900 Great Books of the Western World

900 Great Books of the
Western World
• read all (or saw movie)
o read part
- know something of contents
* read another book same author
+ possess in my library
o Adams, Henry: The Henry Adams Reader
The Degradation of the
Democratic Dogma
Democracy: An American Novel
Mont St. Michael and Chartres
o +Adler, Mortimer J.:The Great Ideas: Syntopicon
of Great Books of Western World (1952)
+Aeschylus:The Oresteia (458 BC)
o + Others
o +Aesop: Fables
Agee, James: A Death in the Family
+Alcott, Louisa May: Little Women
• +Alighieri, Dante:The Divine Comedy
Allison, Graham T.:Essence of Decision:
Explaining the Cuban Missile Crisis
• American State Papers:Declaration of
Independence, Articles
of Confederation,
Anderson, Sherwood:Winesburg, Ohio
- +Aquinas, Thomas:Summa Theologica (1267-73)
Arendt, Hannah:Origins of Totalitarianism
The Human Condition (1958)
• +Aristophanes:Comedies
• +Aristotle: Poetics (4th century BC)
• +
Nicomachean Ethics (4th century
• +
Politics (4th century BC)
o +
Other Works
Aron, Raymond:Peace and War: A Theory of
International Relations (1962)
Arrow, Kenneth J.:Social Choice and Individual
Values (1951)
Astell, Mary: Some Reflections Upon Marriage
Audubon, J.J.:The Birds of America (1827-38)
Auerbach E.:Mimesis: the representation of
reality in Western literature
o +Augustine:City of God
o +
o +Aurelius, Marcus: Meditations
• +Austen, Jane:Pride and Prejudice
• +
Sense and Sensibility
Austin, J.L.:How to do things with words
• +Ayer, Alfred J.:Language, Truth and Logic
Ayres, Clarence E.:Science, the False Messiah
o +Bacon, Francis: Essays (1597)
Bagehot, Walter:The English Constitution
Bailyn, Bernard:The Ideological Origins of
the American Revolution (1965)
Bakhtin, M. M.:Rabelais and his world
Balakian, Nona:Critical Encounters
Baldwin, James:Nobody Knows My Name
Notes of a Native Son
Go Tell It on the Mountain
Balzac:Pere Goriot
Eugenie Grandet
Barbellion, W.N.P.:The Journal of a
Disappointed Man
Baring, Maurice:Tinker's Leave
Unreliable History
Baring-Gould, Sabine:John Herring: A West of
England Romance
Barnard, Chester I.:The Functions of the
Executive (1938)
Barthes, Roland:The Pleasure of the Text
Writing Degree Zero (1953)
Barzun, Jacques:The House of Intellect
Baskerville, Geoffrey:English Monks and the
Suppression of the Monasteries
Bates, Marston:The Prevalence of People
Bateson, Gregory:Steps to an Ecology of Mind
Beaglehold, J.C.:The Life of Captain Cook
Beauvoir, Simone de:Force of Circumstance
Beckett, Samuel:Waiting for Godot
Bede (the Venerable), Saint:The
Ecclesiastical History of England (731)
Bell, Daniel:The Radical Right
The Coming of Post-Industrial
Society (1973)
Bellah, Robert N.:The Broken Covenant:
American Civil Religion in a Time of Trial
- Bellow, Saul:Herzog
Mr. Sammler's Planet
• Benedict, Ruth:Patterns of Culture
Benjamin, Walter:Illuminations (1970)
Benveniste, E.:Problemes de linguistique
generale (Problems in gen. ling.
Berger, John:Ways of Seeing (1972)
Berger, Peter L.; Luckmann T.:The Social
of reality: a
treatise in
the soc. of
Bergson, Henry:The Two Sources of Morality and
Creative Evolution
• Berkeley, George:Treatise Concerning the
Principles of Human Knowledge (1710)
Berle, Adolph A., Jr.:Power Without Property;
A New Development in
Amer. Political Eco.
