Planning Committee AREA East PARISH Blofield 1 APPLICATION NO: 20051694 TG REF: TG 633057/309545 LOCATION OF SITE Manor Farm, Yarmouth Road DESCRIPTION OF DEVELOPMENT 1. Change of use of agricultural land to par 3 18 hole ‘pay and play’ golf course 2. Floodlit driving range 3. Clubhouse, car park and means of access APPLICANT Mr & Mrs G Pointer, Fields View, Old Yarmouth Road, Blofield, Norwich, NR13 4JS AGENT T Millard, T A Millard East Anglia Ltd, Britannia House, 4553 Prince of Wales Road, Norwich, NR1 1BL Date Received: 21 November 2005 8 Week Expiry Date: 16 January 2006 1 THE PROPOSAL 1.1 The application site area of 33.5 hectares is currently in agricultural use. This relates to land on the south side of Yarmouth Road, extending to the south and west as far as drains leading into Witton Beck and to the east as far as dwellings on St Andrews Way and Brundall Road. 1.2 The proposal seeks change of use of the agricultural land to a par 3 ’18 hole pay and play’ golf course, floodlit driving range, club house and car park, all served by a new access proposed direct from/onto Yarmouth Road (west of existing former agricultural buildings). An illustrative layout supports the application as well as both an Environmental Impact and Transport Assessment. 1.3 In respect of the golf course, this will generally follow the shape of the existing topography. Greens will need to be reasonably flat, albeit subject to some contouring and the bunker features will need to be created. However, the balancing of material associated with achieving these features will ensure that the re-profiling is minimised and localised. The course is compact and covers a smaller site area than an earlier planning approval for a golf course – see Section 7 ‘Planning History’. Significant areas of landscaping are proposed where the application site adjoins or is near to existing residential properties and Yarmouth Road. 1.4 There will be no water features created on the site and a 5 metre buffer strip is proposed between the course features and the nearest drain run. 20051694 Manor Farm, Yarmouth Road, Blofield 1 February 2006 Planning Committee 1.5 The floodlit driving range is located on a predominantly north – south alignment. The driving bays are illustrated at the northern end of the site to the rear of no.’s 16 and 18 (Manor Farm Residential Home), Yarmouth Road. This will be floodlit and extends for a maximum width of 170 metres and maximum length of 280 metres. 1.6 A new means of access is proposed on the south side of Yarmouth Road together with associated visibility splays. This leads to the proposed car park and club house illustrated to the west of the driving range. The visibility splays and point of access will cut back into an existing embankment fronting Yarmouth Road. 1.7 This proposal is a revised submission following withdrawal of an earlier application last year (ref: 20050772). The means of access has been moved further to the west to increase visibility. The golf course layout has been altered to create a 5 metre wide buffer zone with all water courses. The driving range has been moved westwards further away from residential properties and rotated clockwise to more of a north – south alignment. Finally, additional landscaping has been included along the Yarmouth Road frontage and adjacent to residential properties. 1.8 The application has been further revised since submission in respect of the means of access. The visibility splay to the east (back towards the built-uppart of Blofield) has, upon the recommendation of the Highway Authority (given surveyed traffic speeds and counts in the vicinity of the site), been increased from 4.5m x 120m to 4.5m x 160m by moving the point of vehicular access further to the west. The visibility splay to the west is also 4.5m x 160m. 2 CONSULTATIONS 2.1 Blofield Parish Council: The Parish Council appreciates the effort being made with regard to the lighting of the driving range but would like confirmation that closing time would be 10 pm. 2.2 Brundall Parish Council: Supports the application. However concern expressed about the leaching of chemicals into Run Dike and suggests some form of gulley to stop waste water running directly into the dike. 2.3 Postwick Parish Council: No objections 20051694 Manor Farm, Yarmouth Road, Blofield 1 February 2006 Planning Committee 2.4 Sport England East: Sport England has published a land-use planning policy statement on behalf of sport, “Planning Policies for Sport” (November 1999), which sets out our involvement in, and commitment to, the land-use planning system. Planning Policy Objective 10 of this document supports the development of new facilities that will secure opportunities to take part in sport, and which can be achieved in a way that meets sustainable development objectives. Planning Policy Objective 28 of the above document relates specifically to the development of new golf facilities. This objective supports the development of additional facilities for golf, in appropriate locations, which meet an identified need and, in particular, encourages the provision of “pay and play” facilities. The former Eastern Council for Sport and Recreation (now Sport England East Region) carried out regional assessments of golf provision in 1991 and 1992 in a document titled “The Future for Golf.” This identified a shortfall of 6 pay and play golf courses in Norfolk. The Norwich and Great Yarmouth areas were identified as priority locations for new pay and play courses at the time. Sport England’s minimum recommended requirements for golf course provision arising from the assessment was that one 18-hole unit should be provided per 25,000 population in Norfolk. In 1991, Broadland district had a ratio of one 18hole unit per 41,000 and 2005; the ratio is one 18-hole unit per 24,000 population. Sport England’s new Active Places Power database shows that Broadland district currently has 0.76 holes per 1000 population, compared with regional and national averages of 0.81 and 0.79 holes per 1000 respectively. This provides a broad indication of how the supply of golf courses in the district in strategic terms compares to elsewhere. Sport England believes that if participation in golf is to be significantly increased, different forms of provision will be needed, such as floodlit driving ranges and par 3 and 9-hole courses. These will enable people new to the game, or with only limited time, to take part. They will also help to attract people currently under-represented, such as young people, women and girls, and people from economically disadvantaged groups. Sport England recommended in the “Future for Golf” document that a golf driving range should be provided within the catchment of, and close to, every town in the region (i.e. population of 20,000). At present, Broadland district has 0.29 driving bays per 1000 population, compared with a county average of 0.23. In addition, there are currently six driving ranges in the Norwich and Great Yarmouth areas. As the proposal would accord with planning policy objective 10 of Sport England’s land use planning policy statement, I would have no objection to the principle of the development. In assessing whether the facility is needed, the Council is recommended to consider the above advice, together with any local circumstances for justifying such a proposal. 20051694 Manor Farm, Yarmouth Road, Blofield 1 February 2006 Planning Committee Please note that these comments do not relate to the technical specifications of the new facilities. The Future for Golf document provides guidance on the design and technical issues associated with planning golf courses, including course design, driving ranges and essential facilities that should be accommodated in clubhouses. If planning permission is forthcoming, I would be grateful if you could advise the applicant that the Golf Foundation, a charity that promotes and develops junior golf (and has the support of golf’s national governing bodies), would welcome the applicant consulting them on any proposals for developing junior golf at the proposed golf course, as they can offer their experience to help ensure the success of the proposals. 