Me and My Shadow

As a young child, you were probably fascinated with the way your body
could block light, creating a shadow. In this investigation, you will find
that human bodies are not the only bodies casting shadows. Celestial
bodies create shadows, too!
After you have completed this investigation, you should be able to
1. analyze the relative positions of the sun, the moon, and the earth in order to determine the
causes of solar and lunar eclipses.
Prentice Hall “Earth Science” pgs 649-651
straight edge
Activity I
1. Read “Shadow Production” in order to find out how to complete the shadow diagram.
A. Examine Resource Sheet 1, Figure 1, “Shadow Production.”
B. Draw a line starting from point A at the upper edge of your light source,
touching the upper edge of the sphere, ending at the wall.
C. Draw a line starting from point A at the upper edge of your light source,
touching the lower edge of the sphere, ending at the wall.
D. Repeat steps B and C, using point B at the lower edge of the light source as
the starting point for your lines.
E. Label the portion of the wall above your top line, “Full light.”
F. Label the portion of the wall below your bottom line, “Full light.”
G. Label the center section of the wall, “Full Shadow.”
H. Label the remaining two areas of the wall, “Partial Shadow.”
2. Reread the procedure. Highlight the verbs.
Pg 1
3. Complete the procedure, “Shadow Production.”
4. Examine your completed diagram.
5. Examine Figure 2, “Labeled View of the Wall As Seen From the Light Source.”
6. Label each area in Figure 2 as “Full Light,” “Partial Shadow,” or “Full Shadow.”
7. Estimate what percent of the light from the light source reaches the wall in the “Full
Shadow” zone. Justify your response using the diagram.
8. Compare the percentage of light reaching the wall in the three areas illustrated in Figure 2.
Justify your response using the diagrams.
Activity 2
Read each statement. If you agree with the statement, place a  in the Agree column. If
you disagree with the statement, place a  in the Disagree column.
a. The moon’s orbit follows the same plane as the earth’s orbit
around the sun.
b. All solar eclipses occur during a new moon.
c. If you are standing in the penumbra of a solar eclipse, the sun
will be completely hidden by the moon.
d. In order for a lunar eclipse to occur, the moon must be between
the earth and the sun.
e. Eclipses occur every month.
Pg 2
Activity 3
10. Utilize resources provided by your teacher to collect information about various ideas
concerning the causes of solar and lunar eclipses. Write key pieces of information in the
Solar Eclipse
Lunar Eclipse
Phase of Moon
Position of Sun,
Moon, and Earth
Activity 4
11. Read each statement. If, after completing your research, you agree with the statement, place
a  in the Agree column. If you disagree with the statement, place a  in the Disagree
column. Justify your response using information from the resource material.
a. The moon’s orbit follows the same plane as the earth’s orbit
around the sun.
Justification: __________________________________________
b. All solar eclipses occur during a new moon.
Justification: __________________________________________
c. If you are standing in the penumbra of a solar eclipse, the sun
will be completely hidden by the moon.
Justification: __________________________________________
d. In order for a lunar eclipse to occur, the moon must
be between the earth and the sun.
Justification: __________________________________________
Pg 3
e. Eclipses occur monthly.
Justification: __________________________________________
1. Return to Figure 1. Label appropriate areas of the illustration with the terms sun, moon,
earth, full light, umbra, and penumbra. Assume that Figure 1 is modeling a full solar eclipse.
2. Solar and lunar eclipses occur during certain phases of the moon. Draw the alignment of the
earth, moon, and sun that to produces each type of eclipse. Describe what object blocks the
3. Explain why a total solar eclipse may last no longer than 7 ½ minutes, but a total lunar
eclipse may last much longer. Justify your response using references provided by your
teacher and prior knowledge. (Hint: think about the size of the object casting the shadow)
Pg 4
Challenge Question
Due to the 5 tilt of the moon’s orbit, total lunar and solar eclipses only have the
chance of occurring during two brief periods in most years.
4. Support the statement in the box. Justify your response using information from the resources
and prior knowledge. Labeled drawings may be used to support your answer.
Pg 5
Pg 6