Macbeth Study Guide Name_______________________Date________________Per.____ THIS PACKET DUE: _______ Act I, scene i 1. What is the rhyme scheme of this scene? Why does Shakespeare use this scheme? ________________________________________________________________________ 2. NOTE: One of the most important ideas that runs through the entire play is established in next-tolast line. Write down the line and memorize it. What does the line mean? ______________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ 3. a. b. c. What color is associated with the witches?_______________ What does this color symbolize as an archetype?__________, __________, _________ Because of Shakespeare’s use of this color, are we to assume the witches’ statements will be good, or evil? Why? ____________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________________ scene ii 1. There are great battles going on. What is the report that the sergeant brings? ____________________________________________________________________________________ 2. What 3 adjectives describe Macbeth in these passages?___________, ____________, __________ 3. As the sergeant reports another assault, he begins the animal imagery that is to be so important throughout the play. Tell the animals MacBeth and Banquo are associated with. ____________________________________________________________________________________ 4. a. After Ross brings news of a great victory, Duncan condemns the Thane of Cawdor. What did the Thane of Cawdor do that he should deserve death?____________________ ____________________________________________________________________________________ b. To whom does Duncan now give the title “Thane of Cawdor”?_____________________ scene iii 1. a. What is the line that Macbeth speaks upon entering, that reflects the same idea that was established in scene 1? “_________________________________________________.” Natural Order note: One of the main tenets (view, or belief) that Elizabethans had was that all things in the universe had appointed forms and functions. Further, they believed that if one element was out of order, other portions of the universe might reflect this disorder. In this scene, we see a clear indication that the witches are to be associated with disorder. b. What characteristics are there about the witches that are especially unnatural? _________________________________________________________________________ 2. How do the witches address Macbeth?______________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________ 3. What can we guess from Macbeth’s startled reaction to the witches’ prophecy? __________________________________________________________________________ 4. The single most important image in the play is initiated in this speech by Banquo. It is called “the harvest image”. Quote the 3 lines where he first establishes this image. _________________ _______________________________________________________________________________ Panicacci Junior English CP 1 5. What is the prophecy that the witches give to Banquo? __________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________________ 6. What is the news that Ross and Angus bring? __________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________________ 7. Another important image is established regarding clothing. What is the image? _________ _______________________________________________________________________________ 8. What does Macbeth reveal about his ambitions in the “aside”? ____________________________ _______________________________________________________________________________ There is one further use of the image of the “borrowed clothing” in this scene. Give the quote and the line numbers where the image appears.____________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________________ scene 4 (iv) 9. 1. 2. What does Duncan mean when he says, “I have begun to plant thee and will labor to make thee full of growing? _________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________________ What does Duncan promise Banquo? ________________________________________________ 3. How does Banquo use the harvest image in this scene? _______________________________ _______________________________________________________________________________ 4. 5. What title does Duncan settle on Malcolm, his son? _____________________________________ a. How does Macbeth react to this?__________________________________________________ b. 6. We see a very clear image in this scene: Light versus Dark. It is used to express an idea that was started earlier-- Appearance vs. reality (Fair is foul, and foul is fair….) The very last line, “It is a peerless kinsman” spoken about Macbeth by Duncan, is an example of irony. Why is this line ironic? (2 reasons) ____________________________________________ Who is truly the better man? _______________ scene 5 (v) 1. 2. a. What verse form is used as Lady Macbeth reads the letter aloud? _____________________ b. Why does Shakespeare use this form? _____________________________________________ 2. Lady Macbeth gives an insight into her husband’s character. In a sentence or two, give her view of what kind of man he is at this point in the play. ______________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________________ 3. a. When Lady Macbeth learns that Duncan is coming to their castle, she appears to resolve herself to a steady course of action. What is it? _______________________________________ b. In her speech, we find at least 2 ideas that have appeared before. What are they? ________ _______________________________________________________________________________ c. What images are used?______________________________________________________ Panicacci Junior English CP 2 4. Near the end of the scene, Lady Macbeth gives her husband some advice. Paraphrase her advice here: _____________________What idea does the advice relate to? (see above, scene 4, question 5b)____________________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________________ scene 6 (vi) Lady Macbeth has spoken of the “raven…that croaks that fatal entrance of Duncan”. Ironically, what do Banquo and Duncan remark as they come to the palace? __________________ _______________________________________________________________________________ scene 7 (vii) 1. 