2.5 English Nature: Our main concern centres on the potential reduction in water quality within Witton Beck, through the effects of fertiliser and herbicide inputs. The Beck flows into the Yare Broads and Marshes SSSI which is a component of the Broads SAC, Broadland SPA and Ramsar site. According to the ES, the proposal is expected to involve less inputs than would normally be required by a golf course of this nature, and usage is likely to be less than that currently utilised for agricultural purposes. We also note that a buffer zone between the proposed development and the principle watercourses will provide a further safeguard for the water environment. We believe the inclusion of the buffer zone should be made a condition of the planning permission, if granted. A 5 metre strip should be left between the proposed golf course and margins of the watercourses, as recommended in the Phase 1 survey carried out by Norfolk Wildlife Service (NWS). This area should also only be cut once a year. The buffer zone will not only provide additional protection for the watercourses, but will also avoid disturbance to any water voles that may be present within the banks. We understand that the survey work – undertaken in January 2005 – was not carried out at the optimal time of year to detect the presence of some species of flora and fauna. (Please refer to page 7 of Norfolk Wildlife Services Phase 1 Survey: “Additional surveys are recommended for water vole and otter; reptiles; breeding birds”). However, as the development is to take place on arable land, the change of use is unlikely to be significant. Additional surveys may be necessary for bats and breeding birds if cutting back/removal of hedges or trees is to occur. (Please also refer to page 7 of Norfolk Wildlife Services Phase 1 Survey: “Any cutting back of hedges or trees should occur outside the breeding season for birds, i.e. October to end February”). The proposal to enhance the margins of the watercourse to benefit wildlife is to be welcomed. We note that this will be undertaken in conjunction with the Local Planning Authority through the implementation of a “landscape enhancement scheme” and a sensitive management regime. We look forward to commenting on this scheme at the detailed design stage. In addition to the 20051694 Manor Farm, Yarmouth Road, Blofield 1 February 2006 Planning Committee margins there is also an opportunity to improve the landscape for wildlife away from the watercourse by incorporating trees and small blocks of scattered scrub into the design, and applying suitable wildflower mixes into areas of rough, where appropriate. 2.6 Norfolk County Council – Highways: No objections to the proposal subject to conditions. 2.7 Norfolk County Council – Strategic Planning: I note that the site lies within an Area of Important Landscape Quality as set out in the adopted Broadland Local Plan (July 2000). Background As you will be aware the County Council commented on an earlier proposal for a golf course on this site (Application No.2002/0184) in March 2002. No strategic planning policy objection was previously raised subject to the following proposed mitigation being conditioned: Ensuring that an area approximately 10-20 metres either side of the Brook (valley bottom) is protected for wildlife and conservation purposes; and The surrounding land (i.e. to be used as a Golf course) is designed sensitively to maximise the landscape and wildlife value of the area. Strategic Assessment Policies ENV1 and N6 of the adopted Norfolk Structure Plan (1999) indicate that high priority will be given to protecting the environmental assets of the County and conserving the bio-diversity. In addition Policy ENV4 of the Structure Plan states that the distinctive character of the Norfolk countryside will be protected for its own sake. The current detailed application shows the location of a clubhouse and introduces a driving range, which as I understand it was not part of the original proposal. The golf course and clubhouse elements of the application do not raise any strategic planning policy concerns subject to the proposed mitigation outlined above. However, the introduction of a driving range does give rise to concerns as this will bring a different degree of urbanisation into this wedge of countryside compared to golf course (i.e. the driving range will be floodlit and will presumably need to be fenced off for safety reasons). Therefore the proposal in its current form (i.e. including the driving range) is considered contrary to Policies ENV1, ENV4 and N6 of the Structure Plan and 20051694 Manor Farm, Yarmouth Road, Blofield 1 February 2006 Planning Committee as such the County Council would wish to raise a strategic planning policy objection. However, if the District council is minded to approve the application I would ask that you take into account the County Council’s previously suggested mitigation measures (see above). Local Member View The Local County Council member (Chris Mowle) fully supports the golf course element of this application but has some reservations concerning the floodlit driving range. 2.8 Norfolk County Council – Public Rights of Way: Confirms that there are no formal objections on public rights of way grounds to the proposal. 2.9 Broads Authority: No objection 2.10 Business Support and Leisure Manager: I am happy to support this application. A facility such as proposed in the application would provide another valuable leisure facility within the district which in turn would lead to added local employment opportunities. I believe this sits comfortable with our Economic Development & Tourism Strategy, and draft Culture & Leisure Strategy. 2.11 Norfolk Landscape Archaeology: If planning permission is granted we ask that this be subject to a condition for a programme of archaeological work in accordance with PPG16. We will provide a Brief for the first Programme of Archaeological Work. 2.12 Kings Lynn Consortium of Internal Drainage Boards: No comment 2.13 Norfolk Wildlife Trust: On the basis of the information provided we have no objection to the development on condition that a plan for enhancement of the ecology of watercourse corridors and the areas of floodplain adjacent to Run Dyke is implemented, as set out in the submitted Environmental Statement. 20051694 Manor Farm, Yarmouth Road, Blofield 1 February 2006 Planning Committee 2.14 Environment Agency: We have the following comments to make: Pollution Prevention The application, as submitted, does not sufficiently consider pollution control. The pollution of ground water and/or surface water is an offence under the Water Resources Act 1991. The application site is within zone 3 of our groundwater protection zone, this means that any pollution reaching the groundwater would be pulled towards, and potentially abstracted at a public drinking water supply borehole. Instead of using traditional methods of pollution control, consideration should be given to sustainable drainage schemes, e.g. porous paving. These schemes are encouraged as they aid in flood prevention, water conservation, and improve the quality of surface water run off. We therefore recommend that the following condition is appended to any approval granted. This approach is supported by Policies CS2, CS3 and CS13A of the Broadland Local Plan Replacement – Revised Deposit 2004. Condition: Where appropriate, all surface water drainage from parking areas and hard standings susceptible to oil contamination should be dealt with using sustainable drainage techniques. Where it can be demonstrated that these methods do not work, surface water run-off shall instead be discharged via trapped gullies designed and constructed to have an overall capacity and details compatible with the site being drained. Reason: To ensure a satisfactory method of pollution control. Supplementary Information: In addition to the above, the applicant should also consider the following: Any fertiliser applications should be within the application rates stated within the Code of Good Agricultural Practice for the Protection of Water. If oil tanks are to be located on site, please note that the storage of oil (except waste oils) is regulated under the Control of Pollution (Oil Storage) (England) Regulations 2001. The regulations apply to industrial, commercial and institutional sites storing more than 200 litres of oil and private dwellings storing more than 3,500 litres. 20051694 Manor Farm, Yarmouth Road, Blofield 1 February 2006 Planning Committee Only clean, uncontaminated water may be discharged to any watercourse or soakaway. Water Resources Our main concern is the issue of how the proposed golf course will be irrigated. We have checked our borehole records and can confirm that we have no record of a borehole at Manor Farm, Blofield. There is also no current abstraction licence relating to Manor Farm. Under the Water Resources Act (2003) abstraction of up to 20 cubic metres per day from either a groundwater or surface water source is possible without an abstraction licence. If the applicant wishes to abstract a quantity of water in excess of this, an application will have to be made for an abstraction licence (see letter of 7 October 2005). Our own research into water requirements for golf courses suggests that a daily rate in excess of this will be required. The land in question is situated in the tidal section of the River Yare hydrometric catchment. Our technical guide (2001) indicates that the groundwater resource in this catchment is fully committed, so it is our policy not to issue any new groundwater abstraction licenses. The nearest surface watercourse is the Witton Run, which borders the site. The summer surface water resources in the Broadland area are also fully committed, so a new licence will not be granted to abstract from this river during the irrigation season itself. Given the above, there are 2 options for securing a supply of water to irrigate the golf course grass, 1) Water Trading, 2) construction of a Winter Storage Reservoir. The trading in water rights is an initiative encouraged by the Water Act 2003, whereby water may be obtained from a party who already has an abstraction licence and is prepared to reduce their licensed quantity so that another party (such as the golf course owners) may apply for a licence for that surrendered amount. It is the responsibility of the interested party to approach existing licence holders with a proposal. Due to fully committed summer surface water, the construction of a water storage reservoir is the only circumstance remaining where the golf courses application for its own abstraction licence is likely to be determined favourably. Winter surface water is still available for licensing, so by abstracting water from the Witton Run, for example, during the months of November – March, the required amount may be stored and then used, as required, throughout the summer months. 