Abortion, what does Jesus think?

Abortion, what does Jesus think?
Thus says the LORD:
In Ramah is heard the sound of moaning, of bitter weeping! Rachel mourns her
children, she refuses to be consoled because her children are no more. (Jeremiah
"the killing of my little innocent ones is the greatest sin."
May 20th 2003 8:09am
WFJ May 2003 Message Archive
Words from Jesus
My people need to stop killing so many innocent lives.
Each soul is beautiful and has a mission.
My chosen sons tell my people that life is the most precious gift there is.
Tell my people that the body dies but that the soul lives on forever.
Truly children are a gift from the Lord;
the fruit of the womb is a reward" (Psalm 127:3)
“Life is truly the most precious gift
and each soul has a destination”
May 26th 2003 5:38pm
Words from Jesus
Too many today are not obeying the fifth commandment.
So many today are living their ways instead of mine.
Too many today tell me how many children instead of being open to the life that I
bring forth.
Life is truly the most precious gift and each soul has a destination.
And when man chooses not to be open to life the soul does not have the ability to
come and serve me.
Please dear people say yes to my plan, say yes to my creation.
Every soul is beautiful and has a purpose
Excerpts were created from the messages at official website of Words from Jesus - wordsfromjesus.com and were
compiled by Excerptsofinri.com.
Abortion, what does Jesus think?
1.31 million abortions occur per year in the United States of America
June 23rd 2003 5:25pm
WFJ June 2003 Message Archive
Words from Jesus
My people the killing of my little innocent ones is the greatest sin.
These doctors at their hour of judgment will see every soul they did not permit to
fulfill the mission they were called to do.
Man is not permitted to decide who should live and who should die.
Thou shall not kill. (Exodus 20:13)
“This world is living in such sin and
the greatest sin is abortion”
June 26th 2003 12:38pm
Words from Jesus
When you see people choosing to kill my innocent ones and many living in sin
you are seeing the power of the evil one.
My people look around you there is no respect for life no respect for the body.
Too many do not follow the sixth commandment.
July 8th 2003 8:32am
WFJ July 2003 message archive
Words from Jesus
This world is living in such sin and the greatest sin is abortion, because it does
not allow the soul to fulfill its mission and it is man’s desire to control the life that I
bring forth.
My people only I will determine who should live and who should die.
Many because of their sinful ways are causing their souls to burn in eternal fire.
Excerpts were created from the messages at official website of Words from Jesus - wordsfromjesus.com and were
compiled by Excerptsofinri.com.
Abortion, what does Jesus think?
Listen to me, you islands; hear this, you distant nations:
Before I was born the Lord called me; (Isaiah 49:1)
" my little ones who are waiting to fulfill their mission."
July 26th 2003 12:59pm
Words from Jesus
It is only I, my people who will bring forth life and take it away.
Man is trying to control nature and not following my plan.
There are so many of my little ones who are waiting to fulfill their mission.
My people be open to life, be open to my plan, for when that life is rejected so is
the mission.
August 17th 2003 12:25pm
WFJ August 2003 message archive
Words from Jesus
My innocent ones are being persecuted and killed everyday.
My people this world shows no respect for my creation.
As I told you before only I bring forth life and take it away and those who chose to
step ahead of me will see there day of punishment.
Just as you know not how the breath of life
fashions the human frame in the mother's womb,
So you know not the work of God, which he is
accomplishing in the universe. (Ecclesiastes 11:5)
"This world is trying to alter my creation and my plan."
August 18th 2003 4:35pm
Words from Jesus
This world is trying to alter my creation and my plan and for many they do not
realize where their soul is headed.
So many of these doctors who kill my innocent ones do not realize where they
will spend eternity if they do not change their ways.
 So many today are trying to copy the life I bring forth.
Excerpts were created from the messages at official website of Words from Jesus - wordsfromjesus.com and were
compiled by Excerptsofinri.com.