Berlin, Sir Isaiah:Four Essays on Liberty
Bernanos, Georges:The Diary of a Country
Priest (1936)
Berry, Wendell:Recollected Essays, 1965-1980
Bespaloff, Rachel:On the Iliad
- Bettelheim, Bruno:The Empty Fortress:
Infantile Autism and the Birth of Self
Bevan, Aneurin:In Place of Fear
Beveridge, William:The Art of Scientific
Investigation (1951)
Bewick, Thomas:A Memoir of Thomas Bewick
Written by Himself (1862)
o +Bible [King James Version]
Blackmur, Richard P.:Language as Gesture
o +Blake, William:Selected Works
Boas, Franz:The Mind of Primitive Man
o +Boccaccio, Giovanni:Decameron
Bodsworth, Fred:The Last of the Curlews
Bogan, Louise:The Blue Estuaries
Bohr, Niels:Atomic Physics and Human
Bolitho, William:Twelve Against the Gods
Boll, Heinrich:The Clown
Bolling, Richard W.; John Bowles:America's
Competitive Edge
Bolton, Herbert: Rim of Christendom
Bonhoeffer, Dietrich:The Cost of Discipleship
Letters and Papers from
Prison (1953)
Booth, W.C.:The rhetoric of fiction
Borges, Jorge Luis:Doctor Brodie's Report
o +
The Book of Imaginary
Bork, Robert H.:The Antitrust Paradox: A
Policy at War with Itself (1978)
Boswell, James:Life of Samuel Johnson (1791)
Bourjaily, Vance:The Unnatural Enemy
Bowen, Catherine Drinker:Yankee from Olympus
Bowen, Eleanor Smith:Return to Laughter
Brady, Robert:Business as a System of Power
Braudel, Fernand:Civilization and Capitalism,
15th-18th Century
The Mediterranean and the
Mediterranean World in Age of Philip II
- +Breasted, James:The Dawn of Conscience
Bridgman(n), Percy W.:The Way Things Are
o +
The Logic of Modern
Physics (1927)
Briffault, Robert:The Decline and Fall of the
British Empire
Brittain, Vera:Testament of Youth (1933)
Bronowski, Jacob:The Ascent of Man (1973)
o +Bronte, Charlotte:Jane Eyre
o +Bronte, Emily: Wuthering Heights
Brooks, Cleanth:Modern Poetry and the
o +Browning, Robert:Poems
Brunner, Constantin: Sci, Spirit and
Superstition: A New Enquiry into Human Thought
Buber, Martin:I and Thou
Buck, Pearl:The Good Earth
+ Bulfinch, Thomas:The Age of Fable
Bullock, Alan L.:The Harper Dictionary of
Modern Thought
Bunyan, John:Pilgrim's Progress
- Burckhardt, Jakob:Force and Freedom:
Reflections on History
Burke, Edmund:Reflections on the Revolution
in France (1791)
Burke, Kenneth:Attitudes Toward History
Permanence and Change (1935)
Burney, Christopher:Solitary Confinement
Burns, James MacGregor:Roosevelt: The Lion
and the Fox (1956)
o +Burns, Robert:Poems
Burton, Robert:Anatomy of Melancholy (1621)
Burtt, Edwin A.:Metaphysical Foundations of
Modern Physical Science
- Bury, John B.:The Idea of Progress: An Inquiry
into Its Origin and Growth (1920)
+ Butler, Samuel:The Way of All Flesh
o +Byron, Robert:Poems
The Road to Oxiana
Caillois, Roger:Man, Play and Games
Camus, Albert:The Myth of Sisyphus (1942)
The Rebel
The Stranger
The Fall
The Plague
Carpenter, Edward:Towards Democracy
• +Carr, Edward H.:What is History? (1961)
• +Carroll, Lewis:Alice's Adventures in
• +
Through the Looking-Glass
* Carson, Rachel:The Sea Around Us
Cary, Joyce:Art and Reality: Ways of the
Creative Process (1958)
Cather, Willa: My Antonia
Death Comes for the Archbishop
A Lost Lady
Chambers, Frank:The History of Taste
Cycles of Taste
Chandler, Alfred D., Jr.:Strategy and
The Visible Hand
Chaplin, Ralph:Wobbly
Chaucer, Geoffrey:Troilus and Gressida
o +
The Canterbury Tales
Chazal, Malcolm de:Plastic Sense
+Chekhov, Anton:The Three Sisters
• +
The Cherry Orchard (1904)
• +
The Seagull
Uncle Vanya
Chesney, Kellow:The Victorian Underworld
Chesterson, G.K.:The Man Who was Thursday
- +
Chomsky, Noam:Aspects of the theory of syntax
Syntactic structures
Language and Mind (1968)
The sound pattern of English
- Churchill, Winston S.:The Second World War,
Vol. I: The Gathering Storm (1948)
Cioran, Emile:The Temptation to Exist
Clarke, George L.:Elements of Ecology (1954)
Clarke, Peter:Liberals and Social Democrats
Clarke, R. and Hindley, G.:The Challenge of
the Primitives (1975)
Cloos, Hans:Conversation with the Earth
Cobb, Edith:The Ecology of Imagination in
Cochrane, Charles N.: Chris. & Class.Culture:
A Study of Thought &
Action fr.Aug.to
Cohen, Morris R.:Reason & Nature: An Essay on
the Mean.of the Sci. Method
Coleridge, Samuel Taylor:Writings on
The Ancient Mariner
• +
Kubla Khan
Collier, Richard:The Sound of Fury: An Account
of the Indian Mutiny
Collingwood, R.G.:An Essay on Metaphysics
o +
The Idea of History (1946)
Collis, John S.:The Vision of Glory
While Following the Plow
Conant, James:Modern Science and Modern Man
o +Confucius:The Analects
Connolly, Cyril:Enemies of Promise
+Conrad, Joseph:Almayer's Folly
Heart of Darkness
• +
Lord Jim
The Secret Sharer
Cooper, James Fenimore:The Spy
• +
Last of the Mohicans
Cornford, F.M.:Microcosmographia
Academica:Being a Guide for the Young Aca.Pol.
Cousteau, Jacques-Yves:The Silent World
Cover, Robert M.:Justice Accused: Antislavery
and the Judicial Process (1975)
Cox, Oliver Cromwell:Class, Caste & Race: A
Study in Social Dynamics
Cozzens, James G.:Guard of Honor
+Crane, Stephen:Red Badge of Courage
Culler J.:Structuralist poetics:
structuralism, ling.& the study of lit.
