South Williamsport Area School District Course Plan Template Teacher: KELLY SHEARER School Year: 2014-2015 Course: CREATIVE WRITING Intended Grade Level: 12 Course Summary: This course will provide students the opportunity to express their creativity through the written word. Much of the writing will be based on an in-depth study of models of observation, experience, and literature. It is a requirement that students share their writings and provide feedback to their peers daily as this will help them enhance their writing abilities. Throughout the course, students will maintain a professional writing portfolio that will become part of their final grade. Course Outcomes: By the end of the course, students will know: - The components of a short story in order to write a quality short story. - The elements of contemporary poetry. - Various genres, authors, and styles through reading, discussion, and analysis. By the end of the course, students will be able to: - Understand how to write using various genres, including but not limited to short story, poetry, and personal essays. - Write a creative short story using proper short story format. - Model and write a minimum of ten poems. - Write a personal essay in stripped-down prose. - Give and receive criticism of own and others’ writings. - Create a portfolio of finalized creative writing pieces. - Develop writing through the use of planning, revising, editing, and rewriting process. Standards Targeted1 Pennsylvania Common Core Standards for English Language Arts 1 Indicate primary Standards emphasis: - PA Core - Math / ELA / Science & Technology / History & Social Studies - National Content Standards (Name and Type) - Industry Recognized Standards (Name and Type) Revised - March 2, 2016 Course plans represent district curriculum. They will be posted to building web pages accessible to the school and community. South Williamsport Area School District Course Plan Template Units of Study Units Topic Introduction to Creative Writing Primary Learning Outcome Writing a Short Story – Getting Started Characters – How to Create People Who Live and Breathe on the Page Conflict – How to Devise a Story That Readers Won’t Want to Put Down Plot and Structure – How to Shape Your Story and Keep It Moving Forward Setting and Atmosphere – How to Bring Readers into a Vivid Story World Narrative Voice – How to Develop Your Individual Voice As a Writer Poetry Understand the difference between composition and creative writing Discuss the kinds and purposes of writing. Understand transitional devices. Understand the importance of a writer’s notebook. Practice sharing techniques for discussion. Read a chapter on the basic components of a short story from Writing Great Short Stories. Understand the difference between a short story and a novel. Read a chapter on how to develop a character within a story from Writing Great Short Stories. Effectively incorporate dialogue into writing. Develop three-dimensional characters. Read a chapter on how to create conflict within a story from Writing Great Short Stories. Understand the four types of conflict. Read a chapter on how to organize the plot and structure of a story from Writing Great Short Stories. Construct an organized story plot. Read a chapter on how to create the setting and atmosphere within a story from Writing Great Short Stories. Develop a three-dimensional setting. Read a chapter on how to enhance the narrative voice of the writer from Writing Great Short Stories. Understand the components of narrative voice. Develop a scene that encompasses the elements of character, setting, and narrative voice. Read excerpts from Natalie Goldberg’s Writing Down the Bones. Read excerpts from Billy Collins’ Poetry 180. Read and analyze selected contemporary poetry. Revised - March 2, 2016 Course plans represent district curriculum. They will be posted to building web pages accessible to the school and community. South Williamsport Area School District Course Plan Template Personal Essay and Memoirs Encourage experimentation/creativity in writing original poems. Create ten poems, modeling and original. Incorporate various literary techniques into selected poems. Give and receive criticism on poetry. Read sample personal essays and memoirs. Create a personal essay in stripped-down prose. Create six-word memoirs. Give and receive criticism on memoir writing. Advanced Learner Recommendations Advanced learners will be held to a higher standard by encouraging them to utilize various creative writing techniques to go above and beyond the basics of narrative voice. Advanced learners will explore opportunities to publish work. Struggling Learner Recommendations Struggling learners will have adapted requirements for each focus area. They will be required to address and meet the objective for each unit. Revised - March 2, 2016 Course plans represent district curriculum. They will be posted to building web pages accessible to the school and community.