Reading Cue 3 Teacher’s Guide Unit 1 What a Great Team! Think Aloud 1. I see a girl and a cat. 2. Yes, I do. 3. I would like to run with my pet. Words in the Story 1. 2. 3. 4. store stairs stop team Story 5. 젠킨스 6. 찰리도 7. 8. 찰리는 9. 찰리가 10. 찰리가 11. 씨는 가게에 가고 있습니다. 가게에 가고 있습니다. 항상 무엇을 해야 하는지 알고 있습니다. 걸으면 젠킨스 씨도 걷습니다. 멈추면 젠킨스 씨도 멈춥니다. 찰리가 계단을 내려가면 젠킨스씨도 계단을 내려갑니다. 찰리는 젠킨스 씨를 잘 돌봅니다. 그들은 좋은 팀입니다. Reading Comprehension Main Idea 1. b Details 2. b 3. a 4. care Story Map going to the store Mr. Jenkins walks Charlie stops good care of Listening and Writing 1. Charlie is going to the store, too. 2. When Charlie goes down the stairs, so does Mr. Jenkins. 3. Charlie takes good care of Mr. Jenkins. Reading Cue 3 Teacher’s Guide 4. They are a great team. Word Challenge Workbook Vocabulary Practice 1. team 2. stop 3. stairs 4. store Sentence Practice 1. Mr. Jenkins is going to the store. 2. Charlie always knows what to do. 3. When Charlie walks, Mr. Jenkins walks. 4. Charlie takes good care of Mr. Jenkins. 5. They are a great team. Reading Cue 3 Teacher’s Guide Unit 2 Happy Teacher’s Day Think Aloud 1. I see a boy cutting paper. 2. He is making a paper car. 3. I can make a paper airplane. Words in the Story 1. 2. 3. 4. card crayon scissors star Story 5. 카드를 만들어 보아요. 6. 먼저, 종이를 반으로 접어요. 7. 8. 그런 다음, 표지에 그림을 그려요. 9. 그리고 나서, 크레용으로 별을 두 개 색칠합니다. 가위로 별을 잘라내고 풀로 종이에 붙이세요. 10. 마지막으로, 안에 “감사합니다!”라고 씁니다. 11. 이제 당신의 카드가 완성되었습니다. 12. 당신의 선생님께 카드를 드리고 “스승의 날을 축하 드립니다!”라고 말해 보세요. Reading Comprehension Main Idea 1. a Details 2. b 3. b 4. ready Story Map 42513 Listening and Writing 1. 2. 3. 4. First, fold the paper in half. Then, draw a picture on the front. Next, color two stars with your crayons. Finally, write, “Thank you!” inside. Reading Cue 3 Teacher’s Guide Word Challenge Students will draw a picture and write a “Thank you!” card for their mother. Workbook Vocabulary Practice 1. crayon 2. star 3. scissors 4. card Sentence Practice 1. First, fold the paper in half. 2. Then, draw a picture on the front. 3. Next, color two stars with your crayons. 4. Finally, write, “Thank you!” inside. 5. Now, your card is ready. Reading Cue 3 Teacher’s Guide Unit 3 Great Game Everyone! Think Aloud 1. 2. 3. 4. I see children wearing costumes. They are trick-or-treating. I like birthday parties. I eat cake and play games. Words in the Story 1. 2. 3. 4. game soccer movie start Story 5. 우리 축구팀은 오늘 큰 경기에서 우승을 했습니다! 6. 그래서 우리는 축구 파티를 벌이고 있어요. 7. 8. 케이크는 축구공처럼 생겼습니다. 9. 케이크 위에는 “모두들 좋은 경기였어요!”라고 쓰여 있습니다. 10. 우리는 과자를 먹을 거예요. 11. 우리는 영화도 볼 것입니다. 12. 13. 이런, 가봐야겠어요. 