Curie, Eve:Madam Curie
Curtis, Charles; Ferris Greenslet:The
r or The
Curtis, E.R.:Europaische Literature und
lateinisches Mittelalter
Custance, John:Wisdom, Madness, and Folly:
The Philosophy of a Lunatic
o +Dana, Richard Henry:Two Years Before the Mast
o +Darwin, Charles:The Descent of Man
o +
(On the) Origin of species
De Beauvoir, Simone:The Second Sex (1949)
+De Cervantes, Miguel:Don Quixote
De Chardin, Pierre Teilhard:The Phenomenon of
De Man, Hendrik:The Psychology of Socialism
(Die sozialistische Idee, 1933)
De Saint-Exupery, Antoine:Wind, Sand & Stars
o +De Tocqueville, Alexis:Democracy in America
De Waal, Frans:Chimpanzee Politics: Power &
Sex Among Apes
Defoe, Daniel:Moll Flanders
o +
Robinson Crusoe
Dermout, Maria:The Ten Thousand Things (1958)
Derrida, Jacques:Writing and difference
Of Grammatology (1976)
Descartes, Rene:Discourse on Method
Meditations on First
Philosophy (1641)
Dewey, John:Experience and Nature
Human Nature and Conduct
Reconstruction in Philosophy
The Quest for Certainty
o +
Democracy and Education (1916)
+Dickens, Charles:Hard Times
Tale of Two Cities
o +
Pickwick Papers
Our Mutual Friend
• +
David Copperfield
Bleak House
Little Dorrit
• +
Oliver Twist
Dinnerstein, Dorothy:The Mermaid and the
Minotaur:Sexual Arrange. & Human Malaise
Djilas, Milovan:The New Class: An Analysis of
the Communist System (1957)
- Dodds, Eric Robertson:The Greeks and the
Irrational (1951)
+Donne, John:Selected Works
• +Dos Passos, John:U.S.A.
• +Dostoevski, Feodor:The Brothers Karamazov
Crime and Punishment
Douglas, Keith:Alamein to Zem Zem
- +Doyle, Sir Arthur Conan:The Adventures of
Sherlock Holmes
Dreiser, Theodore:Sister Carrie
An American Tragedy
+Dumas, Alexandre:The Three Musketeers
Count of Monte Cristo
Dumont, Louis:Homo Hierarchichus (1966)
Dunham, Barrows:The Heretics (1961)
• +Durant, Will:The Story of Philosophy
o +
The Story of Civilization
Durkheim, Emile:Suicide (1897)
Eco, Umberto:A theory of semiotics
Eddington, Arthur:The Nature of the Physical
Stars and Atoms
Einstein, Albert:Sidelights on Relativity
• +
The Meaning of Relativity
On the Method of Theoretical
Eiseley, Loren C.:The Immense Journey (1957)
Eisenstein, Hester; Alice Jardine:The Future
of Difference (1980)
Elias, Norbert:The History of Manners (1978)
The Civilizing Process
+Eliot, George: Middlemarch
o +
The Mill on the Floss
Eliot, T.S.:Collected Poems and Plays
o +
The waste land.
Murder in the Cathedral (1935)
Ellul, Jacques:Technological Society
o +Emerson, Ralph Waldo:Selected Essays and Poems
Empson, William:Seven Types of Ambiguity
• +
- +
The Bacchae (405BC)
The Trojan Women
o +
Other Plays
Fair, Charles:The Dying Self
• +Farrell, James:Studs Lonigan
Farwell, Byron:Queen Victoria's Little Wars
Faulkner, William:Light in August
Absalom! Absalom! (1936)
As I Lay Dying
Intruder in the Dust
The Sound and the Fury
Fausset, Hugh L'Anson:The Lost Dimension
o* Feynman, Richard:The Feynman Lectures on
Field, Joanna:On Not Being Able to Paint
+Fielding, Henry:Tom Jones
Figes, Eva:Patriarchal Attitudes
Fitzgerald, F. Scott:Tender is the Night
The Great Gatsby
- +Flaubert, Gustave:Madam Bovary
• Forster, E.M.:A Passage to India
Foss, Martin:Symbol and Metaphor in Human
Foucault, Michel:The order of things
Discipline and Punish: The
Birth of a Prison
Frank, Jerome:Law and the Modern Mind
• Franklin, Benjamin:Autobiography
Frazer, James:The Golden Bough (1890-1915)
o +Freud, Sigmund:The interpretation of dreams
o +
Selected Works
New Introductory Lectures on
Psychoanalysis (1963)
Freyre, Gilberto:The Masters and the Slaves
+Friedan, Betty:The Feminine Mystique (1962)
o +Frost, Robert:Collected Poems
Fry, Christopher:The Lady's Not for Burning
Fry, Roger:Vision and Design (1920)
Frye, N.:Anatomy of criticism: four essays
Fuchs, V.R.:Who Shall Live? Health, Economics
and Social Choice (1975)
Gabriel, Ralph Henry:The Course of American
Democratic Thought (1940)
Gadamer, H-G:Truth and method
- +Galbraith, John Kenneth:The Affluent Society
Galsworthy, John:The Forsyte Saga
Gaskell, Philip:A New Introduction to
Genette, G.:Figures
Gerschenkron, Alexander:Economic
Backwardness in Historical Perspective
o +Gibbon, Edward:The Decline and Fall of the
Roman Empire
• Gide, Andre:The Counterfeiters
Giedion, Sigfried:Space, Time, and
Gilson, Etienne:The Unity of Philosophical
• +Goethe, J.W. von:Faust (1808)
Goffman, Erving:Interaction Ritual: Essays in
Face-to-Face Behavior (1967)
• +Gogol, Nicolai V.:Dead Souls
Golding, William:Lord of the Flies
• +Goldsmith, Oliver:She Stoops to Conquer
The Vicar of Wakefield
- +Gombrich, E.H.:Art & illusion: a study in the
psychology of pictorial represent.
