University Advancement Rewards and Recognition policy

University of Virginia
Office of Development and Public Affairs (DPA)
Rewards and Recognition Policy
Contact Person: Director of Human Resources and Learning
Telephone: (434) 924-3653
Our Mission:
To ensure U.Va.’s future by engaging our constituents, telling the University’s story, and inspiring
the minds, hearts and generous support of those we serve.
The Office of Development and Public Affairs’ Rewards and Recognition Program is designed to
encourage employees to contribute to the success of the department and the University through
individual performance, continuous service, or through team excellence. The program recognizes
achievements and accomplishments that support and contribute to the overall objectives of the
University and the Mission and Values of DPA. This plan outlines the variety of ways an individual or
group may be rewarded for outstanding contributions. The success of this program is dependent upon
employee participation. Employees are encouraged to share ideas and suggestions for improvement
with DPA-Human Resources. This is the policy for Development and Public Affairs; the University’s
Employee Recognition Plan can be found on the University Policy Directory: Employee Recognition for
Classified Staff; University Faculty Salaries and Bonuses; Pay Practices Program for University Staff
To recognize and promote positive relationships and behavior patterns supportive of individual,
team, departmental, or institutional priorities and goals;
To provide timely recognition to employees through immediate or planned recognition;
To provide various types and levels of recognition based on the significance and impact of
To provide both manager and employee initiated rewards;
To educate managers and supervisors on the variety of monetary and non-monetary reward
options available to recognize an outstanding employee.
1. Performance Recognition Awards:
a. “Exceptional Service Award” for excellence in customer service
b. “Bright Idea Award” for innovative solutions
c. “Above & Beyond Award” for above-expected performance
d. “Team Excellence Award” for above-expected team performance
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2. Service Recognition
a. Honoring Separating/Retiring Employee Reward
b. Service Recognition Award
3. Peer Recognition -“Thanks a Bunch Peer Recognition Award”
4. Phonathon Bonuses
5. Non-Monetary/Informal Rewards
The Rewards and Recognition Policy is overseen by the Development and Public Affairs Compensation
Management Advisory Committee (CMAC). Day-to-day administration and interpretation is provided by
the DPA Human Resources office.
The DPA CMAC consists of the following members:
 Associate Vice President for Health System Development
 Associate Vice President for Advancement Services
 Associate Vice President for Development
 Associate Vice President of Engagement
 Associate Vice President for Public Affairs
 Director of Human Resources and Learning, DPA
In addition, one staff member from each of the following areas is appointed by the respective Associate
Vice President (AVP) to serve on the committee: Health System Development, Public Affairs, and
There are four different ways of compensating rewarded employees. The level of reward and type of
compensation is recommended by management and is subject to approval by the AVP and CMAC.
 Monetary – cash rewards added to the employee’s paycheck and taxed as income if over $100.
 Gift Card or Gift Certificate – reward used at a place of business, amount is considered taxable
 Non-Monetary Reward – a gift. Examples include books, umbrella, pens, mugs, chairs, etc.
 Recognition Leave – leave time added to the employee’s leave balances. This leave must be used
within 12 months of receipt but the time off must also be pre-approved by the supervisor when
it is used.
This program is applicable to all full-time and part-time staff, faculty, and wage employees. Wage
employees are not eligible for recognition leave. Faculty employees are eligible to receive recognition
leave and tracking that leave will be the responsibility of the manager and employee.
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DPA holds two Compensatory Management Advisory Committee (CMAC) meetings per year, approving
performance recognition rewards effective in October and April. Rewards submitted for these cycles
may be for Level 1, Level 2 or Level 3.
Level 1 reward requests may be submitted at any time during the year to provide timely recognition for
outstanding performance. While the CMAC still pre-approves these rewards, it is done outside the
normal meeting schedule. Peer recognition rewards may also be done at any time throughout the year.
The University of Virginia has three levels of recognition:
Level 1 – This is the first level to recognize a superb job on a project, task, or activity including
outstanding support of day-to-day business operations/processes, or for suggestions leading to the
improvement of a work process, workflow or customer service. Student caller bonuses and Peer
Recognition rewards are within this level.
 Up to $500 cash/gift-card
 And/or one (1) day of recognition leave
Level 2 – This is the second level intended to recognize sustained outstanding achievement and/or
contribution above and beyond standard job requirements or to recognize suggestions leading to the
improvements in the work process, workflow or customer service.
 Up to $1,000 cash/gift-card
 And/or up to three (3) days of recognition leave
Level 3 – This is the third and highest level that may be given to an individual or team to recognize a
major extraordinary achievement and/or extraordinary contribution requiring maximum effort that
significantly impacted customer service and productivity that is not likely to repeat itself.