1. a. In the opening soliloquy, we see Macbeth’s misgivings (doubts). What are 3 arguments he gives against killing Duncan? i)_______________________, ii.) ________________________, iii.) _______________________________ Another phrase for doubts or misgivings: __________ b. Why does he hesitate in committing himself to doing the crime? Is it morality or expediency? _______________________________________________________________________________ c. What does he identify as his own motive? “ ________________________________.” 2. Macbeth uses the borrowed robes image. What does this passage mean? ______________ _______________________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________________ 3. His wife, in her desire to spur her husband on to action, says that she would bash out the brains of her nursing child rather than break an oath, as Macbeth is doing. To what Elizabethan idea does this relate? (see above, scene iii, Natural Order note on page 1) ___________________________ _______________________________________________________________________________ 4. What is their plan for the guards? ___________________________________________________ 5. What rhyme scheme appears at the very end of this scene? __________________ Of what idea is Shakespeare reminding the audience ? ________________________________________________ Act II, scene i 1. What is Banquo’s attitude when Macbeth asks that they spend some time in talk about the prophecies? ____________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________________ 2. What is it that Macbeth thinks he sees (vision)?________________________________________ 3. What state of mind does this apparition suggest ?_______________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ 4. What device does Shakespeare employ both at the end of the soliloquy and at the end of the scene? ______________________________________________________________________________ Act II, scene ii 1. What surprising scruple does Lady Macbeth reveal at the beginning of the scene? ____________ ______________________________________________________________________________ Definition of “scruple”: ___________________________________________________________ Panicacci Junior English CP 3 2. Macbeth does commit the murder, but he is quite undone (mentally shaken up) afterward. List 6 things that show his precarious mental condition. i. _______________ii. _______________ iii.______________ iv. ___________________ v. ________________ vi. __________________ 3. Lady Macbeth, at this point, seems to be very much in control. What does she mean when she says, “A little water clears us of this deed” ? ________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________________ (NOTE: This line later proves ironic. Remember who said it, and under what circumstances.) Act II, scene iii 1. NOTE: The porter and his drunken discourse are examples of comic relief. Comic relief is just that—relief from the tension of a very dramatic scene that is provided by some comedy. 2. Lennox reports a night of terrible events. According to the Elizabethans, why has nature been so disordered this night?_________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________________ 3. Do you think Lady Macbeth actually faints? _____ Why or why not? ______________________ 4. How does Macbeth use the garment image? ______________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________________ Act II, scene 4 1. a. At the beginning of this scene, the Old Man and Ross are discussing some of the unnatural events of the night. List three of these dreadful incidents: i) _____________________, ii) _____________________________, iii) _________________________________. b. Duncan’s sons are now under suspicion of patricide. Why? ________________________ The act of killing a parent is: _____________ The act of killing one’s father: ____________ 2. a. b. Who uses the garment image at the end of the scene? __________ Give the quote here: “____________________________________________________ .” Give the meaning of the quote: ______________________________________________ What is suggested by the fact that MacDuff doesn’t attend Macbeth’s coronation? ______________________________________________________________________________ Act III, scene i 3. 1. Quote the line that shows most clearly that Banquo has some suspicion about the fulfillment of the prophecy. ______________________________________________________________________ 2. 3. Why is Macbeth inquiring so closely about Banquo’s ride? _______________________________ Why does Macbeth say, “Our fear in Banquo/Stick deep…”? _____________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ 4. In this same passage, how does that harvest image appear? ____________________________ _______________________________________________________________________________ Macbeth has apparently met with the murderers previously. What was the gist of their earlier conversation? ___________________________________________________________________ 5. Panicacci Junior English CP 4 6. What device concludes the scene? _____________________________________________ Act III, scene ii 1. Lady Macbeth speaks in couplets, which is a device that we have seen to mark significant passages. The significance here is probably her frame of mind. What change do we see in her? _______________________________________________________________________________ 2. In the ensuing (that which follows) exchange between Macbeth and his lady, how do we see that they have exchanged positions mentally? _____________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ 3. 