Gorky, Maxim:Mother
Grant, Robert:The Secret Sayings of Jesus
Graves, Robert:Goodbye to All That
Gray, J. Glenn:The Warriors: Reflections on
Men in Battle
+Greene, Graham:The Power and the Glory
Greene, Thomas:Rabelais: A Study in Comic
+Greer, Germain:The Female Eunuch (1970)
- Habermas, J.:Knowledge and human interests
Halberstam, D.:The Best and the Brightest
o +Hamilton & Madison:The Federalist
Hamilton, Edith:Mythology
• +
The Greek Way
Witness to the Truth
o +Hardy, Thomas:The Return of the Native
Tess of the D'Urbervilles
The Mayor of Casterbridge
Far from the Madding Crowd
Jude the Obscure
Harrington, Alan:Psychopaths
Harrington, Michael:The Other America:
Poverty in the United States
Harrison, Jane:Themis: A Study of the Social
Origins of Greek Religion
Harrod, Roy F.:The Life of John Maynard Keynes
Hartz, Louis:The Liberal Tradition in America
Hawley, Ellis W.:The New Deal and the Problem
of Monopoly, 1934- 1938 (1959)
Hawthorne, Nathaniel:Selected tales
• +
The Scarlet Letter
Hay, Malcolm:The Foot of Pride (Europe & the
Hegel, Georg Wilhelm Friedrich:Philosophy of
The Indepen.
& Depend. of
:Master &
o +
Phenomenology of Mind (1807)
Heidegger, Martin:The Question of Being
What is a Thing?
What is Philosophy?
Being and Time (1927)
Heilbroner, Robert:The Worldly Philosophers
The Great Ascent: The
Struggle for Eco.Dev. in Our Time
Heisenberg, Werner:Physics and Philosophy
Philosophic Problems of
Nuclear Science
Physics and Beyond
Hellman, Lillian:The Little Foxes
+Hemingway, Ernest:The Sun Also Rises
For Whom the Bell Tolls
Short Stories
A Farewell to Arms
• +Herodotus:The Histories (5th century BC)
Hersey, John:Hiroshima
Heyden, A.A.M.; Scullard, H.H.:Atlas of the
Ancient World (1955)
Heyerdahl, Thor:Kon-Tiki
Highet, Gilbert:The Classical Tradition
Hinton, William:Fanshen (1966)
Hirsch, E.D.:Validity in interpretation
Hirsch, Fred:Social Limits to Growth
Hirschman, Albert O.:Development Projects
• +Hobbes, Thomas:Leviathan (1651)
- Hoffer, Eric:The True Believer: Thoughts on
the Nature of Mass Movements(1951)
- +Hofstadter, Douglas:Goedel, Escher, Bach: An
Eternal Golden Braid (1979)
Hofstadter, Richard:The American Political
The Age of Reform: From
Bryan to F.D.R.
Anti-Intellectualism in
American Life
Academic Freedom in the
Age of the College
Hoggart, Richard:The Uses of Literacy (1957)
Holmes, John Clellon:Nothing More to Declare
- Homans, George C.:The Human Group (1950)
Social Behavior: Its
Elementary Forms
o +Homer:The Iliad
• +
The Odyssey
Hooke, S.H.:Middle Eastern Mythology (1963)
Horowitz, Conald L.:Ethnic Groups in Conflict
Hoskins, W.G.:The Making of the English
Howells, William Dean:The Rise of Silas Lapham
Hudson, W.H.:Green Mansions
+Hugo, Victor:Les Miserables
Hunchback of Notre Dame
• +Hume, David:An Enquiry Concerning Human
Understanding (1748)
Huneker, James Gibbons:Iconoclasts, a Book of
Dramatists (1905)
Egoists, a Book of
Supermen (1909)
Unicorns (1917)
Ivory Apes and
Peacocks (1915)
Huntington, Samuel P.:Political Order in
Changing Societies
American Politics: The
Promise of Disharmony (1981)
- Husserl, Edmund:The Paris Lectures (1950)
Huxley, Aldous:Collected Essays
• +
Brave New World
Huxley, Thomas H.:Evolution and Ethics (1893)
• +Ibsen, Henrik:The Wild Duck
When We Dead Awaken
Selected plays
The Master Builder
A Doll's House
An Enemy of the People
Hedda Gabler
Peer Gynt
Ghosts (1881)
Irvine, William:Apes, Angels, and Victorians:
The Story of Darwin, Huxley & Evol.