20051694 Manor Farm, Yarmouth Road, Blofield 1 February 2006 Planning Committee In previous correspondence, reference was made to a metered supply of potable water for the piggery. Is this supply connected to the borehole or is it mains water? If it is mains water it is not licensable and cannot be traded to enable abstraction from the borehole. The above comments are supported by Policy ENV24 of the Broadland Local Plan Replacement – Revised Deposit 2004. Ecology Any proposed development affecting this area of land should fully take account of the existing biodiversity value of the site. We therefore recommend that a baseline ecological survey of the site is carried out so that, should any development be permitted on the site, the main features of conservation interest are retained, or enhanced where possible. In particular, there will be a need to protect the floodplain of the Witton Run, and to retain a wide corridor of semi-natural habitat adjacent to the Witton run, which is designated Main River. The location map supplied with the application indicates that there are a number of side ditches connected with or adjacent to the Witton run. We would expect these to be retained should permission for a change of use be granted. We request that the applicant provides plans showing the final layout of the site and highlighting areas where ecological enhancements can be made, along with a brief plan outlining future management of these areas for the benefit of biodiversity. The approach is supported by Policies ENV3 and ENV5 of the Broadland Local Plan Replacement – Revised Deposit 2004. Sustainable Development In order to minimise the use of resources and the production of waste, we suggest that the proposed buildings on-site incorporate principles of sustainable construction and design. These include passive systems using natural light, air movement and thermal mass, as well as solutions involving energy produced from renewable sources. There is the opportunity to install water efficiency and water saving devices in buildings on the proposed development. Water butts, low flush toilets and efficient appliances would be obvious measures, but there may be opportunities for more innovative techniques such as grey water recycling. This approach is supported by Policy ENV2 of the Broadland Local Plan Replacement – Revised Deposit 2004. 20051694 Manor Farm, Yarmouth Road, Blofield 1 February 2006 Planning Committee Foul Drainage The foul drainage from the proposed development may be discharged to a septic tank and soakaway system which meets the requirements of British Standard BS6297:1983 and which complies with the following:(a) there is no connection to any watercourse or land drainage system and no part of the soakaway system is situated within 10 metres of any ditch or watercourse, or within 50 metres of a well, borehole or spring. (b) Porosity tests are carried out to the satisfaction of the Local Planning Authority to demonstrate that suitable subsoil and adequate land area is available for the soakaway (BS6297:1983 refers). No trade effluent may be discharged to the septic tank. Any discharge to ground from a septic tank of over 2 cubic metres per day requires our formal consent. It should be noted that our comments on private drainage systems are made only on the understanding that no public foul sewer is available to serve the development. Advice to Applicant In addition to the above, we would like to offer the following advice to the applicant: Informatives: In order that the applicant and the Local Planning Authority are aware of our legislation which may affect the proposed development, the following Planning Informatives should be attached to any approvals. Please note that our formal consent is required irrespective of any planning approvals/permissions granted. Consent is not implied by these comments. Under the terms of the Water Resources Act 1991 and the Land Drainage Bylaws, the prior written consent of the Agency is required for any proposed works or structures in, under, over or within 9 metres of the top of the bank of the main river (Witton Run). Any culverts or works affecting the flow of a watercourse requires the prior written Consent of the environment Agency under the terms of the Land Drainage Act 1991/Water Resources Act 1991. We seek to avoid culverts and consent for such works will not normally be granted except as a means of access. 20051694 Manor Farm, Yarmouth Road, Blofield 1 February 2006 Planning Committee In England, the storage of oil (except waste oils) is regulated under the Control of Pollution (Oil Storage)(England) Regulations 2001. The regulations apply to industrial, commercial and institutional sites storing more than 200 litres of oil and private dwellings storing more than 3,500 litres. Officer Comment It would appear that the Environment Agency (EA) did not receive a copy of the Environment Impact Assessment which deals with many of the points made by the EA. A copy has been made available to them and further comments are awaited. 3 PUBLICITY 3.1 Site Notice: Expiry date 28 December 2005 3.2 Press Notice: Expiry date 27 December 2005 3.3 Neighbour notification: Relevant properties in the following locations were consulted: Blofield Yarmouth Road; Brewster Court; Saint Andrews Way; Brundall Road; Frogs Hole; Stocks Lane Brundall Links Avenue; Highfield Avenue, Golf Links Road; Grovebury Close; Lackford Close; Westfield Road; Meadow View; Deacon Close; Latest expiry date 30 July 2005 4 REPRESENTATIONS 4.1 Mrs D H Philpott, 38 Westfield Road, Brundall: 20051694 Manor Farm, Yarmouth Road, Blofield 1 February 2006 Planning Committee No objections to golf course and club house but objects to floodlit driving range. This is a rural area and will light the night time sky meaning it will be seen for miles. The intensity of light will be great and will spoil my view. 4.2 Mr R Kerridge, The Golf House, Golf Links Road, Brundall: If the valley is to be developed at all then this would be a most suitable use. I feel the recently developed barns should have been part of this application . 4.3 CPRE Norfolk: Strongly opposed to this development. The site is surrounded by housing in Blofield and Brundall on most sides. The local amenity and environment will be totally spoilt by this development. A floodlit driving range will cause a light pollution nuisance to local residents. The sloping site and water courses are an unsuitable location for the course in their own right. The maintenance of the greens etc will lead to pollution of local dykes, ditches and waterways. The site only allows a par three course. Under the Culture and Leisure strategy a more varied course, rather than one entirely of par three holes is in order - and not here. Besides, how many golf courses do we really need? The site is an important piece of undeveloped land between Blofield and Brundall villages. Any change of use from agricultural land should be vigorously opposed. There is a case for a Countryside Stewardship Scheme or something similar as an alternative use to traditional farming. CPRE, both nationally and locally, has strongly campaigned against light pollution in the countryside. Floodlit driving ranges are of particular concern in this respect. Excessive and poorly directed lighting not only destroys our view of the night sky it also suburbanises open countryside. Nothing more effectively signals the arrival of the town into the rural landscape than the introduction of urban style lighting. The proposed driving range at Blofield is in open countryside in an area that is currently unlit and which is classified, by Norfolk County Council in its Environmental Lighting Zones policy, as Rural Dark Landscape. Such landscapes are recognised by Norfolk County Council as being a special feature of Norfolk and worthy of protection. If the go-ahead is given for the driving range please bear in mind the following: 1 Ensure that the hours that the floodlights are switched on are kept to a minimum. 