아빠가 영화를 시작하려고 해요. Reading Comprehension Main Idea 1. b Details 2. b 3. a 4. game Story Map (왼쪽 아래부터) eat snacks won a big game soccer ball a movie Listening and Writing 1. The cake looks like a soccer ball. 2. We are going to eat snacks. Reading Cue 3 Teacher’s Guide 3. We are going to watch a movie, too. 4. Dad is going to start the movie! Word Challenge Workbook Vocabulary Practice 1. game 2. soccer 3. movie 4. start Sentence Practice 1. We are having a soccer party. 2. The cake looks like a soccer ball. 3. We are going to eat snacks. 4. We are going to watch a movie, too. 5. Dad is going to start the movie! Reading Cue 3 Teacher’s Guide Unit 4 Suzy’s Special Box Think Aloud 1. I see a sleeping boy and a teddy bear. 2. He loves the teddy bear. 3. Yes, I do. It’s a toy car. Words in the Story 1. 2. 3. 4. ticket diary shell shelf Story 5. 수지에게는 특별한 상자가 하나 있습니다. 6. 상자는 서가 맨 꼭대기 위 책들 뒤에 놓여져 있습니다. 7. 8. 그녀는 그녀만의 특별한 물건들을 상자 안에 넣어 두었습니다. 9. 박스 안에는 조개 껍질, 영화표, 그리고 그녀의 일기장이 있습니다. 10. 조개 껍질은 그녀가 가장 좋아하는 해변에서 주운 것들입니다. 11. 영화표는 그녀가 정말 좋아했던 영화들의 표입니다. 12. 일기장은 그녀의 생각들로 가득 차 있습니다. Reading Comprehension Main Idea 1. b Details 2. a 3. a 4. diary Story Map (왼쪽부터) tickets beach diary / ideas Listening and Writing 1. 2. 3. 4. Suzy has a special box. It’s on the top shelf behind the books. It the box, there are shells, tickets, and her diary. The diary is full of her ideas. Reading Cue 3 Teacher’s Guide Word Challenge s d t i h e l l h c k e a l r f t y Workbook Vocabulary Practice 1. ticket 2. shelf 3. shell 4. diary Sentence Practice 1. Suzy has a special box. 2. She puts all her special things in it. 3. The shells are from her favorite beach. 4. The tickets are from all the movies she really liked. 5. The diary is full of her ideas. Reading Cue 3 Teacher’s Guide Unit 5 Where Is It? Think Aloud 1. 2. 3. 4. I see a girl and some ants. Some of them live in the ground. I can see bees. They live in a bee hive. Words in the Story 1. 2. 3. 4. hide color stick leaf Story 5. 너 자벌레가 보이니? 6. 어디? 나는 안 보이는데. 7. 8. 저기! 그것은 길고 가늘어, 마치 자처럼 말이야. 9. 그것은 나무 이파리와 가지에 앉아. 10. 그것은 숨기 위해 색깔을 바꿀 수 있어. 11. 봐, 저 가지는 갈색이지. 벌레도 갈색이야. 12. 13. 자벌레가 초록색 이파리에 앉으면 그들은 초록색으로 바뀐다. 와우! 우리는 그럴 수 없다는 게 너무 안타까운걸! Reading Comprehension Main Idea 1. b Details 2. a 3. a 4. leaves Story Map (왼쪽 아래부터) sit on branches long and thin Listening and Writing 1. Where? I can’t see it. 2. It’s long and thin, like a stick. color to hide turn green Reading Cue 3 Teacher’s Guide 3. It can change color to hide. 4. See, that branch is brown. The bug is brown, too. Word Challenge BUG IN YOUR HAIR Workbook Vocabulary Practice 1. leaf 2. color 3. stick 4. hide Sentence Practice 1. Can you see the stick bug? 2. It’s long and thin, like a stick. 3. It can change color to hide. 4. See, that branch is brown. 5. Too bad we can’t do that! Reading Cue 3 Teacher’s Guide Unit 6 Take Me to the Museum Think Aloud 1. 2. 3. 