RYC REBORN YOUNG CHRIST Mar. 4~6, 2005 “Amen, amen, I say to you, no one can enter the Kingdom of God without being born of water and Spirit.” - John 3:5 - RYC Renewal Retreat Minnesota 1 Purpose of this Retreat The purpose of this retreat is to provide for its participants a “newly reborn young Christ experience” of the lifelong journey of faith, in each of its five objective areas: 1. Devotion to the Holy Eucharist 2. Daily scripture readings and prayers at a scheduled time of the day. 3. Exercise of the Christian Love 4. Purity of the Body as a temple of the Lord 5. Devotion to the Blessed Virgin Mary, Our Mother. RYCer’s Promise God, my Father, You consecrated me to yourself On the day of my baptism. In response to the love of the Lord Jesus, your Son, Who calls me to follow Him more closely, I, (your name) offer myself totally to You With the help of the Holy Spirit who is light and strength. In the presence of my brothers and sisters, I pledge myself to devote all my strength to keep faithfully By following five objective goals. - I will offer myself to the Holy Eucharist. I will commit myself to You, O Lord, through daily scripture readings and prayers at a scheduled time of the day. I will glorify You, O Lord, by living the commandment of love. I will respect my body as the temple of the Lord, by abstaining from harmful addictions and by being chaste. I will deeply devote myself to the Blessed Virgin Mary, Our Mother. Father, may Your grace, The intercession of Mary Help of Christians and of St. John Bosco, Together with the assistance of my brothers and sisters keep me faithful day by day. Amen. 2 The Structure of Each Phase of the Retreat 1. Activity: Some experience or game or simulation is provided, offering food for reflection and a “hands-on” experience of the stage under consideration. 2. Teaching: The activity is always followed by a brief discussion and/or teaching which underscores the main points at issue. 3. Witness: The teaching is always followed by a personal witnessing by young team members. They share how they have dealt with or are dealing with the tasks involved in each objective goals of the faith journey. 4. Discussion: In small or large groups, the retreatants than react to the witness talk, and have the opportunity to share and reflect on their own experiences in the area under consideration. 5. Journaling: The retreatants have time to record in a personal journal what they are feeling, learning, experiencing. The various exercises give the retreatants opportunities for prayerful reflection, formulation of personal resolutions, and thoughts about how to animate spiritual growth among their peers. 6. Sharing: In the small groups, the retreatants always have the opportunity to share what they have written in their journals, particularly regarding their reflections on five objective goals. High Points Five Activities Confessions: lives. Encourage participants to make the best confession of their Commitment Letters: RYCers write letters to themselves with their resolutions. It is mailed back to them at a later date. RYC Promises 3 Needs 1. Snacks Snacks beside meals 2. Facilities Each Group sharing rooms/places 3. Stationary Pencils/pen; Scrap Paper; Markers; Post boar ds; Tape; Letter paper and envelopes; Name Tags (5x4 with string); Colored Clay 4. Liturgy Votive Candles; Christ Candle; Glass Water Bowl; Crosses for Confessionals; Eucharistic Adoration; Bibles; Rosary 5. Rec. Equipment 6. Personnel Team members/Small Group Leaders; Witness Talk 7. Small Group Activities 8. Large Group Gathering Overhead Projector & Screen 9. Journal 10. Music Book 11. RYC Promise Cards 12. RYC Candles 13. RYC Prayer Books 4 Retreat Schedule Mar. 4, 2005 (Friday) 6:00 PM Team Arrival 7:00 Registration PIC – Minnesota Need – Name Tags, Pens, Markers 7:30 Opening Prayer Service PIC – Fr. Gus Need – Candles for everyone Ice Breaker/Praising/Games PIC – 8:00 Rules & Regulation PIC – 8:15 Session I: My Journey - Chapel PIC – Need – large chart, handouts of the chart & pens The purpose of this session is for RYCers to reflect on their lives after their experience/participation of RYC New Beginning Retreat. They are already aware of these five objective goals so it should be familiar to them. They might, however, be confused as to how they could’ve practiced these give goals in their daily lives. Hence, a witness talk to begin this session will be helpful, especially if it’s a peer witness talk. Part I Witness Talk – Minnesota (RYC New Beginning Retreat Participant) **Share with the rest of the large group of his/her journey since the RYC New Beginning Retreat. How did you integrate the five objective goals to be a better Christian in your daily living? Which goal was the easiest to adapt to? Which goal was the hardest? What was so hard about it? Part II Need – Handout/Journal, pens Explain the below chart (a large one will be taped against the wall) to the large group. Objective Goals Everyday 1x a week 1x a month Holy Eucharist Prayer/Scripture Love 5 Every few months Seldom Purity of Body Mother Mary Holy Eucharist – It doesn’t necessarily have to be a Eucharistic Adoration but one can just go into a church and sit in front of the Blessed Sacrament, or even attend mass on a daily basis to receive Communion. Prayer/Scripture Reading – praying before and after meals; morning/evening prayer with family; Legion of Mary; prayer meetings; bible