20051694 Manor Farm, Yarmouth Road, Blofield 1 February 2006 Planning Committee 2 Ensure that any other outdoor lighting on the golf course development, additional to the lights used to floodlight the driving range, is kept to a minimum and only switched on when required – i.e. no dusk to dawn lighting. 3 Ensure that all outdoor lights are properly directed so that they only illuminate the area intended and that light spill is kept therefore to a minimum. Full flat glass cut-off lights achieve this purpose. They should be mounted horizontally to the ground and not tilted upwards or outwards in any way. 4 Keep the height of lighting poles as low as possible. 5 White light sources are more effective at achieving a usable level of illumination and are far less suburbanising than either orange low pressure sodium or pink high pressure sodium lights. There are some good quality low-energy white lamps available for outdoor lighting purposes – notably fluorescent and ceramic metal halide fitments. One of the main problems associated with the lighting of golf driving ranges is that the lights provided are often pointed directly outwards from one end of the range in order to illuminate the entire length of that range. This style of lighting is visible over great distances, even when mounted at relatively low levels. To avoid this form of light pollution the lighting needs to be from overhead (using full flat class cut offs) and pointing directly downwards. 5 RELEVANT POLICY GUIDANCE 5.1 PPS1 Delivering Sustainable Communities: Planning Policy Statements (PPS) set out the Government’s national policies on different aspects of land use planning in England. PPS1 sets out the overarching planning policies on the delivery of sustainable development through the planning system. 5.2 PPS7 Sustainable Development in Rural Areas: Sets out the government’s policy in rural areas including country towns and villages and the wider, largely undeveloped countryside up to the fringes of large urban areas. 5.3 PPS9 Biodiversity and Geological Conservation: Sets out planning policies on protection of biodiversity and geological conservation through the planning system. 5.4 PPG13 Transport: 20051694 Manor Farm, Yarmouth Road, Blofield 1 February 2006 Planning Committee Provides advice on the integration of transport and land-use planning 5.5 PPG16 Archaeology and Planning: Sets out the Government’s policies on archaeological remains on land and how they should be preserved and recorded 5.6 PPG17 Planning for Open Space, Sport and Recreation: Open spaces, sport and recreation all underpin people’s quality of life. Well designed and implemented planning policies for open space, sport and recreation are therefore fundamental to delivering broader government objectives which include: supporting an urban renaissance; supporting a rural renewal; promotion of social inclusion and community cohesion; health and well being; and promoting more sustainable development. 5.7 Norfolk Structure Plan: 5.8 Policy ENV1: High priority will be given to protecting the environmental assets of the County and conserving and enhancing biodiversity. In particular there will be special emphasis given to the protection, conservation and enhancement of areas of local landscape character, wildlife value, historic urban or rural environments, the setting of urban areas, towns and villages and the quality and character of the environment generally. 5.9 Policy ENV4: The distinctive character of the Norfolk countryside and coast will be protected for its own sake and proposals for development in these areas but outside the areas of special protection will only be acceptable where they do not significantly harm the character of these areas. 5.10 Policy N6: A high priority will be given to the protection of the environmental assets of the Norwich Policy Area with special regard to the historic setting of the City. In particular, inappropriate development will not be permitted in specified areas (defined in Local Plans including Areas of Landscape Value). 5.11 Policy SR1: Proposals for new or improved sporting facilities will be acceptable, subject to environmental and infrastructure considerations. 20051694 Manor Farm, Yarmouth Road, Blofield 1 February 2006 Planning Committee Supporting text indicates current priorities for facilities includes, amongst others, ‘pay and play’ golf courses in the Norwich and Great Yarmouth areas. 5.12 Broadland District Local Plan (adopted 2000): The site is outside and in part adjacent the development boundary. It is all within a wider area of important landscape quality and adjoins an area at risk of flooding. 5.13 Policy GS1: New development will normally be accommodated within the development boundaries. Outside these boundaries, development proposals will not be permitted unless they comply with a specific allocation and/or policy of the Plan. 5.14 Policy GS3: Sets out general considerations to be taken into account in all new development proposals, including access, residential amenity, the character and appearance of the surrounding area, nature conservation, agricultural land, building conservation and utilities and services. 5.15 Policy ENV1: Seeks to protect and enhance the character and appearance of the countryside for its own sake and the landscape setting of villages and other urban areas. 5.16 Policy ENV2: For all development proposals a high standard of layout and design will be required with regard given to the scale, form, height, mass, density, layout, energy efficiency, landscape, access and the use of appropriate materials. This will include the consideration of the appearance and treatment of spaces between and around buildings and the wider setting of the development taking into account the existing character of the surroundings. 5.17 Policy ENV3: A site survey of all natural or semi-natural features maybe necessary and a comprehensive landscaping scheme submitted with detailed planning applications. 5.18 Policy ENV4: Requires, where appropriate the protection and promotion of natural or seminatural features such as trees and hedges. Where possible, compensating 20051694 Manor Farm, Yarmouth Road, Blofield 1 February 2006 Planning Committee features will be required where development is allowed which would result in the loss of important features. 5.19 Policy ENV5: Development in or near a site of special scientific interest or local nature reserve or any statutorily defined area of nature conservation importance, which would damage its special interest will not be permitted. 5.20 Policy ENV7: Protects the inherent visual qualities of Areas of Important Landscape Quality and may permit development appropriate to the general location where it is not detrimental to the character, scenic quality or visual benefit of the area. 5.21 Policy ENV20: Seeks to ensure that ancient monuments, other nationally important archaeological sites and monuments and their settings are not adversely affected by development and that where there is no overriding case for preservation, agreements should be reached to provide for evaluating and recording the details contained on the site. 5.22 Policy ENV21: Development will not be permitted on agricultural land classified as Grade 1, 2 or 3a unless special justification can be shown and the development is directed towards land of the lowest classification. 5.23 Policy ENV25: Development that would, in the District Council’s opinion, have a significant adverse impact on the quality or character of the Broads Area will not be permitted. 5.24 Policy EMP9: Outside development boundaries or employment areas identified under policy EMP1, permission for new employment activities will not be granted unless it accords with policies EMP6, EMP8, EMP10, EMP11 or ENV15, or where they meet specific criteria. 5.25 Policy EMP11: The District Council will support the diversification of farm enterprises subject to criteria 5.26 Policy TRA4: 20051694 Manor Farm, Yarmouth Road, Blofield 1 February 2006 Planning Committee Development will not be permitted where it would endanger highway safety or the satisfactory functioning of the local highway network. In appropriate cases, a traffic impact study will be required. 5.27 Policy TRA6: In new developments, adequate parking and manoeuvring space will be required in accordance with the Council’s adopted parking guidelines. 5.28 Policy RL1: The Local Planning Authority will normally support proposals for the provision of additional sport and recreational facilities of an appropriate scale, provided that there is no significant noise pollution to the surrounding environment. 5.29 Policy RL3: The District Council will normally support proposals to create golf courses, subject to a number of criteria. 