4. I see people and a big room. They are in a museum. Yes, I have. I saw a mummy and dinosaur bones. Words in the Story 1. 2. 3. 4. visit museum dinosaur mummy Story 5. 매년 여름, 나는 폴 삼촌을 방문합니다. 6. 그는 나를 그의 집 근처의 박물관으로 데리고 가 줍니다. 7. 8. 그곳은 시내에서 가장 큰 박물관입니다. 9. 그곳에 가는 것은 언제나 재미있고 흥미롭습니다. 10. 나는 (그곳에서) 공룡 뼈를 볼 수 있습니다. 11. 나는 아메리카 원주민을 볼 수 있습니다. 12. 13. 심지어 나는 미이라도 볼 수 있습니다! 우리 집 가까이에도 박물관이 하나 생겼으면 좋겠습니다. Reading Comprehension Main Idea 1. a Details 2. b 3. b 4. museum Story Map (왼쪽 아래부터) mummy dinosaur bones Americans have fun Listening and Writing 1. Every summer, I visit Uncle Paul. 2. He takes me to the museum near his house. Reading Cue 3 Teacher’s Guide 3. I can see dinosaur bones. 4. I can even see a mummy! Word Challenge v d i m s u i t n o s a u r e u m u m m y Workbook Vocabulary Practice 1. dinosaur 2. mummy 3. museum 4. visit Sentence Practice 1. Every summer, I visit Uncle Paul. 2. It’s the biggest museum in the city. 3. It is always fun and exciting to go there. 4. I can see dinosaur bones. 5. I hope there will be a museum near my house. Reading Cue 3 Teacher’s Guide Unit 7 Cowboy Dinner Think Aloud 1. I see a family and food. 2. They are eating dinner. 3. I want to have pizza. Words in the Story 1. 2. 3. 4. meat outside fire dinner Story 5. 카우보이들이 불 위에서 저녁밥을 짓고 있습니다. 6. 그들은 고기, 감자, 그리고 커피를 먹고 있습니다. 7. 8. 고기는 불 위에 나무 막대에 끼워져 있습니다. 9. 감자는 뜨거운 바위들 위에 올려져 있습니다. 10. 그리고 커피는 불 옆 낡은 냄비 안에 들어있습니다. 11. 야외에서 밥을 짓는 것은 쉽지 않지만, 재미있는 일입니다! 12. 13. 당신도 카우보이 저녁 식사에 함께 하고 싶나요? Reading Comprehension Main Idea 1. b Details 2. b 3. b 4. pot Story Map (왼쪽부터) stick over the fire potatoes / rocks in an old pot Listening and Writing 1. 2. 3. 4. The cowboys are cooking dinner on a fire. They are having meat, potatoes, and coffee. The potatoes are on the hot rocks over the fire. Cooking outside is not easy, but it’s fun! Reading Cue 3 Teacher’s Guide Word Challenge Students will draw pictures as the sentences describe. Workbook Vocabulary Practice 1. fire 2. dinner 3. outside 4. meat Sentence Practice 1. The cowboys are cooking dinner on a fire. 2. The meat is on a stick over the fire. 3. The potatoes are on the hot rocks. 4. Cooking outside is not easy, but it’s fun! 5. Do you want to join a cowboy dinner? Reading Cue 3 Teacher’s Guide Unit 8 A Beautiful Ride Think Aloud 1. 2. 3. 4. I see people, a carriage and a horse. They are riding in a carriage. I go to school by bus. I take a bus twice a day. Words in the Story 1. 2. 3. 4. bicycle street path river Story 5. 미스터 리는 매일 자전거를 타고 출근을 합니다. 6. 그는 바쁜 도로 위로 달리지 않습니다. 7. 8. 그는 강 옆에 산책로를 달립니다. 9. 그 길은 매우 길지만 그는 마다하지 않습니다. 10. 자전거를 타는 것은 그를 기분 좋게 만들어 주기 때문입니다. 11. 강은 아름답고 공기는 상쾌합니다. 12. 13. 이것 외에도 알고 있나요? 