“A Perfect Day for Bananafish”
Inference - To draw a conclusion based off of information given.
Example- it can be inferred that it is cold outside if the majority of the population is wearing coats, hats, gloves and scarves.
Implication - Information given in order to foster an inference
Example- the majority of the population wearing coats, hats, gloves and scarves is an implication of the cold weather.
*Use the Implications given in “A Perfect Day for Bananafish” in order to make certain inferences as you answer the following:
Please expound upon the sexual implications/references in “A Perfect Day for
Bananafish” (give at least 4 examples)
Please expound upon the religious implications/references in “A Perfect Day for
Bananafish” (give at least 4 examples)
Please expound upon the military or war implications/references in “A Perfect
Day for Bananafish” (give at least 4 examples)
Please expound upon the mental instability allusions in “A Perfect Day for
Bananafish” (give at least 4 examples)
Show evidence of women being oppressed
Show evidence of financial issues or constraints