5.30 Policy CS3: Proposals for new development will only be permitted if they can be properly serviced or agreement reached to ensure development does not proceed in advance of services being provided. 5.31 Policy CS12: Within development boundaries commercial undertakings concerned with recycling of waste will be permitted on land allocated or used for industry unless detrimental to the locality. 5.32 Policy CS13: Where development is permitted as an exception to Policy CS12, appropriate flood protection and mitigation measures will be required. 5.33 Policy CS14: Development likely to result in increased flood risk in areas downstream due to additional surface water run off will not be permitted. Where development is permitted, appropriate alleviation or mitigation measures will be required by the developer. 5.34 Broadland District Local Plan Revised Deposit (incorporating proposed modifications): 20051694 Manor Farm, Yarmouth Road, Blofield 1 February 2006 Planning Committee The site is outside but part adjacent the settlement limit and within a wider Area of Landscape Value. 5.35 Policy (RD) GS1: New development will only be accommodated within the settlement limits for the Norwich fringe parishes, market towns and villages. Outside these limits, development proposals will not be permitted unless they comply with a specific allocation and/or policy of the Plan. 5.36 Policy (RD) GS4: Sets out general considerations to be taken into account in all new development proposals, including access, residential amenity, the character and appearance of the surrounding area, nature and conservation, agricultural land, building conservation and utilities and services. 5.37 Policy (RD) ENV1: The environmental assets of the district, including the character and appearance of the countryside and towns, villages and urban areas, will be protected and their enhancement sought. 5.38 Policy (RD) ENV2: For all development proposals a high standard of layout and design will be required, with regard given to specified criteria. 5.39 Policy (RD) ENV3: Developers will be expected to make adequate arrangements for future maintenance of landscaped areas, including management for nature conservation where appropriate. 5.40 Policy (RD) ENV4: Planning permission will not be given for a development proposal which would be likely to result in harm to a protected species or its habitat, unless measures will be taken to ensure that the species or habitat is protected. 5.41 Policy (RD) ENV5: Where appropriate, natural or semi-natural features such as trees, woodland, hedgerows, heathlands, rivers, streams, lakes and ponds etc will be protected, the establishment of new features sought and appropriate management promoted. 20051694 Manor Farm, Yarmouth Road, Blofield 1 February 2006 Planning Committee 5.42 Policy (RD) ENV6: Development in or near a site of special scientific interest or local nature reserve or national nature reserve which would damage its special interest will not be permitted. 5.43 Policy (RD) ENV8: Protects the inherent visual qualities and distinctive character of Areas of Landscape Value. Development will only be permitted where this is not detrimental to the character, scenic quality or visual benefit of the area. 5.44 Policy ENV20: All sites of development proposals which appear to raise archaeological issues will be subject to an evaluation of their archaeological significance. 5.45 Policy ENV21: Where development of agricultural land is unavoidable, areas of poorer quality land should be used in preference to that of a higher quality, except where other sustainability considerations suggest otherwise. Development will not be permitted on the best and most versatile land (classified as Grades 1, 2 or 3a) unless special justification can be shown. 5.46 Policy (RD) ENV24: In the consideration of development proposals regard will be taken of the availability of water resources and the effect of increased abstraction on environmental water needs. 5.47 Policy (RD) ENV25: Development that would have a significant adverse impact on the quality or character of the Broads Area will not be permitted 5.48 Policy (RD) EMP6: Outside settlement limits, new employment activity will be permitted where it is adequately demonstrated that an overriding need for a countryside location exists. 5.49 Policy (RD) EMP9: Proposals to diversify farm businesses will be permitted subject to criteria. 5.50 Policy (RD) TRA11: 20051694 Manor Farm, Yarmouth Road, Blofield 1 February 2006 Planning Committee Development will not be permitted where it would endanger highway safety or the satisfactory functioning of the local highway network. 5.51 Policy (RD) RL1: Additional sports and recreational facilities of an appropriate scale, to serve local needs will be permitted subject to criteria. 5.52 Policy (RD) RL3: Proposals for recreation facilities which require extensive areas of land in the countryside, such as golf courses and driving ranges will be permitted subject to criteria. 5.53 Policy CS2: Surface water drainage from new developments should be by way of a sustainable drainage system where appropriate. 5.54 Policy (RD) CS3: Development will not be permitted within areas around potable ground water sources or over areas of vulnerable aquifers which, poses an unacceptable risk to the quality of underlying ground water. 5.55 Policy (RD) CS13A: Development will only be permitted where it will not result in a significant adverse environmental impact; including the effects on health, the natural environment, and general amenity. 5.56 Economic Development & Tourism Strategy: Introduction and strategic aims “…assist, sustain and enhance, the local economy and the businesses operating within the district” 5.57 Draft Culture & Leisure Strategy: Vision To make culture and leisure count for more in Broadland. To ensure that delivery of culture and leisure contributes directly to the achievement of the aims and objectives of the Broadland Community Plan. Aim 20051694 Manor Farm, Yarmouth Road, Blofield 1 February 2006 Planning Committee Culture and leisure are worthwhile because of what they do for people, communities and organisations, both directly and indirectly. Our aim is for more people to have the opportunity to enjoy culture and leisure services and facilities so as to improve the quality of life in Broadland – for themselves, for their communities and for future generations. 5.58 Biodiversity – Supplementary Planning Guidance (SPG) for Norfolk: This guidance seeks to emphasise the importance of adopting a positive approach to biodiversity protection and enhancement and sets out the key considerations relating to wildlife and biodiversity that should be taken into account in all development proposals. Nb. Broadland District Council has not adopted this as SPG; therefore it is only informal guidance/advice. 6 LOCATION AND DESCRIPTION OF SITE 6.1 The application site area of 33.5 hectares consists of open countryside currently in agricultural use (classified as Grade 2 agricultural land on the Predictive Agricultural Land Classification Map). This relates to land on the south side of Yarmouth Road, extending to the south and west as far as drains leading into Witton Beck and to the east as far as dwellings on St Andrews Way, Yarmouth Road and Brundall Road. This forms part of a wider ‘area of landscape value’ identified in both the local plans as open land between Blofield and Brundall to maintain the separation between the villages. 6.2 The new access road lies to the west of existing agricultural buildings and will be formed through an existing embankment and hedge fronting Yarmouth Road. Visibility splays will be required in both directions and at this point Yarmouth Road is subject to a 60 mph speed limit. 6.3 The topography of the site is relatively level to the north and north-east and at the location of the proposed club house, car park and driving range bays. Site levels then begin to fall both to the east, south-east, south, west and northwest. Here the land falls towards drains connecting into Witton Beck which itself drains into the River Yare and Yare Broads and Marshes SSSI which is a component of the Broads SAC, Broadland SPA and Ramsar site. 6.4 The site is visible from adjacent roads, footpaths, residential properties and is particularly visible from the parish of Brundall to the south. 7 PLANNING HISTORY 7.1 20050772: 20051694 Manor Farm, Yarmouth Road, Blofield 1 February 2006 Planning Committee 1. Change of use of agricultural land to par 3 18 hole ‘pay and play’ golf course 2. Floodlit driving range 3. Clubhouse, car park and means of access. Withdrawn 3 October 2005 7.2 20021436: Demolition of existing farm buildings, construction of hotel and leisure facility and associated car parking (Outline) without complying with condition 1 on planning permission 990811 (submission of Reserved Matters before 2 November 2002). Approved 11 December 2002 7.3 20020184: Renewal of PP 951307 Golf Course and Clubhouse (Outline). Withdrawn 10 March 2003 7.4 990811: Variation of condition 1 of Planning Permission 95.0758 to allow the submission of Reserved Matters to 31 October 2002, and removal of condition 3 and 12 of Planning Permission 95.0758 relating to submitted plans. Approved 28 October 1999 7.5 951307: Golf Course and clubhouse (Outline). Approved 1 February 1999, subject to related S106 legal agreement. 