Iser, W.:The act of reading
Isherwood, Christopher:Prater Violet
Jaeger, Werner W.:Paideia: The Ideals of Greek
Culture (1934)
Jakobson, R.:Closing statement: linguistics
and poetics
+James, Henry:The Turn of the Screw
Daisy Miller
The Ambassadors
o +
Portrait of a Lady
The Americans
James, William:Principles of Psychology
The Varieties of Religious
Janeway, Elizabeth:Man's World, Woman's Place:
A Study in Soc. Mythology (1971)
Jarrell, Randall:Poetry and the Age (1953)
Jaspers, Karl:Reason and anti-Reason in Our
Reason and Existence
Joad, C.E.M.:Introduction to Modern Political
Theory (1924)
Johnson, Chalmers A.: MITI and the Japanese
Miracle: The Growth of Industrial Policy
Johnson, Samuel:Johnson on Shakespeare (1795)
• Jones, Ernest:The Life and Work of Sigmund
Freud (1953-57)
• Jonson, Ben:The Alchemist (1610)
o Joyce, James:Finnegans wake
o +
Portrait of the Artist as a Young
Jung, Carl:Two Essays on Analytical
Psychological Types
Modern Man in Search of a Soul
Psychology and Religion: East and
West (1958)
o +
Memories, Dreams, Reflections
• +Kafka, Franz:The Trial
The Castle
o +Kant, Immaneul:Prolegomena to Any Future
Metaphysics (1783)
Keats, John:Letters of John Keats (1816-20)
o +
Keegan, John:The Face of Battle (1976)
Kelly, Joan:Women, History, and Theory
- Kennan, George F.:Memoirs (1967) 2 vols.
Kent, Frank:The Great Game of Politics
Kerouac, Jack:On the Road (1957)
o +Keynes, John Maynard:The General Theory of
Employment, Interest and Money (1936)
o +Khayyam, Omar:The Rubaiyat
King,Jr., Martin Luther:Stride Toward Freedom
Kipling, Rudyard:Kim
Captains Courageous
Klitgaard, Robert E.:Choosing Elites
Kluger, Richard:Simple Justice (1975)
Knowles:A Separate Peace
+Koestler, Arthur:Darkness at Noon (1940)
Kogon, Eugen:The Theory and Practice of Hell
Kripke, S.a.:Naming and necessity
- +Kuhn, Thomas S.:The Structure of Scientific
Revolutions (1962)
La Barre, Weston:The Ghost Dance
Lacan, J.:Ecrits
- +Lakatos, I.:Falsification & the methodology of
scientific research programmes
Lampedusa, Giuseppe di:The Leopard
o +Lao-Tsu:The Way of Life
Lawrence, D. H.:Women in Love
Sons and Lovers
Lax, David; James Schenius:The Manager as
Le Corbusier:Towards an Architecture (1923)
Lee, Harper:To Kill a Mockingbird
Lenin, Vladimir Ilyich:Polnoe sobranie
sochineny (Complete collected works)
• +
State and Revolution
Levi-Strauss, Claude:Anthropologie
structurale (Structural anthropology)
La pensee sauvage (the
savage mind)
The Elementary
Structures of Kinship
The Raw and the Cooked
• +Lewis, Sinclair:Arrowsmith
• +
Main Street
Lilge, Frederic:The Abuse of Learning:The
Failure of the German University
o +Livy:History (1st century AD)
• +Locke, John:Second Treatise on Government
• +
An Essay Concerning Human
Understanding (1690)
Other Works
o +London, Jack:The Sea Wolf
Martin Eden
Call of the Wild
- Lorenz, Konrad:On Aggression (1963)
Lovejoy, Arthur:The Great Chain of Being
Luce, R. Duncan; Howard Raiffa:Games and
and Critical
o +Lucretius:Of the Nature of Things
Lukacs, John:Historical Consciousness: Or the
Remembered Past
Lynd, Helen:On Shame and the Search for
• +Machiavelli, Niccolo:The Prince (1514)
MacIntyre, Alasdair C.:After Virtue: A Study
in Moral Theory (1981)
Mackay, Charles:Extraordinary Popular
Delusions and the Madness of Crowds
MacLeish, Archibald:J.B.