4. What image does Macbeth use to conclude his speech? ______________________ What recurrent idea does he express through this image? _________also, and Act III, scene 4 1. How is Macbeth’s comment ironic? ________________________________________________ 2. a. What excuse does Lady Macbeth give for Macbeth’s behavior? _________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ b. What is it that she thinks is bothering Macbeth? _____________________________________ 3. Why does Shakespeare have Macbeth speak about unnatural events? _____________ _______________________________________________________________________________ 4. What is foreshadowed by Macbeth’s inquiry (question)? _________________________________ 5. What is foreshadowed by the last line of the scene? _____________________________________ 6. a. What is Macbeth’s assessment of his murderous reign? _______________________________________________________________________________ b. What is unnatural about rivers here?___________________________________ c. What is unnatural about blood here?___________________________________ Act IV, scene i 1. What color symbolism is associated with the witches here? color:_______________ meaning: __________________________________________ 2. Macbeth brings up the theme of disorder and associates it with the harvest image. Quote the line(s) showing his connection most clearly. ___________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________________ 3. When he goes back to the witches, what does Macbeth seek? _____________________________ 4. What is the first apparition (ghostly vision)? __________________________________________ 5. What warning does it give? _______________________________________________________ Panicacci Junior English CP 5 6. What is the second apparition? ___________________________________________________ 7. What does the 2nd apparition state? __________________________________________________ 8. What is the 3rd apparition look like? _________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________________ 9. What does the 3rd vision foretell? ____________________________________________________ 10. Compare Macbeth’s present attitude with his state prior to Duncan’s murder. What is he like now? _____________________________________________________________ What was he like then? ____________________________________________________________ How has he changed? _____________________________________________________________ Act IV, scene ii 1. The theme of “order in nature” is allied with the animal imagery. What is the wildlife image that runs through this scene? ________________. How does Lady MacDuff relate it to the disorder concept? _______________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________________ Act IV, scene 3 1. NOTE: This scene is frequently called the “testing scene”. Malcolm tests Macduff to see if he is loyal to him. Malcolm tests Macduff by saying that he Malcolm has many dreadful qualities. Name 3 things that he “accuses” himself of. i) ii) iii) _____________________________ _____________________________ _____________________________ 2. What imagery does Macduff echo as he laments the news Ross brings him? ______________ 3. Malcolm’s concluding speech shows development of the harvest image. Quote the lines showing the change.______________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________________ 4. What does he mean by the quote in #3?____________________________________________ 5. The garment (clothing) image also appears in this short statement. Put the quote here: “____________________________________________________________________________.” Act V, scene i 1. NOTE: This is one of the most famous of all scenes from Shakespearean plays. It is referred to as “the sleepwalking scene.” 2. Which image runs throughout the portion where the doctor observes Lady Macbeth? _____ 3. Why is she rubbing her hands? ________________________________________________ Panicacci Junior English CP 6 4. To what does she refer when she says, “One, two…” ?___________________________________ Act V, scene ii 1. We see the garment or “borrowed robes” image again. Explain the use of this image in this scene. _________________________________________________________________________ Act V, scene iii 1. a. b. In this scene, we see that one of the major images is reaching a critical point of development in its relation to Macbeth. What image is it? _______________ Explain the significance of this stage of development.______________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________ Act V, scene i 1. 2. Macduff develops another image that is about to be concluded. What is the image? ________________ Quote the lines here: _____________________________________________________________ Act V, scene v (5) 1. Quote the lines that show us Macbeth’s view of himself now. 2. Upon hearing of Lady Macbeth’s death, her husband delivers another famous soliloquy that relates to the theme of passage of time and concludes one of the major images. Which image is predominant?_________________________________________________________________ 3. What view of life is expressed in this passage? _______________________________________ Memorize these lines for extra credit: “Out, out brief candle! Life’s but a walking shadow; a poor player that struts and frets his hour upon the stage, etc.” (lines 23-28) Act V, scenes 6-8 1. 2. How does each prophecy come true? a. b. c. prophecy #1:____________________________________________________________ prophecy #2: ____________________________________________________________ prophecy #3: ____________________________________________________________ a. At the very end of the play, Malcolm is speaking. He begins afresh one of the images that was used in the play. What is the image? __________________________ also ______________________________________________________________ b. Quote the lines where the image appears.______________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________ c. Interpret the lines (tell what they mean): _______________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________ Panicacci Junior English CP 7