7.6 950758: 1) Demolition of existing farm buildings 2) Construction of hotel, leisure facility, and associated car parking (Outline). Approved 30 November 1995 7.7 901305: Golf course. Approved 3 December 1990, subject to related S106 legal agreement. 8 APPRAISAL 8.1 The main issues for consideration are firstly development plan policy in terms of the acceptability of the principle of the proposal and secondly detailed issues relating to the impact of the proposal on the amenities of the area and highway safety. 20051694 Manor Farm, Yarmouth Road, Blofield 1 February 2006 Planning Committee 8.2 The site lies outside of the development boundary/settlement limit in both local plans, policies GS1/(RD) GS1 and ENV1/(RD) ENV1. However, the development plan being the structure plan (sp), adopted local plan (alp) and revised deposit local plan (rdlp) all contain policies which lend weight to the proposal – in particular policies (sp) SR1; (alp) RL3; and (rdlp) RL3. Agricultural diversification policies are also relevant (alp) EMP11 and (rdlp) EMP9. 8.3 Planning permission has existed on this site and additional land to the west for construction of a larger mixed-par golf course together with other leisure facilities (see section 7 Planning History). Whilst these various permissions have now lapsed, they are considered to be material considerations in respect of the principle of the golf course. Reference is also made to the comments of Sport England East (paragraph 2.4). The principle of the golf course is therefore considered to be acceptable. 8.4 Although the site area relates to existing agricultural land and which is grade 2, the majority of the land will remain as greenfield which, if necessary, could revert back to agricultural use in the future. Previous consultations with DEFRA regarding a golf course on this site have not raised this as a significant issue given that the land could be reverted back to agricultural use. In this respect it is considered that there is no fundamental conflict with policies (alp) ENV21 and (rdlp) ENV21. 8.5 The land comprising the application site and beyond is important as maintaining the separation between the settlements of Blofield and Brundall. It is considered that the golf course proposal will not undermine the landscape policies (alp) ENV7 and (rdlp) ENV8 which seek to maintain the quality and visual benefit of this given that the majority of the site will remain as greenfield. 8.6 In terms of pollution, ecology and water resources associated with the proposals, the comments of English Nature, Norfolk Wildlife Trust and the Environment Agency are particularly relevant. 8.7 Having received the comments of the Environment Agency it would appear that they did not have before them the Environmental Statement when commenting. A copy has been made available to them and further comments have been requested. 8.8 However, in respect of their current comments: Pollution Prevention – policies (rdlp) CS2, (RD) CS3 and (RD) CS13A recommend imposing requested condition; Water Resources – policies (rdlp) (RD) ENV24 - the very nature of the proposal is such that the amount of watering involved is likely to be much less than a full size mixed par golf course. There is the opportunity here to grow areas of longer grass which are mown/treated less frequently and are designed to incorporate wildlife corridors – see Ecology below. For extraction 20051694 Manor Farm, Yarmouth Road, Blofield 1 February 2006 Planning Committee greater than 20 cubic metres per day a licence would be required from the Environment Agency; Ecology – policies (alp) ENV3, 4 and 5 and (rdlp) (RD) ENV 3, 4, 5 and 6 - a survey has been completed by Norfolk Wildlife Services Ltd. See comments of both English Nature and Norfolk Wildlife Trust (paragraphs 2.5 and 2.13 in this report). A landscape/ecology enhancement/management plan would be required as a condition for the benefit of biodiversity (the applicant proposes this); Sustainable Development – policies (alp) ENV2 and (rdlp) (RD) ENV2 guidance to be offered at the detailed design stage of buildings; Foul Drainage – (rdlp) (RD) CS3 and CS13A - can be dealt with by condition 8.9 In terms of the comments of English Nature, the buffer zone to be provided by the course layout is important for reasons of further safe guarding the water environment and protecting wildlife. It is noted that as the golf course itself is on arable land the change of use is unlikely to be significant. Finally the landscape enhancement/management plan proposed by the applicant is to be welcomed. Norfolk Wildlife Trust endorses this view. 8.10 Whilst in the adopted local plan part of the Witton Beck was shown to be within an area at risk of flooding, this is no longer the case in the revised deposit local plan. The Environment Agency has therefore made no comment on the matter of floodrisk. 8.11 There are considered to be no fundamental concerns or policy conflicts with regard to the proposed club house and car park. These are very much ancillary features to the primary use of golf course. Further details would be required in respect of siting, design, external appearance, external lighting, drainage etc. and these would need to be made the subject of conditions. 8.12 In terms of archaeology, a programme of archaeological work can be made a condition of approval in accordance with policies (alp) ENV20 and (rdlp) ENV20. 8.13 In terms of residential amenity policies (alp) GS3 and (rdlp) (RD) GS4, there is considered to be little impact in terms of the golf course. The course layout itself is compact and away from dwellings and highways alike. Furthermore, significant areas of the site near to dwellings and Yarmouth Road are intended to be the subject of landscaping which will have added wildlife/ecological value. The scheme of landscaping which would also deal with levels and regrading would need to be the subject of a condition. There has only been one resident’s letter of objection to the proposal and that relates to the floodlit driving range. This element is examined below. 20051694 Manor Farm, Yarmouth Road, Blofield 1 February 2006 Planning Committee 8.14 In respect of the driving range, this part of the proposal has raised objections from the County Council (Strategic Planning); the CPRE, a local resident, and a degree of concern expressed by Blofield Parish Council. 8.15 The driving range is located on a predominantly north – south alignment. The driving bays are illustrated at the northern end of the site to the rear of no.’s 16 and 18 (Manor Farm Residential Home), Yarmouth Road. The driving range will be floodlit and extends for a maximum width of 170 metres and maximum length of 280 metres. 8.16 The driving range itself is complimentary to the golf course and in terms of day time use raises no significant issues, neither does the illustrated position of the driving range bays. Further details would be required in respect of siting, design, external appearance, drainage etc. and these could be controlled through conditions. 8.17 The concerns raised relate to illumination of the driving range (evening use), its impact upon the landscape in an otherwise dark location and impact upon residential amenity and highway users, policies (alp) GS3, ENV1, 2, 7 and TRA 6 and (rdlp) (RD) GS4, ENV1, 2, 8 and TRA11. It is quite possible for the lighting of the driving range to create a nuisance for those living in the immediate vicinity if appropriate steps are not taken. The sources of light are those associated with the driving range bays as well as the lighting of the general target area (range). 8.18 Containment of the lighting in the bays will be achieved by ensuring that it is recessed behind fascias and is directionally downwards facing. With regard to lighting of the target area, this will be by way of a combination of type and direction of lantern and provision of landscaping (no formal means of enclosure is proposed). With regard to the type (including height and position) of lantern, the need for designs to provide maximum cut-off and avoidance of light spillage is necessary. 8.19 A ‘grampian type’ or negative condition could be imposed prohibiting development of this part of the proposal (floodlighting) until a satisfactory floodlighting/landscaping scheme has been submitted to and approved by the Local planning Authority. In addition to this a suitable evening cut-off time would need to be applied to the use of the driving range and floodlighting (hours of operation condition). 