study/reading; praying the rosary, etc. are some of the examples. Love – doing small things for your parents like washing the dishes, massaging their back in the evening, going shopping with them, being nice to them and not talking back, doing errands, etc. With friends, it could be helping a friend solve a homework problem, listening to them when they are down or happy about something, etc. Purity of Body/Respect for Body – avoiding illegal substances, alcohol, cigarettes, premarital sex, etc. Being excessively addicted and attached to the internet, games, etc. Mother Mary – She’s our role model and our advocate. One thing we can definitely do to show our devotion is praying the rosary. After the explanation, they will go into their small groups where they will have an opportunity to reflect further of their journey on the handout/journal given to them. Please give the students few minutes to think on their own and to jot down their thoughts. After they have done so, please discuss with the group. Part III: Making of Group Banner Need – Felt, scissors, glue, markers After group discussion of “My Journey”, each small group will make a logo that represents the group with the felt material given. They will also make up a song/cheer together as a group and present it to the large group. 9:15 Large Group Gathering – Presentation of their logo & cheer PIC - 10:00 Session II: PIC – Need – Candle Light Rosary - Chapel (2 leaders) Rosary, candles, flash light, meditation music, prayer book The room will be setup like the diagram below: Mother Mary Statue (if available) 6 *the oval shapes represent groups of students seated on either side of the Mary statue. With two leaders leading the rosary prayer, each side of the room will alternately say the prayer; left side will do the first decade, right side will pick up from the 2nd decade, and so forth. If we have a small group (20 people), then we can divide half the group and each of the students can pray one Hail Mary for each decade. Meanwhile, all the students will have a candle in their hands throughout the prayer. After each decade, we will sing “Ave Maria” 2x. The prayer service will end with a meditation song played on CD, closing with Fr. Gus blessing. 11:00 Good Night 11:30 Team Meeting Mar. 5, 2004 (Saturday) 7:00 AM Facilitators Rise 7:30 Students Rise 8:15 Breakfast 9:00 Session III: PIC – Show Me Love! Part I Need – balloons, tape With the number of balloons given, the group needs to attach and form the balloons into a heart and have everyone fit inside this heart of balloons. Part II *Sitting inside the heart shaped balloons, the groups need to discuss and make their “love.” Read below for further instructions. Need – Glue, scissors, tape, Random Objects (pipe cleaners, Popsicle sticks, pompoms, foam pieces, etc.) One of things we need to do in our daily living is to practice and show love to our neighbors. There is not one definition of love but many. Invite your group members to discuss love; various kinds of love they experienced in their lives. Then together come up with one definition of love; as a group, finish the sentence, “Love is…” Once, they have agreed on what love is to them, they will then create that idea/definition with the random objects given. 7 9:30 Large Group Presentation 10:00 Teaching – Fr. Gus 10:15 Witness Talk on Christian Love - 10:30 Session IV: PIC – Lectio Divina Part I: Balloon Activity Need – Story handout, balloons, scotch tape Each of the small groups will be given a story. After reading and discussion amongst the group members, they will need to make what the story wants them to make. The groups will be given approximately 10-15 minutes to discuss and after that without speaking, only using sign language, the group will need to make a balloon tower according to the instructions. (11:00) Part II: Lectio Divina – Chapel Need – Lectio Divina Handout PIC – Each of the small group facilitators. Instead of within a large group, this part of the program will be done within a small group setting, led by the small group facilitators. The facilitators will be instructed and trained prior to the retreat weekend. 12:15 PM Lunch 1:00 Praise/Games PIC - Everyone 2:00 Session V: Mother Mary, Our Role Model PIC – Need – Bible verses on Mary Give one scripture reading to each group. They will discuss Mary’s role, significance and importance of Mary in the scripture. Based on their discussion and conclusion, they’ll present to the rest of the group in a skit format and also group teach the role of Mary in the verses at the end. 2:45 Large Group Gathering PIC – 3:15 Teaching – Fr. Gus 3:30 Break 3:40 Session VI: My Body as a Temple of the Lord 8 PIC – Need – Camcorder (2), LCD Projector There aren’t many influences in the lives of teenagers today bigger than TV. Advertisers see the 13-18 age group as the 2nd most profitable demographic (1835 males being tops). Therefore, turning that idea around into a positive message is the objective in this session. Similar to the Christian Love skits of New Beginning, each small group is to make a commercial based on our fourth Objective Goal – I will respect my body as a temple of the Lord by abstaining from harmful addictions and by being chaste. Unlike New Beginning retreat, small groups will not be assigned topics. TV commercials are normally 30 seconds in length. For our purposes, 2-3 minutes should be enough for the students