그는 공기를 깨끗하게 유지하는 데에도 도움을 주고 있답니다! Reading Comprehension Main Idea 1. b Details 2. b 3. a 4. clean Story Map (왼쪽 아래부터) feel good bicycle to work path by the river the air clean Listening and Writing 1. Mr. Lee rides his bicycle to work every day. 2. He doesn’t ride on a busy street. Reading Cue 3 Teacher’s Guide 3. He rides on a path by the river. 4. The river is beautiful and the air is fresh. Word Challenge HAVE A NICE DAY Workbook Vocabulary Practice 1. bicycle 2. street 3. path 4. river Sentence Practice 1. Mr. Lee rides his bicycle to work every day. 2. He doesn’t ride on a busy street. 3. Riding a bicycle makes him feel good. 4. The river is beautiful and the air is fresh. 5. He is helping to keep the air clean! Reading Cue 3 Teacher’s Guide Unit 9 My Favorite Holiday Think Aloud 1. 2. 3. 4. I see a family and a turkey. They are eating dinner. My favorite holiday is Christmas. We open presents. Words in the Story 1. 2. 3. 4. chat favorite cousin dessert Story 5. 나의 할머니는 달콤한 디저트를 만들고 있습니다. 6. 그것은 송편이라고 불립니다. 7. 8. 할머니는 매년 추석 때마다 그것을 만듭니다. 9. 추석은 내가 제일 좋아하는 명절입니다. 10. 온 가족이 찾아옵니다. 11. 모두를 만나는 것은 너무 재미있는 일입니다. 12. 13. 우리는 모두 이야기를 하고 맛있는 음식을 먹습니다. 그 중에서도 가장 좋은 것은 내가 나의 사촌들과 놀 수 있다는 것입니다. 빨리 만나서 놀았으면 좋겠어요! Reading Comprehension Main Idea 1. b Details 2. a 3. b 4. grandmother Story Map (왼쪽 아래부터) eat yummy food Listening and Writing Songpyeon all our family my cousins Reading Cue 3 1. 2. 3. 4. Teacher’s Guide My grandmother is making a sweet dessert. Chuseok is my favorite holiday. We all chat and eat yummy food. The best part is that I can play with my cousins. Word Challenge Workbook Vocabulary Practice 1. dessert 2. chat 3. favorite 4. cousin Sentence Practice 1. My grandmother is making a sweet dessert. 2. She makes it every year for Chuseok. 3. All our family comes to visit. 4. We all chat and eat yummy food. 5. The best part is that I can play with my cousins. Reading Cue 3 Teacher’s Guide Unit 10 A Dog Groomer Think Aloud 1. 2. 3. 4. I see a man and a dog. He is giving the dog a check-up. Yes, I do. I have a cat. I need pet food. Words in the Story 1. 2. 3. 4. brush cut bath dry Story 5. 안녕! 내 이름은 로리입니다. 6. 나는 강아지 미용사예요. 7. 8. 그것은 매우 재미있는 직업이랍니다. 9. 이게 내가 하는 일들이예요. 10. 먼저, 개에게 빗질을 합니다. 11. 그 다음, 털을 자릅니다. 슥 슥 슥! 그 다음, 목욕을 시켜 줍니다. 마지막으로, 말려주고 다시 빗질을 해 줍니다. 털은 이제 매우 부드럽고 반짝반짝 빛이 납니다. 미용을 마치면 개들은 항상 멋져 보입니다. Reading Comprehension Main Idea 1. b Details 2. b 3. a 4. dries Story Map 3214 Listening and Writing Reading Cue 3 1. 2. 3. 4. Teacher’s Guide First, I brush the dog. Then, I cut its fur. Next, I give it a bath. Its fur is so soft and shiny now. Word Challenge DIRTY DENNYS Workbook Vocabulary Practice 1. bath 2. brush 3. cut 4. dry Sentence Practice 1. I am a dog groomer. 2. This is what I do. 3. Next, I give it a bath. 4. Its fur is so soft and shiny now. 5. Dogs always look great when I’m finished. Reading Cue 3 Teacher’s Guide Unit 11 You’re in the Future! Think Aloud 1. I see western food and Korean food. 2. I like to eat hotdogs. 