Newsletter Editor


Monday, November 18, 2002

Season Finale

Congratulations, Marching Band members, for an outstanding season. The band came home from Florida after being the featured performers on Main Street in front of the Magic

Kingdom on Friday, November 1 st and competing Saturday in the “2002 Showcase of Champions”. The magical trip was topped off by an emotional performance of this year’s show and the band brought home 14 awards for their efforts.

The awards included superiors with distinction for drum major, music, brass and woodwinds. Superior performance awards were received for percussion, color guard, marching, and general effect. The band won third place overall in their class at the preliminaries and qualified for the final competition where they placed 6 th overall in the statewide competition.

Special congratulations go to Holly Howington for winning best drum major in the class and for being selected as the best field conductor for the entire competition with her outstanding finals performance.

This season the band won a total of 33 awards, including two grand championship titles. Outstanding!

Fruit & Flower Sale Results

Lorilynn Spronk

Dottie Thompson

Thanks to everyone who participated in our annual fruit and flower sale. Your cooperation is getting orders turned in on time was very much appreciated. Total sales for this year reached $12,673, compared to $11,121 last year. 54 students participated, earning $5,478 towards their individual fair share accounts. Great work everyone!

Plan to pick up your order on Tuesday, December 3 between 4:00 and 6:00pm.

All orders must be picked up during that time. Please make arrangements for someone to pick your order up for you if you cannot come. We have no place to store unclaimed fruit and flowers.

We need a few volunteer students and parents to help unload the truck when it arrives at the Sanderson campus. If you can help, please contact Lorilynn or Dottie.

Lorilynn – 466-5720 (W) 789-4282 (H)

Dottie – 783-1012 (W) 844-9462 (H)

A newsletter for Sanderson Band Students and Parents

Salute to Seniors

Marching Band Seniors gave an outstanding final performance at the home football game on Friday, November 8, and were honored, along with their parents, for their contributions to the Sanderson Band organization.

Chris Barona: four years flute

Brittany Bass: three years piccolo, one year pit, three years secretary

Kaylin Carson: one year clarinet, one year bass clarinet, two years colorguard, one year librarian

Laura Catapano: four years alto saxophone

Nichole Cates: four years pit, two years section leader

Sarah Daughtrey: two years flute, two years piccolo, one year librarian

Jema Goodman: four years clarinet, on year section leader

Justin Ham: four years trumpet

Scott Hardison: four years trombone, two years section leader

Holly Howington: one year pit, two years percussion, one year section leader, two years drum major

Michael Krier: four years alto saxophone, one year section leader

Tim Miller: four years trombone

Andrew Mitchell: three years trumpet, one year melophone, one year section leader

Christine Moore: two years piccolo

Francesca Perez: one year flute, three years color guard, one year captain

Andrew Ritchey: four years trumpet, one year section leader

Ryder Shelley: four years percussion, two years section leader

Ashley Tyndall: two years pit

Erica Underwood: four years color guard

Gretchen Weil: one year flute, three years piccolo, one year marching leader, one year section leader

Jeanine White: four years clarinet, one year librarian

Jeremy Wisuthseriwong: three years sousaphone, one year section leader, one year president, one year sergeant at arms

Thank you, students and parents, for your strong support and commitment to the Sanderson Marching Band.

Fair Share Payments

Please send your December 2 fair share payments of $180 to

Nancy Walker. If you have not made one of the payments and have not spoken with Nancy, please contact her immediately.

Nancy Walker

928 Shellbrook Ct. Apartment 6

Raleigh, NC 27609


Phone 510-8960

Sanderson Band Notes / Page 2

Grocery Store Fundraisers

If you buy groceries, you have an opportunity to earn money for your fair share and for the band. Be sure to take advantage of these easy fundraisers:

Grocery Store Certificates

Grocery store certificates are a no cost way to earn fair share.

You write a check or pay cash for $100 and you get $100 worth of grocery certificates in your choice of $10 or $20 denominations. Kroger, Food Lion and Winn Dixie are the participating stores at this time. With the purchase of the certificates, at least 5% of the total amount purchased goes to your student’s fair share. For example, is you buy $100 per week for 52 weeks, you’ll earn $260 fair share for the year.

You can purchase certificates for family and friends, also.

Some students have earned substantial amounts by selling certificates to neighbors and family. Just call Susan Shelley to place your order and arrange pickup. Leave a message if necessary..

Harris Teeter Together in Education

If you shop at Harris Teeter, you can direct 2% of your Harris

Teeter private label purchases to the Sanderson Band Program.

Simply register the band’s account number, 5114 , with your

Harris Teeter VIC card at the checkout register. It is simple to set up (less than 10 seconds) and it will help raise money for our band and our instruments. Note: if you previously registered your VIC card with another organization, the 2% contribution will be split between the band and the other organization.

ALE class for RBC Center Events

Leah Ketring, SHS ESA Coordinator

Parents, if you are interested in being a stand manager for events held at the RBC Center (formerly the ESA) and haven’t gone through the ALE training, you’ll want to sign up for the class on November 21. The class is held in the interview room at the RBC Center and runs from 7:00pm to 9:00pm. Send an email to

if you are interested.

Thank you…

To all the parents who helped with or went on the trip to


To Steve Mitchell for maintaining a great band web site.

To the Tillmans for building the shoe boxes for the uniform racks.

To Carmen Pittman for arranging the Harris Teeter

Together In Education Account

To the ESA Coordinators for coordinating events and keeping this fund raising opportunity going.

Raleigh Christmas Parade &

Cameron Village Performances

The Marching Band will be performing in the Raleigh

Christmas Parade on Saturday, November 23 . Students will ride buses from the school and should wear their white uniforms. Vivian Brendle is organizing chaperones. The parade will be broadcast on WRAL TV from 10:00am to

12:00pm. Sanderson will be band unit 19 out of 22 bands.

Plans are to arrive back at Sanderson by 1:00pm.

The band will also perform at Cameron Village on Thursday,

November 21 . Students should bring their white uniforms to school. Activity buses will be used for transportation. The band will perform throughout the Village from 5:00-6:00pm and return to Sanderson by 6:40pm.

Visit the band website for updated departure/arrival times and other details.

Upcoming Meetings and Events

November 18 – Sanderson Band Night at Wildflower


November 21 – Cameron Village Holiday Event

November 23 – Raleigh Christmas Parade

December 5 – Winter Band Concert

Decemeber 9 - Band Booster Board Meeting, 7:00 in the

SHS Band Room

January 11 – All-District Auditions

( Visit the Sanderson Band web-site for the full band calendar .)

Sanderson Band Website

Visit the band’s website to get more details about band events, committees, fundraisers and members.

Newsletter Editor

Lorilynn Spronk

Contact Lorilynn if you have information you’d like included in the next issue, tentatively scheduled for distribution on

December 16.

919-789-4282 (H) 919-466-5720 (W)
