Discussion questions for Anthem

Discussion questions for Anthem
Interpret the first sentence of the novel?
The main character suggests he may be forgiven, why does he feel this way?
Why do you think he refers to himself as “we”?
What does he say is the root of all evil and relate your answer to number 1.
Describe the significance of his name and explain his emotional and physical
6. Define the following: “old ones,” “Great Rebirth,” ‘World Council,” and
“Unmentionable times.”
7. What does this statement suggest about society: “All men are good and wise”?
8. How do they get their jobs?
9. Explain the significance of the following statement: “For men may wish nothing
for themselves” (pg 24).
10. Why do they send people to the Home of the Useless?
11. Why does International 4-8818 decide to listen to Equality 7-2521 concerning the
underground tunnel?
12. Why is it significant that he wants to know the age of his new lady friend? After
she replies, what is important about his response? Describe how he is changing as
a character?
13. What force controls the people that they will not/cannot admit?
14. Interpret the following statement: “If this is a vice, then we wish no virtue” (47).
15. According to the council, how did the society evolve into what it is now?
16. What is the “unspeakable word”?
17. What is the only crime punishable by death?
18. What power does he discover?
19. Why does she give him the name “the unconquered one.”
20. What are his motives in bringing forth his invention to the council of scholars?
What does this show about his character and understanding about society?
21. What is the significance of “liberty” (the idea and the character?
22. Why is there a lack of security at the Palace of Corrective Detention?
23. How does the reader know that the candle is the most sacred of all inventions?
24. Describe his attitude when he presents the candle to the council.
25. Interpret this quote and explain why the council is so upset: “What is not done
collectively cannot be good” (73).
26. Why do you think that the council does not want the society to progress past the
candle and experience the convenience of electricity?
27. How does his attitude change after the council rejects his invention?
28. Once in the uncharted forest, why does he laugh aloud the next morning?
29. Why does hunger bring him pleasure instead of pain?
30. It is easy for the Golden One to find him in the forest. If it is so easy for her, why
would the council not search for him?
31. What is he referring to when he states: “…we were frightened that we had lived
for twenty-one years and had never known what joy is possible of me” (83).
32. He starts to question his past life. Describe this process.
33. Equality starts to describe the house. Contrast this new living situation to his old
34. Contrast the following quote to his mind set earlier in the novel: “This is your
house, Golden One and ours, …we shall not share it with other, as we share not
our joy with them, nor our love, nor our hunger” (91-92).
35. What does he suggest are the three holy words and why?
36. Interpret the following quote: “My happiness is not the means to any end. It is
the end. It is its own goal. It is its own purpose” (95).
37. Equality starts to worship himself as god. Why does he call himself a god and
explain why he has gone to such an opposite extreme?
38. The Golden One states twice that she loves him, yet he does not respond likewise.
Explain your understanding of this situation.
39. Why do you think Rand decided to use the names Prometheus and Gaea for their
new names? (use online/textual sources if necessary)
40. Why is he gong to call upon his old friends?
41. List the forces throughout history that he suggests have taken away man’s natural
42. What is he referring to when he says “It may sleep, but it will awaken” (104).
Why is this statement true?
43. What is the unmentionable word and why is it forbidden?