3. In the USA. Words in the Story 1. 2. 3. 4. salad breakfast rice night Story 5. 안녕, 케이티! 나 수현이야. 6. 뭐하고 있니? 7. 8. 안녕, 수현! 9. 나는 방금 저녁을 먹었어. 10. 나는 샐러드와 피자를 먹었어. 11. 너는 뭐하고 있니? 12. 13. 너가 방금 저녁을 먹었다구? 여기는 일요일 아침이야. 나는 방금 아침을 먹었어. 엄마가 국과 밥을 만들어주셨어. 하아! 정말 신기하다. 여기는 토요일 저녁이고 거기는 일요일 아침이라니! 너는 미래에 가 있구나! Reading Comprehension Main Idea 1. b Details 2. a 3. b 4. night Story Map SOO-HYUN: It is Sunday morning. BOTH: They’re chatting on line. She ate soup and rice for breakfast. Reading Cue 3 Teacher’s Guide KATIE: It is Saturday night. She had salad and pizza for dinner. Listening and Writing 1. 2. 3. 4. I had salad and pizza. I just ate breakfast. My mom made me soup and rice. You’re in the future! Word Challenge FANCY PANTS Workbook Vocabulary Practice 1. night 2. salad 3. rice 4. breakfast Sentence Practice 1. I just ate dinner. 2. I had salad and pizza. 3. It’s Sunday morning here. 4. My mom made me soup and rice. 5. You’re in the future! Reading Cue 3 Teacher’s Guide Unit 12 The Largest Dinosaur Ever Think Aloud 1. I see animals. 2. They are very big. 3. I think it’s a blue whale. Words in the Story 1. 2. 3. 4. weigh truck interesting building Story 5. 본즈 박사님, 그게 무엇인가요? 6. 이것은 아르젠티노사우러스에서 나온 거예요. 7. 8. 그 공룡은 9천만년 전에 살았었죠. 9. 흥미롭군요! 크기는 얼마나 컸나요? 10. 그것은 버스 5대보다 길었습니다. 11. 그것은 6층 짜리 건물보다 키가 컸구요. 12. 그것은 트럭 40대보다도 무거웠습니다. 정말 대단해요! 그것은 고기를 먹었나요(육식동물이었나요?) 믿을지 모르겠지만, 그것은 오로지 식물만 먹었습니다(초식공룡이었습니다). 그렇지만 아마도 그것은 가장 큰 공룡이었습니다. Reading Comprehension Main Idea 1. a Details 2. b 3. a 4. trucks Story Map 90 million years ago 5 buses than a six-story building ate plants more than 40 trucks Reading Cue 3 Teacher’s Guide Listening and Writing 1. 2. 3. 4. Interesting! How big was it? It was taller than a six-story building. It weighed more than 40 trucks. But it was maybe the largest dinosaur. Word Challenge Students will draw pictures as the sentences describe. Workbook Vocabulary Practice 1. truck 2. building 3. interesting 4. weigh Sentence Practice 1. It lived about 90 million years ago. 2. It was longer than 5 buses. 3. It weighed more than 40 trucks. 4. Believe it or not, it only ate plants. 5. But maybe it was the largest dinosaur. Reading Cue 3 Teacher’s Guide Unit 13 Kairu from Kenya Think Aloud 1. 2. 3. 4. I see children running. They are running a race. Yes, I am. I can run 100 meters in 15 seconds. Words in the Story 1. 2. 3. 4. tired runner race win Story 5. 제자리에! 준비! 땅! 6. 선두에 있는 사람이 케이루입니다. 7. 8. 그는 다른 선수들처럼 지치지 않습니다. 9. 케이루는 케냐 출신입니다. 10. 최고의 선수들 중 다수가 케냐 출신입니다. 그들은 장거리 경주에 강합니다. 오, 이런! 또 다른 선수가 지금 케이루의 옆으로 바짝 다가왔습니다. 그 역시 잘 하는 선수입니다. 