 Up to $2,000 cash/gift-card
 And/or up to five (5) days of recognition leave
Note: The total of monetary and non-monetary rewards shall not exceed $2,000 per classified staff
employee or $3,000 per University staff or faculty employee per fiscal year and/or up to 5 days of
recognition leave per employee, per fiscal year.
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Note: Each of these award types may be designated Level 1, Level 2 or Level 3.
Goal/Objective: To recognize excellent customer service, outstanding performance, team completion of
a project or ideas that make a significant difference. These are contributions which can directly impact
our relationship with prospects, donors, the media, foundations, internal schools and units and the
general public.
Process: These awards are management-initiated. Once a manager has decided to pursue an award,
he/she should determine which category and level is most appropriate. DPA-HR will announce a call for
recommendations for the CMAC cycles approximately two months in advance. If there is a need for
recognition off-cycle, a Level 1 recommendation may be made at any time during the fiscal year. The
supervisor/manager completes the Recognition Award Request Form, obtains the respective AVP’s
approval, and submits to DPA-HR. Once CMAC approval is obtained, DPA-HR prepares a letter to be
given to the employee by the direct supervisor.
Criteria for Awards: The employee demonstrates initiative, motivation, positive attitude, outstanding
contributions or accomplishments above and beyond job performance expectations. Employees must
have had a performance rating of “Effective” or above to be eligible for one of these awards. The award
may be Level 1, Level 2, or Level 3.
CMAC reward recipients may be recognized at a DPA All-staff meeting, in the DPA-HR newsletter, or
through other media or events. Additionally, one or more recognition events exclusive to Level 1-3
reward recipients may be hosted by the Senior Vice President. Any such events will be coordinated
between DPA-HR and the Senior Vice President’s office. Note: if nominated for multiple awards
throughout the year, the reward recipient will be invited to one of these events.
Goal/Objective: To recognize and show appreciation to employees who have worked and are ending
employment in the Office of Development and Public Affairs
Process: The separating/retiring employee’s manager will be responsible for initiating the award. This
type of award may be pursued at any point during the fiscal year. The supervisor/manager completes
the Recognition Award Request Form, obtains the respective AVP’s approval, and submits to DPA-HR.
Typically, this type of award is non-monetary. The form should list what the non-monetary gift is (i.e. a
Jefferson Chair). The form must be submitted prior to a purchase being made. DPA-HR will notify the
supervisor when approval has been obtained from University Human Resources.
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Criteria for Awards: Employees being terminated for cause will not be eligible for this award. Years of
service for these purposes are determined by time served within the Office of Development and Public
Affairs. The following limits are placed on this type of award:
1-2 years. A group event and/or gift, not to exceed $50.
2-5 years. A group or department event and/or gift, not to exceed $150.
5+ years. A group or department event and/or gift, not to exceed $750.
Goal/Objective: To recognize and reward significant service to the Office of Development & Public Affairs and its
Criteria for Awards/Eligibility
All salaried employees employed by DPA or one of its units.
Service is calculated based on total employment (at least 20 hours per week) by DPA. University employment
prior to joining DPA is not considered in the service calculation. An adjusted service date will be calculated for an
employee who leaves and then rejoins DPA. Service will be counted in full years, and will be calculated by DPA-HR.
Levels of Awards:
5 years - $50 or 1 day recognition leave
10 years - $100 or 2 days recognition leave
15 years - $150 or 3 days recognition leave
20 years - $200 or 4 days recognition leave
25 years - $250 or 5 days recognition leave
30 years-$300 or 5 days recognition leave
The value of the award will be included in the total annual rewards and recognition limit available to
each employee ($2000 for classified staff; $3000 for University staff or faculty; 5 days of leave).
Awards will be presented at an annual event; units also have the option of providing separate
recognition to individual members who receive awards.
Funding for awards will be provided by the unit in which the recipient is employed. DPA-HR will provide
funding for a central award event.
Goal/Objective: To acknowledge acts of kindness, high level performance or exemplary attitude of a
DPA employee by granting a non-monetary award among peers.
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Process: To nominate an employee, the employee should complete the online nomination form and
submit it electronically to DPA-HR. Nominations must detail a specific event and identify what the
employee has done outside of the normal course of work. DPA-HR will obtain the supervisor’s and the
AVP’s approval and ensure that the reward does not exceed any of the limits outlined in this policy.