MacPherson, Crawford B.:The Political Theory
of Possessive
Hobbes to Locke
Madge, Charles:Society in the Mind
Mailer, Norman:The Naked and the Dead
Malinowski, B.:Argonauts of the Western
Pacific (1922)
Malory, Sir Thomas: Le Morte d'Arthur (1485)
Malraux, Andre:Man's Hope
The Voices of Silence
Man's Fate
o +Malthus:Principles of Population
Mandelbaum, Maurice:History, Man, and Reason:
A Study of 19th Century Thought
• +Mann, Thomas:The Magic Mountain
Joseph and His Brothers
Mannheim, Karl:Ideology and Utopia (1929)
Marais, Eugene:The Soul of the White Ant
- Marcuse, Herbert:One Dimensional Man (19640
Maritain, Jacques:The Things that Are Not
Freedom in the Modern World
The Degrees of Knowledge
Man and the State
• Marlowe, Christopher:Doctor Faustus
Marquand, John P.:The Late George Apley
• +Marx, Karl; Engels, F.:The Communist
Manifesto (1848)
o +Marx, Karl:Economic and Philosophical
Manuscripts of 1844
• +
Capital (1867)
Maugham, W. Somerset:Of Human Bondage
Maupassant:Short Stories
Mayr, Ernst E.:The Growth of Biological
Thought (1982)
* McCullers, Carson:A Member of the Wedding
McHarg, Ian L.:Design with Nature (1969)
- McLuhan, Marshall:The Medium and the Massage
McNeill, William H.:Plagues and Peoples
The Rise of the West: A
History of the Human Community (1963)
McPhee, John A.:Encounters with the Archdruid
* Meade, Margaret:New Lives for Old (1956)
Mehta, Ved:The Fly and the Fly-Bottle:
Encounters with British Intellectuals
Melville, Herman:Omoo
Billy Budd
The Confidence-Man; His
Masquerade (1857)
• +
Moby Dick
Merleau-Ponty, M.:Phenomenology of
Metzger, Walter P.:Academic Freedom in the Age
of the University
Miles, Margaret R.:Image as Insight: Visual
Understanding in
W.Christ.& Sec. Culture
• Mill, John Stuart:Utilitarianism
Representative Government
• +
On Liberty (1859)
Miller, Arthur:The Death of a Salesman
Miller, Jonathan:The Body in Question (1978)
• +Mills, C. Wright:White Collar
o +Milton, John:Areopagitica
o +
Paradise Lost
On the Morning of Christ's
Moliere, Jean Baptiste Poquelin de:Selected
Misanthrope (1666)
Monod, Jacques:Chance and Necessity
+Montaigne, Michel de:Essays (1580)
Moore, G.E.:Principia Ethica (1903)
o +More, Thomas:Utopia
• +Morgenthau, Hans J.: Politics Among Nations:
The Struggle for Power and Peace (1948)
Morison, Samuel Eliot:Admiral of the Ocean Sea:
A Life of Christopher
Columbus (1942)
Morrison, Philip & Phylis; Charles,Ray Ames:
Powers of Ten
Muller, Herbert:The Loom of History
Mumford, Lewis:The Culture of Cities
Technics and Civilization
Murasaki, Shikubu:The Tale of Genji
Murray, George Gilbert:Five Stages of Greek
+Nabakov, Vladimir:Lolita
Namier, Lewis:1848: The Revolution of the
Narayan, R.K.:Gods, Demons and Others (1964)
Neumann, Erich:The Origins and History of
Neustadt, Richard E.:Presidential Power
Alliance Politics
Nevins and Commager:A Short History of the
United States
Newman, John Henry:Apologia pro Vita Sua
Niebuhr, Reinhold:Moral and Immoral Society
The Nature and Destiny of
• +Nietzsche, Friedrich:Thus Spoke Zarathustra
and Selected Other works
• +
Beyond Good and Evil
Nisbet, Robert:Prejudices: A Philosophical
Dictionary (1982)
Nomad, Max:Apostles of Revolution
Nordkoff and Hall:The Bounty Trilogy
Norris, Frank:The Octopus
Northrop, F.S.C.:The Meeting of East and West
O'Flaherty, W.D.:Hindu Myths (1975)
O'Hara, John:Appointment in Samarra
O'Neill, Eugene:Plays
Long Day's Journey into Night
The Iceman Cometh
Mourning Becomes Electra
Oakeshott, Michael J.:Rationalism in Politics
and Other Essays (1962)
Onions, Richard:The Orig of Eur.Thought About
the Body, Mind,Soul,World,Time,Fate
Oppenheimer, J. Robert:Science and the Common
Ortega, Jose and Gasset:The Revolt of the
• +Orwell, George:Animal Farm
• +
+Ovid:Metamorphoses (1st century AD)
Packard, Vance:The Hidden Persuaders (1957)
+Paine:Rights of Man
Parkman, Francis:The Oregon Trail
Parsons, Talcott:The Social System (1951)
The Structure of Social
Action (1937)
o +Pascal, Blaise:Pensees (1669)
Paton, Alan: Cry, the Beloved Country
Pepys, Samuel:Diary
Percy, Walker:The Moviegoer (1961)
Pevsner, Nikolaus:Pioneers of Modern Design
Planck, Max:Where is Science Going?
The Philosophy of Physics
Scientific Autobiography
- +Plato:Symposium
• +
• +
- +
• +
Phaedo (4th century BC)
• +
The Republic (c.380BC)
• +
Other Works
• +Plutarch:Lives of the Noble Grecians and
Pocock, D.F.:Understanding Social
Anthropology (1976)
o +Poe, Edgar Allen:Short Stories and Other Works
Polak, Frederik:The Image of the Future:
Enlightening the Past, etc.