Abortion, what does Jesus think?
Now the word of the Lord came to me saying:
Before I formed you in the womb I knew you, before
you were born, I consecrated you; a prophet to the
nations I appointed you. Jeremiah 1:5
"each soul is unique and created for a purpose"
September 11th 2003 9:03am
WFJ September 2003 message archives
Words from Jesus
Many of my people will be mourning the loss of their loved ones yet who mourns
the lost of my millions of innocent ones who are killed everyday.
There is no respect for life, no respect for the body.
So many leaders today are leading my people down the wrong path, that is why
you must turn to my chosen sons, for I continue to guide each one of them.
Many mothers today are allowing these doctors to kill their own children yet they
do not realize
they too will see their punishment.
So many today are trying to copy the life I bring forth.
Where abortions occur? 78% of all abortions are obtained in
developing countries and 22% occur in developed countries.
"My faithful must stand up for life."
September 23rd 2003 8:05am
Words from Jesus
My chosen sons, you must stand up for life, for so many of my innocent ones do
not have a voice.
You must be their voice dear sons, for this is all part of being my disciples.
Excerpts were created from the messages at official website of Words from Jesus - wordsfromjesus.com and were
compiled by Excerptsofinri.com.
Abortion, what does Jesus think?
September 27th 2003 7:37am
Words from Jesus
My people of America, you state you are a country of opportunity and freedom,
then why do you not give my little innocent ones the opportunity to come into this
world, and the freedom to live and fulfill their mission?
You are a country that needs to examine its morals, you are a country that will
see much devastation if you do not change your sinful ways.
My faithful must stand up for life.
For you created my inmost being; you knit me together
in my mother's womb. (Psalm 139:13)
"for you are each my creation, my plan"
October 9th 2003
WFJ October 2003 message archive
Words from Jesus
My people of America you have been given great gifts and yet you are the leader
of killing my innocent ones.
My people you must choose leaders that are willing to stand up for life, that will
be the voice of the unspoken.
You must choose a leader that will allow my innocent ones the freedom to fulfill
their mission.
And Jesus replied, "You shall not kill;
you shall not commit adultery; you shall not steal;
you shall not bear false witness;” (Mathew 2:18)
"engaging together outside of marriage"
Excerpts were created from the messages at official website of Words from Jesus - wordsfromjesus.com and were
compiled by Excerptsofinri.com.
Abortion, what does Jesus think?
December 12th 2003 7:45pm
WFJ December 2003 message archives
Words from Jesus
My people you are seeing illness killing many of my young innocent children yet
there are millions of my little innocent souls that are killed before they are ever
permitted to fulfill their true mission, yet who mourns the loss of these lives?
You are a culture that promotes death and you do not realize how each life, each
soul is unique and created for a purpose, a mission to come to know and serve
Each time a life is not permitted to fulfill their mission is like leaving out or taking
away a piece of the puzzle.
This world will try and fill you with doubt and confusion, and will tell you that your
means of abortion, your means of birth control are all acceptable to me.
My people, any way that you try and choose to stop from allowing life to come
forth is abortion in my eyes.
You must be open to life, open to my plan, my creation, for as I have told you,
you have tried to become the dictator of your own destination.
I created man and woman so that they may engage together through the union of
marriage in order for life to come forth.
Do not fear for I love each and every one of you, for you are each my creation,
my plan.
"Be fertile and multiply" (Genesis 1:28).
"I created man and woman so that they may engage together
through the union of marriage in order for life to come forth."
January 19th 2004 7:45pm
WFJ January 2004 message archives
Words from Jesus
My people you do not realize how each one of these souls is unique and each
soul has a mission and a purpose to contribute to mankind.
My people, this is a war and it is a battle for the survival of humanity.
It is not for man to permit life, but My will to bring forth life and take it away.
Excerpts were created from the messages at official website of Words from Jesus - wordsfromjesus.com and were
compiled by Excerptsofinri.com.