Once all approvals are obtained, the nominating employee will receive the form back via email to deliver
to the nominated employee (they may decline this opportunity, at which point DPA-HR will follow
through). The nominated employee then completes the form selecting their choice of reward and
returns it to DPA-HR. Nomination forms are available on the intranet site at
Criteria for Awards: The employee demonstrates initiative, motivation, positive attitude, kindness or
accomplishments above and beyond job performance expectations that are tied to a specific time and
event. The peer recognition award should not be used as commendation for a “job well done”, rather it
should be something specific and extraordinary. Typically, these awards will recognize colleagues in
other DPA departments rather than that of the nominating employee. The award entitles the recipient
to a choice of a $25 gift card or 2 hours of recognition leave. Recognition leave is added to the leave
balances and must be approved in advance by the supervisor prior to being taken.
Health Systems Development (HSD) also uses this program to recognize individuals who, through service
to others and/or in support of the engagement objectives of the Office of Health System Development
tied to a specific time or event, exceed expectations in upholding and advancing Health System
Development’s Core Values. This award entitles the recipient to a choice of a $15 gift card from a
selection of various retail options or a Jeans Day Pass, enabling the recipient to wear jeans to work on
the date of their choice (dependent on AVP approval).
Goal/Objective: Phonathon bonuses are designed to motivate performance and behaviors of students
working in the call center. Several types of rewards have been designed to target preferred behaviors
and outcomes including those listed below. The Phonathon manager reserves the right to acknowledge
achievements of students via the regular level 1 criteria established in this policy.
The Lifetime Solicitation Award acknowledges student worker callers in the DPA Phonathon who
excel in fundraising and is intended to encourage the callers to continue working at the
Phonathon for the duration of their student tenure. These rewards are motivating in nature,
promote goal-setting and also encourage the callers to put more effort into each call.
The Referral Bonus is granted to student workers who refer other students who become
employed by the Phonathon. The referral bonus program will begin at the first month of each
new semester and run approximately two months. Any applicants referred by current active
students must be interviewed and hired within that time frame. The referred student must work
six full shifts for the referrer to receive the bonus. Training shifts count towards that total. The
referral bonus is $25 per new student worker hired.
New Donor Bonus is a secondary component of the Lifetime Solicitation Award that recognizes
first time gifts. For every new gift that a caller obtains, the caller will receive $1. This award will
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be given at the end of the fall and spring semesters, but will only reflect the number of new gifts
in the given semester. (This award is not based on historic totals).
Caller of the Week is chosen to receive a $10 gift card as caller of the week. The caller of the
week is recommended by the student supervisors and chosen by the Phonathon manager on the
basis of relevant performance criteria such as call volume, demonstrated commitment to the
program, dollars raised, creativity and enthusiasm, and being a team player.
Nightly Goal Bonus is given to students who exceed their nightly goals throughout the semester.
Callers will be given bonuses equivalent to one or more hours’ pay by achieving their goals.
These bonuses will be compiled and submitted on a semester basis, along with the lifetime
dollars raised and new donor bonuses.
Process: These rewards are maintained and tracked by the Phonathon manager. Lifetime Solicitation
Awards are provided twice annually. Rewards must be submitted to DPA-HR for approval and tracking.
Criteria for Awards: Callers receive a bonus based on how much money they raise. The following scale is
used for the Lifetime Solicitation Award:
Fundraising Total
$0.00 - $9,999
Award Amount
$10,000 - $14,999
$15,000 - $24,999
$25,000 - $49,999
$50,000 - $74,999
$75,000 - $99,999
$100,000 - $149,999
$150,000 - $199,999
$200,000 - $249,999
$250,000 - $299,999
$300,000 - $349,999
Goal/Objective: Realizing that people are motivated by different types of rewards, DPA supports nonmonetary recognition which can improve morale, help to build feelings of confidence and satisfaction
and motivate positive behaviors.
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Process: A Recognition Award Request Form must be completed for all non-monetary rewards and
approval must be obtained before the reward is presented. Non-monetary awards can occur
throughout the fiscal year and do count toward the limits for rewards for the fiscal year. Employees are
taxed for non-monetary awards above $100. Forms are available on the intranet or by contacting a
DPA-HR representative.
Criteria for Awards: DPA Managers are encouraged to provide a comprehensive offering of rewards to
all employees to include: celebratory surprises to provide for formal or informal acknowledgement,
assignment of varying job duties, flexible schedules, the opportunity to learn new skills and an increased
role in decision-making. Non-monetary, informal rewards are also any type of small gift item such as an
umbrella, movie tickets, etc. DPA encourages managers to explore such options for non-monetary,
informal recognition rewards. An idea list of such rewards is maintained on the DPA-HR intranet site.
Non-monetary rewards may be given for a variety of reasons, including the ones listed above for other
The recognition and award program is funded by discretionary departmental funds. Supervisors and
managers are encouraged to be cognizant of budget considerations; however, it is DPA’s policy that no
award be rejected on the basis of budget alone. The CMAC reserves the right to reevaluate the
budgeting of rewards at any time.
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