8.20 It is acknowledged that lighting in the countryside is a sensitive issue and there are competing comments expressed with regard to the recreational benefit this would provide compared to landscape impact. On balance and having regard to the level of control which the Local Planning Authority could apply to this part of the proposal it is considered acceptable. 8.21 In respect of the means of access, this had caused initial concerns with the Highway Authority regarding the length of visibility splay available to the east. A subsequent traffic count analysis of speed and vehicle numbers undertaken 20051694 Manor Farm, Yarmouth Road, Blofield 1 February 2006 Planning Committee at the point of the proposed access demonstrated that vehicle speeds were such that an increased splay to the east was required if the proposal was to be regarded as acceptable in terms of highway safety. Given the length of site frontage to Yarmouth Road within the applicants control it has been possible to adjust the visibility splays in both directions to suit the requirements of the Highway Authority and revised plans have been received incorporating these adjustments. In this respect the means of access is now considered acceptable. 8.22 The site frontage incorporates changing levels, the road level falls to the west and the site area to the south of this is in part at a higher level creating an embankment. This will need to be cut into to form both the point of access onto Yarmouth and the visibility splay to the west. Whilst this will have en impact upon the existing land form and the current visual appearance of this part of the site, it is not considered to be significantly detrimental to the area. Furthermore, landscaping will help mitigate the impact of the proposed works. 8.23 Having regard to all matters raised it is considered that this is a good location for a ‘pay and play’ golf course and associated facilities and subject to imposing conditions is an acceptable development. 8.24 The application is reported to Committee given the Strategic landscape objection from the County Council. RECOMMENDATION: APPROVE subject to the following conditions: (1) The development hereby permitted shall be begun before the expiration of three years from the date of this decision. (2) The development hereby permitted shall not be carried otherwise than in accordance with the following drawings: i. Drawing no. 2200/03/04 Revision B received 27 January 2006 ii. Drawing no. 2200/01/01 Revision B received 27 January 2006 (3) Prior to development commencing details of the siting, design external appearance and landscaping of the clubhouse, car park and driving range bays shall be submitted to and approved by the Local Planning Authority and shall be carried out in accordance with the approved details. (4) Prior to the first occupation of the development hereby permitted, the vehicular access shall be constructed in accordance with the Norfolk County Council industrial access construction specification, and additionally to accord with details to be approved in writing by the Local Planning Authority, for the first 20051694 Manor Farm, Yarmouth Road, Blofield 1 February 2006 Planning Committee 2.5 metres into the site as measured back from the near edge of the adjacent carriageway. (5) The gradient of the vehicular access shall not exceed 1:12 for the first 5 metres into the site as measured from the near edge of the highway carriageway. (6) Prior to development commencing on site, a visibility splay shall be provided in full accordance with the details indicated on drawing no. 2200/03/04 Rev B. The splay shall thereafter be maintained free from any obstruction exceeding 0.225 metres above the level of the adjacent highway carriageway. (7) The access shall be constructed with adequate drainage measures to prevent surface water run-off onto the adjacent public highway, in accordance with a detailed scheme submitted to and approved in writing by the Local Planning Authority, in consultation with the Highway Authority. (8) Means of access to and egress from the development hereby permitted onto/from Yarmouth Road shall only be via the new access shown on drawing no. Drawing no. 2200/01/01 Revision B. (9) The development authorised by this permission in so far as it relates to the floodlighting of the driving range shall not begin until the Local Planning Authority has approved in writing a full scheme of works relating to: i. Floodlight unit types ii. Height and position of floodlights iii. Measurers to prevent light spillage beyond the driving range (the driving range area as shown on drawing no. 2200/01/01 Rev A iv. Lighting plot showing lux levels proposed inside and outside the driving range boundaries The floodlighting of the driving range shall not be commenced until those works have been completed in accordance with the Local Planning Authority’s approval. (10) The floodlighting of the driving range and driving range bays shall not be operated (switched on) after 21:00 hours each evening. (11) The layout plan required under condition 2 above shall include full details of the area reserved for on-site parking/servicing/loading/unloading/turning of vehicles which shall be provided in accordance with the Councils standards. Such facilities shall be laid out, demarcated, levelled, surfaced and drained in accordance with the approved plan and shall be available prior to the first 20051694 Manor Farm, Yarmouth Road, Blofield 1 February 2006 Planning Committee commencement of the use hereby permitted. The facilities shall be retained thereafter available for that specific use. (12) Where appropriate, all surface water drainage from parking areas and hard standings susceptible to oil contamination should be dealt with using sustainable drainage techniques. Where it can be demonstrated that these methods do not work, surface water run-off shall instead be discharged via trapped gullies designed and constructed to have an overall capacity and details compatible with the site being drained. (13) Notwithstanding the submitted details, prior to the commencement of development details for the disposal of foul sewage shall be submitted to and approved by the Local Planning Authority. The works shall be carried out as approved and available for use prior to first occupation of the club house. (14) No development shall take place within the site area until the applicant or agents or successors in title, has secured the implementation of a programme of archaeological work in accordance with a written scheme of investigation which has been submitted by the applicant and approved in writing by the Local Planning Authority. (15) The premises hereby permitted shall be used for a golf club house only and for no other purpose (including any other purpose in Class D2 of the Schedule to the Town and Country Planning (Use Classes) Order 1987, as amended, or in any provision equivalent to that Class in any statutory instrument revoking or re-enacting that Order with or without modification). (16) Concurrently with the details required to be submitted in respect of condition 2 the following details shall be submitted to and approved by the Local Planning Authority and shall be carried out in accordance with the approved details: (17) i. scheme of landscaping for golf course, driving range and areas specified as ‘landscaping area’ on Drawing no. 2200/01/01 Revision B to include what new trees, shrubs, hedges and grassed areas are to be planted/retained together with details of the numbers, density, species and method of planting to be adopted and timetables for implementation; ii. what treatment is proposed for all hardened surfaces; iii. what walls, fences or other means of enclosure are proposed, together with full details there of; iv. details of all proposed level changes associated with construction of the means of access, golf course and driving range; Any trees, shrubs, hedges that are removed, die or become, in the opinion of the Local Planning Authority seriously damaged or defective within five years 20051694 Manor Farm, Yarmouth Road, Blofield 1 February 2006 Planning Committee of planting shall be replaced with specimens of a similar size and species as originally required. (18) Prior to the commencement of the use hereby permitted a landscape/ecology enhancement/management plan, including management /regime responsibilities and maintenance schedules for all areas including the golf course, driving range, perimeter landscaping and watercourse corridors/margins shall be submitted to and approved by the Local Planning Authority. The landscape/ecology enhancement/management plan shall be carried out as approved. (19) In addition to the requirements of condition 9 full details all other external lighting shall be submitted for approval to the Local Planning Authority prior to commencement of the development hereby permitted. The works shall be undertaken in accordance with the approved details. Reasons(s): (1) In accordance with Section 91 of the Town and Country Planning Act 1990, as