당신 생각에는 누가 이길 것 같습니까? Reading Comprehension Main Idea 1. a Details 2. b 3. a 4. runners Story Map The man in front From Kenya As tired as other runners Listening and Writing Reading Cue 3 1. 2. 3. 4. Teacher’s Guide The man in front is Kairu. He doesn’t get as tired as other runners. Many of the best runners are from Kenya. They are very good at long races. Word Challenge r a c e d e u w i n n e t i r Workbook Vocabulary Practice 1. win 2. race 3. tired 4. runner Sentence Practice 1. The man in front is Kairu. 2. Kairu is from Kenya. 3. They are very good at long races. 4. Another man is beside Kairu now! 5. He’s a good runner, too. Reading Cue 3 Teacher’s Guide Unit 14 Underwater Friends Think Aloud 1. I see a girl and many fish. 2. She is looking at the fish. 3. I know the whale, dolphin, shark and crab. Words in the Story 1. 2. 3. 4. snail shark turtle crab Story 내 이름은 제리예요. 나는 바다 거북이입니다. 나는 이 근처에 모든 친구들을 알아요. 저기 가지 위에 달팽이가 찰리입니다. 그는 그의 집을 늘 옮기고 다녀요. 글로리아라는 게는 물풀 뒤에 있어요. 그녀는 아름답지만 항상 방울을 만들어 불어요. 아기 상어 사이몬은 바위 아래에 있습니다. 그를 조심하세요. 그는 잘 물거든요. 우리는 모두 다르지만 모두 좋은 친구들이랍니다. Reading Comprehension Main Idea 1. a Details 2. b 3. a 4. rock Story Map shark snail turtle crab Listening and Writing Reading Cue 3 1. 2. 3. 4. Teacher’s Guide That’s Charlie the snail on the stick. Gloria the crab is behind the plant. She’s pretty, but she always blows bubbles. Simon the baby shark is under the rock. Word Challenge Workbook Vocabulary Practice 1. shark 2. crab 3. turtle 4. snail Sentence Practice 1. I’m a sea turtle. 2. I know everyone around here. 3. He just carries his house around. 4. Gloria the crab is behind the plant. 5. We are all different, but we’re good friends. Reading Cue 3 Teacher’s Guide Unit 15 Gold Medal Brothers Think Aloud 1. 2. 3. 4. I see a girl. She is holding a medal. Yes, I have. I felt very happy. Words in the Story 1. 2. 3. 4. medal shout cheer clap Story 5. 경호는 비보이입니다. 6. 그의 팀은 금메달을 많이 땄습니다. 7. 8. 이 메달은 그가 가장 좋아하는 메달입니다. 9. 큰 댄스 경연대회가 있었습니다. 10. 그의 멤버 중에 한 명이 오지 않았습니다. 11. 그는 슬펐어요. (춤을 추기 위해서는) 모두가 필요했거든요. 12. 갑자기, 누군가가 소리쳤어요, “내가 춤출 수 있어!” 그는 경호의 동생 세빈이었습니다. 그들은 함께 춤을 추었고 1등 상을 타게 되었습니다. 모두가 환호했고 박수를 쳤어요. 최고의 날이었습니다. Reading Comprehension Main Idea 1. a Details 2. b 3. a 4. cheered Story Map Kyung-Ho and his B-boy dancers At a big dance show One of the dancers didn’t come. Reading Cue 3 Teacher’s Guide Kyung-Ho’s brother, Se-Bin, danced together. Listening and Writing 1. 2. 3. 4. His team has won many gold medals. This medal is his favorite. Suddenly, someone shouted, “I can dance!” Everyone cheered and clapped. Word Challenge Workbook Vocabulary Practice 1. shout 2. medal 3. clap 4. cheer Sentence Practice 1. This medal is his favorite. 2. There was a big dance show. 3. It was Kyung-Ho’s brother, Se-Bin. 4. They danced together and won first prize. 