- Polanyi, Karl:The Great Transformation (1944)
o +Popper, Karl R.:The Open Society and Its
Enemies (1945)
Conjectures and refutations:
the growth of scientific knowledge
• +
Logik der Forschung (The
logic of scientific discovery)
Objective knowledge: an
evolutionary approach
Potter, David M.:People of Plenty: Economic
Abundance & The American Character
Pound, E.:The cantos of Ezra Pound
Pound, Roscoe: Social Control Through Law
Powell, Anthony:A Dance to the Music of Time
Prall, D.W.:Aesthetic Analysis
Propp, V.Y.:Morfologiya skazki (Morphology of
the folktale)
o +Proust, Marcel:A la recherche du temps perdu
(Remembrance of things past)
o +Quine, W.V.O.:Word and object
+Rabelais:Gargantua and Pantagruel
Radin, Paul: Primitive Man as a Philosopher
Raffel, Burton (trans):Beowulf (1963)
• Rawlings, Marjorie:The Yearling
Rawls, John: A Theory of Justice (1971)
Read, Herbert:Art and Industry (1934)
- Reik, Theodore:Listening with the Third Ear
• +Remarque, Erich Maria:All Quiet on the Western
Front (1928)
Reves, Emery:The Anatomy of Peace (1945)
Ridley, B.K.:Time, Space and Things (1976)
• +Riesmann, David; Reuel Denny; Nathan Glazer:
The Lonely Crowd (1950)
Rilke, Ranier Maria:Poems
• Roberts, Kenneth:Northwest Passage
Robinson, Edwin Arlington:Poems
Rocker, Rudolf:Anarcho-syndicalism
Rolvaag, O.E.:Giants in the Earth
Rossiter, Clinton:The American Presidency
• Rostand, Edmund:Cyrano de Bergerac
Rostand, Jean:Can Man Be Modified? (1956)
Rostovtzeff, Michael: The Social and Economic
History of the Roman Empire
* Rostow, W.W.:How It All Began: Origins of the
Modern Economy (1975)
• +Rousseau, Jean-Jacques:The Social Contract
o +
Ruark, Robert:The Old Man and the Boy
o*+Russell, Bertrand:Principles of Mathematics
Proposed Roads to Freedom
Problems of Philosophy
Sabatier, Auguste:Religions of Authority and
the Religion of the Spirit
Sacks, Oliver:Awakenings (19730
Sakharov, Andrei D.:Progress, Coexistence and
Intellectual Frededom (1968)
Salinger, J.D.:Catcher in the Rye
- Samuelson, Paul A.: Economics (1953)
Sandburg, Carl:Abraham Lincoln
Santayana, George:The Life of Reason
Skepticism and Animal
Sartre, Jean-Paul:L'etre et le neant (Being
and nothingness)(1943)
The Age of Reason
Saussure, F.D.:Cours de linguistique generale
(Course in general linguistics)
Schell, Jonathan:The Fate of the Earth
Schelling, Thomas:The Strategy of Conflict
Schlaifer, Robert:Analysis of Decision Under
Schlesinger, Arthur M., Jr.:The Vital Center:
The Politics of Freedom (1949)
The Imperial
Presidency (1973)
• Schrodinger, Erwin:What is Life?
Schumpeter, Joseph Alois:Capitalism,
Socialism, and Democracy
Schwarz-Bart, Andre:The Last of the Just
- +Scott, Sir Walter:Ivanhoe
Quentin Durward
Searle, J.R.:Speech acts: an essay in the
philosophy of language
Seidenberg, Roderick:Posthistory Man, An
Selznick, Philip:Leadership in
Administration: A
Senden, Marius Von:Space and Sight
Sextus Empiricus:Outlines of Pyrrhonism
Shaara, Michael:The Killer Angels (1974)
Shah, Idries:The Sufis
Shahn, Ben:The Shape of Content
o +Shakespeare, William:Works (Mer.of
• +
Othello (c. 1604)
Shapiro, David:Neurotic Styles (1965)
Shaw, George Bernard:Back to Methusalah
The Devil's Disciple
Saint Joan
• +
Caesar and Cleopatra
Selected Plays and
Heartbreak House
Arms and the Man
Sheehy, Eugene Paul:A Guide to Reference Books
o +Shelley:Poems
Sheridan, Richard:The Rivals
The School for Scandal
Sherwood, Robert:Abe Lincoln in Illinois
o +Shirer, William:The Rise and Fall of the Third
Silone, Ignazio:Bread and Wine (1937)
Sinclair, Upton:The Jungle
Skinner, B.F.:Beyond Freedom and Dignity
o +Smith, Adam:The Wealth of Nations (1776)
Smith, Hedrick: The Russians (1976)
Smith, Henry Nash:Virgin Land: The American
West as Symbol and Myth (1950)
Smith, Wilfred Cantwell:The Meaning and End of
Religion (1962)
• Snow, C.P.:The Two Cultures and the
Scientific Revolution
Solzhenitsyn, Alexander:The First Circle
The Cancer Ward
• +Sophocles:
• +
Oedipus Rex
o +
Oedipus at Colonus
Other Plays
Sorel, George:Reflection on Violence
Souvarine, Boris:Stalin: A Critical Survey of
Bolshevism (1935)
Spade, Mark (Nigel Balchin):How to Run a
Bassoon Factory,
or Business
Explained (1934)
• +Spengler, Oswald:The Decline of the West
o +Spinoza, Benedict:Ethics (1677)
