent Care – New Models and Successful Strategies for Aligning Access, Quality and Costs, Serving Veterans –
Opportunities for Creative Collaborations . National Hospice and Palliative Care Organization, 18 th Management and Leadership
Conference, Hospice and Palliative Care: Expanding Our Future, Phoenix, AZ, Sept. 7-9, 2003
The Meaning of Death – Reflections of Life, Caring and Community . Hospice of the Valley, Spiritual Care at Life’s End: A
Programs for Clergy and Spiritual Leaders, Phoenix, AZ, Sept. 22, 2003
Creating and Celebrating Caring Communities, Promoting Wellness Through the End of Life – for us all!
Annual Van Eisenhut
Conference on Psycho-social Care, Willamette Valley Hospice, Salem, OR, Sept. 24, 2003
The “Best Care Possible” at the End of Life, Reclaiming the End of Life: Opportunity within Crisis . Longview Hospice, 3 rd
Annual Seldon Graham Memorial Lectureship in End of Life Care, Longview, TX, Sept. 30, 2003
Walking Life’s Journey Together: Communication and Anticipatory Guidance for Aging and Dying Well, Giving and Getting
“The Best Care Possible” at the End of Life . Hospice Education Committee, Rockford, IL, Oct. 22-23, 2003
Expanding the Realm of the Possible: Creating the Future of Dying in America, Dying Well: The Nature of Suffering and the
Nature of Opportunity . Vision for the Future Conference, Hospice of Chattanooga, Chattanooga, TN, Oct. 24, 2003
Compassion in Critical Care: Biology, Philosophy and Pragmatism . 69 th Annual International Scientific Assembly, American
College of CHEST Physicians, Orlando, FL, Oct. 27, 2003
Getting the “Best Care Possible” Through the End of Life . Life’s End Institute – Missoula Demonstration Project, Missoula, MT,
Oct. 29, 2003
“The Best Care Possible” at the End of Life, Dying Well: Nature of Suffering and Nature of Opportunity at the End of Life .
Hospice of Dayton, Dayton, OH, Nov. 3-4, 2003
Dying Well: Alleviating Suffering and Preserving Opportunity Through the End of Life , Giving and Getting “The Best Care
Possible” at the End of Life, Continuing Care Beyond Cure.
Washington County Hospital, Hagerstown, MD, Nov. 5-6, 2003
Completing the Continuum of Care: Integrating Palliation within Health Service Delivery and Research . 6 th Annual Lecture
Series, Johns Hopkins University School of Medicine, Baltimore, MD, Nov. 13, 2003
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Creating Community Change: Thinking Outside the Healthcare Box
. Rallying Points National Conference …one community at a time, Boston, MA, Nov. 18, 2003
Palliative Care: Advances and Understanding Hospice in End-of-Life Care . Rhode Island Attorney General’s Task Force on Endof-Life Care, Providence, RI, Nov. 24, 2003
The Nature of Suffering and Nature of Opportunity at the End of Life . Grand Rounds, Rhode Island Hospital, Providence, RI,
Nov. 25, 2003
Creating the Future: Models for Delivering Palliative Care in Challenging Settings. American Academy of Hospice and
Palliative Medicine, 14 th Annual Assembly, Palm Spring, CA, Feb. 3, 2002
Caring for Our Patients as They Die, Opportunity Within Crisis: The Future of Palliative and End of Life Care . Veterans Affairs
Medical Center, Treasure Valley Hospice Conference, Boise, ID, Feb. 6, 2002
Care Wars: Generations Waging Peace Together. Lewis & Clark College, 2002 Distinguished Visiting Scholar, Portland, OR,
March 1, 2002
Dying Well: Taking Back the End of Life. St. Joseph Health System, End-of-Life Care Conference, Orange, CA, March 12, 2002
Dying Well: Reclaiming the End of Life, The Crisis of Dying in America: The Opportunity of Loving Care . Loma Linda
University, End of Life Care Symposium, Loma Linda, CA, March 13, 2002
Beyond Symptom Management: Human Development at the End of Life. AAHPM, NHPCO, HPNA, 3 rd Joint Clinical Conference
& Exposition on Hospice and Palliative Care, New Orleans, LA, March 23, 2002
The Real Ethics of End of Life Care, Caring for Our Patients as They Die . WellStar Health System, Ethics Day 2002, Marietta,
GA, March 26, 2002
Pain Management in Oregon: Setting a Higher Standard; The Answers You’ve Been Waiting For . Eugene, OR, April 5, 2002
Caring for Our Patients as They Die . Southern Tier Health Care System, Inc., End-of-Life Issues Conference, Olean and
Jamestown, NY, April 23, 2002