to get their message across. They will be given approximately 30 minutes to prepare. After the groups have finished preparing their commercials, one of the facilitators (a/k/a The Camera Man) will go around filming their creations. Once all the groups have completed their recording, we will gather back to watch all the commercials. *As for cameras, the RYC video camera will be used. We should try to find another video camera to cut down on filming time. One option would be to ask around at our parishes and borrow one for the weekend. A last resort would be to rent. Preventive Commercials Topics: 1) Pre-Marital Sex 2) Alcohol 3) Smoking 4) Illegal Drug Use 5) Internet Addiction 6) Anger/Violence Promoting 5 Objective Goals Topics: 1) Holy Eucharist 2) Prayers/Scripture Reading 3) Christian Love 4) Chastity 5) Mother Mary Rules: 1) Be creative 2) Everyone in the group must participate 3) No violence or vulgar language 4) Time limit: 2 minutes 4:30 Large Group Presentation 5:00 Large Guided Group Discussion Teaching – 9 5:45 Dinner 6:30 Reconciliation Service PIC – Everyone Need – Priests/Confessionals *All the other preparations will be done during dinner time. 6:30 Praising 6:35 Explanation about the Reconciliation Service 6:40 Exposition of the Blessed Sacrament 6:50 Witness Talk on Forgiveness (Tentative) 7:10 Individual Confession Holy Hour – Absolute SILENCE 1. When a student is ready for confession, they will take the candle (which indicates the priest giving confession) and go to the confessional. More will be explained prior to Confession. 2. Prepare Confession Handouts 3. Prepare for Meditation Music 4. Separate Room to write letters (dining hall) – CD Player 10:30 Benediction 10:40 Free time with Games & Food 11:30 Good Night 12:00 AM Team Meeting Mar. 6, 2005 (Sunday) 7:00 AM Facilitators Rise 7:30 Students Rise 8:15 Breakfast 9:00 Morning Prayer PIC – Need – RYC Prayer Book, Bible, Meditation Music, CD Player *Opening Song *Scripture Reading *Scripture Reflection – 10 *Meditation Song *Prayer of the Day – *Closing Song 9:30 Session VI: One Body with Many Parts PIC – Need – Small Poster Boards & Score Board Rules: Each small group will pick one representative who will do as the group decides. Every group will play each other at least twice. Each group will be given a small poster board with each side indicating HEAD and TAIL. Before each round begins, these representatives will be able to meet with each other for a minute to “negotiate.” The representatives will then go back to their small groups and report their negotiations. At this time, each group will decide unanimously which side of the poster to go with. The representative must follow the wishes of the group. Points: HEAD/HEAD Both gain 3 points HEAD/TAIL HEAD loses 6 points / TAIL gains 6 points TAIL/TAIL Both lose 3 points Teaching/Discussion Teaching: As mature Christians, we have a responsibility to live up to. Jesus was our model of how we should live. However, the world teaches us very different values. This exercise shows us a little about the human condition. I know it was a lot of fun, but what if the words on the poster board were different. What if instead of HEAD/TAIL, it was Love/Selfishness, Forgiveness/Revenge, Trust/Betrayal, Charity/Greed. Would we have been so willing to pull up the TAIL side then? Some of you will say, well then the game doesn’t become fun if everybody puts up HEAD. That’s true because the rules of the game are set up to reward the team with the most points. This is the way that the world is set up. The world rewards those who are selfish and are out for themselves. We have a responsibility to live as Christians. God created us in his image and gave us life and everything in it. There are so many gifts that God has given (Jesus Points). How do we use those gifts? Do we share them equally with each other, or do we try to take it for ourselves. There are so many images of people going hungry, people suffering in the world, yet there are so many images of people living comfortably, living a rich life. We dream about having the nice house, the expensive car, the comfortable mansion. We never dream about helping the poor, curing the sick, giving ourselves to the world. The world has more than enough land to produce food for everyone. In the US, the government pays farmers to not grow crops. Just as we did with the activity, the countries of the world are out for their best interests. “How can I come out better in the end” 11 and not, “how can I make the world better,” or “how can I share what I have with those who don’t have.” In the end the total of all the points we gained as a team comes out to be less than the total Jesus points. With all the points we as a group could have shared, because of our greed, we may end up coming out ahead in the end, but at what price? How do we live as better Christians? As an RYCer, we have a plan for life. If we follow this plan of life, we can become better Christians. So what is this plan? It is the Five Objective Goals. 10:30 Final Small Group Sharing Need – Evaluation Forms, Student Info Sheet, Newsletter Survey *Pick volunteers to serve in liturgy 11:00 Clean & Pack 12:00 PM Lunch 1:00 Kodak Moment 2:00 Closing Mass Celebrant – Fr. Gus Need - RYC Promise & RYC Candles *RYC Candles will be handed out in the beginning, collected back from the students and handed back out during closing mass. 3:00 Departure 12