St. Clair, William:That Greece Might Still Be
• +Steinbeck, John: Of Mice and Men
• +
The Grapes of Wrath
+Stendhal: The Red and the Black
+Sterne, Laurence:Tristram Shandy
• +Stevenson, R.L.:Dr. Jekyll & Mr. Hyde
Treasure Island
• +Stowe, Harriet Beecher:Uncle Tom's Cabin
o +Strunk, William:Elements of Style
Swift, Jonathan:Resolutions When I Came To be
• +
A Modest Proposal
Meditations upon a
o +
Gulliver's Travels
Synge, John:Playboy of the Western World
Riders to the Sea
Talbott, Strobe:Endgame: The Inside Story of
• Tawney, R.H.:The Acquisitive Society
Religion and the Rise of
+Thackery, William Makepeace:Vanity Fair
Thomas, Benjamin P.:Abraham Lincoln (1952)
Thompson, E.P.:The Making of the English
working class
Thompson, Flora:Lark Rise to Candleford: A
Thompson, Sir D'Arcy Wentworth:On Growth and
Form (1917)
Thompson, William:At the Edge of History
o +Thoreau, Henry David:Civil Disobedience
o +
• +Thucydides:The History of the Peloponnesian
o +Tolstoy, Leo:War and Peace
The Death of Ivan Ilych (1886)
Anna Karenina
o +Toynbee, Arnold: A Study of History
Change and Habit
Civilization on Trial
+Trevelyan:History of England
Trilling, Lionel:The Liberal Imagination
Trotsky, Leon:History of the Russian
Truman, David B.:The Governmental Process
- +Tuchman, Barbara:The Guns of August (1962)
• Turgenev, Ivan: Fathers and Sons
Turner, Frederick Jackson:The Frontier in
American History (1920)
Turner, V.W.:The Forest of Symbols (1967)
The Ritual Process
• +Twain, Mark:Tom Sawyer
• +
Huckleberry Finn
• +
Connecticut Yankee...
Life on the Mississippi (1883)
Unset, Sigurd:Kristin Lavransdatter
• +Veblen, Thorstein:The Theory of the Leisure
+Virgil:The Georgics
The Ecologues
o +
The Aeneid
Voegelin, Eric:Order and History
• +Voltaire:Candide
* Von Hayek, Friedrich August:The Constitution
of Liberty (1960)
and Economic Order
Von Mises, Ludwig:Socialism
- +Von Neumann, John; Oskar Morgenstern: Theory
of Games and Economic Behavior (1944)
Walter, Norman:The Sexual Cycle of Human
+Walton, Izaak:The Compleat Angler (1653)
Walzer, Michael:The Revolution of the Saints:
A Study in the Origins of Rad.Pol.
Warren, Robert Penn:All the King's Men (1946)
• +Watson, James D.:The Double Helix (1968)
Waugh, Evelyn:Decline and Fall
o +Weber, Max:From Max Weber: Essays in Sociology
o +
On the Methodology of the Social
Science (1904-17)
• +
The Protestant Ethic and the
Spirit of Capitalism (1904)
o +
The Theory of Social and Economic
Organization (1922)
Essays in Sociology
Weil, Simone:Waiting for God
• +Wells, H.G.:War of the Worlds
Tono Bungay
West, E.G.:Education and the State
West, Jessamyn:The Friendly Persuasion
West, Nathaniel:Miss Lonely Hearts
* Wharton, Edith:House of Mirth
Ethan Frome
Wheeler, Mortimer:Rome Beyond the Imperial
+Wheeler-Bennet, Sir John W.:The Nemesis of
Power: The
German Army in
1918-1945 (195
Whitehead, Alfred North:The Aims of Education
and Other Essays (1967)
Modes of Thought
Process and Reality
Adventures of Ideas
• +
Science and the
Modern World (1925)
An Introduction to
Mathematics (1920)
o +Whitman, Walt:Selected Poems
• Whyte, William H.:The Organization Man
Wieman, Henry N:The Source of Human Good
Wiener, Norbert:The Human Use of Human Beings:
Cybernetics & Society (1950)
• Wilde, Oscar:Picture of Dorian Gray
The Importance of Being Earnest
Wilder, Thornton:The Ides of March
Our Town (1938)
Williams, Eric E.:Capitalism and Slavery: The
Williams, Tennessee:The Glass Menagerie
A Streetcar Named Desire
Wilson, Edmund:To the Finland Station (1940)
Axel's Castle: A Study in the Imaginative
Litera. of 1870-1930
Patriotic Gore (1962)
Classics and Commercials
• +Wittgenstein, Ludwig:Tractatus
o +
Untersuchungen/Philosophical investigations
Wolfe, Thomas:Look Homeward, Angel
You Can't Go Home Again
Wolfson, Harry A.:Religious Philosophy (1961)
Woodbridge, Frederick:Nature and Mind
- Woodger, Joseph H.:Biological Principles
o +Woolf, Virginia:To the Lighthouse
o +Wordsworth, William:Selected Poems
Wouk, Herman:The Caine Mutiny
Wright, Lawrence:Clockwork Man (1968)
Wright, Richard:Native Son
- Wylie, Philip:Generation of Vipers (1942)
An Essay on Morals (1947)
Yeats, William Butler:The Autobiography
o +
Collected Poems
York, Herbert F.:Race to Oblivion.
Zimmer, Heinrich:The King and the Corpse
Zola, Emile:Germinal