amended. (2) For the avoidance of doubt and to ensure the permission relates to the application, as amended. (3) To ensure the Local Planning Authority is informed of the details which are not contained in the present application and to ensure the satisfactory development of the site in accordance with Policy GS3 of the Broadland District Local Plan and Policy (RD)GS4 of the Broadland District Local Plan Revised Deposit (including proposed modifications). (4) To ensure satisfactory access to and egress from the site in accordance with Policies GS3 and TRA4 of the Broadland District Local Plan and Policies (RD)GS4 and TRA11 of the Broadland District Local Plan Revised Deposit (including proposed modifications). (5) In the interest of highway safety in accordance with Policies GS3 and TRA4 of the Broadland District Local Plan and Policies (RD)GS4 and TRA11 of the Broadland District Local Plan Revised Deposit (including proposed modifications). (6) In the interest of highway safety in accordance with Policies GS3 and TRA4 of the Broadland District Local Plan and Policies (RD)GS4 and TRA11 of the Broadland District Local Plan Revised Deposit (including proposed modifications). (7) To prevent extraneous material being deposited on the highway in the interest of highway safety in accordance with Policies GS3 and TRA4 of the Broadland 20051694 Manor Farm, Yarmouth Road, Blofield 1 February 2006 Planning Committee District Local Plan and Policies (RD)GS4 and TRA11 of the Broadland District Local Plan Revised Deposit (including proposed modifications). (8) In the interest of highway safety in accordance with Policies GS3 and TRA4 of the Broadland District Local Plan and Policies (RD)GS4 and TRA11 of the Broadland District Local Plan Revised Deposit (including proposed modifications). (9) To ensure the proper development of the site without prejudice to the amenities of the area, residential amenity or highway safety, and in accordance with Policies GS3, ENV2 and TRA4 of the Broadland District Local Plan and Policies (RD)GS4, ENV2 and TRA11 of the Broadland District Local Plan Revised Deposit (including proposed modifications). (10) To safeguard the amenities of the adjacent residential properties in accordance with Policy GS3 of the Broadland District Local Plan and Policy (RD)GS4 of the Broadland District Local Plan Revised Deposit (including proposed modifications). (11) To ensure the satisfactory development of the site without prejudice to the amenity of the site or to road safety in accordance with Policies GS3, TRA4 and TRA6 of the Broadland District Local Plan and Policies (RD)GS4 and TRA11 of the Broadland District Local Plan Revised Deposit (including proposed modifications). (12) To ensure a satisfactory method of pollution control in accordance with policies (RD) CS3 and CS13A of the Broadland District Local Plan Revised Deposit (including proposed modifications). (13) To ensure a satisfactory method of pollution control in accordance with policies (RD) CS3 and CS13A of the Broadland District Local Plan Revised Deposit (including proposed modifications). (14) To enable the County Archaeologist to keep a watching brief on the site in accordance with Policy ENV18 of the Broadland District Local Plan and Policy (RD)ENV18 of the Broadland District Local Plan Revised Deposit (including proposed modifications). (15) The site of this proposal lies outside an area in which the Local Planning Authority normally permits development and permission has only been granted because of the need for a sports club house in association with the permitted golf course/driving range on this site. This enables consideration as to whether other uses would be acceptable on this site taking into account the development plan. (16) In the interest of maintaining the amenity value of the area in accordance with Policies GS3 and ENV4 of the Broadland District Local Plan and Policies 20051694 Manor Farm, Yarmouth Road, Blofield 1 February 2006 Planning Committee (RD)GS4 and (RD)ENV5 of the Broadland District Local Plan Revised Deposit (including proposed modifications). (17) To ensure the provision of amenity afforded by the proper maintenance of existing and/or new landscape features in accordance with Policies GS3 and ENV3 of the Broadland District Local Plan and Policies (RD)GS4 and (RD)ENV3 of the Broadland District Local Plan Revised Deposit (including proposed modifications). (18) In the interest of maintaining the amenity value of the area in accordance with Policies GS3 and ENV4 of the Broadland District Local Plan and Policies (RD)GS4 and (RD)ENV5 of the Broadland District Local Plan Revised Deposit (including proposed modifications). (19) To ensure the Local Planning Authority is informed of the details which are not contained in the present application and to ensure the satisfactory development of the site in accordance with Policy GS3 of the Broadland District Local Plan and Policy (RD)GS4 of the Broadland District Local Plan Revised Deposit (including proposed modifications). Reason for decision: This application has been considered against the development plan for the area, namely the Norfolk Structure Plan, adopted Broadland District Local Plan and Broadland District Local Plan Revised Deposit (incorporating proposed modifications). The following policies are relevant to the proposal - (sp) SR1; (alp) GS1, GS3, ENV1, ENV2, 3, 4, 5, 7,20, 21, EMP11, TRA4, and RL3; (rdlp) (RD) GS1, GS4, ENV1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 8, 20 and 21, EMP9, TRA11, RL3, CS2, 3 and 13A. Regard has also been taken of the Economic Development and Tourism Strategy and Draft Culture & Leisure Strategy. It is considered that the proposals represent an acceptable diversification of a farm business and which is in line with development plan policy. There is an identified priority for facilities such as pay and play golf courses and the driving range and other facilities proposed provide a beneficial recreational facility. The means of access has been revised and there are now no objections from the Highway Authority. Subject to conditions which are necessary in order to make the development acceptable in terms of the wider amenity of the area it is considered that the proposal represents an acceptable form of development. Given the above, the proposed development is therefore in accordance with the policies of the development plan. 20051694 Manor Farm, Yarmouth Road, Blofield 1 February 2006 Planning Committee Informative(s) 1. The applicant/developer is hereby advised that they must conform to any protected species/wildlife protection provisions affecting the application site – see appropriate comments of Environment Agency, English Nature and Norfolk Wildlife Trust. 2. The applicants/developers attention is drawn to the attached comments of Sport England East and in particular their reference to the Golf Foundation. 3. The applicants/developers attention is drawn to the attached comments of the Environment Agency and in particular to the following:- 4. i) Under the terms of the Water Resources Act 1991 and the Land Drainage Bylaws, the prior written consent of the Agency is required for any proposed works or structures in, under, over or within 9 metres of the top of the bank of the main river (Witton Run). ii) Any culverts or works affecting the flow of a watercourse requires the prior written Consent of the environment Agency under the terms of the Land Drainage Act 1991/Water Resources Act 1991. We seek to avoid culverts and consent for such works will not normally be granted except as a means of access. iii) In England, the storage of oil (except waste oils) is regulated under the Control of Pollution (Oil Storage) (England) Regulations 2001. The regulations apply to industrial, commercial and institutional sites storing more than 200 litres of oil and private dwellings storing more than 3,500 litres. The applicants/developers attention is drawn to the following documents in formalising a landscape/ecology enhancement/management plan for the site: i) Biodiversity – Supplementary Planning Guidance (SPG) for Norfolk ii) Planning Policy Statement 9 - Biodiversity and Geological Conservation iii) Letters from Environment Agency, English Nature and Norfolk Wildlife Trust. Furthermore, in addition to proposals to enhance the margins of the watercourse there is also an opportunity to improve the landscape for wildlife away from the watercourse by incorporating trees and small blocks 20051694 Manor Farm, Yarmouth Road, Blofield 1 February 2006 Planning Committee of scattered scrub into the design and applying wildflower mixes into areas of rough, where appropriate. 5. This development involves works within the public highway that can only be carried out by Norfolk County Council as Highway Authority. A quotation for the works to be carried out within the highway will be sent to the applicant/developer in due course. 20051694 Manor Farm, Yarmouth Road, Blofield 1 February 2006