5. It was a great day. Reading Cue 3 Teacher’s Guide Unit 16 Amara’s House Think Aloud 1. 2. 3. 4. I see houses. I can see them in warm countries. I live in an apartment. It’s small and it only has two rooms. Words in the Story 1. 2. 3. 4. different wolf roof mud Story 여기는 에티오피아, 아마라가 사는 곳입니다. 이 곳은 매우 덥습니다. 때때로 이곳에는 엄청난 비가 내리고 강한 바람이 붑니다. 밤에는 사자와 늑대가 어슬렁거립니다. 지붕이 높은 동그란 집들을 보세요. 그것들은 진흙과 풀, 나무로 지어졌습니다. 아마라의 집이 다르다고 생각하나요? 당신이 사는 곳에 대한 이야기를 들려 주세요. Reading Comprehension Main Idea 1. a Details 2. b 3. b 4. roofs Story Map (왼쪽 아래부터) lions and wolves strong winds roofs mud Listening and Writing 1. Sometimes, there is heavy rain and strong winds. Reading Cue 3 Teacher’s Guide 2. Lions and wolves walk around at night. 3. Look at the round houses with tall roofs. 4. Talk about where you live. Word Challenge LIONS ARE AROUND Workbook Vocabulary Practice 1. mud 2. wolf 3. roof 4. different Sentence Practice 1. This is where Amara lives in Ethiopia. 2. It’s very hot here. 3. Look at the round houses with tall roofs. 4. Do you think Amara’s home is different? 5. Talk about where you live. Reading Cue 3 Teacher’s Guide Unit 17 No Running! Think Aloud 1. I see three girls in the water. 2. They are playing. 3. I shouldn’t play rough or dive into shallow water. Words in the Story 1. 2. 3. 4. slippery rule dive life guard Story 5. 삐익~! 나는 이 곳의 안전요원입니다. 6. 벽에 붙은 수영장 안전규칙들을 읽어 보았나요? 1번 – 다이빙 하지 말 것 7. 2번 – 서로 밀지 말 것 3번 – 혼자 수영하지 말 것 8. 4번 – 물에 들어가기 전 아무것도 먹지 말 것 그리고 5번 – 뛰지 말 것! 수영장 주변의 바닥은 미끄러워요. 이제 물 속에 들어가 재미있게 노세요! 모두들 5가지 규칙을 기억해요! Reading Comprehension Main Idea 1. b Details 2. a 3. b 4. five Story Map diving pushing Don’t swim Don’t eat Listening and Writing No running Reading Cue 3 1. 2. 3. 4. Teacher’s Guide I’m the life guard here. Did you read the pool rules on the wall? Number 1 – No diving. The floor is slippery around the pool. Word Challenge d l i f e g u a r v u e l s l i p p e d r Workbook Vocabulary Practice 1. rule 2. life guard 3. dive 4. slippery Sentence Practice 1. I’m the life guard here. 2. Did you read the pool rules on the wall? 3. Don’t eat before you go in the water. 4. The floor is slippery around the pool. 5. Remember the five rules, everyone! y Reading Cue 3 Teacher’s Guide Unit 18 Mr. Wingfield’s Idea Think Aloud 1. 2. 3. 4. I see children playing a game. They are playing baseball. I know basketball and soccer. Yes, I can. Words in the Story 1. 2. 3. 4. new show idea world Story 윙필드라는 이름의 남자가 살았습니다. 어느 날 그는 그의 친구들을 위해 정원 파티를 열었습니다. 그는 친구들에게 새로운 공으로 하는 경기를 보여주었습니다. 모두가 좋아했습니다. 이것은 100년도 전에 영국에서 있었던 일입니다. 후에 사람들은 그의 아이디어를 이용해 새로운 경기를 만들었습니다. 오늘날 그 경기는 전 세계에서 행해지고 있습니다. 