Abortion, what does Jesus think?
To many have tried to alter My creation, My plan but you do not realize how the
world cannot continue down this evil path.
My people, you do not realize how each time a soul is rejected is taking away a
piece of My plan.
Abortion, My people is the greatest sin, it is not only taking away the life of that
unborn child but you are trying to step ahead of Me.
And you are not your creator I Am; you are not your final judge I Am.
My people, stand up for life for each time you do, you stand up for me for I am
the giver of life.
Be open to life for each time you permit the world to decide, you are not
permitting My true mission for you.
You do not realize how many souls you could have brought into this world.
When Elizabeth heard Mary's greeting,
the infant leaped in her womb, and Elizabeth,
filled with the holy Spirit, (Luke 1:41)
"each soul has a mission and a purpose to contribute to mankind."
February 28th 2004 3:36pm
WFJ February 2004 message archives
Words from Jesus
Abortion is another act of evil for anyone who puts their own selfish desires
above allowing life to come forth, is not a disciple in My eyes.
My people, your forms of birth control and pornography and these images being
displayed to My young people is why this world needs to be purified for the
greater survival of humanity.
55 million abortions worldwide per year and
number of abortions per day is approximately 126,000
"My people you are living in such grave sin."
Excerpts were created from the messages at official website of Words from Jesus - wordsfromjesus.com and were
compiled by Excerptsofinri.com.
Abortion, what does Jesus think?
March 16th 2004 8:54pm
WFJ March 2004 message archives
Words from Jesus
My people, your drugs, your forms of birth control, your pornography, your
abortions, your greed, your money, your union between man and man and
woman with woman, your engaging together outside of marriage and your killing
one another and having no regard for that life.
My people you are living in such grave sin.
You are not obeying My laws, My Commandments and now this world will be
served its punishment.
They immolated their sons and daughters by fire,
practiced fortune-telling and divination, and sold
themselves into evil doing in the LORD'S sight,(2 Kings 17:17)
"images being displayed to My young people"
April 8th 2004 9:32 PM
Words from Jesus
My people, when Herod was given word of
My birth that the Messiah had been born
he ordered the killing of My little innocent
So is true today with these abortion
doctors who are much like Herod.
And just as Herod saw each and every
soul that he ordered put to death so will
each one of these doctors see the souls of
My children they have killed through
My people, each life is perfection of My
creation, each life has a mission.
Parents are responsible for their children from the moment I formed that child in
his mother's womb until the moment I call that child home to eternal life.
Excerpts were created from the messages at official website of Words from Jesus - wordsfromjesus.com and were
compiled by Excerptsofinri.com.
Abortion, what does Jesus think?
Mothers, model your Heavenly Mother for My Mother did not hand Me over to the
evil hands of Herod nor should you hand your unborn child over to the hands of
these evil doctors.
My Mother knew I was here to fulfill a mission and if I had not fulfilled My mission
you would never see the light of My Kingdom.
Mothers and Fathers, you do not know the mission I have set for your child, My
Fathers must be guiding and protecting their families.
My people, be on guard for just as these evil doctors seek the unborn so will the
antichrist seek to destroy you.
Then Herod, when he saw that he had been tricked by the wise men,
was in a furious rage, and he sent and killed all the male children
in Bethlehem and in all that region who were two years old or under,
according to the time which he had ascertained from the wise men.
(Mathew 2:16)
"My Mother did not hand Me over to the evil hands of Herod nor should you
hand your unborn child over to the hands of these evil doctors"
After reading the excerpts, I would suggest reading the messages in there entirely, which was
how Our Lord Jesus shared it. There maybe a kind of "sticker shock" when reading the
messages, but with an open heart, feel Our Lords mercy and love come through, for it is
interwoven throughout all the words, he just wants to save everyone of us and is trying to get our
Excerpts were created from the messages at official website of Words from Jesus - wordsfromjesus.com and were
compiled by Excerptsofinri.com.