The Nature of Opportunity at the End of Life. Rush Presbyterian St. Luke’s Medical Center, Grand Rounds, Chicago, IL, May 15,
EPEC Module on Physician-Assisted Suicide . Clinical Plenary Session, The ALS Association’s 2002 Leadership Development and ALS Clinical Conference, Washington, D. C., May 17, 2002
Dying Well: Beyond Symptoms and Suffering: Human Development at the End of Life (Lecture), Talking with the Terminally Ill about Death and Dying (Workshop). American Psychiatric Association, Annual Meeting, Philadelphia, PA, May 21-22, 2002
Reclaiming the End of Life: Leadership through Clinical and Systems Excellence. VHA-Southeast, Nurse Executive & Physician
Leadership Forum, Atlanta, GA, May 30, 2002
The Meaning and Value of Death. INTEGRA (The Association for Integrative & Transformative Grief), Lansing, MI, May 31,
Dying Well: Reclaiming the Last Chapter of Life. Alpha-1 Association, Bayer Lecture and Award, McLean, VA, June 9, 2002
Facing Death Together. Jewish Board of Family & Children’s Services/The Shira Ruskay Jewish Hospice Information Service,
New York, NY, June 13, 2002
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Defining Wellness Through the End of Life. Nevada Center for Ethics & Health Policy, Las Vegas, NV, June 25, 2002
A Conceptual Framework for Community-based, Data-based Quality Improvement. Wentworth-Douglass Hospital of Dover, NH
Retreat, Insights of the Missoula Demonstration Project, Missoula, MT, Aug. 12, 2002
Working Groups and a Palliative Care Perspective on Addressing Needs. Consensus Conference on Supportive and Palliative
Care for Advanced Heart Failure, Salt Lake City, UT, Sept. 6, 2002
Creating the Future: Models for Delivering Palliative Care in Challenging Settings . NHPCO’s 17 th Management & Leadership
Conference, Washington, DC, Sept. 12, 2002
Dying in America: A Crisis and an Opportunity to Reclaim Life’s End. Grinnell College, Death Journeys: Making the End Matter
Symposium, Grinnell, IA, Sept. 26, 2002
Dying in America: A Crisis and an Opportunity for Leadership. National Association of Attorneys General Listening Conference,
Presidential Initiative on End-of-Life Care, “The Vision vs. The Reality”, Kansas City, KS, Sept. 27, 2002
Community as a Value and Verb: We’re All in This Together! Rallying Points National Meeting, “Asking Questions. Finding
Answers.”, Snowbird, UT, Oct. 14, 2002. Hosted by Life’s End Institute: Missoula Demonstration Project, Rallying Points
Western Regional Resource Center
The Missoula Experience: A Community-Based Approach to Improving the Quality of Life’s End
. St. David’s Healthcare
Partnership, Chuck Meyer Symposium, Austin, TX, Oct. 19, 2002
Defining Wellness Through the End of Life. Humility of Mary Health Partners, 3 rd Annual Palliative Care Symposium,
Youngstown, OH, Oct. 23, 2002
Completing the Continuum of Care: Caring for Our Patients Through the End of Life. Northwest Regional Primary Care
Association, Fall Primary Care Conference, Westminster, CO, Oct. 29, 2002
Completing the Continuum of Care: Crisis & Opportunity of Caring Through the End of Life, Loving Care: Reclaiming the End of Life . VNA/Hospice of Monroe County, 20 th Anniversary Celebration, Stroudsburg, PA, Oct. 30, 2002
Dying Well: Reclaiming the End of Life. All Our Relations Hospice & Retreat Centre, Living Well/Dying Well: Two Sides of the
Same Coin, Waterloo, Ontario, Canada, Nov. 1, 2002
Communication & Anticipatory Guidance: Therapeutic Modalities for Aging & Dying Well . Reclaiming the End of Life, Hospice of Wichita Falls, Nov. 12-13, 2002
Completing the Continuum of Life: Reflections on Care, Culture and Community. End-of-Life 2002: The Hospice Approach,
Covenant Hospice, Pensacola, FL, Nov. 15, 2002
Ethics and Compassion in Caring for Our Patients Through the End of Life . Reclaiming the End of Life, Ethics Conference,
Genesis Hospice and Palliative Care, Zanesville, OH, Nov. 20-21, 2002
Dying Well: Beyond Symptoms and Suffering: Human Development at the End of Life. Psychiatry Grand Rounds, Albert Einstein
Medical Center/Belmont, Philadelphia, PA, Nov. 22, 2002
Reclaiming Life’s End: A Professional & Generational Challenge. The Hospice Journey, Lakeview Christian Hospice Care,
Carlsbad, NM, Dec. 5, 2002
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