당신은 이것이 무슨 경기인지 아나요? Reading Comprehension Main Idea 1. a Details 2. a 3. a 4. used Story Map United Kingdom garden party / ball game his idea Listening and Writing 1. One day, he had a garden party for his friends. Reading Cue 3 Teacher’s Guide 2. He showed them a new ball game. 3. Later, people used his idea to make a new game. 4. Today that game is played all over the world. Word Challenge Students will draw pictures as the sentences describe. Workbook Vocabulary Practice 1. new 2. show 3. idea 4. world Sentence Practice 1. There was a man named Mr. Wingfield. 2. One day, he had a garden party for his friends. 3. This happened more than 100 years ago in the United Kingdom. 4. Today that game is played all over the world. 5. Can you guess what it is? Reading Cue 3 Teacher’s Guide Unit 19 A Visit to the Dentist Think Aloud 1. 2. 3. 4. I see a girl, a toothbrush and some teeth. She is brushing the teeth. I brush my teeth three times a day. Yes, I have. Words in the Story 1. 2. 3. 4. toothbrush tooth hole hurt Story 나는 이가 아파서 브루스 선생님을 찾아갔습니다. 브루스 선생님은 내 이를 보시고 말씀하셨습니다. “이 하나에 작은 구멍이 나 있구나!” 구멍이라니! 어쩌다 생긴 것일까요? 나는 매일 매일 이를 닦는데 말이예요! 브루스 선생님은 나에게 아침식사 후, 점심식사 후, 저녁식사 후에 이를 닦으라 고 말씀하셨습니다. 이를 참 많이도 닦게 되겠군요. 나에게는 튼튼한 칫솔이 필요하겠어요. Reading Comprehension Main Idea 1. a Details 2. b 3. a 4. dinner Story Map (왼쪽 아래부터) tiny hole his tooth hurt dinner strong toothbrush Listening and Writing 1. I went to see Dr. Bruce because my tooth hurt. Reading Cue 3 Teacher’s Guide 2. You have a tiny hole in one tooth. 3. I brush my teeth everyday! 4. I’m going to need a strong toothbrush. Word Challenge Workbook Vocabulary Practice 1. tooth 2. toothbrush 3. hole 4. hurt Sentence Practice 1. You have a tiny hole in one tooth. 2. How did that happen? 3. I brush my teeth everyday! 4. That’s a lot of brushing. 5. I’m going to need a strong toothbrush! Reading Cue 3 Teacher’s Guide Unit 20 Plane Plan Think Aloud 1. 2. 3. 4. I see people on a boat. They are looking at the Statue of Liberty. I would like to go to Africa. I want to see a lion. Words in the Story 1. 2. 3. 4. travel plan zoo pat Story 무엇을 읽고 계세요? 나는 여행 책을 읽고 있단다. 여기, 한번 보렴! 너희들은 어떤 걸 보고 무엇을 하고 싶니? 우리 함께 계획을 짜 보자. 저는 이 꽃의 정원에 가고 싶어요. 그 곳에는 노란 예쁜 장미들이 있어요. 저는 이 동물원에 가고 싶어요, 거기서 우린 새끼 염소를 만져 볼 수 있어요! 우리 언제 도착해요? 빨리 가고 싶어요! Reading Comprehension Main Idea 1. b Details 2. a 3. b 4. roses Story Map (왼쪽 아래부터) travel plan travel book flower garden Listening and Writing 1. I’m reading a travel book. pat a baby goat Reading Cue 3 Teacher’s Guide 2. Let’s make a plan together. 3. I want to see this flower garden. 4. We can pat a baby goat! Word Challenge Workbook Vocabulary Practice 1. zoo 2. plan 3. pat 4. travel Sentence Practice 1. What are you reading? 2. What do you want to see and do? 3. I want to see this flower garden. 4. There are beautiful yellow roses. 5. When do we get there?